(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
pow — Exponential expression
number pow ( number $base , number $exp )
Returns base
raised to the power of exp
Note: In PHP 5.6 onwards, you may prefer to use the ** operator.
The base to use
The exponent
Return Values
raised to the power of exp
. If both arguments are non-negative integers and the result can be represented as an integer, the result will be returned with integer type, otherwise it will be returned as a float.
Example #1 Some examples of pow()
var_dump(pow(2, 8)); // int(256)
echo pow(-1, 20); // 1
echo pow(0, 0); // 1
echo pow(10, -1); // 0.1
echo pow(-1, 5.5); // PHP >=5.2.2: NAN
echo pow(-1, 5.5); // PHP <5.2.2: -NAN
Note: This function will convert all input to a number, even non-scalar values, which could lead to weird results.
See Also
- exp() - Calculates the exponent of e
- sqrt() - Square root
- bcpow() - Raise an arbitrary precision number to another
- gmp_pow() - Raise number into power
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rad2deg →
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