Release History Of SQLite
2017-10-24 (3.21.0)
- 在可用时利用F2FS文件系统中的原子写入功能,大大降低事务开销。这当前需要SQLITE_ENABLE_BATCH_ATOMIC_WRITE编译时选项。
- 允许ATTACH和DETACH命令在事务内部工作。
- 在WAL重置中写入标题后出现的“fsync()”现在使用检查点的同步设置。这意味着如果设置了PRAGMA checkpoint_fullfsync,它将在Mac上使用“fullfsync”。
- sqlite3_sourceid()函数会尝试检测源代码是否已从检入版本控制的版本中修改,并且如果存在修改,版本哈希的最后四个字符将显示为“alt1”或“alt2”。目标是检测意外和/或粗心的编辑。伪造者可以破坏这个功能。
- 改进了对右侧的聚合查询的CREATE TABLE AS语句的列名称的除引号。
- 由unix VFS发出的更少的“stat()”系统调用。
- 增强了LIKE优化,使其可以与ESCAPE子句一起使用。
- 增强了PRAGMA integrity_check和PRAGMA quick_check以检测以前缺少的不明确的行损坏。同时更新这两个编译指示,以便在遇到记录损坏时返回错误文本而不是SQLITE_CORRUPT。
- 查询规划器现在倾向于使用协同例程来实现FROM子句子查询,而不是使用查询平展器优化。支持使用子查询的协同例程可能不再被禁用。
- 将有关!=,IS,IS NOT,NOT NULL和IS NULL约束的信息传递给虚拟表的xBestIndex方法。
- 增强了CSV虚拟表格,以便在最后一个新行字符丢失时接受最后一行输入。
- 删除很少使用的“scratch”内存分配器。将其替换为SQLITE_CONFIG_SMALL_MALLOC配置设置,它给SQLite一个提示,即尽可能避免大内存分配。
- 将swarm虚拟表添加到现有的联合虚拟表扩展中。
- 添加sqlite_dbpage虚拟表以提供对数据库文件页面的直接访问。源代码内置于合并中,并使用-DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBPAGE_VTAB编译时选项激活。
- 添加一种新型的fts5vocab虚拟表 - “实例” - 可以在最低级别直接访问FTS5全文索引。
- 在Windows VFS中删除对rand_s()的调用,因为它在某些较旧的笔记本电脑的Firefox中导致问题。
- 命令行shell 的src / shell.c源代码不再受版本控制。该文件现在生成为构建过程的一部分。
- 其他微型优化可减少2.1%的CPU使用量。
- Bug修复:
- 修复OSSFuzz发现的错误assert()语句。确认号cb91bf4290c211d
- 修复sqlite3_result_pointer()中不明确的内存泄漏。确认号7486aa54b968e9b
- 通过推迟模式重置来避免可能的使用后错误,直到查询计划程序完成运行。确认号be436a7f4587ce5
- 如果COLLATE正确,只能使用索引表达式来优化ORDER BY或GROUP BY。确认号e20dd54ab0e4383
- 修复当索引表达式中的表达式确实是常量时出现的断言错误。确认号aa98619ad08ddca
- 修复PRAGMA reverse_unordered_selects之后可能发生的断言错误。确认号cb91bf4290c211d
- 修复在IN或EXISTS子查询中使用表值函数的查询可能出现的段错误。确认号b899b6042f97f5
- 在编译特定的可怕公用表表达式时修复潜在的整数溢出问题。这是OSSFuzz发现的另一个问题。确认号6ee8cb6ae5。
- 在查询损坏的数据库文件时,修复Google Project Zero的Natalie Silvanovich检测到的问题时,修复潜在的超出界限的读取问题。确认号04925dee41a21f。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2017-10-24 18:55:49 1a584e499906b5c87ec7d43d4abce641fdf017c42125b083109bc77c4de48827"
- SHA3-256 for sqlite3.c: 84c181c0283d0320f488357fc8aab51898370c157601459ebee49d779036fe03
2017-08-24 (3.20.1)
- 修复新的sqlite3_result_pointer()接口中的潜在内存泄漏。确认号7486aa54b968e9b5。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2017-08-24 16:21:36 8d3a7ea6c5690d6b7c3767558f4f01b511c55463e3f9e64506801fe9b74dce34”
- SHA3-256为sqlite3.c:93b1a6d69b48dc39697d1d3a1e4c30b55da0bdd2cad0c054462f91081832954a
2017-08-01 (3.20.0)
- 更新由sqlite3_errmsg()返回的一些错误代码的错误消息的文本。
- 添加新的指针传递接口。
- 为了利用新的指针传递接口提供的改进的安全性,对某些扩展进行向后不兼容的更改:
- 扩展FTS5→需要sqlite3_bind_pointer()来查找fts5_api指针。
- carray(PTR,N)→需要sqlite3_bind_pointer()来设置PTR参数。
- 记住(V,PTR) →需要sqlite3_bind_pointer()来设置PTR参数。
- 添加了SQLITE_STMT虚拟表扩展。
- 添加了COMPLETION扩展 - 旨在为交互式用户界面提供制表符完成。这是一个正在进行的工作。预计未来版本会进一步增强。
- 添加了UNION虚拟表扩展。
- 内置日期和时间函数已得到增强,以便它们可以用于CHECK约束,表达式索引以及部分索引的WHERE子句中,前提是它们不使用'now','localtime',或'utc'关键字。进一步的信息。
- 用额外的“prepFlags”参数添加了sqlite3_prepare_v3()和sqlite3_prepare16_v3()接口。
- 为sqlite3_prepare_v3()提供SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT标志,并使用它来限制FTS3,FTS5和R-Tree扩展的后备存储器误用。
- 添加了PRAGMA secure_delete = FAST命令。当secure_delete设置为FAST时,只要不会增加I/O数量,旧内容就会被零覆盖。删除的内容可能仍会保留在免费页面列表中,但会从所有b-tree页面中清除。
- 命令行shell的增强功能:
- 对于readline和linenoise,使用COMPLETION扩展添加对tab-completion的支持。
- 添加“.cd”命令。
- 增强“.schema”命令以显示所有附加数据库的模式。
- 如果名称是“main”以外的任何名称,则增强“.tables”以便显示所有附加的模式名称。
- “.import”命令会忽略初始的UTF-8 BOM。
- 在“.dump”命令中添加了“--newlines”选项,以使U + 000a和U + 000d字符按字面输出,而不是使用replace()函数进行转义。
- 查询规划器增强功能:
- 当为OR扫描的每个ORed项生成单独的循环时,像在顶级循环中那样移动循环外的任何常量WHERE表达式。
- 查询计划程序检查绑定参数的值以帮助确定部分索引是否可用。
- 当决定两个估算成本相同的计划时,将选择偏向不使用分拣机的计划。
- 最后评估涉及相关子查询的WHERE子句约束,希望它们永远不会被评估。
- 如果该子查询从虚拟表中读取数据,请不要对LEFT JOIN的RHS上的子查询使用展平优化,因为这样会阻止查询计划程序对子查询的结果创建自动索引,停止查询。
- 为PRAGMA integrity_check,PRAGMA quick_check和PRAGMA foreign_key_check提供PRAGMA函数。
- 将-withoutnulls选项添加到TCL接口eval方法。
- 增强sqlite3_analyzer.exe实用程序,以便它显示btree页面上元数据的字节数。
- SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_QPSG运行时选项和SQLITE_ENABLE_QPSG编译时选项启用查询计划程序稳定性保证。另见ticket 892fc34f173e99d8
- 其他优化可使所用CPU周期减少2%。Bug修复:
- 修复sqlite3_column_name()对使用展平优化的查询的行为,以便结果与其他未使用该优化的查询以及PostgreSQL,MySQL和SQLServer一致。Ticket de3403bf5ae。
- 修复查询计划程序,以便它知道如果WHERE子句使用IS运算符,则不会在LEFT JOIN的右表上使用自动索引。Fix for ce68383bf6aba。
- 确保查询计划者知道,即使该列标有“NOT NULL”,展开的LEFT JOIN的任何列都可以为NULL。Fix for ticket892fc34f173e99d8。
- 在带有附加数据库的数据库连接上运行时,修复PRAGMA integrity_check中罕见的误报。Ticket a4e06e75a9ab61a12
- 修复使用CREATE TABLE声明时导致断言错误的错误(由OSSFuzz发现)。Ticketbc115541132dad136 哈希:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2017-08-01 13:24:15 9501e22dfeebdcefa783575e47c60b514d7c2e0cad73b2a496c0bc4b680900a8"
- SHA3-256 for sqlite3.c: 79b7f3b977360456350219cba0ba0e5eb55910565eab68ea83edda2f968ebe95
2017-06-17 (3.18.2)
- 修复在WHERE子句中使用IN运算符时可能导致重复输出行的错误。Ticket61fe9745。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2017-06-17 09:59:36 036ebf729e4b21035d7f4f8e35a6f705e6bf99887889e2dc14ebf2242e7930dd”
- SHA3-256为sqlite3.c:b0bd014f2776b9f9508a3fc6432f70e2436bf54475369f88f0aeef75b0eec93e
2017-06-16 (3.18.1)
- 修复可能导致数据库损坏的与auto_vacuum相关的错误。该错误在版本3.16.0(2017-01-02)中引入Ticket fda22108。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2017-06-16 13:41:15 77bb46233db03a3338bacf7e56f439be3dfd1926ea0c44d252eeafa7a7b31c06”
- SHA3-256为sqlite3.c:334eaf776db9d09a4e69d6012c266bc837107edc2c981739ef82081cb11c5723
2017-06-08 (3.19.3)
- 修复可能导致数据库损坏的与auto_vacuum相关的错误。该错误在版本3.16.0(2017-01-02)中引入。Ticket fda22108。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2017-06-08 14:26:16 0ee482a1e0eae22e08edc8978c9733a96603d4509645f348ebf55b579e89636b”
- SHA3-256为sqlite3.c:368f1d31272b1739f804bcfa5485e5de62678015c4adbe575003ded85c164bb8
2017-05-25 (3.19.2)
- 修复LEFT JOIN展平优化中的更多错误。Ticket 7fde638e94287d2c。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2017-05-25 16:50:27 edb4e819b0c058c7d74d27ebd14cc5ceb2bad6a6144a486a970182b7afe3f8b9”
- 用于sqlite3.c的SHA3-256:1be0c457869c1f7eba58c3b5097b9ec307a15be338308bee8e5be8570bcf5d1e
2017-05-24 (3.19.1)
- 修复LEFT JOIN展平优化中的错误。Ticket cad1ab4cb7b0fc。
- 删除旧版本的MSVC导致问题的多余分号。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2017-05-24 13:08:33 f6d7b988f40217821a382bc298180e9e6794f3ed79a83c6ef5cae048989b3f86”
- SHA3-256为sqlite3.c:996b2aff37b6e0c6663d0312cd921bbdf6826c989cbbb07dadde5e9672889bca
2017-05-22 (3.19.0)
- SQLITE_READ授权人回调被调用一次,其中列名是一个空字符串,用于查询中未引用任何列的查询中引用的每个表。
- 在表达式上使用索引时,请尝试使用索引中已有的表达式值,而不是加载原始列并重新计算表达式。
- 增强展平优化功能,使其能够在LEFT JOIN的右侧展平视图。
- 使用replace()而不是char()来转义嵌入在命令行shell输出的.dump中的字符串中的换行符和回车符。
- 避免在UPDATE语句中不接触受外键约束的列的不必要的外键处理。
- 在使用索引的DISTINCT查询中,当适当的索引可用时,尝试使用索引跳到下一个不同的条目,而不是逐行浏览行。
- 在更改不相关的表格时避免不必要的sqlite3_blob句柄无效。
- 将只使用GROUP BY子句中提到的列的HAVING子句的任何条款转移到WHERE子句中,以加快处理速度。
- 如果该VIEW在同一查询中多次出现,则重复使用与VIEW相同的实现。
- 增强PRAGMA integrity_check,以便标识具有相同rowid的两行或更多行的表。
- 增强FTS5查询语法,以便列过滤器可以应用于任意表达式。
- 增强json_extract()函数以缓存并重新使用JSON输入文本的分析。
- 添加了anycollseq.c可加载扩展,它允许通用SQLite数据库连接读取包含未知和/或特定于应用程序的整理序列的模式。Bug修复:
- 修复REPLACE中的问题,该问题可能导致包含具有相同rowid的两行或更多行的损坏数据库。修复票f68dc596c4e6018d。
- 修复PRAGMA integrity_check中导致后续VACUUM行为不理想的问题。
- 修复PRAGMA foreign_key_check命令,使其在WITHOUT ROWID表上的外键正常工作。
- 修复b-tree逻辑中的错误,这可能会导致IN运算符查询的重复错误答案不正确。ticket61fe9745
- Disallow leading zeros in numeric constants in JSON. Fix for ticket b93be8729a895a528e2.
- Disallow control characters inside of strings in JSON. Fix for ticket 6c9b5514077fed34551.
- Limit the depth of recursion for JSON objects and arrays in order to avoid excess stack usage in the recursive descent parser. Fix for ticket 981329adeef51011052. Hashes:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2017-05-22 13:58:13 28a94eb282822cad1d1420f2dad6bf65e4b8b9062eda4a0b9ee8270b2c608e40"
- SHA3-256 for sqlite3.c: c30326aa1a9cc342061b755725eac9270109acf878bc59200dd4b1cea6bc2908
2017-03-30 (3.18.0)
- 增加了PRAGMA optimize命令
- 由sqlite_source_id()SQL函数和sqlite3_sourceid()C API返回并在SQLITE_SOURCE_ID宏中发现的SQLite版本标识符现在是一个64位SHA3-256哈希,而不是40位SHA1哈希。
- 将json_patch()SQL函数添加到JSON1扩展。
- 增强LIKE优化,使其适用于左侧的任意表达式,只要右侧的LIKE模式不以数字或减号开头。
- 添加了sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid()接口并使用FTS3,FTS4和FTS5扩展中的新接口来确保sqlite3_last_insert_rowid()接口总是返回合理的值。
- 增强PRAGMA integrity_check和PRAGMA quick_check,以便它们验证CHECK约束。
- 增强联接的查询计划以尽早检测空表,并在不做不必要的工作的情况下停止。
- 如果在“%”和“d”之间使用“,”格式修饰符(例如:“%,”),请增强sqlite3_mprintf()系列接口和printf SQL函数以将逗号分隔符置于整数的数千个标记处。 d“)。
- 添加了-DSQLITE_MAX_MEMORY = N编译时选项。
- 将.sha3sum dot-command和.selftest dot-command添加到命令行shell
- 开始执行SQLITE_LIMIT_VDBE_OP。例如,这可以用来防止接受来自不可信用户的SQL查询的系统中的过大预处理语句。
- 各种性能改进。Bug修复:
- 确保使用整理顺序的索引表达式得到正确处理。Fix for ticketeb703ba7b50c1a5。
- 修复日期和时间函数的'start of ...'修饰符中的错误。 Ticket 6097cb92745327a1
- 修复复杂递归触发器中潜在的段错误,这是由于在3.15.0版本中作为性能优化的一部分引入的OP_Once操作码中的错误导致的。 Ticket 06796225f59c057c
- 在RBU扩展中,添加额外的同步操作以避免电源故障后发生损坏的可能性。
- 嵌套SQL语句的sqlite3_trace_v2()输出应始终以“ - ”注释标记开头。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2017-03-28 18:48:43 424a0d380332858ee55bdebc4af3789f74e70a2b3ba1cf29d84b9b4bcf3e2e37”
- SHA3-256 for sqlite3.c: cbf322df1f76be57fb3be84f3da1fc71d1d3dfdb7e7c2757fb0ff630b3bc2e5d
2017-02-13 (3.17.0)
- R-Tree扩展性能提高约25%。
- 使用编译器内置函数(例如:__builtin_bswap32 ()或_byteswap_ulong())进行byteswapping(如果可用)。
- 使用sqlite3_blob键/值访问对象而不是SQL将内容拉出R-Tree节点
- 其他各种增强功能,例如循环展开。
- 将默认旁视大小从512,125增加到1200,100,因为这样可以提供更好的性能,同时每个连接只能增加56KB的额外内存。内存敏感的应用程序可以在编译时,启动时或运行时恢复旧的默认值。
- 可用时使用编译器内置函数__builtin_sub_overflow(),__builtin_add_overflow()和__builtin_mul_overflow()。(使用SQLITE_DISABLE_INTRINSIC编译时选项可以省略所有编译器内置函数。)
- 添加了SQLITE_ENABLE_NULL_TRIM编译时选项,这可能会导致某些应用程序的数据库文件显着变小,从而有可能与旧版SQLite不兼容。
- 在一次执行中执行一些更新操作,而不是两次执行。
- 增强会话扩展以支持WITHOUT ROWID表。
- 从具有数十万行的多行VALUES子句创建视图时修复了性能问题和潜在的堆栈溢出问题。
- 添加了sha1.c扩展。
- 在命令行shell中,增强“.mode”命令,以便恢复模式“行”,“列表”,“列”和“tcl”的默认列和行分隔符。
- 只要正在读取的页面不在WAL文件中,增强SQLITE_DIRECT_OVERFLOW_READ选项以使其在WAL模式下工作。
- 增强LEMON解析器生成器,以便它可以将解析器对象存储为堆栈变量,而不是从堆中分配空间并在合并中使用该增强。
- 其他性能改进。使用约6.5%的CPU周期。Bug修复:
- 如果LEFT JOIN的ON子句引用ON子句右侧的表,则抛出一个错误。这与PostgreSQL的行为相同。以前,SQLite默默地将LEFT JOIN转换为INNER JOIN。Ticket25e335f802dd。
- 对自动索引列使用正确的亲和力。Ticket 7ffd1ca1d2ad4ec。
- 确保sqlite3_blob_reopen()接口可以正确处理短行。Tickete6e962d6b0f06f46e。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2017-02-13 16:02:40 ada05cfa86ad7f5645450ac7a2a21c9aa6e57d2c”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:cc7d708bb073c44102a59ed63ce6142da1f174d1
2017-01-06 (3.16.2)
- 修复缺少二级索引的WITHOUT ROWID表的REPLACE语句,以便它可以正确使用触发器和外键。这是由版本3.16.0中添加的性能优化引起的一个新bug。Ticket30027b613b4
- 修复sqlite3_value_text()接口,以便它将由zeroblob()生成的内容正确转换为全部0x00字符的字符串。这是OSS-Fuzz在3.16.1发布之后发现的一个长期问题
- 修复字节码生成器以处理FROM子句中的子查询,该子查询本身就是UNION ALL,其中UNION ALL的一边是包含ORDER BY的视图。这是在3.16.1发布后发现的一个长期问题。Ticket190c2507。
- 调整sqlite3_column_count()API,使其更经常地为PRAGMA语句返回与先前发行版中相同的值,以最大程度地减少对可能以意外方式使用该接口的应用程序的中断。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2017-01-06 16:32:41 a65a62893ca8319e89e48b8a38cf8a59c69a8209”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:2bebdc3f24911c0d12b6d6c0123c3f84d6946b08
2017-01-03 (3.16.1)
2017-01-02 (3.16.0)
- 使用9%的CPU周期。(有关如何计算性能提升的详细信息,请参阅CPU性能测量报告。)
- 为PRAGMA功能增加了实验支持。
- 向sqlite3_db_config()添加了SQLITE_DBCONFIG_NO_CKPT_ON_CLOSE选项。
- 增强日期和时间函数,以便'unixepoch'修饰符适用于支持日期的全部范围。
- 将后备存储器分配器的默认配置从每个128字节的500个插槽更改为每个512字节的125个插槽。
- 增强了“WHERE x NOT NULL”部分索引,以便它们在LIKE或GLOB运算符中出现“x”列时可用。
- 增强了sqlite3_interrupt(),以便它中断正在进行的检查点操作。
- 在模式包含多个通配符的情况下,增强LIKE和GLOB匹配算法的速度。
- 在命令行shell中添加了“.mode quote”。
- 在命令行shell中添加了“.lint fkey-indexes”。
- 将.imposter dot-command添加到命令行shell。
- 添加记忆(V,PTR) SQL函数作为可加载的扩展。
- 修复查询规划器中一个长期存在的错误,导致LEFT JOIN中的左侧表是子查询,并且连接约束是来自左侧子查询的裸列名。Ticket2df0107b。
- 正确处理查询规划器中的整数文字-0x8000000000000000。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2017-01-02 11:57:58 04ac0b75b1716541b2b97704f4809cb7ef19cccf”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:e2920fb885569d14197c9b7958e6f1db573ee669
2016-11-28 (3.15.2)
- 修复了在3.15.0版本中引入的行值逻辑。
- 在恶意构造的语法错误之后修复ATTACH / DETACH中的NULL指针解引用。Ticket2f1b168ab4d4844。
- 修复内置instr()函数中出现内存不足情况后可能发生的崩溃。
- 在JSON扩展中,修复JSON验证器,以便正确拒绝字符串中无效的反斜杠转义。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-11-28 19:13:37 bbd85d235f7037c6a033a9690534391ffeacecc8”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:06d77b42a3e70609f8d4bbb97caf53652f1082cb
2016-11-04 (3.15.1)
- 修复VACUUM命令,以便将多余内容溢出到磁盘上,而不是将所有内容都放在内存中,并且可能会导致大型数据库文件出现内存不足错误。这解决了版本3.15.0引入的问题。
- 修复一个案例(目前自3.8.0 - 2013-08-26),其中LEFT JOIN的ON子句中的OR连接术语可能导致错误的结果。Ticket34a579141b2c5ac。
- 修复使用LEFT JOIN的ON子句中的行值可能导致错误结果的情况。Ticketfef4bb4bd9185ec8f。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-11-04 12:08:49 1136863c76576110e710dd5d69ab6bf347c65e36”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:e7c26a7be3e431dd06898f8d262c4ef240c07366
2016-10-14 (3.15.0)
- 增加了对行值的支持。
- 允许部分索引的WHERE子句中的确定性SQL函数。
