git push
git-push - 更新远程引用以及关联的对象
git push [--all | --mirror | --tags] [--follow-tags] [--atomic] [-n | --dry-run] [--receive-pack=<git-receive-pack>]
[--repo=<repository>] [-f | --force] [-d | --delete] [--prune] [-v | --verbose]
[-u | --set-upstream] [--push-option=<string>]
[--no-verify] [<repository> [<refspec>…]]
。请参阅 git-receive-pack [1] 的文档。
配置来决定推什么(请查看 git-config[1]为)push.default
作为推送操作目标的“远程”存储库。此参数可以是 URL(请参阅下面的 GIT URLS 部分)或远程名称(请参阅下面的 REMOTES 部分)。
指定源对象要更新的目标引用。一个 <refspec> 参数的格式是一个可选的 plus +
,后面是源对象 <src> ,后面是一个冒号:
,后面是目标 ref <dst> 。
<src> 通常是您想要推送的分支的名称,但它可以是任意的“SHA-1表达式”,例如master~4
gitrevisions [7] )。
<dst> 通过这个推送来告诉远程端的哪个 ref 被更新。任意表达式不能在这里使用,必须命名实际的引用。如果git push [<repository>]
配置变量更新目标中的某个 ref ,:<dst>
则可以省略部分 - 这样的推送将更新<src>
在命令行上没有任何更新的 ref 。否则,缺少:<dst>
由 <src> 引用的对象用于更新远程端的 <dst> 引用。默认情况下,只有当 <dst> 不是标签(带注释或轻量级标签)时才允许使用,并且只有在它可以快速转发 <dst> 时才允许使用。通过具有可选的领导+
,你可以让 Git 更新 <DST> REF 即使是默认不允许的(比如,它不是一个快进。)这并不会试图合并<来源>为
<DST> 。有关详细信息,请参阅下面的示例。
tag <tag>
means the same as refs/tags/<tag>:refs/tags/<tag>
推送一个空的 <src>允许你从远程仓库中删除 <dst> ref 。
特殊 refspec :
允许非快进更新)指示 Git 推送“匹配”分支:对于本地存在的每个分支,如果远程已存在的同名分支已经存在,则更新远程端侧。
); 不能与其他
<refspec> 一起使用。
refspecs ,例如git push --prune remote refs/heads/*:refs/tmp/*
-n --dry-run
生成机器可读的输出。每个 ref 的输出状态行将被制表符分隔并发送到 stdout 而不是 stderr 。将给出参考文献的完整符号名称。
所有列出的 ref 都从远程存储库中删除。这与用冒号前缀所有引用相同。
除了在命令行中明确列出的 refspecs 之外,所有
refs 都将被推送。
git-config [1]。
--no-signed --sign=(true|false|if-asked)
GPG - 签署推送请求以更新接收端的 refs,以便通过钩子检查和/或记录。如果false
,则当且仅当服务器支持签名推送时签名。如果实际的呼叫gpg --sign
失败,推送也会失败。有关接收端的详细信息,请参阅 git-receive-pack [1]。
-o --push-option
将给定的字符串传送给服务器,服务器将它们传递给预接收以及接收后挂接。给定的字符串不能包含 NUL 或 LF 字符。
--receive-pack=<git-receive-pack> --exec=<git-receive-pack>
远程端程序的路径。通过 ssh 推送到远程存储库时有用,而且您没有默认 $ PATH 目录中的程序。
--no-force-with-lease --force-with-lease=<refname> --force-with-lease=<refname>:<expect>
通常,“git push”拒绝更新一个不是本地 ref 的祖先的远程 ref ,用于覆盖它。
如果远程 ref 的当前值是期望值,则此选项将覆盖此限制。否则,“git push”会失败。
这个选项允许你说你期望你正在更新的历史是你重新设计和想要取代的。如果远程引用仍然指向你指定的提交,你可以确定没有其他人对引用做任何事情。这就像在 ref 上“租赁”而不显式锁定它,只有当“租约”仍然有效时才更新远程参考。
,而不指定期望值,如果它将要更新,将通过要求它的当前值与我们为它的远程跟踪分支相同来保护指定的 ref(单独)。
(其可以不同于我们针对 refname 的远程跟踪分支),或者当使用这种形式时,我们甚至不需要有这样的远程追踪分支)。如果<expect>
是空字符串,那么命名的 ref 必须不存在。
明确指定 ref 的预期当前值仍然是实验性的,并且随着我们获得此功能的经验,它们的语义可能会改变。
任何事情非常糟糕交互隐含运行git fetch
遥控器上的在后台推到,例如git fetch origin
在一个你存储库的 cronjob 。
是确保您的工作不基于的后续更改不会被破坏,但如果某些后台进程正在更新后台中的 refs ,则会被轻微击败。除了远程追踪信息外,我们没有任何东西可以作为启发式参考,您预计会看到并愿意诋毁。
如果您的编辑器或其他系统正在git fetch
git remote add origin-push $(git config remote.origin.url)
git fetch origin-push
现在当后台进程运行时git fetch origin
git push --force-with-lease origin-push
除非您手动运行,否则会失败git fetch origin-push
。这种方法当然完全被运行的东西击败git fetch --all
git fetch # update 'master' from remote
git tag base master # mark our base point
git rebase -i master # rewrite some commits
git push --force-with-lease=master:base master:master
-f --force
