
最近更新时间:2023-04-25 13:41:21



Tag Description Example
VA Predicative adjective 典型[VA] 的 例子
VC Copula 他 是[VC] 学生
VE you3 as the main verb 有[VE] 数十 人
VV Other verb 缩短[VV] 了 研制 周期
NR Proper Noun 四川省[NR] 政府
NT Temporal Noun 十二月[NT]
NN Other Noun 深圳 证券[NN] 交易所[NN]
LC Localizer 八十年代 以来[LC]
PN Pronoun 他[PN] 说
DT Determiner 这[DT] 一 成果
CD Cardinal Number 一亿[CD]
OD Ordinal Number 第一[OD]
M Measure word 三 名[M] 运动员
AD Adverb 十分[AD] 重要
P Preposition 到[P] 目前 为止
CC Coordinating conjunction 工作 或[CC] 学习
CS Subordinating conjunction 虽然[CS] 历经 风雨
DEC de5 as a complementizer or a nominalizer 重要 的[DEC] 能源
DEG de5 as a genitive marker and an associative marker 合作 的[DEG] 新 篇章
DER Resultative de5 他 跑 得[DER] 很 快
DEV Manner de5 高兴 地[DEV] 说
AS Aspect Particle 拓宽 了[AS] 贸易 渠道
SP Sentence-final particle 他 还 好 吧[SP]
ETC used for word 等 and 等等 科技 文教 等[ETC] 领域
MSP Other particle 他 所[MSP] 需要 的
IJ Interjection 啊[IJ]
ON Onomatopoeia 雨 哗哗[ON] 地 下
LB bei4 in long bei-construction 他 被[LB] 我 训 了
SB bei4 in short bei-construction 他 被[SB] 训 了
BA ba3 in ba-construction 他 把[BA] 你 骗 了
JJ other noun-modifier 共同[JJ] 的 目标
FW Foreign Word 卡拉OK[FW]
PU Punctuation ,[PU]
EM Emoticons 呵呵 :)[EM]
IC Typo -
NOI Grammar error -
URL URL tencent.com[URL]
X Multiplication sign 130 x[X] 194 cm


Tag Description Example
CC Coordinating conjuction and, but
CD Cardinal number one, 4000
DT Determiner the, a
EX Existential "there" there
FW Foreign word de facto
IN Preposition or subordinating conjunction in, of
JJ Adjective Canadian, many
JJR Adjective, comparative more, higher
JJS Adjective, superlative most, best
LS List item marker a. b. c.
MD Modal can, will
NN Noun, singular or mass spokesman, school
NNS Noun, plural lawyers, skills
NNP Proper noun, singular Los Angeles, Hurricane Hugo
NNPS Proper noun, plural Americans, Asians
PDT Predeterminer all, such
POS Possessive ending 's
PRP Personal pronoun he, she
PRP$ Possessive pronoun his, her
RB Adverb ultimately, generally
RBR Adverb, comparative earlier, further
RBS Adverb, superlative most, least
RP Particle through, off
SYM Symbol /, -
TO "to" to
UH Interjection Hello, Well
VB Verb, base form make, draw
VBD Verb, past tense was, had
VBG Verb, gerund or present participle going, getting
VBN Verb, past participle been, taken
VBP Verb, non-3rd person singular present are, have
VBZ Verb, 3rd person singular present is, has
WDT Wh-determiner which, that
WP Wh-pronoun who, what
WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun whose
WRB Wh-adverb where, when
$ Dollar symbol $
" Double quotes "
, Comma ,
-LRB- Left round bracket (
-RRB- Right round bracket )
. Period .
: Colon :
AFX Unbound affix non
HYPH Unbound hyphen -
NFP Non-functional (superfluous or decorative) punctuation /*