- 在unix VFS上添加了“modeof = filename ”URI参数
- 增加了对VACUUM附加数据库的功能。
- 命令行shell的增强功能:
- 添加“.testcase”和“.check”点命令。
- 在“.open”dot-command中添加了--new选项,导致数据库中的任何先前内容在打开之前被清除。
- 增强fts5vocab虚拟表以有效处理“ORDER BY术语”。
- 其他微型优化功能可将常见工作负载的CPU使用率降低7%以上。这个版本中的大多数优化都在前端(sqlite3_prepare_v2())。Bug修复:
- 乘法运算符现在可以正确检测到64位整数溢出并在所有拐角情况下都提升为浮点。Fix for ticket 1ec41379c9c1e400。
- 在IN运算符的LHS上使用这些列时,正确处理具有冗余唯一索引的列。Fix for ticket0eab1ac759。
- 在表达式上的索引范围查询中跳过NULL条目。Fix for ticket4baa46491212947。
- 确保sqlite_sequence表中的AUTOINCREMENT计数器在“INSERT ... SELECT”语句中进行“Xfer优化”初始化。Fix for ticket7b3328086a5c116c。
- 确保ORDER BY LIMIT优化(来自签入559733b09e)与INT运算符上的INTEGER PRIMARY KEY一起使用。TFix for ticket96c1454c 哈希值:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-10-14 10:20:30 707875582fcba352b4906a595ad89198d84711d8”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:fba106f8f6493c66eeed08a2dfff0907de54ae76
2016-09-12 (3.14.2)
- 改进了对winsqlite3.dll中使用STDCALL调用约定的支持。
- 根据文档,修复sqlite3_trace_v2()接口,使其在回调或掩码参数为零时被禁用。
- 修复命令行shell中的“.read”命令,以便它了解其输入不是交互式的。
- 在IN运算符的RHS上更正SELECT的相关性计算。Fix for ticket199df4168c。
- 除非查询计划实际使用最内层的IN操作符循环,否则ORDER BY LIMIT优化无效。Fix for ticket0c4df46116e90f92。
- 修复导致某些DELETE操作无操作的内部代码生成器问题。ticke ef360601 哈希值:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-09-12 18:50:49 29dbef4b8585f753861a36d6dd102ca634197bd6”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:bcc4a1989db45e7f223191f2d0f66c1c28946383
2016-08-11 (3.14.1)
- 对页缓存“截断”操作的性能增强可将具有大页缓存的系统的COMMIT时间缩短几十毫秒。
- 修复sqldiff的--rbu选项。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-08-11 18:53:32 a12d8059770df4bca59e321c266410344242bf7b”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:d545b24892278272ce4e40e0567d69c8babf12ea
2016-08-08 (3.14)

- 增加了对WITHOUT ROWID虚拟表的支持。
- 改进了查询规划器,以便即使一个或多个分离符使用LIKE,GLOB,REGEXP,MATCH运算符,也可以在虚拟表上使用OR优化。
- 为读取RFC 4180格式的逗号分隔值文件添加了CSV虚拟表。
- 添加了carray()表值函数扩展。
- 使用来自扩展入口点的新SQLITE_OK_LOAD_PERMANENTLY返回码启用持久可装载扩展。
- 向sqlite3_db_status()添加了SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED_SHARED选项。
- 添加vfsstat.c可加载扩展 - 用于度量I / O的VFS填充以及提供对测量访问的同名虚拟表。
- 用ORDER BY和LIMIT两种方式运行查询的改进算法,其中只有最内层循环自然按正确的顺序生成行。
- 对柠檬解析器生成器的增强,以便它生成更快的解析器。
- PRAGMA compile_options命令现在尝试显示生成该库的编译器的版本号。
- 增强PRAGMA table_info,以便它提供有关同名虚拟表的信息。
- 添加了“win32-none”VFS,类似于“unix-none”VFS,它像默认的“win32”VFS一样工作,只是它忽略了所有文件锁定。
- 在有意义的情况下,查询规划器使用对部分索引的全面扫描,而不是对主表进行全面扫描。
- 允许表值函数出现在IN运算符的右侧。
- 创建了dbhash.exe命令行实用程序。
- 增加了两个新的C语言接口:sqlite3_expanded_sql()和sqlite3_trace_v2()。这些新接口包含现在不推荐使用的sqlite3_trace()和sqlite3_profile()函数。
- 向json1扩展添加了json_quote()SQL函数。
- 重新解析模式时禁用授权人回调。
- 添加SQLITE_ENABLE_UNKNOWN_SQL_FUNCTION编译时选项,并在构建命令行shell时默认打开该选项。Bug修复:
- 修复ALTER TABLE命令,以便在将列添加到传统文件格式数据库时不会损坏降序索引。ticketf68bf68513a1c15f
- 修复可传递的WHERE子句引用不存在的整理序列时可能发生的NULL指针解引用/崩溃。ticket e8d439c77685eca6。
- 改进了包含WHERE子句的索引扫描的成本估算,该子句可以使用索引中的列进行部分或完全评估,而无需执行表查找。这修复了版本3.12.0中引入的ORDER BY LIMIT优化后发生的一些模糊查询的性能回归。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-08-08 13:40:27 d5e98057028abcf7217d0d2b2e29bbbcdf09d6de”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:234a3275d03a287434ace3ccdf1afb208e6b0e92
2016-05-18 (3.13.0)
- 尽可能推迟与TEMP文件相关的I/O,希望最终完全避免I/O。
- 将会话扩展合并到主干中。
- 在命令行shell中添加了“.auth ON | OFF”命令。
- 为命令行shell的“.schema”和“.fullschema”命令添加了“--indent”选项,以启用漂亮打印。
- 在命令行shell中添加了“.eqp full”选项,该命令在评估的每个语句上执行EXPLAIN和EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN。
- 在Windows上的命令行shell中改进了unicode文件名处理。
- 提高了对由应用程序对sqlite_stat1表进行不完整或不正确修改所导致的愚蠢查询规划器决策的阻力。
- 添加了sqlite3_db_config(db,SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION)接口,该接口允许启用sqlite3_load_extension()C-API,同时保持load_extension()SQL函数的安全性被禁用。
- 在Unix上更改临时目录搜索算法,以允许具有写入和执行权限但没有读取权限的目录充当临时目录。将这个相同的标准应用于“。” 回退目录。Bug修复:
- 修复多行一次DELETE优化问题,导致它使用WHERE子句中的自引用子查询计算不正确的答案。ticketdc6ebeda9396087
- 当table是一个带有INTEGER PRIMARY KEY的rowid表,并且WHERE子句包含一个OR并且该表有一个或多个能够触发OR优化的索引时,但使用DELETE修复了可能的段错误,但是没有索引引用任何表列除INTEGER PRIMARY KEY外。ticket16c9801ceba49。
- 在检查WHERE子句下推优化时,验证复合内部SELECT的所有项是非聚合的,而不仅仅是最后一个术语。ticketf7f8c97e97597。
- 修复Windows中的锁定竞争条件,当两个或更多进程尝试同时恢复同一热日志时可能发生这种情况。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-05-18 10:57:30 fc49f556e48970561d7ab6a2f24fdd7d9eb81ff2”
- sqlite3.c的SHA1:9b9171b1e6ce7a980e6b714e9c0d9112657ad552 错误修复已反向移植到修补程序版本3.8.8.1(2015-01-20)中:
- 修复排序逻辑中的错误,自3.8.4版本开始,可能会导致输出在包含ORDER BY子句,LIMIT子句以及结果集中大约有60个或更多列的查询中出现错误顺序。ticketf97c4637102a3ae72b79。错误修复已反向移植到修补程序版本3.8.8(2015-01-16): 新功能:
- 添加了可用于确定数据库文件是否已被其他进程修改的PRAGMA data_version命令。
- 向SQLite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()了相应的增强。
- 添加了sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus()接口,仅在使用SQLITE_ENABLE_STMT_SCANSTATUS编译时才可用。
- sqlite3_table_column_metadata()被增强为在WITHOUT ROWID表上正确工作,并在列名参数为NULL时检查是否存在表。该接口现在也默认包含在构建中,而不需要SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA编译时选项。
- 向sqlite3_config()添加了SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE_HDRSZ选项,这使得应用程序可以更轻松地确定适用于SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE的内存量。
- 添加了eval.c可加载扩展,该扩展实现了将递归评估SQL的eval()SQL函数。性能增强:
- 减少平衡b-tree所涉及的memcpy()操作数量,整体性能提升3.2%。
- 改进跳过扫描优化的成本估算。
- 自动索引优化现在能够在适当的情况下生成部分索引。Bug修复:
- 通过在截断日志文件后立即调用fsync(),确保“PRAGMA journal_mode = TRUNCATE”导致断电后的持久性。
- 查询规划器现在可以识别LEFT JOIN的右表中的任何列可以为NULL,即使该列具有NOT NULL约束。避免在这些情况下尝试优化NULL测试。ticket6f2222d550f5b0ee7ed。
- 确保ORDER BY将行按升序排列,即使DISTINCT运算符是使用降序索引实现的。ticketc5ea805691bfc4204b1cb9e。
- 修复在共享缓存模式下运行多个线程时出现压力时可能出现的数据争用,其中一些线程正在打开和关闭连接。
- 修复美国模糊洛普发现的模糊碰撞错误。ticketa59ae93ee990a55。
- 解决导致R-Tree扩展在使用-O3编译时计算错误结果的GCC优化器错误(适用于MacOS 10.7上的gcc 4.2.1)。其他变化:
- 禁止使用strchrnul()C库例程,除非使用-DHAVE_STRCHRNULL编译时选项特别启用它。
- 改进可能性(),可能()和不可能()SQL提示函数的有效性和准确性。
2016-04-18 (3.12.2)
- 修复版本3.12.0和3.12.1中的向后兼容性问题:声明为
(带有datatype关键字周围的引号)的列未被识别为INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,导致数据库文件不兼容。ticket7d7525cb01b68 - 修复一个错误(从版本3.9.0开始),如果PRAGMA reverse_unordered_selects已打开,可能会导致DELETE操作错过行。ticketa306e56ff68b8fa5
- 修复代码生成器中的错误,如果连接了两个或更多虚拟表,并且连接的外部循环中使用的虚拟表具有IN运算符约束,则可能导致错误结果。
- 在确定用于排序大量数据的高速缓存大小时,正确解释负面的“PRAGMA cache_size”值。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-04-18 17:30:31 92dc59fd5ad66f646666042eb04195e3a61a9e8e”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:de5a5898ebd3a3477d4652db143746d008b24c83
2016-04-08 (3.12.1)
- 修复版本3.12.0引入的边界条件错误,可能导致严重SAVEPOINT使用期间发生崩溃。ticket7f7f8026eda38。
- 修复视图,以便在可能的情况下从它们定义的表中继承列数据类型。
- 修复查询计划器,以便IS和IS NULL操作符能够在LEFT OUTER JOIN上驱动索引。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-04-08 15:09:49 fe7d3b75fe1bde41511b323925af8ae1b910bc4d”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:ebb18593350779850e3e1a930eb84a70fca8c1d1
2016-04-01 (3.9.3)
- 向后移植一个简单的查询规划器优化,允许IS操作员在LEFT OUTER JOIN上驱动索引。版本3.9.2基线没有其他更改。
2016-03-29 (3.12.0)
Potentially Disruptive Change:
- SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE从1024增加到4096. SQLITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE从2000更改为-2000,因此默认使用相同数量的高速缓存。有关更多信息,请参阅3.12.0版页面大小更改的应用说明。性能增强:
- 对Lemon解析器生成器的增强,以便它创建更小更快的SQL解析器。
- 如果修改了两个或更多附加数据库,则不会将PRAGMA同步设置为OFF,并且没有将journal_mode设置为OFF,MEMORY或WAL,只创建主日志文件。
- 只有在大小超过阈值时才创建语句日志文件。否则,日志将保存在内存中,并且不会发生I / O。该阈值可以在编译时使用SQLITE_STMTJRNL_SPILL进行配置,也可以在启动时使用sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_STMTJRNL_SPILL)进行配置。
- 即使xBestIndex方法未将虚拟表列的sqlite3_index_constraint_usage.omit标志设置为IN运算符的左侧,查询计划程序也能够优化虚拟表上的IN运算符。
- 查询计划员现在可以更好地优化3路或更高连接中的虚拟表访问,其中虚拟表上的约束被分割到连接的两个或更多其他表中。
- 更高效地处理应用程序定义的SQL函数,特别是在应用程序定义数百或数千个自定义函数的情况下。
- 查询计划员在估计ORDER BY的成本时会考虑LIMIT子句。
- 配置脚本(在unix上)会自动检测pread()和pwrite(),并设置编译时选项以使用这些操作系统接口(如果可用)。
- 减少保存模式所需的内存量。
- 其他各种微优化可提高性能并减少内存使用量。新功能:
- 向sqlite3_db_config()添加了SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER选项,该选项允许在运行时启用或禁用fts3_tokenizer()SQL函数的双参数版本。
- 向RBU扩展添加sqlite3rbu_bp_progress()接口。
- PRAGMA defer_foreign_keys=ON语句现在还禁用外键上的RESTRICT操作。
- 添加了sqlite3_system_errno()接口。
- 增强了命令行shell中的“.stats”命令,以显示有关从/ proc获取的I / O性能(如果可用)的更多信息。Bug修复:
- 确保来自单个语句中多个触发器的sqlite3_set_auxdata()值不会相互干扰。Ticket dc9b1c91。
- 修复代码生成器的表达式“x IN(SELECT ...)”,其中RHS上的SELECT语句是相关子查询。Ticket5e3c886796e5512e。
- Fix a harmless TSAN warning associated with the sqlite3_db_readonly() interface. Hashes:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2016-03-29 10:14:15 e9bb4cf40f4971974a74468ef922bdee481c988b"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: cba2be96d27cb51978cd4a200397a4ad178986eb
2016-03-03 (3.11.1)
- VisualStudio使用的Makefile和构建脚本的改进。
- 修复FTS5问题,其中“优化”命令可能导致索引损坏。
- 修复如果使用FTS5查询损坏的数据库文件可能发生的缓冲区溢出。
- 将spellfix1扩展的最大“范围”值从6增加到30。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-03-03 16:17:53 f047920ce16971e573bc6ec9a48b118c9de2b3a7”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:3da832fd2af36eaedb05d61a8f4c2bb9f3d54265
2016-02-15 (3.11.0)
General improvements:
- 增强的WAL模式,使其可以高效处理大于cache_size的事务。
- 添加了FTS5细节选项。
- 为PRAGMA同步添加了“EXTRA”选项,可以在回滚日志在DELETE模式下取消链接时执行包含目录的同步,以获得更好的持久性。SQLITE_EXTRA_DURABLE编译时选项默认启用PRAGMA synchronous = EXTRA。
- 增强了查询规划器,使其能够使用覆盖索引作为OR优化的一部分。
- 避免在UPDATE语句中对未更改的列重新计算NOT NULL和CHECK约束。
- 许多微型优化,导致库比以前的版本更快。命令行shell的增强功能 :
- 默认情况下,shell现在处于“自动解释”模式。EXPLAIN命令的输出自动格式化。
- 添加了“.vfslist”点指令。
- 默认情况下,标准版本中SQLITE_ENABLE_EXPLAIN_COMMENTS编译时选项已打开。对 TCL接口的增强:
- 如果使用“-uri 1”选项打开数据库连接,则“备份”和“恢复”命令将遵循URI文件名。
- 在“sqlite3”命令中添加了“-sourceid”选项。改进的Makefile:
- 在配置脚本中改进了pthreads检测。
- 添加从合并tarball中生成MSVC Windows的功能。Bug修复
- 解决在协同例程之间共享VDBE临时寄存器不正确的问题,这些问题可能会导致不明确的查询结果。Ticketd06a25c84454a。
- 修复sqlite3_result_subtype()接口中可能导致json1扩展在模糊情况下出现问题的问题。Fix for ticketf45ac567eaa9f9。
- 在JSON字符串中转义控制字符。Fix for ticket ad2559db380abf8。
- 只要未定义SQLITE_OMIT_DEPRECATED,就可以在内置的unix VFS中重新启用xCurrentTime和xGetLastError方法。向后兼容性:
- 由于持续的安全问题,除非SQLite使用SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER进行编译,否则很少使用且鲜为人知的fts3_tokenizer()函数的双参数版本将被禁用。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-02-15 17:29:24 3d862f207e3adc00f78066799ac5a8c282430a5f”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:df01436c5fcfe72d1a95bc172158219796e1a90b
2016-01-20 (3.10.2)
Critical bug fix:
- 版本3.10.0在LIKE运算符中引入了一个由此修补程序版本修复的个案折叠错误。Ticket80369eddd5c94。其他杂项错误修复:
- 修复使用-DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC编译SQLite时可能发生的免费使用。
- 修复版本,使其与-DSQLITE_OMIT_WAL协同工作。
- 修复合并的配置脚本,以使--readline选项再次在Raspberry PI上运行。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-01-20 15:27:19 17efb4209f97fb4971656086b138599a91a75ff9”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:f7088b19d97cd7a1c805ee95c696abd54f01de4f
2016-01-14 (3.10.1)
New feature:
- 修复查询规划器中一个16个月的错误,当标量子查询尝试使用块排序优化时可能会产生错误的结果。Ticketcb3aa0641d9a4。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-01-13 21:41:56 254419c36766225ca542ae873ed38255e3fb8588”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:1398ba8e4043550a533cdd0834bfdad1c9eab0f4
2016-01-06 (3.10.0)
General improvements:
- 在虚拟表上增加了对LIKE,GLOB和REGEXP操作符的支持。
- 为sqlite3_module.xBestIndex方法使用,将colUsed字段添加到sqlite3_index_info。
- 增强PRAGMA cache_spill语句以接受32位整数参数,该参数是禁止缓存溢出的阈值。
- 在unix上,如果打开到数据库文件的符号链接,则相应的日志文件基于实际文件名,而不是符号链接名称。
- 为sqldiff添加了“--transaction”选项。
- 添加了sqlite3_db_cacheflush()接口。
- 添加了sqlite3_strlike()接口。
- 在使用内存映射I / O映射时,数据库文件是只读的,这样应用程序中的散列指针和/或数组溢出就不会意外修改数据库文件。
- 添加了实验性 sqlite3_snapshot_get(),sqlite3_snapshot_open()和sqlite3_snapshot_free()接口。这些可能会在后续版本中更改或删除。
- 在日期和时间函数中增强'utc'修饰符,以便在已知日期/时间已经是UTC的情况下它是无操作的。(这不是一个兼容性中断,因为在这种情况下,行为一直被记录为“未定义”)。
- 在json扩展中添加了json_group_array()和json_group_object()SQL函数。
- 许多小的性能优化。便携性增强功能:
- 解决HP / UX上的HP C编译器优化器中的符号扩展错误。(详细信息) 命令行shell的增强功能 :
- 添加了“.changes ON | OFF”和“.vfsinfo”点指令。
- 在Windows上运行cmd.exe时,在MBCS和UTF8之间进行转换。对makefile的增强功能:
- 为各种autoconf生成的配置脚本添加了--enable-editline和--enable-static-shell选项。
- 在makefiles中省略“awk”的所有用法,使MSVC用户的构建更容易。重要修正:
- 修复不一致的整数到浮点比较操作,如果在包含大整数和类似幅度的浮点值的表列上创建索引,则可能导致索引损坏。Ticket 38a97a87a6。
- 在查询规划器中修复可能发生在格式错误的公用表表达式上的无限循环。
- sqldiff工具中的各种错误修复。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2016-01-06 11:01:07 fd0a50f0797d154fefff724624f00548b5320566”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:b92ca988ebb6df02ac0c8f866dbf3256740408ac
2015-11-02 (3.9.2)
- 修复模式解析器,以便它将某些(模糊和格式不清的)CREATE TABLE语句解释为与传统相同。Fix for ticketac661962a2aeab3c331
- 修复由于在相关标量子查询的FROM子句中的子查询中使用自动索引而可能导致错误答案的查询规划问题。Fix for ticket8a2adec1。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-11-02 18:31:45 bda77dda9697c463c3d0704014d51627fceee328”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:1c4013876f50bbaa3e6f0f98e0147c76287684c1
2015-10-16 (3.9.1)
- 为了符合RFC-7159的规定,修正json1扩展,使其不能识别ASCII空格作为空白字符。Fix for ticket57eec374ae1d0a1d