通常,该命令拒绝更新远程 ref ,该远程 ref 不是用于覆盖它的本地 ref 的祖先。另外,当使用--force-with-lease
该标志会禁用这些检查,并可能导致远程存储库丢失提交; 小心使用它。
适用于所有推入的 ref,因此使用它push.default
refspec前面的一个按钮(例如git push origin +master
该选项等同于 <repository> 参数。如果两者都指定,则命令行参数优先。
-u --set-upstream
对于最新或成功推送的每个分支,添加无参数 git-pull [1] 和其他命令使用的上游(跟踪)引用。有关更多信息,请参阅branch.<name>.merge
git-config [1]。
这些选项被传递给 git-send-pack [1]。当发送方和接收方共享许多相同的对象时,精简传输可显着减少发送的数据量。默认值是 --thin 。
-q --quiet
-v --verbose
当连接到终端时,默认情况下,标准错误流中会报告进度状态,除非指定了 -q 。即使标准错误流未定向到终端,此标志也会强制进度状态。
- no-recurse-submodules --recurse-submodules = check | on-demand | only | no
使用,Git 将验证子模块的至少一个远程模块上是否有可供推送中修改的所有子模块提交。如果缺少任何提交,推送将被中止并以非零状态退出。如果on-demand
可用于在不需要子模块递归时覆盖 push.recurseSubmodules 配置变量。
切换预推钩(见 githooks [5])。默认值是 - 验证,使钩子有机会阻止推送。使用 --no-verify ,挂钩完全被旁路。
-4 --ipv4
仅使用 IPv4 地址,忽略 IPv6 地址。
-6 --ipv6
仅使用 IPv6 地址,忽略 IPv4 地址。
Git 网址
通常,URL 包含有关传输协议,远程服务器地址和存储库路径的信息。根据传输协议,这些信息可能不存在。
Git 支持 ssh,git,http 和 https 协议(另外,ftp 和 ftps 可用于提取,但效率低下,不推荐使用;不要使用它)。
本地传输(即 git:// URL)不进行身份验证,因此在不安全的网络上应谨慎使用。
- ssh://user@host.xz:port/path/to/repo.git/
- git://host.xz:port/path/to/repo.git/
- https://host.xz:port/path/to/repo.git/
- ftps://host.xz:port/path/to/repo.git/
ssh 协议也可以使用另一种类似 scp 的语法:
- user@host.xz:path / to / repo.git /只有在第一个冒号前没有斜线时才能识别此语法。这有助于区分包含冒号的本地路径。例如,本地路径
避免被误解为 ssh url 。ssh 和 git 协议还支持用户名扩展:
- ssh://user@host.xz:port/~user/path/to/repo.git/
- git://host.xz:port/~user/path/to/repo.git/
- user@host.xz:/~user/path/to/repo.git/
- /path/to/repo.git/
- file:///path/to/repo.git/
这两种语法大多是相同的,除了克隆时,前者意味着 --local 选项。有关详细信息,请参阅 git-clone [1]。
当 Git 不知道如何处理某个传输协议时,它会尝试使用remote-<transport>
- <transport>::<address>where <address> may be a path, a server and path, or an arbitrary URL-like string recognized by the specific remote helper being invoked. See gitremote-helpers[1] for details.If there are a large number of similarly-named remote repositories and you want to use a different format for them (such that the URLs you use will be rewritten into URLs that work), you can create a configuration section of the form: [url "<actual url base>"]
insteadOf = <other url base>For example, with this: [url "git://"]
insteadOf = host.xz:/path/to/
insteadOf = work:a URL like "work:repo.git" or like "host.xz:/path/to/repo.git" will be rewritten in any context that takes a URL to be "git://".If you want to rewrite URLs for push only, you can create a configuration section of the form: [url "<actual url base>"]
pushInsteadOf = <other url base>For example, with this: [url "ssh://"]
pushInsteadOf = git:// URL like "git://" will be rewritten to "ssh://" for pushes, but pulls will still use the original URL.RemotesThe name of one of the following can be used instead of a URL as
- a remote in the Git configuration file:
- a file in the
directory, or
- a file in the
All of these also allow you to omit the refspec from the command line because they each contain a refspec which git will use by default.
