Pool (class)
(PECL pthreads >= 2.0.0)
A Pool is a container for, and controller of, an adjustable number of Workers.
Pooling provides a higher level abstraction of the Worker functionality, including the management of references in the way required by pthreads.
Class synopsis
Pool {
/* Properties */
protected $size ;
protected $class ;
protected $workers ;
protected $ctor ;
protected $last ;
/* Methods */
public int collect ([ Callable $collector ] )
public Pool __construct ( integer $size [, string $class [, array $ctor ]] )
public void resize ( integer $size )
public void shutdown ( void )
public int submit ( Threaded $task )
public int submitTo ( int $worker , Threaded $task )
maximum number of Workers this Pool can use
the class of the Worker
references to Workers
the arguments for constructor of new Workers
offset in workers of the last Worker used
Table of Contents
- Pool::collect — Collect references to completed tasks
- Pool::__construct — Creates a new Pool of Workers
- Pool::resize — Resize the Pool
- Pool::shutdown — Shutdown all workers
- Pool::submit — Submits an object for execution
- Pool::submitTo — Submits a task to a specific worker for execution
← Modifiers
Pool::collect →
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