- 添加一些#ifdef并构建脚本更改以解决3.9.0版本后出现的编译问题。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“”2015-10-16 17:31:12 767c1727fec4ce11b83f25b3f1bfcfe68a2c8b02“
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:5e6d1873a32d82c2cf8581f143649940cac8ae49
2015-10-14 (3.9.0)
Policy Changes:
- SQLite的版本编号约定被修改为使用新兴的语义版本标准。新功能和增强功能:
- 在源代码树和合并中添加了json1扩展模块。使用SQLITE_ENABLE_JSON1编译时选项启用支持。
- 将全文搜索版本5(FTS5)添加到合并中,使用SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5启用。对于至少一个发布周期,FTS5将被视为“实验性”(受制于不兼容的更改)。
- CREATE VIEW语句现在接受视图名称后面的可选列名称列表。
- 增加了对表达式索引的支持。
- 增加了对SELECT语句的FROM子句中的表值函数的支持。
- 增加了对同名虚拟表的支持。
- 当最初创建时,VIEW现在可以引用未定义的表和函数。在查询中使用VIEW时会报告缺失的表和函数。
- 添加了sqlite3_value_subtype()和sqlite3_result_subtype()接口(由json1扩展使用)。
- 查询计划程序现在可以使用WHERE子句中包含AND关联术语的部分索引。
- sqlite3_analyzer.exe实用程序更新为报告每个btree的深度,并显示索引和WITHOUT ROWID表的平均扇出。
- 增强了dbstat虚拟表,以便它可以用作参数是要分析的模式的表值函数。其他变化:
- sqlite3_memory_alarm()接口已被弃用且未被记录8年,被更改为无操作。重要修正:
- 修复了SQLite Encryption Extension中的一个严重错误,如果VACUUM命令更改了加密随机数的大小,可能会导致数据库变得不可读且不可恢复。
- 在sqlite3_initialize()的实现中增加了一个内存屏障,以确保它是线程安全的。
- 修正OR优化,使其始终忽略不使用索引的子计划。
- 不要对源于LEFT JOIN的ON或USING子句的条款应用WHERE子句下推优化。Fix for ticketc2a19d81652f40568c。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-10-14 12:29:53 a721fc0d89495518fe5612e2e3bbc60befd2e90d”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:c03e47e152ddb9c342b84ffb39448bf4a2bd4288
2015-07-29 (
- 还原PRAGMA cache_size的未记录副作用:如果数据库先前未被访问,则强制数据库模式进行解析。
- 修复了在3.8.11发布后几小时内报告的WITHOUT ROWID表的sqlite3_changes()中一个长期存在的问题。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-07-29 20:00:57 cf538e2783e468bbc25e7cb2a9ee64d3e0e80b2f”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:3be71d99121fe5b17f057011025bcf84e7cc6c84
2015-07-27 (3.8.11)
- 增加了实验RBU扩展。请注意,此扩展程序是实验性的,可能会以不兼容的方式进行更改。
- 添加了实验FTS5扩展。请注意,此扩展程序是实验性的,可能会以不兼容的方式进行更改。
- 添加了sqlite3_value_dup()和sqlite3_value_free()接口。
- 增强spellfix1扩展以支持ON CONFLICT子句。
- IS运营商现在可以驱动索引。
- 增强查询规划器以允许对由协同例程实现的FROM子句子查询进行自动索引。
- 禁止在公用表表达式中使用“rowid”。
- 增加了PRAGMA cell_size_check命令,以更好和更早地检测数据库文件损坏。
- 将matchinfo'b'标志添加到FTS3中的matchinfo()函数中。
- 改进了数据库文件的模糊测试,并修复了发现的问题。
- 添加fuzzcheck测试程序,并在“make test”上同时使用SQL和数据库测试用例运行该程序。
- 添加了SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_VFS1静态互斥锁,并在Windows VFS中使用它。
- 调用sqlite3_profile()回调函数(通过sqlite3_reset()或sqlite3_finalize())为没有运行完成的语句。
- 增强页面缓存,以便它可以预分配一块内存用于初始设置的页面缓存行。将默认预分配设置为100页。普通工作负载的性能提高了大约5%。
- 与前一版本相比,其他微型优化可在相同数量的CPU周期内实现22.3%的工作量。现在SQLite的运行速度是3.8.0版的两倍,比3.3.9版快三倍。(使用cachegrind对gcc 4.8.2和-Os上的Ubuntu 14.04 x64 上的speedtest1.c工作负载进行测量,您的性能可能会有所不同。)
- 添加了sqlite3_result_zeroblob64()和sqlite3_bind_zeroblob64()接口。重要的错误修复:
- 修复CREATE TABLE AS,以便TEXT类型的列永远不会保存INT值。Ticketf2ad7de056ab1dc9200
- 修复CREATE TABLE AS,使其不会在sqlite_master表中留下NULL条目,如果右侧的SELECT语句中止并带有错误。Ticket873cae2b6e25b
- 修正跳过扫描优化,以便在WITHOUT ROWID表上使用OR优化时正确工作。Ticket8fd39115d8f46
- 修复sqlite3_memory_used()和sqlite3_memory_highwater()接口,以便它们确实提供64位答案。哈希表:
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-07-27 13:49:41 b8e92227a469de677a66da62e4361f099c0b79d0”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:719f6891abcd9c459b5460b191d731cd12a3643e
2015-05-20 (
- 修复版本3.8.7引入的索引损坏问题。如果表中有两个将键值转换为INTEGER并再次转换为TEXT的嵌套触发器,则带有TEXT键的索引可能会被INSERT损坏到相应的表中。Ticket34cd55d68e0
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-05-20 18:17:19 2ef4f3a5b1d1d0c4338f8243d40a2452cc1f7fe4”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:638abb77965332c956dbbd2c8e4248e84da4eb63
2015-05-09 (
- 使sqlite3_compileoption_used()响应SQLITE_ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB编译时选项。
- 在某些MSVC版本的命令行shell中修复无害警告。
- 修复dbstat虚拟表的小问题。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-05-09 12:14:55 05b4b1f2a937c06c90db70c09890038f6c98ec40”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:85e4e1c08c7df28ef61bb9759a0d466e0eefbaa2
2015-05-07 (3.8.10)
- 添加了sqldiff.exe实用程序来计算两个SQLite数据库文件之间的差异。
- 将matchinfo y标志添加到FTS3的matchinfo()函数中。
- ORDER BY,VACUUM,CREATE INDEX,PRAGMA integrity_check和PRAGMA quick_check的性能改进。
- 修复SQL fuzzing时发现的许多难解的问题。
- 确定接口文档中重要对象的所有方法。(例)
- 将美国模糊Lop模糊器作为SQLite测试策略的标准部分。
- 将“.binary”和“.limits”命令添加到命令行shell。
- 使用SQLITE_ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB选项编译时,使dbstat虚拟表成为标准构建的一部分。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-05-07 11:53:08 cf975957b9ae671f34bb65f049acf351e650d437”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:0b34f0de356a3f21b9dfc761f3b7821b6353c570
2015-04-08 (3.8.9)
- 添加VxWorks-7作为官方支持和测试的平台。
- 添加了sqlite3_status64()接口。
- 修复内存大小跟踪,以便即使SQLite使用超过2GiB的内存,它也能正常工作。
- 增加了PRAGMA index_xinfo命令。
- 修复sqlite3_blob_read()和sqlite3_blob_write()接口中潜在的32位整数溢出问题。
- 更正与WITHOUT ROWID表相关的sqlite3_analyzer.exe实用程序中的错误计数。
- 将“.dbinfo”命令添加到命令行shell。
- 提高使用OR运算符和至少一个辅助fts函数的fts3 / 4查询的性能。
- 修复fts3 snippet()函数中的错误,使其忽略以列中第一个标记开头的片段中的前导分隔符。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-04-08 12:16:33 8a8ffc862e96f57aa698f93de10dee28e69f6e09”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:49f1c3ae347e1327b5aaa6c7f76126bdf09c6f42
2015-02-25 (
- 修复如果部分索引的限定约束出现在LEFT JOIN的ON子句中,则可能导致错误结果的错误(票据2326c258d02ead33)。
- 增加了在unix版本的命令行shell 中与“ linenoise ”命令行编辑库链接的功能。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-02-25 13:29:11 9d6c1880fb75660bbabd693175579529785f8a6b”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:74ee38c8c6fd175ec85a47276dfcefe8a262827a
2015-01-30 (
- 增强sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2(TRUNCATE)接口,以便即使没有检查点工作完成,它也会截断WAL文件。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-01-30 14:30:45 7757fc721220e136620a89c9d28247f28bbbc098”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:85ce79948116aa9a087ec345c9d2ce2c1d3cd8af
2015-01-20 (
- 修复排序逻辑中的错误,自3.8.4版本开始,可能会导致输出在包含ORDER BY子句,LIMIT子句以及结果集中大约有60个或更多列的查询中出现错误顺序。门票f97c4637102a3ae72b79。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-01-20 16:51:25 f73337e3e289915a76ca96e7a05a1a8d4e890d55”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:33987fb50dcc09f1429a653d6b47672f5a96f19e
2015-01-16 (3.8.8)
New Features:
- 添加了可用于确定数据库文件是否已被其他进程修改的PRAGMA data_version命令。
- 向SQLite3_wal_checkpoint_v2()接口添加了SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_TRUNCATE选项,并对PRAGMA wal_checkpoint进行了相应的增强。
- 添加了sqlite3_stmt_scanstatus()接口,仅在使用SQLITE_ENABLE_STMT_SCANSTATUS编译时才可用。
- sqlite3_table_column_metadata()被增强为在WITHOUT ROWID表上正确工作,并在列名参数为NULL时检查是否存在表。该接口现在也默认包含在构建中,而不需要SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA编译时选项。
- 向sqlite3_config()添加了SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE_HDRSZ选项,这使得应用程序可以更轻松地确定适用于SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE的内存量。
- 添加了eval.c可加载扩展,该扩展实现了将递归评估SQL的eval()SQL函数。性能增强:
- 减少平衡b-tree所涉及的memcpy()操作数量,整体性能提升3.2%。
- 改进跳过扫描优化的成本估算。
- 自动索引优化现在能够在适当的情况下生成部分索引。Bug修复:
- 通过在截断日志文件后立即调用fsync(),确保“PRAGMA journal_mode = TRUNCATE”导致断电后的持久性。
- 查询规划器现在可以识别LEFT JOIN的右表中的任何列可以为NULL,即使该列具有NOT NULL约束。避免在这些情况下尝试优化NULL测试。Fix for ticket6f2222d550f5b0ee7ed。
- 确保ORDER BY将行按升序排列,即使DISTINCT运算符是使用降序索引实现的。Fix for ticketc5ea805691bfc4204b1cb9e。
- 修复在共享缓存模式下运行多个线程时出现压力时可能出现的数据争用,其中一些线程正在打开和关闭连接。
- 修复美国模糊洛普发现的模糊碰撞错误。Ticketa59ae93ee990a55。
- 解决导致R-Tree扩展在使用-O3编译时计算错误结果的GCC优化器错误(适用于MacOS 10.7上的gcc 4.2.1)。其他变化:
- 禁止使用strchrnul()C库例程,除非使用-DHAVE_STRCHRNULL编译时选项特别启用它。
- 改进可能性(),可能()和不可能()SQL提示函数的有效性和准确性。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2015-01-16 12:08:06 7d68a42face3ab14ed88407d4331872f5b243fdf”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:91aea4cc722371d58aae3d22e94d2a4165276905
2014-12-09 (
- 错误修复:添加一个从以前版本中省略的互斥体。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-12-09 01:34:36 f66f7a17b78ba617acde90fc810107f34f1a1f2e”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:0a56693a3c24aa3217098afab1b6fecccdedfd23
2014-12-05 (
- 错误修复:确保缓存的KeyInfo对象(对应用程序不可见的内部抽象)在共享高速缓存模式下运行时不会过时,并且在同一个共享高速缓存上持续打开其他数据库连接时会频繁关闭和重新打开某些数据库连接。Tickete4a18565a36884b00edf。
- 错误修复:认识到即使列有NOT NULL约束,LEFT JOIN的右表中的任何列都可以为NULL。不要应用假定该列从不为NULL的优化。Ticket6f2222d550f5b0ee7ed。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-12-05 22:29:24 647e77e853e81a5effeb4c33477910400a67ba86”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:3ad2f5ba3a4a3e3e51a1dac9fda9224b359f0261
2014-11-18 (
- 增强ROLLBACK命令,以便在架构未更改的情况下允许挂起的查询继续。以前,ROLLBACK会导致所有挂起的查询失败,并出现SQLITE_ABORT或SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK错误。如果ROLLBACK修改了模式,那么该错误仍然会返回。
- 错误修复:确保来自OP_Column的NULL结果完全且完全为NULL,并且没有设置MEM_Ephem位。Ticket094d39a4c95ee4。
- 错误修复:sqlite3_mprintf()中的%c格式能够处理大于70的精度。
- 错误修复:不要自动从构成IN运算符右侧的SELECT中删除DISTINCT关键字,因为如果SELECT也包含LIMIT,则必须这样做。Ticketdb87229497。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-11-18 20:57:56 2ab564bf9655b7c7b97ab85cafc8a48329b27f93”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:b2a68d5783f48dba6a8cb50d8bf69b238c5ec53a
2014-10-29 (
- 在PRAGMA journal_mode = TRUNCATE模式下,截断日志文件后立即调用fsyncTicket()以确保事务在断电时持续。
- 修复在使用ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN添加的表的末尾更新字段的NULL值时可能发生的断言错误。
- 除非设置了HAVE_STRCHRNULL编译时选项,否则不要尝试从标准C库中使用strchrnul()函数。
- 修复了一些与在WHERE子句中使用rowid在VIEW上运行UPDATE或DELETE相关的问题。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-10-29 13:59:56 3b7b72c4685aa5cf5e675c2c47ebec10d9704221”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:2d25bd1a73dc40f538f3a81c28e6efa5999bdf0c
2014-10-17 (3.8.7)
Performance Enhancements:
- 与前一版本相比,许多微型优化可在相同数量的CPU周期内实现20.3%的更多工作量。自3.8.0版本以来的累积性能提升为61%。(使用cachegrind对Ubuntu 13.10 x64 上的speedtest1.c工作负载进行测量,使用gcc 4.8.1和-Os,您的性能可能会有所不同。)
- 分拣机可以使用辅助帮助程序线程来增加实时响应。此功能默认为关闭状态,可以使用PRAGMA threads命令或SQLITE_DEFAULT_WORKER_THREADS编译时选项启用。
- 增强跳过扫描优化,以便能够跳过索引中间发生的索引项,而不仅仅是索引的左侧。
- 改进了CAST算子的优化。
- 查询计划员如何使用sqlite_stat4信息来估计计划成本的各种改进。新功能:
- 使用64位长度参数添加新接口:sqlite3_malloc64Ticket(),sqlite3_realloc64(),sqlite3_bind_blob64(),sqlite3_result_blob64(),sqlite3_bind_text64()和sqlite3_result_text64()。
- 添加了新的接口sqlite3_msize(),它返回从sqlite3_malloc64()及其变体中获取的内存分配的大小。
- sqlite3_limit()和PRAGMA threads命令添加了SQLITE_LIMIT_WORKER_THREADS选项,用于配置可用工作线程的数量。
- spellfix1扩展允许应用程序为每个INSERT指定rowid。
- 添加了用户验证扩展。Bug修复:
- 修复部分索引实现中的错误,如果子查询或视图中使用了部分索引,则可能导致错误答案。票98d973b8f5。
- 修复了在使用DESC索引在具有相同GROUP BY子句的查询上实现ORDER BY子句时,可能会导致表向错误方向扫描(从而颠倒输出顺序)的查询规划器错误。Ticketba7cbfaedc7e6。
- 修复sqlite3_trace()中的一个错误,如果需要重新准备该语句,则会导致它有时无法打印SQL语句。Ticket11d5aa455e0d98f3c1e6a08
- 修复错误的assert()语句。Ticket 369d57fb8e5ccdff06f1 测试,调试和分析更改:
- 使用SQLITE_DEBUG,SQLITE_ENABLE_SELECTTRACE和SQLITE_ENABLE_WHERETRACE进行编译时,在命令行shell中使用“.selecttrace”和“.wheretrace”命令显示ASCII艺术抽象语法树图。还提供了可以从调试器调用的sqlite3TreeViewExpr()和sqlite3TreeViewSelect()入口点,以便在断点处停止时显示分析树。
- 命令行shell用于配置辅助内存使用的新选项:--pagecache,--lookaside和--scratch。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-10-17 11:24:17 e4ab094f8afce0817f4074e823fabe59fc29ebb4”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:56dcf5e931a9e1fa12fc2d600cd91d3bf9b639cd
2014-08-15 (3.8.6)
- 在SQL解析器中添加了对十六进制整数文字的支持。(例如:0x123abc)
- 增强了PRAGMA integrity_check命令以检测UNIQUE和NOT NULL约束违规。
- 将SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED的最大值从62增加到125。
- 在发出SQLITE_PROTOCOL错误从1秒到10秒之前,增加WAL模式下的超时。
- 添加了可能的(X)SQL函数。
- unicode61标记器现在默认包含在FTS4中。
- 当运行ANALYZE时触发所有预备语句的自动重新表达。
- 在源代码树中添加了一个新的可加载扩展源代码文件:fileio.c
- 在命令行shell中添加扩展函数readfile(X)和writefile(X,Y)(使用代码复制/从上一个项目符号中的fileio.c粘贴)。
- 将.fullschema dot-command添加到命令行shell。性能增强:
- 在IN运算符右侧的子查询上停用DISTINCT关键字。
- 添加将IN运算符评估为一系列比较的功能,作为使用表查找的替代方法。在可能更快的情况下,比如当IN运算符的右侧很小和/或频繁变化时,使用比较序列的实现。
- 查询计划器现在使用sqlite_stat4信息(由ANALYZE创建)来帮助确定跳过扫描优化是否合适。
- 确保查询计划程序永远不会尝试使用自制临时索引代替模式定义的索引。
- 其他一些小改动来提高VDBE代码的质量。Bug修复:
- 修复CREATE UNIQUE INDEX中的一个错误,当在3.8.2版本中添加WITHOUT ROWID支持时引入了一个错误,该错误允许给非唯一的NOT NULL列赋予一个UNIQUE索引。Ticket9a6daf340df99ba93c
- 修复前一版本中引入的R-Tree扩展中的错误,这可能会导致使用IN运算符左侧的R-Tree的rowid的查询的结果不正确。Ticketd2889096e7bdeac6。
- 修复sqlite3_stmt_busy()接口,以便对已经步进但从未重置的ROLLBACK语句给出正确的答案。
- 修正一个错误,如果一个具有DEFAULT属性的聚合函数试图使用它的DEFAULT,那么会导致一个空指针被解引用。Ticket3a88d85f36704eebe1
- 命令行shell的CSV输出现在总是使用CRNL作为行分隔符,并避免在包含在数据中的NL前面插入CR。
- 用IN运算符修正列相似性问题。Ticket9a8b09f8e6。
- 修复ANALYZE命令,以便为sqlite_stat4表中的WITHOUT ROWID表添加正确的样本。Ticketb2fa5424e6fcb15。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-08-15 11:46:33 9491ba7d738528f168657adb43a198238abde19e”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:72c64f05cd9babb9c0f9b3c82536d83be7804b1c
2014-06-04 (3.8.5)
- 增加了对索引部分排序的支持。
- 增强查询规划器,使其始终优先使用与其他索引相比使用WHERE子句项超集的索引。
- 改进FTS4的automerge命令,以更好地控制受大量更新影响的全文索引的索引大小。
- 向R-Tree扩展添加sqlite3_rtree_query_callback()接口
- 增加了新的URI查询参数“nolock”和“immutable”。
- 通过不记住只读数据库连接上的CHECK约束来减少内存使用量。
- 渲染形式为“x IN(?)”的表达式(在IN运算符右边的列表中具有单个值),就像它们在哪里“x ==?”一样,类似地优化“x NOT IN(?)”