Named remote in configuration file
You can choose to provide the name of a remote which you had previously configured using git-remote[1], git-config[1] or even by a manual edit to the $GIT_DIR/config
file. The URL of this remote will be used to access the repository. The refspec of this remote will be used by default when you do not provide a refspec on the command line. The entry in the config file would appear like this:
[remote "<name>"]
url = <url>
pushurl = <pushurl>
push = <refspec>
fetch = <refspec>
The <pushurl>
is used for pushes only. It is optional and defaults to <url>
Named file in $GIT_DIR/remotes
You can choose to provide the name of a file in $GIT_DIR/remotes
. The URL in this file will be used to access the repository. The refspec in this file will be used as default when you do not provide a refspec on the command line. This file should have the following format:
URL: one of the above URL format
Push: <refspec>
Pull: <refspec>
lines are used by git push
and Pull:
lines are used by git pull
and git fetch
. Multiple Push:
and Pull:
lines may be specified for additional branch mappings.
Named file in $GIT_DIR/branches
You can choose to provide the name of a file in $GIT_DIR/branches
. The URL in this file will be used to access the repository. This file should have the following format:
is required; #<head>
is optional.
Depending on the operation, git will use one of the following refspecs, if you don’t provide one on the command line. <branch>
is the name of this file in $GIT_DIR/branches
and <head>
defaults to master
git fetch uses:
git push uses:
The output of "git push" depends on the transport method used; this section describes the output when pushing over the Git protocol (either locally or via ssh).
The status of the push is output in tabular form, with each line representing the status of a single ref. Each line is of the form:
<flag> <summary> <from> -> <to> (<reason>)
If --porcelain is used, then each line of the output is of the form:
<flag> \t <from>:<to> \t <summary> (<reason>)
The status of up-to-date refs is shown only if --porcelain or --verbose option is used.
A single character indicating the status of the ref:
for a successfully pushed fast-forward;
for a successful forced update;
for a successfully deleted ref;
for a successfully pushed new ref;
for a ref that was rejected or failed to push; and
for a ref that was up to date and did not need pushing.
For a successfully pushed ref, the summary shows the old and new values of the ref in a form suitable for using as an argument to git log
(this is <old>..<new>
in most cases, and <old>...<new>
for forced non-fast-forward updates).
For a failed update, more details are given:
Git did not try to send the ref at all, typically because it is not a fast-forward and you did not force the update.
remote rejected
The remote end refused the update. Usually caused by a hook on the remote side, or because the remote repository has one of the following safety options in effect: receive.denyCurrentBranch
(for pushes to the checked out branch), receive.denyNonFastForwards
(for forced non-fast-forward updates), receive.denyDeletes
or receive.denyDeleteCurrent
. See git-config[1].
remote failure
The remote end did not report the successful update of the ref, perhaps because of a temporary error on the remote side, a break in the network connection, or other transient error.
The name of the local ref being pushed, minus its refs/<type>/
prefix. In the case of deletion, the name of the local ref is omitted.
The name of the remote ref being updated, minus its refs/<type>/
A human-readable explanation. In the case of successfully pushed refs, no explanation is needed. For a failed ref, the reason for failure is described.
Note about fast-forwards
When an update changes a branch (or more in general, a ref) that used to point at commit A to point at another commit B, it is called a fast-forward update if and only if B is a descendant of A.
In a fast-forward update from A to B, the set of commits that the original commit A built on top of is a subset of the commits the new commit B builds on top of. Hence, it does not lose any history.
In contrast, a non-fast-forward update will lose history. For example, suppose you and somebody else started at the same commit X, and you built a history leading to commit B while the other person built a history leading to commit A. The history looks like this:
Further suppose that the other person already pushed changes leading to A back to the original repository from which you two obtained the original commit X.
The push done by the other person updated the branch that used to point at commit X to point at commit A. It is a fast-forward.
But if you try to push, you will attempt to update the branch (that now points at A) with commit B. This does not
fast-forward. If you did so, the changes introduced by commit A will be lost, because everybody will now start building on top of B.
The command by default does not allow an update that is not a fast-forward to prevent such loss of history.
If you do not want to lose your work (history from X to B) or the work by the other person (history from X to A), you would need to first fetch the history from the repository, create a history that contains changes done by both parties, and push the result back.
You can perform "git pull", resolve potential conflicts, and "git push" the result. A "git pull" will create a merge commit C between commits A and B.
/ /
Updating A with the resulting merge commit will fast-forward and your push will be accepted.
