(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
strval — Get string value of a variable
string strval ( mixed $var )
Get the string value of a variable. See the documentation on string for more information on converting to string.
This function performs no formatting on the returned value. If you are looking for a way to format a numeric value as a string, please see sprintf() or number_format().
The variable that is being converted to a string.
may be any scalar type or an object that implements the __toString() method. You cannot use strval() on arrays or on objects that do not implement the __toString() method.
Return Values
The string value of var
Example #1 strval() example using PHP 5's magic __toString() method.
class StrValTest
public function __toString()
return __CLASS__;
// Prints 'StrValTest'
echo strval(new StrValTest);
See Also
- boolval() - Get the boolean value of a variable
- floatval() - Get float value of a variable
- intval() - Get the integer value of a variable
- settype() - Set the type of a variable
- sprintf() - Return a formatted string
- number_format() - Format a number with grouped thousands
- Type juggling
- __toString()
← settype
unserialize →
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