- 将“.system”和“.once”命令添加到命令行shell。
- 将SQLITE_IOCAP_IMMUTABLE位添加到可由VFS的xDeviceCharacteristics方法返回的位集。
- 在没有FROM子句的查询中忽略OFFSET子句。Ticket07d6a0453d
- 涉及形式为“x IN(?)”的表达式的查询的断言错误。Tickete39d032577。
- 报告的列数据类型不正确。Ticketa8a0d2996a
- 对查询返回的重复行数超过16个索引,每个索引都在一个单独的列上,并且全部通过OR连接的约束使用。门票10fb063b11
- 部分索引导致UPDATE或REPLACE上的断言错误。Ticket2ea3e9fe63
- 使用NULL参数调用未记录的SQL函数sqlite_rename_parent()时发生崩溃。Ticket264b970c43
- 如果查询具有相同的GROUP BY,ORDER BY将被忽略。Ticketb75a9ca6b0
- 当所有输入都是空字符串时,group_concat(x,'')SQL函数返回NULL而不是空字符串。Ticket55746f9e65
- 修复VDBE代码生成器中的错误,该错误在执行插入的列数大于目标表中的列数的INSERT INTO ... SELECT语句时导致崩溃。Tickete9654505cfd
- 修复命令行shell中的CSV导入问题,如果CSV文件中第一行的最左边的字段的大小为零字节,并且未加引号,则不会导入任何数据。
- 修复FTS4中包含未索引的列名作为前缀的最左列未被索引的问题,而不是与其名称完全匹配的列。
- 修复sqlite3_db_readonly()接口,使其在数据库为只读时由于文件格式写入版本号过大而返回true。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-06-04 14:06:34 b1ed4f2a34ba66c29b130f8d13e9092758019212”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:7bc194957238c61b1a47f301270286be5bc5208c
2014-04-03 (
- 添加一个单字符的修复程序,解决可能会在查询中导致查询结果不正确的问题,这些查询会在子查询中混合DISTINCT,GROUP BY和ORDER BY。Ticket98825a79ce14。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-04-03 16:53:12 a611fa96c4a848614efe899130359c9f6fb889c3”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:310a1faeb9332a3cd8d1f53b4a2e055abf537bdc
2014-03-26 (
- 修复尝试搜索损坏的数据库文件时可能导致的潜在的缓冲区重读。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-03-26 18:51:19 02ea166372bdb2ef9d8dfbb05e78a97609673a8e”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:4685ca86c2ea0649ed9f59a500013e90b3fe6d03
2014-03-11 (
- 解决C预处理器宏冲突问题,该冲突会破坏使用Microsoft Visual Studio进行某些配置的构建。
- 在计算跳过扫描优化的成本时,应考虑到需要多个搜索的事实。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-03-11 15:27:36 018d317b1257ce68a92908b05c9c7cf1494050d0”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:d5cd1535053a50aa8633725e3595740b33709ac5
2014-03-10 (3.8.4)
- 代码优化和重构以提高性能。
- 将“.clone”和“.save”命令添加到命令行shell。
- 更新命令行shell中的标题以在新手用户使用临时内存数据库时发出警告。
- 修复命令行shell中的editline支持。
- 使用sqlite3_test_control()的SQLITE_TESTCTRL_VDBE_COVERAGE动词添加对VDBE程序覆盖率测试的支持。
- 更新_FILE_OFFSET_BITS宏,以便构建在QNX上再次运行。
- 将类型为u8的SrcList.nSrc的数据类型更改为类型int,以解决AIX上C编译器中的问题。
- 在Cygwin上获取扩展加载。
- 错误修复:修复char()SQL函数,以便在使用零参数调用时返回空字符串而不是“内存不足”错误。
- 错误修复:DISTINCT现在认识到所有0x00字节的zeroblob和blob是相同的东西。Ticket[fccbde530a]
- 错误修复:为在WHERE子句中包含IS NOT NULL项的查询计算正确的答案,并在WHERE子句中包含OR项并使用SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT4进行编译。Ticket[4c86b126f2]
- 错误修复:确保在正常表和WITHOUT ROWID表之间的连接中正确解析了“rowid”列。Ticket[c34d0557f7]
- 错误修复:确保在用于实现包含ORDER BY子句的复合SELECT语句的并发协程中不使用相同的临时寄存器,因为这样的使用会导致错误的答案。Ticket[8c63ff0eca]
- 错误修复:确保“ORDER BY random()”子句不会被优化。Ticket[65bdeb9739]
- 错误修复:修复TRIGGER中包含的子选择语句中可能发生的名称解析错误。Ticket[4ef7e3cfca]
- 错误修复:修复“DEFAULT( - ( - 9223372036854775808))”格式的列默认值表达式,以便它们正常工作,将列初始化为大约等于+9223372036854775808.0的浮点值。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-03-10 12:20:37 530a1ee7dc2435f80960ce4710a3c2d2bfaaccc5”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:b0c22e5f15f5ba2afd017ecd990ea507918afe1c
2014-02-11 (
- 修复了使用SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT3或SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT4编译时选项时,在WHERE子句中使用OR子句和IS NOT NOT运算符进行某些查询时缺少行的错误(Ticket4c86b126f2)。
- 修复造成VS2013问题的无害编译器警告。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-02-11 14:52:19 ea3317a4803d71d88183b29f1d3086f46d68a00e”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:990004ef2d0eec6a339e4caa562423897fe02bf0
2014-02-03 (3.8.3)
- 增加了对公用表表达式和WITH子句的支持。
- 增加了printf()SQL函数。
- 在sqlite3_create_function()和相关接口的第四个参数中添加了SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC作为一个可选位,为应用程序提供了创建新函数的能力,当它们具有常量参数时,这些函数可以从内部循环中分解出来。
- 添加在事务开始时返回的SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED错误代码,以指示底层数据库文件已被重命名或从SQLite下移出。
- 允许在ATTACH的filename参数中使用任意表达式,包括函数调用和子查询。
- 允许在SELECT语句有效的任何地方使用VALUES子句。
- 在调用N == 0时,重新调整sqlite3_randomness(N,P)使用的PRNG。在unix上的fork()之后自动重新设置种子。
- 增强spellfix1虚拟表,以便可以通过rowid有效地进行搜索。
- 性能增强。
- 运行EXPLAIN时,对VDBE字节码显示中的注释进行了改进。
- 将“%token_class”指令添加到LEMON解析器生成器并使用它来简化语法。
- 更改LEMON源代码以避免调用OpenBSD认为危险的C库函数。(例如:sprintf)。
- 错误修复:在命令行外壳CSV导入功能中,当CRLN行末尾出现转义双引号时,不要结束字段。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2014-02-03 13:52:03 e816dd924619db5f766de6df74ea2194f3e3b538”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:98a07da78f71b0275e8d9c510486877adc31dbee
2013-12-06 (3.8.2)
- 当浮点值大于+9223372036854775807被转换为整数时,更改了CAST表达式的定义行为,以便结果为最大可能整数+9223372036854775807,而不是最小可能整数-9223372036854775808。在此更改之后,CAST(9223372036854775809.0作为INT)产生+9223372036854775807而不是-9223372036854775808。←潜在不相容的变化!
- 增加了对WITHOUT ROWID表的支持。
- 向查询计划程序添加了跳过扫描优化。
- 扩展虚拟表接口,特别是sqlite3_index_info对象,以允许虚拟表报告其对查询返回的行数的估计。
- 更新R-Tree扩展以使用增强的虚拟表格界面。
- VDBE中的性能增强,尤其是OP_Column操作码。
- 将内部循环中的常量子表达式转换为预处理语句中的初始化代码。
- 增强了命令行shell的“.explain”输出格式,以便缩进循环以更好地显示程序的结构。
- 增强了命令行shell的“.timer”功能,以便除系统和用户时间外还显示挂钟时间。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2013-12-06 14:53:30 27392118af4c38c5203a04b8013e1afdb1cebd0d”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:6422c7d69866f5ea3db0968f67ee596e7114544e
2013-10-17 (3.8.1)
- 添加不太可能()和可能性()SQL函数作为提示用于查询计划器。
- 查询规划器的增强功能:
- 考虑到不能与索引一起使用的WHERE子句条款仍可能会减少输出行的数量。
- 估计表和索引行的大小,并使用最小的适用B树进行全面扫描和“计数(*)”操作。
- 添加了soft_heap_limit编译指示。
- 在sqlite_stat1.stat字段的末尾增加了对“sz = NNN”参数的支持,该字段用于指定表和索引行的平均字节长度。
- 如果没有修改的列与外键相关联,请避免在UPDATE上运行外键约束检查。
- 在Windows上添加了win32-longpath VFS,允许长度为32K字符的文件名。
- 日期和时间函数得到了增强,因此当前时间(例如:julianday('now'))对于同一个sqlite3_step()调用中的多个函数调用总是相同的。
- 添加“totype.c”扩展,实现tointeger()和toreal()SQL函数。
- FTS4查询能够更好地利用docid将隐藏的fts4aux languageid列添加到fts4aux虚拟表中。
- VACUUM命令将数据库打包大约1%。
- sqlite3_analyzer实用程序将进行更新,以提供更好的描述,并为“非顺序页面”计算更准确的估计值
- 重构PRAGMA语句的实现以提高解析性能。
- 用于在UNIX上保存临时文件的目录现在可以使用SQLITE_TMPDIR环境变量进行设置,该环境变量优先于TMPDIR环境变量。但是,sqlite3_temp_directory全局变量的优先级仍高于两个环境变量。
- 添加了PRAGMA统计报表。
- 错误修复:即使表中有部分索引,也会返回“SELECT count(*)FROM table”的正确答案。门票a5c8ed66ca。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2013-10-17 12:57:35 c78be6d786c19073b3a6730dfe3fb1be54f5657a”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:0a54d76566728c2ba96292a49b138e4f69a7c391
2013-09-03 (
- 修正尝试省略未使用的LEFT JOIN的优化中的错误
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2013-09-03 17:11:13 7dd4968f235d6e1ca9547cda9cf3bd570e1609ef”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:6cf0c7b46975a87a0dc3fba69c229a7de61b0c21
2013-08-29 (
- 修复导致CRNL终止的CSV输入行末尾带引号的空字符串的错误错误,以致被命令行shell误读。
- 使用BETWEEN或LIKE / GLOB约束修复涉及LEFT JOIN的查询规划器错误,然后修复涉及OR约束的右侧另一个INNER JOIN。
- 修复查询具有多于四列的UNIQUE或PRIMARY KEY约束的表时可能导致段错误的查询规划器错误。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2013-08-29 17:35:01 352362bc01660edfbda08179d60f09e2038a2f49”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:99906bf63e6cef63d6f3d7f8526ac4a70e76559e
2013-08-26 (3.8.0)
- 添加对部分索引的支持
- 切换到下一代查询计划器,以获得更快,更好的查询计划。
- EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN输出不再显示连接中每个循环生成的行数的估计值。
- 添加了FTS4 notindexed选项,允许FTS4表中的非索引列。
- 向sqlite3_stmt_status()添加了SQLITE_STMTSTATUS_VM_STEP选项。
- 添加了cache_spill编译指示。
- 添加了query_only编译指示。
- 添加了defer_foreign_keys编译指示和sqlite3_db_status(db,SQLITE_DBSTATUS_DEFERRED_FKS,...)C语言接口。
- 在源树的ext / misc子目录中添加“percentile()”函数作为可加载的扩展。
- 添加sqlite3_cancel_auto_extension(X)接口。
- 没有FROM子句的运行SELECT语句(或者从不从任何数据库文件读取或写入的任何其他语句)不会阻止读取事务关闭。
- 添加SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOMATIC_INDEX编译时选项。将此选项设置为0会在默认情况下禁用自动索引。
- 为next_char()扩展SQL函数添加了一个可选的第5个参数,用于定义整理序列。
- 当读取事务无法升级到写入事务时,由于读取位于较早的快照上,因此SQLITE_BUSY_SNAPSHOT扩展错误代码在WAL模式下返回。
- sqlite3_analyzer实用程序的增强功能除了提供聚合大小外,还为表的每个单独索引分别提供大小信息。
- 如果函数由不访问任何数据库表的SELECT语句调用,则允许通过从应用程序定义的SQL函数的实现中运行的SQL语句自由地打开和关闭读取事务。
- 除非使用HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE编译时选项,否则禁止在所有(unix)系统上使用posix_fallocate()。
- 在命令行shell中更新“.import”命令以支持多行字段并更正RFC-4180引用并在输入文本不严格符合RFC-4180的情况下发出警告和/或错误消息。
- 错误修复:在FTS4的unicode61标记器中,将所有私人代码点视为标识符。
- 错误修复:ORDER BY子句中的裸号标识符更紧密地绑定到输出列名称,但表达式中的标识符更紧密地绑定到输入列名称。但是,GROUP BY子句中的标识符总是偏好输出列名称。
- 错误修复:迁移到NGQP修复了遗留查询优化器中的多个问题。
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2013-08-26 04:50:08 f64cd21e2e23ed7cff48f7dafa5e76adde9321c2”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:b7347f4b4c2a840e6ba12040093d606bd16ea21e
2013-05-20 (3.7.17)
- 添加对内存映射I / O的支持。
- 添加sqlite3_strglob()方便的界面。
- 在SQLite用作应用程序文件格式时,将数据库头中偏移量68的整数指定为应用程序ID。添加了PRAGMA application_id命令来查询和设置应用程序ID。
- 将未链接的数据库文件和数据库文件名别名的风险用途报告为错误日志中的SQLITE_WARNING消息。
- 将SQLITE_MAX_SCHEMA_RETRY的默认值增加到50,并确保在架构更改可能会强制语句重试的每个地方都遵守它。
- 当多个进程同时使用同一个数据库文件时,添加一个名为“mptester”的新测试工具,用于验证正确的操作。
- 增强扩展加载机制以更灵活(同时仍保持向后兼容性)有两种方式:
- 如果缺省入口点“sqlite3_extension_init”在可加载扩展中不存在,则还可尝试入口点“sqlite3_X_init”,其中“X”基于共享库文件名。这允许每个扩展都有一个不同的入口点,这使得它们可以静态链接,无需更改代码。
- 传递给sqlite3_load_extension()的共享库文件名可能会忽略文件名后缀,并且会自动添加适当的与结构相关的后缀(“.so”,“.dylib”或“.dll”)。
- 在源代码树中添加了许多新的可载入扩展,包括amatch,closure,fuzzer,ieee754,nextchar,regexp,spellfix和wholenumber。请参阅每个扩展源文件上的标题注释,以获取有关该扩展功能的更多信息。
- 当MATCH运算符的右侧存在大量条款时,增强FTS3以避免使用多余的堆栈空间。这种变化的副作用是MATCH运算符一次只能容纳12个NEAR运算符。
- 增强fts4aux虚拟表,以便它可以是TEMP表。
- 将fts3tokenize虚拟表添加到全文搜索逻辑。
- 查询规划器增强:尽可能使用约束的传递属性将约束移动到连接的外部循环中,从而减少内部循环中需要发生的工作量。
- 停止在unix上使用posix_fallocate(),因为它不适用于所有文件系统。
- 改进了Windows VFS中的跟踪和调试功能。
- 错误修复:修复共享缓存模式下潜在的数据库损坏错误,当一个数据库连接关闭时另一个数据库连接处于写入事务中。Tickete636a050b7
- 错误修复:如果没有其他匹配项,则仅考虑结果集中的AS名称作为解决WHERE子句中标识符的候选项。在ORDER BY子句中,AS名称优先于任何列名称。Ticket2500cdb9be05
- 错误修复:不允许虚拟表取消ORDER BY子句,除非所有外部循环都保证返回不超过一行的结果。Ticketba82a4a41eac1。
- 错误修复:如果使用IN约束,则不要在虚拟表查询上禁止ORDER BY子句。Ticketf69b96e3076e。
- 错误修复:当使用“.quit”命令终止命令行shell时,退出代码为0。
- 错误修复:确保PRAGMA语句出现在sqlite3_trace()输出中。
- 错误修复:当使用带有COLLATE运算符的ORDER BY子句的复合查询时,请确保根据指定的排序规则进行排序,并且与复合查询相关联的比较使用本地排序规则。Ticket6709574d2a8d8。
- 错误修复:在执行更改rowid的UPDATE时,确保授权人回调获得有效的指向字段“ROWID”的column-name参数的指针。Ticket0eb70d77cb05bb2272
- 错误修复:请勿在LEFT JOIN的ON子句中包含的OR表达式中移动WHERE子句。Ticketf2369304e4
- 错误修复:确保在尝试执行需要缺少排序顺序的操作时始终报告错误。Ticket0fc59f908b
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID:“2013-05-20 00:56:22 118a3b35693b134d56ebd780123b7fd6f1497668”
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c:246987605d0503c700a08b9ee99a6b5d67454aab
2013-04-12 (
- Fix a bug (present since version 3.7.13) that could result in database corruption on windows if two or more processes try to access the same database file at the same time and immediately after third process crashed in the middle of committing to that same file. See ticket 7ff3120e4f for further information.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2013-04-12 11:52:43 cbea02d93865ce0e06789db95fd9168ebac970c7"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: d466b54789dff4fb0238b9232e74896deaefab94
2013-03-29 (
- Fix for a bug in the ORDER BY optimizer that was introduced in version 3.7.15 which would sometimes optimize out the sorting step when in fact the sort was required. Ticket a179fe7465
- Fix a long-standing bug in the CAST expression that would recognize UTF16 characters as digits even if their most-significant-byte was not zero. Ticket 689137afb6da41.
- Fix a bug in the NEAR operator of FTS3 when applied to subfields. Ticket 38b1ae018f.
- Fix a long-standing bug in the storage engine that would (very rarely) cause a spurious report of an SQLITE_CORRUPT error but which was otherwise harmless. Ticket 6bfb98dfc0c.
- The SQLITE_OMIT_MERGE_SORT option has been removed. The merge sorter is now a required component of SQLite.
- Fixed lots of spelling errors in the source-code comments
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2013-03-29 13:44:34 527231bc67285f01fb18d4451b28f61da3c4e39d"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 7a91ceceac9bcf47ceb8219126276e5518f7ff5a
2013-03-18 (3.7.16)
- Added the PRAGMA foreign_key_check command.
- Added new extended error codes for all SQLITE_CONSTRAINT errors
- Added the SQLITE_READONLY_ROLLBACK extended error code for when a database cannot be opened because it needs rollback recovery but is read-only.
- Added SQL functions unicode(A) and char(X1,...,XN).
- Performance improvements for PRAGMA incremental_vacuum, especially in cases where the number of free pages is greater than what will fit on a single trunk page of the freelist.
- Improved optimization of queries containing aggregate min() or max().
- Enhance virtual tables so that they can potentially use an index when the WHERE clause contains the IN operator.
- Allow indices to be used for sorting even if prior terms of the index are constrained by IN operators in the WHERE clause.
- Enhance the PRAGMA table_info command so that the "pk" column is an increasing integer to show the order of columns in the primary key.
- Enhance the query optimizer to exploit transitive join constraints.
- Performance improvements in the query optimizer.
- Allow the error message from PRAGMA integrity_check to be longer than 20000 bytes.
- Improved name resolution for deeply nested queries.
- Added the test_regexp.c module as a demonstration of how to implement the REGEXP operator.
- Improved error messages in the RTREE extension.
- Enhance the command-line shell so that a non-zero argument to the ".exit" command causes the shell to exit immediately without cleanly shutting down the database connection.
- Improved error messages for invalid boolean arguments to dot-commands in the command-line shell.
- Improved error messages for "foreign key mismatch" showing the names of the two tables involved.
- Remove all uses of umask() in the unix VFS.
- Added the PRAGMA vdbe_addoptrace and PRAGMA vdbe_debug commands.
- Change to use strncmp() or the equivalent instead of memcmp() when comparing non-zero-terminated strings.
- Update cygwin interfaces to omit deprecated API calls.
- Enhance the spellfix1 extension so that the edit distance cost table can be changed at runtime by inserting a string like 'edit_cost_table=TABLE' into the "command" field.
- Bug fix: repair a long-standing problem that could cause incorrect query results in a 3-way or larger join that compared INTEGER fields against TEXT fields in two or more places. Ticket fc7bd6358f
- Bug fix: Issue an error message if the 16-bit reference counter on a view overflows due to an overly complex query.
- Bug fix: Avoid leaking memory on LIMIT and OFFSET clauses in deeply nested UNION ALL queries.
- Bug fix: Make sure the schema is up-to-date prior to running pragmas table_info, index_list, index_info, and foreign_key_list.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2013-03-18 11:39:23 66d5f2b76750f3520eb7a495f6247206758f5b90"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 7308ab891ca1b2ebc596025cfe4dc36f1ee89cf6
2013-01-09 (
- Fix a bug, introduced in version 3.7.15, that causes an ORDER BY clause to be optimized out of a three-way join when the ORDER BY is actually required. Ticket 598f5f7596b055
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2013-01-09 11:53:05 c0e09560d26f0a6456be9dd3447f5311eb4f238f"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 5741f47d1bc38aa0a8c38f09e60a5fe0031f272d
2012-12-19 (
- Fix a bug, introduced in version 3.7.15, that causes a segfault if the AS name of a result column of a SELECT statement is used as a logical term in the WHERE clause. Ticket a7b7803e8d1e869.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2012-12-19 20:39:10 6b85b767d0ff7975146156a99ad673f2c1a23318"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: bbbaa68061e925bd4d7d18d7e1270935c5f7e39a
2012-12-12 (3.7.15)
- Added the sqlite3_errstr() interface.
- Avoid invoking the sqlite3_trace() callback multiple times when a statement is automatically reprepared due to SQLITE_SCHEMA errors.
- Added support for Windows Phone 8 platforms
- Enhance IN operator processing to make use of indices with numeric affinities.
- Do full-table scans using covering indices when possible, under the theory that an index will be smaller and hence can be scanned with less I/O.
- Enhance the query optimizer so that ORDER BY clauses are more aggressively optimized, especially in joins where various terms of the ORDER BY clause come from separate tables of the join.
- Add the ability to implement FROM clause subqueries as coroutines rather that manifesting the subquery into a temporary table.
- Enhancements the command-line shell:
- Added the ".print" command
- Negative numbers in the ".width" command cause right-alignment
- Add the ".wheretrace" command when compiled with SQLITE_DEBUG
- Added the busy_timeout pragma.
- Added the instr() SQL function.
- Added the SQLITE_FCNTL_BUSYHANDLER file control, used to allow VFS implementations to get access to the busy handler callback.
- The xDelete method in the built-in VFSes now return SQLITE_IOERR_DELETE_NOENT if the file to be deleted does not exist.
- Enhanced support for QNX.
- Work around an optimizer bug in the MSVC compiler when targeting ARM.
- Bug fix: Avoid various concurrency problems in shared cache mode.
- Bug fix: Avoid a deadlock or crash if the backup API, shared cache, and the SQLite Encryption Extension are all used at once.
- Bug fix: SQL functions created using the TCL interface honor the "nullvalue" setting.
- Bug fix: Fix a 32-bit overflow problem on CREATE INDEX for databases larger than 16GB.
- Bug fix: Avoid segfault when using the COLLATE operator inside of a CHECK constraint or view in shared cache mode.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2012-12-12 13:36:53 cd0b37c52658bfdf992b1e3dc467bae1835a94ae"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 2b413611f5e3e3b6ef5f618f2a9209cdf25cbcff"
2012-10-04 (
- Fix a bug (ticket [d02e1406a58ea02d]]( that causes a segfault on a LEFT JOIN that includes an OR in the ON clause.
- Work around a bug in the optimizer in the VisualStudio-2012 compiler that causes invalid code to be generated when compiling SQLite on ARM.
- Fix the TCL interface so that the "nullvalue" setting is honored for TCL implementations of SQL functions.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2012-10-04 19:37:12 091570e46d04e84b67228e0bdbcd6e1fb60c6bdb"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 62aaecaacab3a4bf4a8fe4aec1cfdc1571fe9a44
2012-09-03 (3.7.14)
- Drop built-in support for OS/2. If you need to upgrade an OS/2 application to use this or a later version of SQLite, then add an application-defined VFS using the sqlite3_vfs_register() interface. The code removed in this release can serve as a baseline for the application-defined VFS.