Alternatively, you can rebase your change between X and B on top of A, with "git pull --rebase", and push the result back. The rebase will create a new commit D that builds the change between X and B on top of A.
/ /
Again, updating A with this commit will fast-forward and your push will be accepted.
There is another common situation where you may encounter non-fast-forward rejection when you try to push, and it is possible even when you are pushing into a repository nobody else pushes into. After you push commit A yourself (in the first picture in this section), replace it with "git commit --amend" to produce commit B, and you try to push it out, because forgot that you have pushed A out already. In such a case, and only if you are certain that nobody in the meantime fetched your earlier commit A (and started building on top of it), you can run "git push --force" to overwrite it. In other words, "git push --force" is a method reserved for a case where you do mean to lose history.
git push
Works like git push <remote>
, where <remote> is the current branch’s remote (or origin
, if no remote is configured for the current branch).
git push origin
Without additional configuration, pushes the current branch to the configured upstream (remote.origin.merge
configuration variable) if it has the same name as the current branch, and errors out without pushing otherwise.
The default behavior of this command when no <refspec> is given can be configured by setting the push
option of the remote, or the push.default
configuration variable.
For example, to default to pushing only the current branch to origin
use git config remote.origin.push HEAD
. Any valid <refspec> (like the ones in the examples below) can be configured as the default for git push origin
git push origin :
Push "matching" branches to origin
. See <refspec> in the OPTIONS section above for a description of "matching" branches.
git push origin master
Find a ref that matches master
in the source repository (most likely, it would find refs/heads/master
), and update the same ref (e.g. refs/heads/master
) in origin
repository with it. If master
did not exist remotely, it would be created.
git push origin HEAD
A handy way to push the current branch to the same name on the remote.
git push mothership master:satellite/master dev:satellite/dev
Use the source ref that matches master
(e.g. refs/heads/master
) to update the ref that matches satellite/master
(most probably refs/remotes/satellite/master
) in the mothership
repository; do the same for dev
and satellite/dev
This is to emulate git fetch
run on the mothership
using git push
that is run in the opposite direction in order to integrate the work done on satellite
, and is often necessary when you can only make connection in one way (i.e. satellite can ssh into mothership but mothership cannot initiate connection to satellite because the latter is behind a firewall or does not run sshd).
After running this git push
on the satellite
machine, you would ssh into the mothership
and run git merge
there to complete the emulation of git pull
that were run on mothership
to pull changes made on satellite
git push origin HEAD:master
Push the current branch to the remote ref matching master
in the origin
repository. This form is convenient to push the current branch without thinking about its local name.
git push origin master:refs/heads/experimental
Create the branch experimental
in the origin
repository by copying the current master
branch. This form is only needed to create a new branch or tag in the remote repository when the local name and the remote name are different; otherwise, the ref name on its own will work.
git push origin :experimental
Find a ref that matches experimental
in the origin
repository (e.g. refs/heads/experimental
), and delete it.
git push origin +dev:master
Update the origin repository’s master branch with the dev branch, allowing non-fast-forward updates. This can leave unreferenced commits dangling in the origin repository. Consider the following situation, where a fast-forward is not possible:
o---o---o---A---B origin/master
X---Y---Z dev
The above command would change the origin repository to
A---B (unnamed branch)
o---o---o---X---Y---Z master
Commits A and B would no longer belong to a branch with a symbolic name, and so would be unreachable. As such, these commits would be removed by a git gc
command on the origin repository.
The fetch and push protocols are not designed to prevent one side from stealing data from the other repository that was not intended to be shared. If you have private data that you need to protect from a malicious peer, your best option is to store it in another repository. This applies to both clients and servers. In particular, namespaces on a server are not effective for read access control; you should only grant read access to a namespace to clients that you would trust with read access to the entire repository.
The known attack vectors are as follows:
- The victim sends "have" lines advertising the IDs of objects it has that are not explicitly intended to be shared but can be used to optimize the transfer if the peer also has them. The attacker chooses an object ID X to steal and sends a ref to X, but isn’t required to send the content of X because the victim already has it. Now the victim believes that the attacker has X, and it sends the content of X back to the attacker later. (This attack is most straightforward for a client to perform on a server, by creating a ref to X in the namespace the client has access to and then fetching it. The most likely way for a server to perform it on a client is to "merge" X into a public branch and hope that the user does additional work on this branch and pushes it back to the server without noticing the merge.)
- As in #1, the attacker chooses an object ID X to steal. The victim sends an object Y that the attacker already has, and the attacker falsely claims to have X and not Y, so the victim sends Y as a delta against X. The delta reveals regions of X that are similar to Y to the attacker.