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田国锋 Mr. Tian Guofeng

中国服务贸易协会常务副秘书长 Executive Deputy Secretary-General of China Association of Trade in Services
冯耀祥 Mr. Feng Yaoxiang

演讲嘉宾 Speaker

中国贸促会促进部部长 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)
李 滨 Mr. Li Bin

演讲嘉宾 Speaker

中国驻意大利大使馆公使衔经济商务参赞 Minister of the Chinese Embassy in Italy, counselor of the Economic and Commercial Affairs Office
张 伟 Mr. Zhang Wei

演讲嘉宾 Speaker

中国服务贸易协会首席专家 Chief Expert of China Association of Trade in Services (CATIS)
马晓利 Mr. Massimo Bagnasco

演讲嘉宾 Speaker

中国欧盟商会副主席 Vice Chairman of European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
张保龙·布鲁诺 Mr. Gianpaolo Bruno

演讲嘉宾 Speaker

意大利对外贸易委员会北京办事处首席代表暨中国区和蒙古国总协调官 Italian Trade Commissioner in Beijing and the Coordinator of ICE offices in China and Mongolia
博尔纳·德威特Mr. Bernard Dewit

演讲嘉宾 Speaker

比中经贸委员会主席Chairman of the Belgian - Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)
罗仁舟 Mr. Lorenzo Riccardi

演讲嘉宾 Speaker

中国意大利商会董事 Board Member of China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC)
圭多·贾科尼Mr. Guido Giacconi

演讲嘉宾 Speaker

In3act集团董事长兼联合创始人Chairman and Co-founder of In3act Group


本次论坛将以“新形势 新规则 新举措”为主题,介绍中国服务贸易发展现状与成果,探讨在新的全球化背景下,中欧国家在服务贸易方面,特别是跨境电商、数字贸易、文化贸易等领域的合作,旨在促进全球服务业、服务贸易发展,推动中国与欧洲服务业和服务贸易的新合作。The China-Europe (Italy) Trade in Services Online Forum focus on “New Situation, New Rules, New Measures” for the topic, to introduce the present situation and the development of Chinese trade in services, to discuss in the context of globalization in the new background, China and Europe countries in terms of trade in services, especially the cooperation in the fields of cross-border E-commerce, digital trade and culture trade, aims to promote the development of the global services, promote openness and cooperation between China and European service industry and trade in services.




开 场 Opening

主持人 Moderator

田国锋 Mr. Tian Guofeng 中国服务贸易协会常务副秘书长 China Association of Trade in Services

第一单元 领导致辞 Session I: Leader's speech

演讲嘉宾 Speaker

冯耀祥 Mr. Feng Yaoxiang 中国贸促会促进部部长 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)

李 滨 Mr. Li Bin 中国驻意大利大使馆公使衔经济商务参赞 Minister of the Chinese Embassy in Italy, counselor of the Economic and Commercial Affairs Office

第二单元 主旨演讲 Session II: Keynote Speech

演讲嘉宾 Speaker

张 伟 Mr. Zhang Wei 演讲主题 《双循环需要打造中欧数字经济重点领域上水平》 The Dual Cycle Needs to Build a Level in Key Areas of China-EU Digital Economy

马晓利 Mr. Massimo Bagnasco 演讲主题 《服务贸易数字化全球标准体系构建》 Construction of a Global Standard System for Service Trade Digitalization

张保龙·布鲁诺 Mr. Gianpaolo Bruno 演讲主题 《加强区域数字贸易合作》 Strengthen Regional Digital Trade Cooperation

博尔纳·德威特 Mr. Bernard Dewit 演讲主题 《中欧服务贸易投资机遇》 China-Europe Investment Opportunities in Trade in Services

罗仁舟 Mr. Lorenzo Riccardi 演讲主题 《中意服务贸易合作进入全方位发展新时代》 China-Italy Trade in Services Cooperation has Entered a New Era of All-round Development

圭多·贾科尼 Mr. Guido Giacconi 演讲主题 《把服务贸易打造成经济社会可持续发展的新引擎》 Building Service Trade into a New Engine for Sustainable Economic and Social Development

第三单元 网上签约 Session III: Signing Ceromony

中国服务贸易协会 — 中东欧-中国进出口商协会 签订 《关于共同推动双边贸易合作协议》 China Association of Trade in Services (CATIS), the Association of Importers and Exporters Central and Eastern European Countries - China (CEEC) ·Sign the Agreement on Joint Promotion of Bilateral Trade Cooperation

中国服务贸易协会 — 比中经贸委员会 签订 《关于共同推动双边贸易合作协议》 China Association of Trade in Services (CATIS), the Belgian - Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) ·Sign the Agreement on Joint Promotion of Bilateral Trade Cooperation

中国服务贸易协会 — 波兰进出口商会 签订 《关于共同推动双边贸易合作协议》 China Association of Trade in Services (CATIS), the Chamber of Commerce for Exporters and Importers (IGEI) ·Sign the Agreement on Joint Promotion of Bilateral Trade Cooperation