- Ensure that floating point values are preserved exactly when reconstructing a database from the output of the ".dump" command of the command-line shell.
- Added the sqlite3_close_v2() interface.
- Updated the command-line shell so that it can be built using SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT and SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOINIT.
- Improvements to the windows makefiles and build processes.
- Enhancements to PRAGMA integrity_check and PRAGMA quick_check so that they can optionally check just a single attached database instead of all attached databases.
- Enhancements to WAL mode processing that ensure that at least one valid read-mark is available at all times, so that read-only processes can always read the database.
- Performance enhancements in the sorter used by ORDER BY and CREATE INDEX.
- Added the SQLITE_DISABLE_FTS4_DEFERRED compile-time option.
- Better handling of aggregate queries where the aggregate functions are contained within subqueries.
- Enhance the query planner so that it will try to use a covering index on queries that make use of or optimization.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2012-09-03 15:42:36 c0d89d4a9752922f9e367362366efde4f1b06f2a"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 5fdf596b29bb426001f28b488ff356ae14d5a5a6
2012-06-11 (3.7.13)
- In-memory databases that are specified using URI filenames are allowed to use shared cache, so that the same in-memory database can be accessed from multiple database connections.
- Recognize and use the mode=memory query parameter in URI filenames.
- Avoid resetting the schema of shared cache connections when any one connection closes. Instead, wait for the last connection to close before resetting the schema.
- In the RTREE extension, when rounding 64-bit floating point numbers to 32-bit for storage, always round in a direction that causes the bounding box to get larger.
- Adjust the unix driver to avoid unnecessary calls to fchown().
- Add interfaces sqlite3_quota_ferror() and sqlite3_quota_file_available() to the test_quota.c module.
- The sqlite3_create_module() and sqlite3_create_module_v2() interfaces return SQLITE_MISUSE on any attempt to overload or replace a virtual table module. The destructor is always called in this case, in accordance with historical and current documentation.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2012-06-11 02:05:22 f5b5a13f7394dc143aa136f1d4faba6839eaa6dc"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: ff0a771d6252545740ba9685e312b0e3bb6a641b
2012-05-22 (
- Fix a bug (ticket c2ad16f997) in the 3.7.12 release that can cause a segfault for certain obscure nested aggregate queries.
- Fix various other minor test script problems.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2012-05-22 02:45:53 6d326d44fd1d626aae0e8456e5fa2049f1ce0789"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: d494e8d81607f0515d4f386156fb0fd86d5ba7df
2012-05-14 (3.7.12)
- Add the SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_WRITE option for sqlite3_db_status().
- Optimize the typeof() and length() SQL functions so that they avoid unnecessary reading of database content from disk.
- Add the FTS4 "merge" command, the FTS4 "automerge" command, and the FTS4 "integrity-check" command.
- Report the name of specific CHECK constraints that fail.
- In the command-line shell, use popen() instead of fopen() if the first character of the argument to the ".output" command is "|".
- Make use of OVERLAPPED in the windows VFS to avoid some system calls and thereby obtain a performance improvement.
- More aggressive optimization of the AND operator when one side or the other is always false.
- Improved performance of queries with many OR-connected terms in the WHERE clause that can all be indexed.
- Add the SQLITE_RTREE_INT_ONLY compile-time option to force the R*Tree Extension Module to use integer instead of floating point values for both storage and computation.
- Enhance the PRAGMA integrity_check command to use much less memory when processing multi-gigabyte databases.
- New interfaces added to the test_quota.c add-on module.
- Added the ".trace" dot-command to the command-line shell.
- Allow virtual table constructors to be invoked recursively.
- Improved optimization of ORDER BY clauses on compound queries.
- Improved optimization of aggregate subqueries contained within an aggregate query.
- Bug fix: Fix the RELEASE command so that it does not cancel pending queries. This repairs a problem introduced in 3.7.11.
- Bug fix: Do not discard the DISTINCT as superfluous unless a subset of the result set is subject to a UNIQUE constraint and it none of the columns in that subset can be NULL. Ticket 385a5b56b9.
- Bug fix: Do not optimize away an ORDER BY clause that has the same terms as a UNIQUE index unless those terms are also NOT NULL. Ticket 2a5629202f.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2012-05-14 01:41:23 8654aa9540fe9fd210899d83d17f3f407096c004"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 57e2104a0f7b3f528e7f6b7a8e553e2357ccd2e1
2012-03-20 (3.7.11)
- Enhance the INSERT syntax to allow multiple rows to be inserted via the VALUES clause.
- Enhance the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE command to support the IF NOT EXISTS clause.
- Added the sqlite3_stricmp() interface as a counterpart to sqlite3_strnicmp().
- Added the sqlite3_db_readonly() interface.
- Added the SQLITE_FCNTL_PRAGMA file control, giving VFS implementations the ability to add new PRAGMA statements or to override built-in PRAGMAs.
- Queries of the form: "SELECT max(x), y FROM table" returns the value of y on the same row that contains the maximum x value.
- Added support for the FTS4 languageid option.
- Documented support for the FTS4 content option. This feature has actually been in the code since version 3.7.9 but is only now considered to be officially supported.
- Pending statements no longer block ROLLBACK. Instead, the pending statement will return SQLITE_ABORT upon next access after the ROLLBACK.
- Improvements to the handling of CSV inputs in the command-line shell
- Fix a bug introduced in version 3.7.10 that might cause a LEFT JOIN to be incorrectly converted into an INNER JOIN if the WHERE clause indexable terms connected by OR.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2012-03-20 11:35:50 00bb9c9ce4f465e6ac321ced2a9d0062dc364669"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: d460d7eda3a9dccd291aed2a9fda868b9b120a10
2012-01-16 (3.7.10)
- The default schema format number is changed from 1 to 4. This means that, unless the PRAGMA legacy_file_format=ON statement is run, newly created database files will be unreadable by version of SQLite prior to 3.3.0 (2006-01-10). It also means that the descending indices are enabled by default.
- The sqlite3_pcache_methods structure and the SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE and SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE configuration parameters are deprecated. They are replaced by a new sqlite3_pcache_methods2 structure and SQLITE_CONFIG_PCACHE2 and SQLITE_CONFIG_GETPCACHE2 configuration parameters.
- Added the powersafe overwrite property to the VFS interface. Provide the SQLITE_IOCAP_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE I/O capability, the SQLITE_POWERSAFE_OVERWRITE compile-time option, and the "psow=BOOLEAN" query parameter for URI filenames.
- Added the sqlite3_db_release_memory() interface and the shrink_memory pragma.
- Added the sqlite3_db_filename() interface.
- Added the sqlite3_stmt_busy() interface.
- Added the sqlite3_uri_boolean() and sqlite3_uri_int64() interfaces.
- If the argument to PRAGMA cache_size is negative N, that means to use approximately -1024*N bytes of memory for the page cache regardless of the page size.
- Enhanced the default memory allocator to make use of _msize() on windows, malloc_size() on Mac, and malloc_usable_size() on Linux.
- Enhanced the query planner to support index queries with range constraints on the rowid.
- Enhanced the query planner flattening logic to allow UNION ALL compounds to be promoted upwards to replace a simple wrapper SELECT even if the compounds are joins.
- Enhanced the query planner so that the xfer optimization can be used with INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ON CONFLICT as long as the destination table is initially empty.
- Enhanced the windows VFS so that all system calls can be overridden using the xSetSystemCall interface.
- Updated the "unix-dotfile" VFS to use locking directories with mkdir() and rmdir() instead of locking files with open() and unlink().
- Enhancements to the test_quota.c extension to support stdio-like interfaces with quotas.
- Change the unix VFS to be tolerant of read() system calls that return less then the full number of requested bytes.
- Change both unix and windows VFSes to report a sector size of 4096 instead of the old default of 512.
- In the TCL Interface, add the -uri option to the "sqlite3" TCL command used for creating new database connection objects.
- Added the SQLITE_TESTCTRL_EXPLAIN_STMT test-control option with the SQLITE_ENABLE_TREE_EXPLAIN compile-time option to enable the command-line shell to display ASCII-art parse trees of SQL statements that it processes, for debugging and analysis.
- Bug fix: Add an additional xSync when restarting a WAL in order to prevent an exceedingly unlikely but theoretically possible database corruption following power-loss. Ticket ff5be73dee.
- Bug fix: Change the VDBE so that all registers are initialized to Invalid instead of NULL. Ticket 7bbfb7d442
- Bug fix: Fix problems that can result from 32-bit integer overflow. Ticket ac00f496b7e2
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2012-01-16 13:28:40 ebd01a8deffb5024a5d7494eef800d2366d97204"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 6497cbbaad47220bd41e2e4216c54706e7ae95d4
2011-11-01 (3.7.9)
- If a search token (on the right-hand side of the MATCH operator) in FTS4 begins with "^" then that token must be the first in its field of the document. ** Potentially Incompatible Change **
- Added options SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_HIT and SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_MISS to the sqlite3_db_status() interface.
- Removed support for SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2, replacing it with the much more capable SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT3 option.
- Enhancements to the sqlite3_analyzer utility program, including the --pageinfo and --stats options and support for multiplexed databases.
- Enhance the sqlite3_data_count() interface so that it can be used to determine if SQLITE_DONE has been seen on the prepared statement.
- Added the SQLITE_FCNTL_OVERWRITE file-control by which the SQLite core indicates to the VFS that the current transaction will overwrite the entire database file.
- Increase the default lookaside memory allocator allocation size from 100 to 128 bytes.
- Enhanced the query planner so that it can factor terms in and out of OR expressions in the WHERE clause in an effort to find better indices.
- Added the SQLITE_DIRECT_OVERFLOW_READ compile-time option, causing overflow pages to be read directly from the database file, bypassing the page cache.
- Remove limits on the magnitude of precision and width value in the format specifiers of the sqlite3_mprintf() family of string rendering routines.
- Fix a bug that prevent ALTER TABLE ... RENAME from working on some virtual tables in a database with a UTF16 encoding.
- Fix a bug in ASCII-to-float conversion that causes slow performance and incorrect results when converting numbers with ridiculously large exponents.
- Fix a bug that causes incorrect results in aggregate queries that use multiple aggregate functions whose arguments contain complicated expressions that differ only in the case of string literals contained within those expressions.
- Fix a bug that prevented the page_count and quick_check pragmas from working correctly if their names were capitalized.
- Fix a bug that caused VACUUM to fail if the count_changes pragma was engaged.
- Fix a bug in virtual table implementation that causes a crash if an FTS4 table is dropped inside a transaction and a SAVEPOINT occurs afterwards.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2011-11-01 00:52:41 c7c6050ef060877ebe77b41d959e9df13f8c9b5e"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: becd16877f4f9b281b91c97e106089497d71bb47
2011-09-19 (3.7.8)
- Orders of magnitude performance improvement for CREATE INDEX on very large tables.
- Improved the windows VFS to better defend against interference from anti-virus software.
- Improved query plan optimization when the DISTINCT keyword is present.
- Allow more system calls to be overridden in the unix VFS - to provide better support for chromium sandboxes.
- Increase the default size of a lookahead cache line from 100 to 128 bytes.
- Enhancements to the test_quota.c module so that it can track preexisting files.
- Bug fix: Virtual tables now handle IS NOT NULL constraints correctly.
- Bug fixes: Correctly handle nested correlated subqueries used with indices in a WHERE clause.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2011-09-19 14:49:19 3e0da808d2f5b4d12046e05980ca04578f581177"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: bfcd74a655636b592c5dba6d0d5729c0f8e3b4de
2011-06-28 (
- Fix a bug causing PRAGMA case_sensitive_like statements compiled using sqlite3_prepare() to fail with an SQLITE_SCHEMA error.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2011-06-28 17:39:05 af0d91adf497f5f36ec3813f04235a6e195a605f"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: d47594b8a02f6cf58e91fb673e96cb1b397aace0
2011-06-23 (3.7.7)
- Add support for URI filenames
- Add the sqlite3_vtab_config() interface in support of ON CONFLICT clauses with virtual tables.
- Add the xSavepoint, xRelease and xRollbackTo methods in virtual tables in support of SAVEPOINT for virtual tables.
- Update the built-in FTS3/FTS4 and RTREE virtual tables to support ON CONFLICT clauses and REPLACE.
- Avoid unnecessary reparsing of the database schema.
- Added support for the FTS4 prefix option and the FTS4 order option.
- Allow WAL-mode databases to be opened read-only as long as there is an existing read/write connection.
- Added support for short filenames.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2011-06-23 19:49:22 4374b7e83ea0a3fbc3691f9c0c936272862f32f2"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 5bbe79e206ae5ffeeca760dbd0d66862228db551
2011-05-19 (
- Fix a problem with WAL mode which could cause transactions to silently rollback if the cache_size is set very small (less than 10) and SQLite comes under memory pressure.
2011-04-17 (
- Fix the function prototype for the open(2) system call to agree with POSIX. Without this fix, pthreads does not work correctly on NetBSD.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2011-04-17 17:25:17 154ddbc17120be2915eb03edc52af1225eb7cb5e"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 806577fd524dd5f3bfd8d4d27392ed2752bc9701
2011-04-13 (
- Fix a bug in 3.7.6 that only appears if the SQLITE_FCNTL_SIZE_HINT file control is used with a build of SQLite that makes use of the HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE compile-time option and which has SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_MODE turned off.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2011-04-13 14:40:25 a35e83eac7b185f4d363d7fa51677f2fdfa27695"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: b81bfa27d3e09caf3251475863b1ce6dd9f6ab66
2011-04-12 (3.7.6)
- Added the sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2() interface and enhanced the wal_checkpoint pragma to support blocking checkpoints.
- Improvements to the query planner so that it makes better estimates of plan costs and hence does a better job of choosing the right plan, especially when SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 is used.
- Fix a bug which prevented deferred foreign key constraints from being enforced when sqlite3_finalize() was not called by one statement with a failed foreign key constraint prior to another statement with foreign key constraints running.
- Integer arithmetic operations that would have resulted in overflow are now performed using floating-point instead.
- Increased the version number on the VFS object to 3 and added new methods xSetSysCall, xGetSysCall, and xNextSysCall used for doing full-coverage testing.
- Increase the maximum value of SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED from 30 to 62 (though the default value remains at 10).
- Enhancements to FTS4:
- Added the fts4aux table
- Added support for compressed FTS4 content
- Enhance the ANALYZE command to support the name of an index as its argument, in order to analyze just that one index.
- Added the "unix-excl" built-in VFS on unix and unix-like platforms.
- SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2011-04-12 01:58:40 f9d43fa363d54beab6f45db005abac0a7c0c47a7"
- SHA1 for sqlite3.c: f38df08547efae0ff4343da607b723f588bbd66b
2011-02-01 (3.7.5)
- Added the sqlite3_vsnprintf() interface.
- Added the SQLITE_OMIT_AUTORESET compile-time option.
- Added the SQLITE_DEFAULT_FOREIGN_KEYS compile-time option.
- Updates to sqlite3_stmt_readonly() so that its result is well-defined for all prepared statements and so that it works with VACUUM.
- Added the "-heap" option to the command-line shell
- Fix a bug involving frequent changes in and out of WAL mode and VACUUM that could (in theory) cause database corruption.
- Enhance the sqlite3_trace() mechanism so that nested SQL statements such as might be generated by virtual tables are shown but are shown in comments and without parameter expansion. This greatly improves tracing output when using the FTS3/4 and/or RTREE virtual tables.
- Change the xFileControl() methods on all built-in VFSes to return SQLITE_NOTFOUND instead of SQLITE_ERROR for an unrecognized operation code.
- The SQLite core invokes the SQLITE_FCNTL_SYNC_OMITTED file control to the VFS in place of a call to xSync if the database has PRAGMA synchronous set to OFF.
2010-12-07 (3.7.4)
- Added the sqlite3_blob_reopen() interface to allow an existing sqlite3_blob object to be rebound to a new row.
- Use the new sqlite3_blob_reopen() interface to improve the performance of FTS.
- VFSes that do not support shared memory are allowed to access WAL databases if PRAGMA locking_mode is set to EXCLUSIVE.
- Enhancements to EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN.
- Added the sqlite3_stmt_readonly() interface.
- Added PRAGMA checkpoint_fullfsync.
- Added the SQLITE_FCNTL_FILE_POINTER option to sqlite3_file_control().
- Added support for FTS4 and enhancements to the FTS matchinfo() function.
- Added the test_superlock.c module which provides example code for obtaining an exclusive lock to a rollback or WAL database.
- Added the test_multiplex.c module which provides an example VFS that provides multiplexing (sharding) of a DB, splitting it over multiple files of fixed size.
- A very obscure bug associated with the or optimization was fixed.
2010-10-08 (3.7.3)
- Added the sqlite3_create_function_v2() interface that includes a destructor callback.
- Added support for custom r-tree queries using application-supplied callback routines to define the boundary of the query region.
- The default page cache strives more diligently to avoid using memory beyond what is allocated to it by SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE. Or if using page cache is allocating from the heap, it strives to avoid going over the sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64(), even if SQLITE_ENABLE_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT is not set.
- Added the sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64() interface as a replacement for sqlite3_soft_heap_limit().
- The ANALYZE command now gathers statistics on tables even if they have no indices.
- Tweaks to the query planner to help it do a better job of finding the most efficient query plan for each query.
- Enhanced the internal text-to-numeric conversion routines so that they work with UTF8 or UTF16, thereby avoiding some UTF16-to-UTF8 text conversions.
- Fix a problem that was causing excess memory usage with large WAL transactions in win32 systems.
- The interface between the VDBE and B-Tree layer is enhanced such that the VDBE provides hints to the B-Tree layer letting the B-Tree layer know when it is safe to use hashing instead of B-Trees for transient tables.
- Miscellaneous documentation enhancements.
2010-08-24 (3.7.2)
- Fix an old and very obscure bug that can lead to corruption of the database free-page list when incremental_vacuum is used.
2010-08-23 (3.7.1)
- Added new commands SQLITE_DBSTATUS_SCHEMA_USED and SQLITE_DBSTATUS_STMT_USED to the sqlite3_db_status() interface, in order to report out the amount of memory used to hold the schema and prepared statements of a connection.
- Increase the maximum size of a database pages from 32KiB to 64KiB.
- Use the LIKE optimization even if the right-hand side string contains no wildcards.
- Added the SQLITE_FCNTL_CHUNK_SIZE verb to the sqlite3_file_control() interface for both unix and windows, to cause database files to grow in large chunks in order to reduce disk fragmentation.
- Fixed a bug in the query planner that caused performance regressions relative to on some complex joins.
- Fixed a typo in the OS/2 backend.
- Refactored the pager module.
- The SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE compile-time option is now silently ignored. The maximum page size is hard-coded at 65536 bytes.
2010-08-04 (
- Fix a potential database corruption bug that can occur if version 3.7.0 and version alternately write to the same database file. Ticket [51ae9cad317a1]
- Fix a performance regression related to the query planner enhancements of version 3.7.0.
2010-07-21 (3.7.0)
- Added support for write-ahead logging.
- Query planner enhancement - automatic transient indices are created when doing so reduces the estimated query time.
- Query planner enhancement - the ORDER BY becomes a no-op if the query also contains a GROUP BY clause that forces the correct output order.
- Add the SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED verb for sqlite3_db_status().
- The logical database size is now stored in the database header so that bytes can be appended to the end of the database file without corrupting it and so that SQLite will work correctly on systems that lack support for ftruncate().
2010-03-26 (
- Fix a bug in the offsets() function of FTS3
- Fix a missing "sync" that when omitted could lead to database corruption if a power failure or OS crash occurred just as a ROLLBACK operation was finishing.
2010-03-09 (3.6.23)
- Added the secure_delete pragma.
- Added the sqlite3_compileoption_used() and sqlite3_compileoption_get() interfaces as well as the compile_options pragma and the sqlite_compileoption_used() and sqlite_compileoption_get() SQL functions.
- Added the sqlite3_log() interface together with the SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG verb to sqlite3_config(). The ".log" command is added to the Command Line Interface.
- Improvements to FTS3.
- Improvements and bug-fixes in support for SQLITE_OMIT_FLOATING_POINT.
- The integrity_check pragma is enhanced to detect out-of-order rowids.
- The ".genfkey" operator has been removed from the Command Line Interface.
- Updates to the co-hosted Lemon LALR(1) parser generator. (These updates did not affect SQLite.)
- Various minor bug fixes and performance enhancements.
2010-01-06 (3.6.22)
- Fix bugs that can (rarely) lead to incorrect query results when the CAST or OR operators are used in the WHERE clause of a query.
- Continuing enhancements and improvements to FTS3.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes.
2009-12-07 (3.6.21)
- The SQL output resulting from sqlite3_trace() is now modified to include the values of bound parameters.
- Performance optimizations targeting a specific use case from a single high-profile user of SQLite. A 12% reduction in the number of CPU operations is achieved (as measured by Valgrind). Actual performance improvements in practice may vary depending on workload. Changes include:
- The ifnull() and coalesce() SQL functions are now implemented using in-line VDBE code rather than calling external functions, so that unused arguments need never be evaluated.
- The substr() SQL function does not bother to measure the length its entire input string if it is only computing a prefix
- Unnecessary OP_IsNull, OP_Affinity, and OP_MustBeInt VDBE opcodes are suppressed
- Various code refactorizations for performance
- The FTS3 extension has undergone a major rework and cleanup. New FTS3 documentation is now available.
