(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7)
AppendIterator::key — Gets the current key
public scalar AppendIterator::key ( void )
Get the current key.
This function has no parameters.
Return Values
The current key if it is valid or NULL
Example #1 AppendIterator::key() basic example
$array_a = new ArrayIterator(array('a' => 'aardwolf', 'b' => 'bear', 'c' => 'capybara'));
$array_b = new ArrayIterator(array('apple', 'orange', 'lemon'));
$iterator = new AppendIterator;
// Manual iteration
while ($iterator->valid()) {
echo $iterator->key() . ' ' . $iterator->current() . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
// With foreach
foreach ($iterator as $key => $current) {
echo $key . ' ' . $current . PHP_EOL;
The above example will output:
a aardwolf
b bear
c capybara
0 apple
1 orange
2 lemon
a aardwolf
b bear
c capybara
0 apple
1 orange
2 lemon
See Also
- Iterator::key() - Return the key of the current element
- AppendIterator::current() - Gets the current value
- AppendIterator::valid() - Checks validity of the current element
- AppendIterator::next() - Moves to the next element
- AppendIterator::rewind() - Rewinds the Iterator
← AppendIterator::getIteratorIndex
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