- The SQLITE_SECURE_DELETE compile-time option fixed to make sure that content is deleted even when the truncate optimization applies.
- Improvements to "dot-command" handling in the Command Line Interface.
- Other minor bug fixes and documentation enhancements.
2009-11-04 (3.6.20)
- Optimizer enhancement: prepared statements are automatically re-compiled when a binding on the RHS of a LIKE operator changes or when any range constraint changes under SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2.
- Various minor bug fixes and documentation enhancements.
2009-10-30 (
- A small patch to version 3.6.16 to fix the OP_If bug.
2009-10-14 (3.6.19)
- Added support for foreign key constraints. Foreign key constraints are disabled by default. Use the foreign_keys pragma to turn them on.
- Generalized the IS and IS NOT operators to take arbitrary expressions on their right-hand side.
- The TCL Interface has been enhanced to use the Non-Recursive Engine (NRE) interface to the TCL interpreter when linked against TCL 8.6 or later.
- Fix a bug introduced in 3.6.18 that can lead to a segfault when an attempt is made to write on a read-only database.
2009-09-11 (3.6.18)
- Versioning of the SQLite source code has transitioned from CVS to Fossil.
- Query planner enhancements.
- The SQLITE_ENABLE_STAT2 compile-time option causes the ANALYZE command to collect a small histogram of each index, to help SQLite better select among competing range query indices.
- Recursive triggers can be enabled using the PRAGMA recursive_triggers statement.
- Delete triggers fire when rows are removed due to a REPLACE conflict resolution. This feature is only enabled when recursive triggers are enabled.
- Added the SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE and SQLITE_OPEN_PRIVATECACHE flags for sqlite3_open_v2() used to override the global shared cache mode settings for individual database connections.
- Added improved version identification features: C-Preprocessor macro SQLITE_SOURCE_ID, C/C++ interface sqlite3_sourceid(), and SQL function sqlite_source_id().
- Obscure bug fix on triggers ([efc02f9779]).
2009-08-10 (3.6.17)
- Expose the sqlite3_strnicmp() interface for use by extensions and applications.
- Remove the restriction on virtual tables and shared cache mode. Virtual tables and shared cache can now be used at the same time.
- Many code simplifications and obscure bug fixes in support of providing 100% branch test coverage.
2009-06-27 (3.6.16)
- Fix a bug (ticket #3929) that occasionally causes INSERT or UPDATE operations to fail on an indexed table that has a self-modifying trigger.
- Other minor bug fixes and performance optimizations.
2009-06-15 (3.6.15)
- Refactor the internal representation of SQL expressions so that they use less memory on embedded platforms.
- Reduce the amount of stack space used
- Fix an 64-bit alignment bug on HP/UX and Sparc
- The sqlite3_create_function() family of interfaces now return SQLITE_MISUSE instead of SQLITE_ERROR when passed invalid parameter combinations.
- When new tables are created using CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ... the datatype of the columns is the simplified SQLite datatype (TEXT, INT, REAL, NUMERIC, or BLOB) instead of a copy of the original datatype from the source table.
- Resolve race conditions when checking for a hot rollback journal.
- The sqlite3_shutdown() interface frees all mutexes under windows.
- Enhanced robustness against corrupt database files
- Continuing improvements to the test suite and fixes to obscure bugs and inconsistencies that the test suite improvements are uncovering.
2009-05-25 (
- Fix a code generator bug introduced in version 3.6.14. This bug can cause incorrect query results under obscure circumstances. Ticket #3879.
2009-05-19 (
- Fix a bug in group_concat(), ticket #3841
- Fix a performance bug in the pager cache, ticket #3844
- Fix a bug in the sqlite3_backup implementation that can lead to a corrupt backup database. Ticket #3858.
2009-05-07 (3.6.14)
- Added the optional asynchronous VFS module.
- Enhanced the query optimizer so that virtual tables are able to make use of OR and IN operators in the WHERE clause.
- Speed improvements in the btree and pager layers.
- Added the SQLITE_HAVE_ISNAN compile-time option which will cause the isnan() function from the standard math library to be used instead of SQLite's own home-brew NaN checker.
- Countless minor bug fixes, documentation improvements, new and improved test cases, and code simplifications and cleanups.
2009-04-13 (3.6.13)
- Fix a bug in version 3.6.12 that causes a segfault when running a count(*) on the sqlite_master table of an empty database. Ticket #3774.
- Fix a bug in version 3.6.12 that causes a segfault that when inserting into a table using a DEFAULT value where there is a function as part of the DEFAULT value expression. Ticket #3791.
- Fix data structure alignment issues on Sparc. Ticket #3777.
- Other minor bug fixes.
2009-03-31 (3.6.12)
- Fixed a bug that caused database corruption when an incremental_vacuum is rolled back in an in-memory database. Ticket #3761.
- Added the sqlite3_unlock_notify() interface.
- Added the reverse_unordered_selects pragma.
- The default page size on windows is automatically adjusted to match the capabilities of the underlying filesystem.
- Add the new ".genfkey" command in the CLI for generating triggers to implement foreign key constraints.
- Performance improvements for "count(*)" queries.
- Reduce the amount of heap memory used, especially by TRIGGERs.
2009-02-18 (3.6.11)
- Added the hot-backup interface.
- Added new commands ".backup" and ".restore" to the CLI.
- Added new methods backup and restore to the TCL interface.
- Improvements to the syntax bubble diagrams
- Various minor bug fixes
2009-01-15 (3.6.10)
- Fix a cache coherency problem that could lead to database corruption. Ticket #3584.
2009-01-14 (3.6.9)
- Fix two bugs, which when combined might result in incorrect query results. Both bugs were harmless by themselves; only when they team up do they cause problems. Ticket #3581.
2009-01-12 (3.6.8)
- Added support for nested transactions
- Enhanced the query optimizer so that it is able to use multiple indices to efficiently process OR-connected constraints in a WHERE clause.
- Added support for parentheses in FTS3 query patterns using the SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS compile-time option.
2008-12-16 (3.6.7)
- Reorganize the Unix interface in os_unix.c
- Added support for "Proxy Locking" on Mac OS X.
- Changed the prototype of the sqlite3_auto_extension() interface in a way that is backwards compatible but which might cause warnings in new builds of applications that use that interface.
- Changed the signature of the xDlSym method of the sqlite3_vfs object in a way that is backwards compatible but which might cause compiler warnings.
- Added superfluous casts and variable initializations in order to suppress nuisance compiler warnings.
- Fixes for various minor bugs.
2008-11-26 (
- Fix a bug in the b-tree delete algorithm that seems like it might be able to cause database corruption. The bug was first introduced in version 3.6.6 by check-in 5899 on 2008-11-13.
- Fix a memory leak that can occur following a disk I/O error.
2008-11-22 (
- Fix a bug in the page cache that can lead database corruption following a rollback. This bug was first introduced in version 3.6.4.
- Two other very minor bug fixes
2008-11-19 (3.6.6)
- Fix a #define that prevented memsys5 from compiling
- Fix a problem in the virtual table commit mechanism that was causing a crash in FTS3. Ticket #3497.
- Add the application-defined page cache
- Added built-in support for VxWorks
2008-11-12 (3.6.5)
- Add the MEMORY option to the journal_mode pragma.
- Added the sqlite3_db_mutex() interface.
- Added the SQLITE_OMIT_TRUNCATE_OPTIMIZATION compile-time option.
- Fixed the truncate optimization so that sqlite3_changes() and sqlite3_total_changes() interfaces and the count_changes pragma return the correct values.
- Added the sqlite3_extended_errcode() interface.
- The COMMIT command now succeeds even if there are pending queries. It returns SQLITE_BUSY if there are pending incremental BLOB I/O requests.
- The error code is changed to SQLITE_BUSY (instead of SQLITE_ERROR) when an attempt is made to ROLLBACK while one or more queries are still pending.
- Drop all support for the experimental memory allocators memsys4 and memsys6.
- Added the SQLITE_ZERO_MALLOC compile-time option.
2008-10-15 (3.6.4)
- Add option support for LIMIT and ORDER BY clauses on DELETE and UPDATE statements. Only works if SQLite is compiled with SQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT.
- Added the sqlite3_stmt_status() interface for performance monitoring.
- Add the INDEXED BY clause.
- The LOCKING_STYLE extension is now enabled by default on Mac OS X
- Added the TRUNCATE option to PRAGMA journal_mode
- Performance enhancements to tree balancing logic in the B-Tree layer.
- Added the source code and documentation for the genfkey program for automatically generating triggers to enforce foreign key constraints.
- Added the SQLITE_OMIT_TRUNCATE_OPTIMIZATION compile-time option.
- The SQL language documentation is converted to use syntax diagrams instead of BNF.
- Other minor bug fixes
2008-09-22 (3.6.3)
- Fix for a bug in the SELECT DISTINCT logic that was introduced by the prior version.
- Other minor bug fixes
2008-08-30 (3.6.2)
- Split the pager subsystem into separate pager and pcache subsystems.
- Factor out identifier resolution procedures into separate files.
- Bug fixes
2008-08-06 (3.6.1)
- Added the lookaside memory allocator for a speed improvement in excess of 15% on some workloads. (Your mileage may vary.)
- Added the SQLITE_CONFIG_LOOKASIDE verb to sqlite3_config() to control the default lookaside configuration.
- Added verbs SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_SIZE and SQLITE_STATUS_SCRATCH_SIZE to the sqlite3_status() interface.
- Modified SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE and SQLITE_CONFIG_SCRATCH to remove the "+4" magic number in the buffer size computation.
- Added the sqlite3_db_config() and sqlite3_db_status() interfaces for controlling and monitoring the lookaside allocator separately on each database connection.
- Numerous other performance enhancements
- Miscellaneous minor bug fixes
2008-07-16 (3.6.0 beta)
- Modifications to the virtual file system interface to support a wider range of embedded systems. See 35to36.html for additional information. *** Potentially incompatible change ***
- All C-preprocessor macros used to control compile-time options now begin with the prefix "SQLITE_". This may require changes to applications that compile SQLite using their own makefiles and with custom compile-time options, hence we mark this as a *** Potentially incompatible change ***
- The SQLITE_MUTEX_APPDEF compile-time option is no longer supported. Alternative mutex implementations can now be added at run-time using the sqlite3_config() interface with the SQLITE_CONFIG_MUTEX verb. *** Potentially incompatible change ***
- The handling of IN and NOT IN operators that contain a NULL on their right-hand side expression is brought into compliance with the SQL standard and with other SQL database engines. This is a bug fix, but as it has the potential to break legacy applications that depend on the older buggy behavior, we mark that as a *** Potentially incompatible change ***
- The result column names generated for compound subqueries have been simplified to show only the name of the column of the original table and omit the table name. This makes SQLite operate more like other SQL database engines.
- Added the sqlite3_config() interface for doing run-time configuration of the entire SQLite library.
- Added the sqlite3_status() interface used for querying run-time status information about the overall SQLite library and its subsystems.
- Added the sqlite3_initialize() and sqlite3_shutdown() interfaces.
- The SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX option was added to sqlite3_open_v2().
- Added the PRAGMA page_count command.
- Added the sqlite3_next_stmt() interface.
- Added a new R*Tree virtual table
2008-05-14 (3.5.9)
- Added experimental support for the journal_mode PRAGMA and persistent journal.
- Journal mode PERSIST is the default behavior in exclusive locking mode.
- Fix a performance regression on LEFT JOIN (see ticket #3015) that was mistakenly introduced in version 3.5.8.
- Performance enhancement: Reengineer the internal routines used to interpret and render variable-length integers.
- Fix a buffer-overrun problem in sqlite3_mprintf() which occurs when a string without a zero-terminator is passed to "%.*s".
- Always convert IEEE floating point NaN values into NULL during processing. (Ticket #3060)
- Make sure that when a connection blocks on a RESERVED lock that it is able to continue after the lock is released. (Ticket #3093)
- The "configure" scripts should now automatically configure Unix systems for large file support. Improved error messages for when large files are encountered and large file support is disabled.
- Avoid cache pages leaks following disk-full or I/O errors
- And, many more minor bug fixes and performance enhancements....
2008-04-16 (3.5.8)
- Expose SQLite's internal pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) via the sqlite3_randomness() interface
- New interface sqlite3_context_db_handle() that returns the database connection handle that has invoked an application-defined SQL function.
- New interface sqlite3_limit() allows size and length limits to be set on a per-connection basis and at run-time.
- Improved crash-robustness: write the database page size into the rollback journal header.
- Allow the VACUUM command to change the page size of a database file.
- The xAccess() method of the VFS is allowed to return -1 to signal a memory allocation error.
- Performance improvement: The OP_IdxDelete opcode uses unpacked records, obviating the need for one OP_MakeRecord opcode call for each index record deleted.
- Performance improvement: Constant subexpressions are factored out of loops.
- Performance improvement: Results of OP_Column are reused rather than issuing multiple OP_Column opcodes.
- Fix a bug in the RTRIM collating sequence.
- Fix a bug in the SQLITE_SECURE_DELETE option that was causing Firefox crashes. Make arrangements to always test SQLITE_SECURE_DELETE prior to each release.
- Other miscellaneous performance enhancements.
- Other miscellaneous minor bug fixes.
2008-03-17 (3.5.7)
- Fix a bug (ticket #2927) in the register allocation for compound selects - introduced by the new VM code in version 3.5.5.
- ALTER TABLE uses double-quotes instead of single-quotes for quoting filenames.
- Use the WHERE clause to reduce the size of a materialized VIEW in an UPDATE or DELETE statement. (Optimization)
- Do not apply the flattening optimization if the outer query is an aggregate and the inner query contains ORDER BY. (Ticket #2943)
- Additional OS/2 updates
- Added an experimental power-of-two, first-fit memory allocator.
- Remove all instances of sprintf() from the code
- Accept "Z" as the zulu timezone at the end of date strings
- Fix a bug in the LIKE optimizer that occurs when the last character before the first wildcard is an upper-case "Z"
- Added the "bitvec" object for keeping track of which pages have been journalled. Improves speed and reduces memory consumption, especially for large database files.
- Get the SQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE macro working again on Mac OS X.
- Store the statement journal in the temporary file directory instead of collocated with the database file.
- Many improvements and cleanups to the configure script
2008-02-06 (3.5.6)
- Fix a bug (ticket #2913) that prevented virtual tables from working in a LEFT JOIN. The problem was introduced into shortly before the 3.5.5 release.
- Bring the OS/2 porting layer up-to-date.
- Add the new sqlite3_result_error_code() API and use it in the implementation of ATTACH so that proper error codes are returned when an ATTACH fails.
2008-01-31 (3.5.5)
- Convert the underlying virtual machine to be a register-based machine rather than a stack-based machine. The only user-visible change is in the output of EXPLAIN.
- Add the build-in RTRIM collating sequence.
2007-12-14 (3.5.4)
- Fix a critical bug in UPDATE or DELETE that occurs when an OR REPLACE clause or a trigger causes rows in the same table to be deleted as side effects. (See ticket #2832.) The most likely result of this bug is a segmentation fault, though database corruption is a possibility.
- Bring the processing of ORDER BY into compliance with the SQL standard for case where a result alias and a table column name are in conflict. Correct behavior is to prefer the result alias. Older versions of SQLite incorrectly picked the table column. (See ticket #2822.)
- The VACUUM command preserves the setting of the legacy_file_format pragma. (Ticket #2804.)
- Productize and officially support the group_concat() SQL function.
- Better optimization of some IN operator expressions.
- Add the ability to change the auto_vacuum status of a database by setting the auto_vaccum pragma and VACUUMing the database.
- Prefix search in FTS3 is much more efficient.
- Relax the SQL statement length restriction in the CLI so that the ".dump" output of databases with very large BLOBs and strings can be played back to recreate the database.
- Other small bug fixes and optimizations.
2007-11-27 (3.5.3)
- Move website and documentation files out of the source tree into a separate CM system.
- Fix a long-standing bug in INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... statements where the SELECT is compound.
- Fix a long-standing bug in RAISE(IGNORE) as used in BEFORE triggers.
- Fixed the operator precedence for the ~ operator.
- On Win32, do not return an error when attempting to delete a file that does not exist.
- Allow collating sequence names to be quoted.
- Modify the TCL interface to use sqlite3_prepare_v2().
- Fix multiple bugs that can occur following a malloc() failure.
- sqlite3_step() returns SQLITE_MISUSE instead of crashing when called with a NULL parameter.
- FTS3 now uses the SQLite memory allocator exclusively. The FTS3 amalgamation can now be appended to the SQLite amalgamation to generate a super-amalgamation containing both.
- The DISTINCT keyword now will sometimes use an INDEX if an appropriate index is available and the optimizer thinks its use might be advantageous.
2007-11-05 (3.5.2)
- Dropped support for the SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORY_ALLOCATION compile-time option.
- Always open files using FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS under Windows.
- The 3rd parameter of the built-in SUBSTR() function is now optional.
- Bug fix: do not invoke the authorizer when reparsing the schema after a schema change.
- Added the experimental malloc-free memory allocator in mem3.c.
- Virtual machine stores 64-bit integer and floating point constants in binary instead of text for a performance boost.
- Fix a race condition in test_async.c.
- Added the ".timer" command to the CLI
2007-10-04 (3.5.1)
- Nota Bene: We are not using terms "alpha" or "beta" on this release because the code is stable and because if we use those terms, nobody will upgrade. However, we still reserve the right to make incompatible changes to the new VFS interface in future releases.
- Fix a bug in the handling of SQLITE_FULL errors that could lead to database corruption. Ticket #2686.
- The test_async.c drive now does full file locking and works correctly when used simultaneously by multiple processes on the same database.
- The CLI ignores whitespace (including comments) at the end of lines
- Make sure the query optimizer checks dependencies on all terms of a compound SELECT statement. Ticket #2640.
- Add demonstration code showing how to build a VFS for a raw mass storage without a filesystem.
- Added an output buffer size parameter to the xGetTempname() method of the VFS layer.
- Sticky SQLITE_FULL or SQLITE_IOERR errors in the pager are reset when a new transaction is started.
2007-09-04 (3.5.0) alpha
- Redesign the OS interface layer. See 34to35.html for details. *** Potentially incompatible change ***
- The sqlite3_release_memory(), sqlite3_soft_heap_limit(), and sqlite3_enable_shared_cache() interfaces now work cross all threads in the process, not just the single thread in which they are invoked. *** Potentially incompatible change ***
- Added the sqlite3_open_v2() interface.
- Reimplemented the memory allocation subsystem and made it replaceable at compile-time.
- Created a new mutex subsystem and made it replicable at compile-time.
- The same database connection may now be used simultaneously by separate threads.
2007-08-13 (3.4.2)
- Fix a database corruption bug that might occur if a ROLLBACK command is executed in auto-vacuum mode and a very small sqlite3_soft_heap_limit is set. Ticket #2565.
- Add the ability to run a full regression test with a small sqlite3_soft_heap_limit.
- Fix other minor problems with using small soft heap limits.
- Work-around for GCC bug 32575.
- Improved error detection of misused aggregate functions.
- Improvements to the amalgamation generator script so that all symbols are prefixed with either SQLITE_PRIVATE or SQLITE_API.
2007-07-20 (3.4.1)
- Fix a bug in VACUUM that can lead to database corruption if two processes are connected to the database at the same time and one VACUUMs then the other then modifies the database.
- The expression "+column" is now considered the same as "column" when computing the collating sequence to use on the expression.
- In the TCL language interface, "@variable" instead of "$variable" always binds as a blob.
- Added PRAGMA freelist_count for determining the current size of the freelist.
- The PRAGMA auto_vacuum=incremental setting is now persistent.
- Add FD_CLOEXEC to all open files under Unix.
- Fix a bug in the min()/max() optimization when applied to descending indices.
- Make sure the TCL language interface works correctly with 64-bit integers on 64-bit machines.
- Allow the value -9223372036854775808 as an integer literal in SQL statements.
- Add the capability of "hidden" columns in virtual tables.
- Use the macro SQLITE_PRIVATE (defaulting to "static") on all internal functions in the amalgamation.
- Add pluggable tokenizers and ICU tokenization support to FTS2
- Other minor bug fixes and documentation enhancements
2007-06-18 (3.4.0)
- Fix a bug that can lead to database corruption if an SQLITE_BUSY error occurs in the middle of an explicit transaction and that transaction is later committed. Ticket #2409. See the CorruptionFollowingBusyError wiki page for details.
- Fix a bug that can lead to database corruption if autovacuum mode is on and a malloc() failure follows a CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement which itself follows a cache overflow inside a transaction. See ticket #2418.
- Added explicit upper bounds on the sizes and quantities of things SQLite can process. This change might cause compatibility problems for applications that use SQLite in the extreme, which is why the current release is 3.4.0 instead of 3.3.18.
- Added support for Incremental BLOB I/O.
- Added the sqlite3_bind_zeroblob() API and the zeroblob() SQL function.
- Added support for Incremental Vacuum.
- Added the SQLITE_MIXED_ENDIAN_64BIT_FLOAT compile-time option to support ARM7 processors with goofy endianness.
- Removed all instances of sprintf() and strcpy() from the core library.
- Added support for International Components for Unicode (ICU) to the full-text search extensions.
- In the Windows OS driver, reacquire a SHARED lock if an attempt to acquire an EXCLUSIVE lock fails. Ticket #2354
- Fix the REPLACE() function so that it returns NULL if the second argument is an empty string. Ticket #2324.
- Document the hazards of type conversions in sqlite3_column_blob() and related APIs. Fix unnecessary type conversions. Ticket #2321.
- Internationalization of the TRIM() function. Ticket #2323
- Use memmove() instead of memcpy() when moving between memory regions that might overlap. Ticket #2334
- Fix an optimizer bug involving subqueries in a compound SELECT that has both an ORDER BY and a LIMIT clause. Ticket #2339.
- Make sure the sqlite3_snprintf() interface does not zero-terminate the buffer if the buffer size is less than 1. Ticket #2341
- Fix the built-in printf logic so that it prints "NaN" not "Inf" for floating-point NaNs. Ticket #2345
- When converting BLOB to TEXT, use the text encoding of the main database. Ticket #2349
- Keep the full precision of integers (if possible) when casting to NUMERIC. Ticket #2364
- Fix a bug in the handling of UTF16 codepoint 0xE000
- Consider explicit collate clauses when matching WHERE constraints to indices in the query optimizer. Ticket #2391
- Fix the query optimizer to correctly handle constant expressions in the ON clause of a LEFT JOIN. Ticket #2403
- Fix the query optimizer to handle rowid comparisons to NULL correctly. Ticket #2404
- Fix many potential segfaults that could be caused by malicious SQL statements.
2007-04-25 (3.3.17)
- When the "write_version" value of the database header is larger than what the library understands, make the database read-only instead of unreadable.
- Other minor bug fixes
2007-04-18 (3.3.16)
- Fix a bug that caused VACUUM to fail if NULLs appeared in a UNIQUE column.
- Reinstate performance improvements that were added in Version 3.3.14 but regressed in Version 3.3.15.
- Fix problems with the handling of ORDER BY expressions on compound SELECT statements in subqueries.
- Fix a potential segfault when destroying locks on WinCE in a multi-threaded environment.
- Documentation updates.
2007-04-09 (3.3.15)
- Fix a bug introduced in 3.3.14 that caused a rollback of CREATE TEMP TABLE to leave the database connection wedged.
- Fix a bug that caused an extra NULL row to be returned when a descending query was interrupted by a change to the database.
- The FOR EACH STATEMENT clause on a trigger now causes a syntax error. It used to be silently ignored.
- Fix an obscure and relatively harmless problem that might have caused a resource leak following an I/O error.
- Many improvements to the test suite. Test coverage now exceeded 98%
2007-04-02 (3.3.14)
- Fix a bug (ticket #2273) that could cause a segfault when the IN operator is used one one term of a two-column index and the right-hand side of the IN operator contains a NULL.
- Added a new OS interface method for determining the sector size of underlying media: sqlite3OsSectorSize().
- A new algorithm for statements of the form INSERT INTO table1 SELECT * FROM table2 is faster and reduces fragmentation. VACUUM uses statements of this form and thus runs faster and defragments better.
- Performance enhancements through reductions in disk I/O:
- Do not read the last page of an overflow chain when deleting the row - just add that page to the freelist.
- Do not store pages being deleted in the rollback journal.
- Do not read in the (meaningless) content of pages extracted from the freelist.
- Do not flush the page cache (and thus avoiding a cache refill) unless another process changes the underlying database file.
- Truncate rather than delete the rollback journal when committing a transaction in exclusive access mode, or when committing the TEMP database.
- Added support for exclusive access mode using "PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE"
- Use heap space instead of stack space for large buffers in the pager - useful on embedded platforms with stack-space limitations.
- Add a makefile target "sqlite3.c" that builds an amalgamation containing the core SQLite library C code in a single file.
- Get the library working correctly when compiled with GCC option "-fstrict-aliasing".
- Removed the vestigal SQLITE_PROTOCOL error.
- Improvements to test coverage, other minor bugs fixed, memory leaks plugged, code refactored and/or recommended in places for easier reading.
2007-02-13 (3.3.13)
- Add a "fragmentation" measurement in the output of sqlite3_analyzer.
- Add the COLLATE operator used to explicitly set the collating sequence used by an expression. This feature is considered experimental pending additional testing.
- Allow up to 64 tables in a join - the old limit was 32.
- Added two new experimental functions: randomBlob() and hex(). Their intended use is to facilitate generating UUIDs.
- Fix a problem where PRAGMA count_changes was causing incorrect results for updates on tables with triggers
- Fix a bug in the ORDER BY clause optimizer for joins where the left-most table in the join is constrained by a UNIQUE index.
- Fixed a bug in the "copy" method of the TCL interface.
- Bug fixes in fts1 and fts2 modules.
2007-01-27 (3.3.12)
- Fix another bug in the IS NULL optimization that was added in version 3.3.9.
- Fix an assertion fault that occurred on deeply nested views.
- Limit the amount of output that PRAGMA integrity_check generates.
- Minor syntactic changes to support a wider variety of compilers.
2007-01-22 (3.3.11)
- Fix another bug in the implementation of the new sqlite3_prepare_v2() API. We'll get it right eventually...
- Fix a bug in the IS NULL optimization that was added in version 3.3.9 - the bug was causing incorrect results on certain LEFT JOINs that included in the WHERE clause an IS NULL constraint for the right table of the LEFT JOIN.
- Make AreFileApisANSI() a no-op macro in WinCE since WinCE does not support this function.
2007-01-09 (3.3.10)
- Fix bugs in the implementation of the new sqlite3_prepare_v2() API that can lead to segfaults.
- Fix 1-second round-off errors in the strftime() function
- Enhance the Windows OS layer to provide detailed error codes
- Work around a win2k problem so that SQLite can use single-character database file names
- The user_version and schema_version pragmas correctly set their column names in the result set
- Documentation updates
2007-01-04 (3.3.9)
- Fix bugs in pager.c that could lead to database corruption if two processes both try to recover a hot journal at the same instant
- Added the sqlite3_prepare_v2() API.
- Fixed the ".dump" command in the command-line shell to show indices, triggers and views again.
- Change the table_info pragma so that it returns NULL for the default value if there is no default value
- Support for non-ASCII characters in win95 filenames
- Query optimizer enhancements:
- Optimizer does a better job of using indices to satisfy ORDER BY clauses that sort on the integer primary key
- Use an index to satisfy an IS NULL operator in the WHERE clause
- Fix a bug that was causing the optimizer to miss an OR optimization opportunity
- The optimizer has more freedom to reorder tables in the FROM clause even in there are LEFT joins.
- Extension loading supported added to WinCE
- Allow constraint names on the DEFAULT clause in a table definition
- Added the ".bail" command to the command-line shell
- Make CSV (comma separate value) output from the command-line shell more closely aligned to accepted practice
- Experimental FTS2 module added
- Use sqlite3_mprintf() instead of strdup() to avoid libc dependencies
- VACUUM uses a temporary file in the official TEMP folder, not in the same directory as the original database
- The prefix on temporary filenames on Windows is changed from "sqlite" to "etilqs".
2006-10-09 (3.3.8)
- Support for full text search using the FTS1 module (beta)
- Added Mac OS X locking patches (beta - disabled by default)
- Introduce extended error codes and add error codes for various kinds of I/O errors.
- Fix the regression test suite so that it works with Tcl8.5
- Enhance sqlite3_set_authorizer() to provide notification of calls to SQL functions.
- Added experimental API: sqlite3_auto_extension()
- Various minor bug fixes
2006-08-12 (3.3.7)
- Added support for virtual tables (beta)
- Added support for dynamically loaded extensions (beta)
- The sqlite3_interrupt() routine can be called for a different thread
- Added the MATCH operator.
- The default file format is now 1.
2006-06-06 (3.3.6)
- Plays better with virus scanners on Windows
- Faster :memory: databases
- Fix an obscure segfault in UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversions
- Added driver for OS/2
- Correct column meta-information returned for aggregate queries
- Enhanced output from EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN
- LIMIT 0 now works on subqueries
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements in the query optimizer
- Correctly handle NULL filenames in ATTACH and DETACH
- Improved syntax error messages in the parser
- Fix type coercion rules for the IN operator
2006-04-05 (3.3.5)
- CHECK constraints use conflict resolution algorithms correctly.
- The SUM() function throws an error on integer overflow.
- Choose the column names in a compound query from the left-most SELECT instead of the right-most.
- The sqlite3_create_collation() function honors the SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED flag.
- SQLITE_SECURE_DELETE compile-time option causes deletes to overwrite old data with zeros.
- Detect integer overflow in abs().
- The random() function provides 64 bits of randomness instead of only 32 bits.
- Parser detects and reports automaton stack overflow.
- Change the round() function to return REAL instead of TEXT.
- Allow WHERE clause terms on the left table of a LEFT OUTER JOIN to contain aggregate subqueries.
- Skip over leading spaces in text to numeric conversions.
- Various minor bug and documentation typo fixes and performance enhancements.
2006-02-11 (3.3.4)
- Fix a blunder in the Unix mutex implementation that can lead to deadlock on multithreaded systems.
- Fix an alignment problem on 64-bit machines
- Added the fullfsync pragma.
- Fix an optimizer bug that could have caused some unusual LEFT OUTER JOINs to give incorrect results.
- The SUM function detects integer overflow and converts to accumulating an approximate result using floating point numbers
- Host parameter names can begin with '@' for compatibility with SQL Server.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes
2006-01-31 (3.3.3)
- Removed support for an ON CONFLICT clause on CREATE INDEX - it never worked correctly so this should not present any backward compatibility problems.
- Authorizer callback now notified of ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN commands
- After any changes to the TEMP database schema, all prepared statements are invalidated and must be recreated using a new call to sqlite3_prepare()
- Other minor bug fixes in preparation for the first stable release of version 3.3
2006-01-24 (3.3.2 beta)
- Bug fixes and speed improvements. Improved test coverage.
- Changes to the OS-layer interface: mutexes must now be recursive.
- Discontinue the use of thread-specific data for out-of-memory exception handling
2006-01-16 (3.3.1 alpha)
- Countless bug fixes
- Speed improvements
- Database connections can now be used by multiple threads, not just the thread in which they were created.
2006-01-11 (3.3.0 alpha)
- CHECK constraints
- DESC indices
- More efficient encoding of boolean values resulting in smaller database files
- Separate INTEGER and REAL affinity
- Added a virtual function layer for the OS interface
- "exists" method added to the TCL interface
- Improved response to out-of-memory errors
- Database cache can be optionally shared between connections in the same thread
- Optional READ UNCOMMITTED isolation (instead of the default isolation level of SERIALIZABLE) and table level locking when database connections share a common cache.
2005-12-19 (3.2.8)
- Fix an obscure bug that can cause database corruption under the following unusual circumstances: A large INSERT or UPDATE statement which is part of an even larger transaction fails due to a uniqueness constraint but the containing transaction commits.
2005-12-19 (2.8.17)
- Fix an obscure bug that can cause database corruption under the following unusual circumstances: A large INSERT or UPDATE statement which is part of an even larger transaction fails due to a uniqueness contraint but the containing transaction commits.
2005-09-24 (3.2.7)
- GROUP BY now considers NULLs to be equal again, as it should
- Now compiles on Solaris and OpenBSD and other Unix variants that lack the fdatasync() function
- Now compiles on MSVC++6 again
- Fix uninitialized variables causing malfunctions for various obscure queries
- Correctly compute a LEFT OUTER JOINs that is constrained on the left table only
2005-09-17 (3.2.6)
- Fix a bug that can cause database corruption if a VACUUM (or autovacuum) fails and is rolled back on a database that is larger than 1GiB
- LIKE optimization now works for columns with COLLATE NOCASE
- ORDER BY and GROUP BY now use bounded memory
- Added support for COUNT(DISTINCT expr)
- Change the way SUM() handles NULL values in order to comply with the SQL standard
- Use fdatasync() instead of fsync() where possible in order to speed up commits slightly
- Use of the CROSS keyword in a join turns off the table reordering optimization
- Added the experimental and undocumented EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN capability
- Use the unicode API in Windows
2005-08-27 (3.2.5)
- Fix a bug effecting DELETE and UPDATE statements that changed more than 40960 rows.
- Change the makefile so that it no longer requires GNUmake extensions
- Fix the --enable-threadsafe option on the configure script
- Fix a code generator bug that occurs when the left-hand side of an IN operator is constant and the right-hand side is a SELECT statement
- The PRAGMA synchronous=off statement now disables syncing of the master journal file in addition to the normal rollback journals
2005-08-24 (3.2.4)
- Fix a bug introduced in the previous release that can cause a segfault while generating code for complex WHERE clauses.
- Allow floating point literals to begin or end with a decimal point.
2005-08-21 (3.2.3)
- Added support for the CAST operator
- Tcl interface allows BLOB values to be transferred to user-defined functions
- Added the "transaction" method to the Tcl interface
- Allow the DEFAULT value of a column to call functions that have constant operands
- Added the ANALYZE command for gathering statistics on indices and using those statistics when picking an index in the optimizer
- Remove the limit (formerly 100) on the number of terms in the WHERE clause
- The right-hand side of the IN operator can now be a list of expressions instead of just a list of constants
- Rework the optimizer so that it is able to make better use of indices
- The order of tables in a join is adjusted automatically to make better use of indices
- The IN operator is now a candidate for optimization even if the left-hand side is not the left-most term of the index. Multiple IN operators can be used with the same index.
- WHERE clause expressions using BETWEEN and OR are now candidates for optimization
- Added the "case_sensitive_like" pragma and the SQLITE_CASE_SENSITIVE_LIKE compile-time option to set its default value to "on".
- Use indices to help with GLOB expressions and LIKE expressions too when the case_sensitive_like pragma is enabled
- Added support for grave-accent quoting for compatibility with MySQL
- Improved test coverage
- Dozens of minor bug fixes
2005-06-12 (3.2.2)
- Added the sqlite3_db_handle() API
- Added the sqlite3_get_autocommit() API
- Added a REGEXP operator to the parser. There is no function to back up this operator in the standard build but users can add their own using sqlite3_create_function()
- Speed improvements and library footprint reductions.
- Fix byte alignment problems on 64-bit architectures.
- Many, many minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
2005-03-29 (3.2.1)
- Fix a memory allocation error in the new ADD COLUMN comment.
- Documentation updates
2005-03-21 (3.2.0)
- Added support for ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN.
- Added support for the "T" separator in ISO-8601 date/time strings.
- Improved support for Cygwin.
- Numerous bug fixes and documentation updates.
2005-03-17 (3.1.6)
- Fix a bug that could cause database corruption when inserting record into tables with around 125 columns.
- sqlite3_step() is now much more likely to invoke the busy handler and less likely to return SQLITE_BUSY.
- Fix memory leaks that used to occur after a malloc() failure.
2005-03-11 (3.1.5)
- The ioctl on Mac OS X to control syncing to disk is F_FULLFSYNC, not F_FULLSYNC. The previous release had it wrong.
2005-03-11 (3.1.4)
- Fix a bug in autovacuum that could cause database corruption if a CREATE UNIQUE INDEX fails because of a constraint violation. This problem only occurs if the new autovacuum feature introduced in version 3.1 is turned on.
- The F_FULLSYNC ioctl (currently only supported on Mac OS X) is disabled if the synchronous pragma is set to something other than "full".
- Add additional forward compatibility to the future version 3.2 database file format.
- Fix a bug in WHERE clauses of the form (rowid
- New SQLITE_OMIT_... compile-time options added
- Updates to the man page
- Remove the use of strcasecmp() from the shell
- Windows DLL exports symbols Tclsqlite_Init and Sqlite_Init
2005-02-19 (3.1.3)
- Fix a problem with VACUUM on databases from which tables containing AUTOINCREMENT have been dropped.
- Add forward compatibility to the future version 3.2 database file format.
- Documentation updates
2005-02-15 (3.1.2)
- Fix a bug that can lead to database corruption if there are two open connections to the same database and one connection does a VACUUM and the second makes some change to the database.
- Allow "?" parameters in the LIMIT clause.
- Fix VACUUM so that it works with AUTOINCREMENT.
- Fix a race condition in AUTOVACUUM that can lead to corrupt databases
- Add a numeric version number to the sqlite3.h include file.
- Other minor bug fixes and performance enhancements.
2005-02-15 (2.8.16)
- Fix a bug that can lead to database corruption if there are two open connections to the same database and one connection does a VACUUM and the second makes some change to the database.
- Correctly handle quoted names in CREATE INDEX statements.
- Fix a naming conflict between sqlite.h and sqlite3.h.
- Avoid excess heap usage when copying expressions.
- Other minor bug fixes.
2005-02-01 (3.1.1 BETA)
- Automatic caching of prepared statements in the TCL interface
- ATTACH and DETACH as well as some other operations cause existing prepared statements to expire.
- Numerous minor bug fixes
2005-01-21 (3.1.0 ALPHA)
- Autovacuum support added
- Support for the EXISTS clause added.
- Support for correlated subqueries added.
- Added the ESCAPE clause on the LIKE operator.
- Support for ALTER TABLE ... RENAME TABLE ... added
- Many SQLITE_OMIT_ macros inserts to omit features at compile-time and reduce the library footprint.
- The REINDEX command was added.
- The engine no longer consults the main table if it can get all the information it needs from an index.
- Many nuisance bugs fixed.
2004-10-12 (3.0.8)
- Add support for DEFERRED, IMMEDIATE, and EXCLUSIVE transactions.
- Allow new user-defined functions to be created when there are already one or more precompiled SQL statements.
- Fix portability problems for MinGW/MSYS.
- Fix a byte alignment problem on 64-bit Sparc machines.
- Fix the ".import" command of the shell so that it ignores \r characters at the end of lines.
- The "csv" mode option in the shell puts strings inside double-quotes.
- Fix typos in documentation.
- Convert array constants in the code to have type "const".
- Numerous code optimizations, specially optimizations designed to make the code footprint smaller.
2004-09-18 (3.0.7)
- The BTree module allocates large buffers using malloc() instead of off of the stack, in order to play better on machines with limited stack space.
- Fixed naming conflicts so that versions 2.8 and 3.0 can be linked and used together in the same ANSI-C source file.
- New interface: sqlite3_bind_parameter_index()
- Add support for wildcard parameters of the form: "?nnn"
- Fix problems found on 64-bit systems.
- Removed encode.c file (containing unused routines) from the version 3.0 source tree.
- The sqlite3_trace() callbacks occur before each statement is executed, not when the statement is compiled.
- Makefile updates and miscellaneous bug fixes.
2004-09-02 (3.0.6 beta)
- Better detection and handling of corrupt database files.
- The sqlite3_step() interface returns SQLITE_BUSY if it is unable to commit a change because of a lock
- Combine the implementations of LIKE and GLOB into a single pattern-matching subroutine.
- Miscellaneous code size optimizations and bug fixes
2004-08-29 (3.0.5 beta)
- Support for ":AAA" style bind parameter names.
- Added the new sqlite3_bind_parameter_name() interface.
- Support for TCL variable names embedded in SQL statements in the TCL bindings.
- The TCL bindings transfer data without necessarily doing a conversion to a string.
- The database for TEMP tables is not created until it is needed.
- Add the ability to specify an alternative temporary file directory using the "sqlite_temp_directory" global variable.
- A compile-time option (SQLITE_BUSY_RESERVED_LOCK) causes the busy handler to be called when there is contention for a RESERVED lock.
- Various bug fixes and optimizations
2004-08-09 (3.0.4 beta)
- CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE now work correctly as prepared statements.
- Fix a bug in VACUUM and UNIQUE indices.
- Add the ".import" command to the command-line shell.
- Fix a bug that could cause index corruption when an attempt to delete rows of a table is blocked by a pending query.
- Library size optimizations.
- Other minor bug fixes.
2004-07-22 (2.8.15)
- This is a maintenance release only. Various minor bugs have been fixed and some portability enhancements are added.
2004-07-22 (3.0.3 beta)
- The second beta release for SQLite 3.0.
- Add support for "PRAGMA page_size" to adjust the page size of the database.
- Various bug fixes and documentation updates.
2004-06-30 (3.0.2 beta)
- The first beta release for SQLite 3.0.
2004-06-22 (3.0.1 alpha)
- *** Alpha Release - Research And Testing Use Only ***
- Lots of bug fixes.
2004-06-18 (3.0.0 alpha)
- *** Alpha Release - Research And Testing Use Only ***
- Support for internationalization including UTF-8, UTF-16, and user defined collating sequences.
- New file format that is 25% to 35% smaller for typical use.
- Improved concurrency.
- Atomic commits for ATTACHed databases.
- Remove cruft from the APIs.
- BLOB support.
- 64-bit rowids.
- More information.
2004-06-09 (2.8.14)
- Fix the min() and max() optimizer so that it works when the FROM clause consists of a subquery.
- Ignore extra whitespace at the end of of "." commands in the shell.
- Bundle sqlite_encode_binary() and sqlite_decode_binary() with the library.
- The TEMP_STORE and DEFAULT_TEMP_STORE pragmas now work.
- Code changes to compile cleanly using OpenWatcom.
- Fix VDBE stack overflow problems with INSTEAD OF triggers and NULLs in IN operators.
- Add the global variable sqlite_temp_directory which if set defines the directory in which temporary files are stored.
- sqlite_interrupt() plays well with VACUUM.
- Other minor bug fixes.
2004-03-08 (2.8.13)
- Refactor parts of the code in order to make the code footprint smaller. The code is now also a little bit faster.
- sqlite_exec() is now implemented as a wrapper around sqlite_compile() and sqlite_step().
- The built-in min() and max() functions now honor the difference between NUMERIC and TEXT datatypes. Formerly, min() and max() always assumed their arguments were of type NUMERIC.
- New HH:MM:SS modifier to the built-in date/time functions.
- Experimental sqlite_last_statement_changes() API added. Fixed the last_insert_rowid() function so that it works correctly with triggers.
- Add functions prototypes for the database encryption API.
- Fix several nuisance bugs.
2004-02-08 (2.8.12)
- Fix a bug that will might corrupt the rollback journal if a power failure or external program halt occurs in the middle of a COMMIT. The corrupt journal can lead to database corruption when it is rolled back.
- Reduce the size and increase the speed of various modules, especially the virtual machine.
- Allow "<expr> IN <table>" as a shorthand for "<expr> IN (SELECT * FROM <table>".
- Optimizations to the sqlite_mprintf() routine.
- Make sure the MIN() and MAX() optimizations work within subqueries.
2004-01-14 (2.8.11)
- Fix a bug in how the IN operator handles NULLs in subqueries. The bug was introduced by the previous release.
2004-01-14 (2.8.10)
- Fix a potential database corruption problem on Unix caused by the fact that all POSIX advisory locks are cleared whenever you close() a file. The work around it to embargo all close() calls while locks are outstanding.
- Performance enhancements on some corner cases of COUNT(*).
- Make sure the in-memory backend response sanely if malloc() fails.
- Allow sqlite_exec() to be called from within user-defined SQL functions.
- Improved accuracy of floating-point conversions using "long double".
- Bug fixes in the experimental date/time functions.
2004-01-06 (2.8.9)
- Fix a 32-bit integer overflow problem that could result in corrupt indices in a database if large negative numbers (less than -2147483648) were inserted into an indexed numeric column.
- Fix a locking problem on multi-threaded Linux implementations.
- Always use "." instead of "," as the decimal point even if the locale requests ",".
- Added UTC to localtime conversions to the experimental date/time functions.
- Bug fixes to date/time functions.
2003-12-18 (2.8.8)
- Fix a critical bug introduced into 2.8.0 which could cause database corruption.
- Fix a problem with 3-way joins that do not use indices
- The VACUUM command now works with the non-callback API
- Improvements to the "PRAGMA integrity_check" command
2003-12-04 (2.8.7)
- Added experimental sqlite_bind() and sqlite_reset() APIs.
- If the name of the database is an empty string, open a new database in a temporary file that is automatically deleted when the database is closed.
- Performance enhancements in the lemon-generated parser
- Experimental date/time functions revised.
- Disallow temporary indices on permanent tables.
- Documentation updates and typo fixes
- Added experimental sqlite_progress_handler() callback API
- Removed support for the Oracle8 outer join syntax.
- Allow GLOB and LIKE operators to work as functions.
- Other minor documentation and makefile changes and bug fixes.
2003-08-22 (2.8.6)
- Moved the CVS repository to
- Update the NULL-handling documentation.
- Experimental date/time functions added.
- Bug fix: correctly evaluate a view of a view without segfaulting.
- Bug fix: prevent database corruption if you dropped a trigger that had the same name as a table.
- Bug fix: allow a VACUUM (without segfaulting) on an empty database after setting the EMPTY_RESULT_CALLBACKS pragma.
- Bug fix: if an integer value will not fit in a 32-bit int, store it in a double instead.
- Bug fix: Make sure the journal file directory entry is committed to disk before writing the database file.
2003-07-22 (2.8.5)
- Make LIMIT work on a compound SELECT statement.
- LIMIT 0 now shows no rows. Use LIMIT -1 to see all rows.
- Correctly handle comparisons between an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY and a floating point number.
- Fix several important bugs in the new ATTACH and DETACH commands.
- Updated the NULL-handling document.
- Allow NULL arguments in sqlite_compile() and sqlite_step().
- Many minor bug fixes
2003-06-29 (2.8.4)
- Enhanced the "PRAGMA integrity_check" command to verify indices.
- Added authorization hooks for the new ATTACH and DETACH commands.
- Many documentation updates
- Many minor bug fixes
2003-06-04 (2.8.3)
- Fix a problem that will corrupt the indices on a table if you do an INSERT OR REPLACE or an UPDATE OR REPLACE on a table that contains an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY plus one or more indices.
- Fix a bug in Windows locking code so that locks work correctly when simultaneously accessed by Win95 and WinNT systems.
- Add the ability for INSERT and UPDATE statements to refer to the "rowid" (or "_rowid_" or "oid") columns.
- Other important bug fixes
2003-05-17 (2.8.2)
- Fix a problem that will corrupt the database file if you drop a table from the main database that has a TEMP index.
2003-05-17 (2.8.1)
- Reactivated the VACUUM command that reclaims unused disk space in a database file.
- Added the ATTACH and DETACH commands to allow interacting with multiple database files at the same time.
- Added support for TEMP triggers and indices.
- Added support for in-memory databases.
- Removed the experimental sqlite_open_aux_file(). Its function is subsumed in the new ATTACH command.
- The precedence order for ON CONFLICT clauses was changed so that ON CONFLICT clauses on BEGIN statements have a higher precedence than ON CONFLICT clauses on constraints.
- Many, many bug fixes and compatibility enhancements.
2003-02-16 (2.8.0)
- Modified the journal file format to make it more resistant to corruption that can occur after an OS crash or power failure.
- Added a new C/C++ API that does not use callback for returning data.
2003-01-25 (2.7.6)
- Performance improvements. The library is now much faster.
- Added the sqlite_set_authorizer() API. Formal documentation has not been written - see the source code comments for instructions on how to use this function.
- Fix a bug in the GLOB operator that was preventing it from working with upper-case letters.
- Various minor bug fixes.
2002-12-28 (2.7.5)
- Fix an uninitialized variable in pager.c which could (with a probability of about 1 in 4 billion) result in a corrupted database.
2002-12-17 (2.7.4)
- Database files can now grow to be up to 2^41 bytes. The old limit was 2^31 bytes.
- The optimizer will now scan tables in the reverse if doing so will satisfy an ORDER BY ... DESC clause.
- The full pathname of the database file is now remembered even if a relative path is passed into sqlite_open(). This allows the library to continue operating correctly after a chdir().
- Speed improvements in the VDBE.
- Lots of little bug fixes.
2002-10-31 (2.7.3)
- Various compiler compatibility fixes.
- Fix a bug in the "expr IN ()" operator.
- Accept column names in parentheses.
- Fix a problem with string memory management in the VDBE
- Fix a bug in the "table_info" pragma"
- Export the sqlite_function_type() API function in the Windows DLL
- Fix locking behavior under Windows
- Fix a bug in LEFT OUTER JOIN
2002-09-25 (2.7.2)
- Prevent journal file overflows on huge transactions.
- Fix a memory leak that occurred when sqlite_open() failed.
- Honor the ORDER BY and LIMIT clause of a SELECT even if the result set is used for an INSERT.
- Do not put write locks on the file used to hold TEMP tables.
- Added documentation on SELECT DISTINCT and on how SQLite handles NULLs.
- Fix a problem that was causing poor performance when many thousands of SQL statements were executed by a single sqlite_exec() call.
2002-08-31 (2.7.1)
- Fix a bug in the ORDER BY logic that was introduced in version 2.7.0
- C-style comments are now accepted by the tokenizer.
- INSERT runs a little faster when the source is a SELECT statement.
2002-08-25 (2.7.0)
- Make a distinction between numeric and text values when sorting. Text values sort according to memcmp(). Numeric values sort in numeric order.
- Allow multiple simultaneous readers under Windows by simulating the reader/writers locks that are missing from Win95/98/ME.
- An error is now returned when trying to start a transaction if another transaction is already active.
2002-08-13 (2.6.3)
- Add the ability to read both little-endian and big-endian databases. So a database created under SunOS or Mac OS X can be read and written under Linux or Windows and vice versa.
- Convert to the new website:
- Allow transactions to span Linux Threads
- Bug fix in the processing of the ORDER BY clause for GROUP BY queries
2002-07-31 (2.6.2)
- Text files read by the COPY command can now have line terminators of LF, CRLF, or CR.
- SQLITE_BUSY is handled correctly if encountered during database initialization.
- Fix to UPDATE triggers on TEMP tables.
- Documentation updates.
2002-07-19 (2.6.1)
- Include a static string in the library that responds to the RCS "ident" command and which contains the library version number.
- Fix an assertion failure that occurred when deleting all rows of a table with the "count_changes" pragma turned on.
- Better error reporting when problems occur during the automatic 2.5.6 to 2.6.0 database format upgrade.
2002-07-18 (2.6.0)
- Change the format of indices to correct a design flaw the originated with version 2.1.0. *** This is an incompatible file format change *** When version 2.6.0 or later of the library attempts to open a database file created by version 2.5.6 or earlier, it will automatically and irreversibly convert the file format. Make backup copies of older database files before opening them with version 2.6.0 of the library.
2002-07-07 (2.5.6)
- Fix more problems with rollback. Enhance the test suite to exercise the rollback logic extensively in order to prevent any future problems.
2002-07-06 (2.5.5)
- Fix a bug which could cause database corruption during a rollback. This bugs was introduced in version 2.4.0 by the freelist optimization of checkin 410.
- Fix a bug in aggregate functions for VIEWs.
- Other minor changes and enhancements.
2002-07-01 (2.5.4)
- Make the "AS" keyword optional again.
- The datatype of columns now appear in the 4th argument to the callback.
- Added the sqlite_open_aux_file() API, though it is still mostly undocumented and untested.
- Added additional test cases and fixed a few bugs that those test cases found.
2002-06-25 (2.5.3)
- Bug fix: Database corruption can occur due to the optimization that was introduced in version 2.4.0 (check-in 410). The problem should now be fixed. The use of versions 2.4.0 through 2.5.2 is not recommended.
2002-06-25 (2.5.2)
- Added the new SQLITE_TEMP_MASTER table which records the schema for temporary tables in the same way that SQLITE_MASTER does for persistent tables.
- Added an optimization to UNION ALL
- Fixed a bug in the processing of LEFT OUTER JOIN
- The LIMIT clause now works on subselects
- ORDER BY works on subselects
- There is a new TypeOf() function used to determine if an expression is numeric or text.
- Autoincrement now works for INSERT from a SELECT.
2002-06-19 (2.5.1)
- The query optimizer now attempts to implement the ORDER BY clause using an index. Sorting is still used if not suitable index is available.
2002-06-17 (2.5.0)
- Added support for row triggers.
- Added SQL-92 compliant handling of NULLs.
- Add support for the full SQL-92 join syntax and LEFT OUTER JOINs.
- Double-quoted strings interpreted as column names not text literals.
- Parse (but do not implement) foreign keys.
- Performance improvements in the parser, pager, and WHERE clause code generator.
- Make the LIMIT clause work on subqueries. (ORDER BY still does not work, though.)
- Added the "%Q" expansion to sqlite_*_printf().
- Bug fixes too numerous to mention (see the change log).
2002-05-10 (2.4.12)
- Added logic to detect when the library API routines are called out of sequence.
2002-05-08 (2.4.11)
- Bug fix: Column names in the result set were not being generated correctly for some (rather complex) VIEWs. This could cause a segfault under certain circumstances.
2002-05-03 (2.4.10)
- Bug fix: Generate correct column headers when a compound SELECT is used as a subquery.
- Added the sqlite_encode_binary() and sqlite_decode_binary() functions to the source tree. But they are not yet linked into the library.
- Documentation updates.
- Export the sqlite_changes() function from Windows DLLs.
- Bug fix: Do not attempt the subquery flattening optimization on queries that lack a FROM clause. To do so causes a segfault.
2002-04-22 (2.4.9)
- Fix a bug that was causing the precompiled binary of SQLITE.EXE to report "out of memory" under Windows 98.
2002-04-20 (2.4.8)
- Make sure VIEWs are created after their corresponding TABLEs in the output of the .dump command in the shell.
- Speed improvements: Do not do synchronous updates on TEMP tables.
- Many improvements and enhancements to the shell.
- Make the GLOB and LIKE operators functions that can be overridden by a programmer. This allows, for example, the LIKE operator to be changed to be case sensitive.
2002-04-12 (2.4.7)
- Add the ability to put TABLE.* in the column list of a SELECT statement.
- Permit SELECT statements without a FROM clause.
- Added the last_insert_rowid() SQL function.
- Do not count rows where the IGNORE conflict resolution occurs in the row count.
- Make sure functions expressions in the VALUES clause of an INSERT are correct.
- Added the sqlite_changes() API function to return the number of row that changed in the most recent operation.
2002-04-02 (2.4.6)
- Bug fix: Correctly handle terms in the WHERE clause of a join that do not contain a comparison operator.
2002-04-02 (2.4.5)
- Bug fix: Correctly handle functions that appear in the WHERE clause of a join.
- When the PRAGMA vdbe_trace=ON is set, correctly print the P3 operand value when it is a pointer to a structure rather than a pointer to a string.
- When inserting an explicit NULL into an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, convert the NULL value into a unique key automatically.
2002-03-30 (2.4.4)
- Allow "VIEW" to be a column name
- Added support for CASE expressions (patch from Dan Kennedy)
- Added RPMS to the delivery (patches from Doug Henry)
- Fix typos in the documentation
- Cut over configuration management to a new CVS repository with its own CVSTrac bug tracking system.
2002-03-23 (2.4.3)
- Fix a bug in SELECT that occurs when a compound SELECT is used as a subquery in the FROM of a SELECT.
- The sqlite_get_table() function now returns an error if you give it two or more SELECTs that return different numbers of columns.
2002-03-20 (2.4.2)
- Bug fix: Fix an assertion failure that occurred when ROWID was a column in a SELECT statement on a view.
- Bug fix: Fix an uninitialized variable in the VDBE that would could an assert failure.
- Make the os.h header file more robust in detecting when the compile is for Windows and when it is for Unix.
2002-03-13 (2.4.1)
- Using an unnamed subquery in a FROM clause would cause a segfault.
- The parser now insists on seeing a semicolon or the end of input before executing a statement. This avoids an accidental disaster if the WHERE keyword is misspelled in an UPDATE or DELETE statement.
2002-03-11 (2.4.0)
- Change the name of the sanity_check PRAGMA to integrity_check and make it available in all compiles.
- SELECT min() or max() of an indexed column with no WHERE or GROUP BY clause is handled as a special case which avoids a complete table scan.
- Automatically generated ROWIDs are now sequential.
- Do not allow dot-commands of the command-line shell to occur in the middle of a real SQL command.
- Modifications to the "lemon" parser generator so that the parser tables are 4 times smaller.
- Added support for user-defined functions implemented in C.
- Added support for new functions: coalesce(), lower(), upper(), and random()
- Added support for VIEWs.
- Added the subquery flattening optimizer.
- Modified the B-Tree and Pager modules so that disk pages that do not contain real data (free pages) are not journaled and are not written from memory back to the disk when they change. This does not impact database integrity, since the pages contain no real data, but it does make large INSERT operations about 2.5 times faster and large DELETEs about 5 times faster.
- Made the CACHE_SIZE pragma persistent
- Added the SYNCHRONOUS pragma
- Fixed a bug that was causing updates to fail inside of transactions when the database contained a temporary table.
2002-02-19 (2.3.3)
- Allow identifiers to be quoted in square brackets, for compatibility with MS-Access.
- Added support for sub-queries in the FROM clause of a SELECT.
- More efficient implementation of sqliteFileExists() under Windows. (by Joel Luscy)
- The VALUES clause of an INSERT can now contain expressions, including scalar SELECT clauses.
- Added support for CREATE TABLE AS SELECT
- Bug fix: Creating and dropping a table all within a single transaction was not working.
2002-02-14 (2.3.2)
- Bug fix: There was an incorrect assert() in pager.c. The real code was all correct (as far as is known) so everything should work OK if you compile with -DNDEBUG=1. When asserts are not disabled, there could be a fault.
2002-02-13 (2.3.1)
- Bug fix: An assertion was failing if "PRAGMA full_column_names=ON;" was set and you did a query that used a rowid, like this: "SELECT rowid, * FROM ...".
2002-02-03 (2.3.0)
- Fix a serious bug in the INSERT command which was causing data to go into the wrong columns if the data source was a SELECT and the INSERT clauses specified its columns in some order other than the default.
- Added the ability to resolve constraint conflicts is ways other than an abort and rollback. See the documentation on the "ON CONFLICT" clause for details.
- Temporary files are now automatically deleted by the operating system when closed. There are no more dangling temporary files on a program crash. (If the OS crashes, fsck will delete the file after reboot under Unix. I do not know what happens under Windows.)
- NOT NULL constraints are honored.
- The COPY command puts NULLs in columns whose data is '\N'.
- In the COPY command, backslash can now be used to escape a newline.
- Added the SANITY_CHECK pragma.
2002-01-28 (2.2.5)
- Important bug fix: the IN operator was not working if either the left-hand or right-hand side was derived from an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY.
- Do not escape the backslash '\' character in the output of the sqlite command-line access program.
2002-01-22 (2.2.4)
- The label to the right of an AS in the column list of a SELECT can now be used as part of an expression in the WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, and/or HAVING clauses.
- Fix a bug in the -separator command-line option to the sqlite command.
- Fix a problem with the sort order when comparing upper-case strings against characters greater than 'Z' but less than 'a'.
- Report an error if an ORDER BY or GROUP BY expression is constant.
2002-01-16 (2.2.3)
- Fix warning messages in VC++ 7.0. (Patches from nicolas352001)
- Make the library thread-safe. (The code is there and appears to work but has not been stressed.)
- Added the new sqlite_last_insert_rowid() API function.
2002-01-14 (2.2.2)
- Bug fix: An assertion was failing when a temporary table with an index had the same name as a permanent table created by a separate process.
- Bug fix: Updates to tables containing an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY and an index could fail.
2002-01-09 (2.2.1)
- Bug fix: An attempt to delete a single row of a table with a WHERE clause of "ROWID=x" when no such rowid exists was causing an error.
- Bug fix: Passing in a NULL as the 3rd parameter to sqlite_open() would sometimes cause a coredump.
- Bug fix: DROP TABLE followed by a CREATE TABLE with the same name all within a single transaction was causing a coredump.
- Makefile updates from A. Rottmann
2001-12-22 (2.2.0)
- Columns of type INTEGER PRIMARY KEY are actually used as the primary key in underlying B-Tree representation of the table.
- Several obscure, unrelated bugs were found and fixed while implemented the integer primary key change of the previous bullet.
- Added the ability to specify "*" as part of a larger column list in the result section of a SELECT statement. For example: "SELECT rowid, * FROM table1;".
- Updates to comments and documentation.
2001-12-15 (2.1.7)
- Fix a bug in CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE which was causing the table to be initially allocated in the main database file instead of in the separate temporary file. This bug could cause the library to suffer an assertion failure and it could cause "page leaks" in the main database file.
- Fix a bug in the b-tree subsystem that could sometimes cause the first row of a table to be repeated during a database scan.
2001-12-14 (2.1.6)
- Fix the locking mechanism yet again to prevent sqlite_exec() from returning SQLITE_PROTOCOL unnecessarily. This time the bug was a race condition in the locking code. This change affects both POSIX and Windows users.
2001-12-06 (2.1.5)
- Fix for another problem (unrelated to the one fixed in 2.1.4) that sometimes causes sqlite_exec() to return SQLITE_PROTOCOL unnecessarily. This time the bug was in the POSIX locking code and should not effect Windows users.
2001-12-05 (2.1.4)
- Sometimes sqlite_exec() would return SQLITE_PROTOCOL when it should have returned SQLITE_BUSY.
- The fix to the previous bug uncovered a deadlock which was also fixed.
- Add the ability to put a single .command in the second argument of the sqlite shell
- Updates to the FAQ
2001-11-24 (2.1.3)
- Fix the behavior of comparison operators (ex: "<", "==", etc.) so that they are consistent with the order of entries in an index.
- Correct handling of integers in SQL expressions that are larger than what can be represented by the machine integer.
2001-11-23 (2.1.2)
- Changes to support 64-bit architectures.
- Fix a bug in the locking protocol.
- Fix a bug that could (rarely) cause the database to become unreadable after a DROP TABLE due to corruption to the SQLITE_MASTER table.
- Change the code so that version 2.1.1 databases that were rendered unreadable by the above bug can be read by this version of the library even though the SQLITE_MASTER table is (slightly) corrupted.
2001-11-13 (2.1.1)
- Bug fix: Sometimes arbitrary strings were passed to the callback function when the actual value of a column was NULL.
2001-11-12 (2.1.0)
- Change the format of data records so that records up to 16MB in size can be stored.
- Change the format of indices to allow for better query optimization.
- Implement the "LIMIT ... OFFSET ..." clause on SELECT statements.
2001-11-03 (2.0.8)
- Made selected parameters in API functions const. This should be fully backwards compatible.
- Documentation updates
- Simplify the design of the VDBE by restricting the number of sorters and lists to 1. In practice, no more than one sorter and one list was ever used anyhow.
2001-10-22 (2.0.7)
- Any UTF-8 character or ISO8859 character can be used as part of an identifier.
- Patches from Christian Werner to improve ODBC compatibility and to fix a bug in the round() function.
- Plug some memory leaks that use to occur if malloc() failed. We have been and continue to be memory leak free as long as malloc() works.
- Changes to some test scripts so that they work on Windows in addition to Unix.
2001-10-19 (2.0.6)
- Support for UTF-8 and ISO8859 characters in column and table names.
- Bug fix: Compute correct table names with the FULL_COLUMN_NAMES pragma is turned on.
2001-10-15 (2.0.5)
- Added the COUNT_CHANGES pragma.
- Changes to the FULL_COLUMN_NAMES pragma to help out the ODBC driver.
- Bug fix: "SELECT count(*)" was returning NULL for empty tables. Now it returns 0.
2001-10-13 (2.0.4)
- Bug fix: an obscure and relatively harmless bug was causing one of the tests to fail when gcc optimizations are turned on. This release fixes the problem.
2001-10-13 (2.0.3)
- Bug fix: the sqlite_busy_timeout() function was delaying 1000 times too long before failing.
- Bug fix: an assertion was failing if the disk holding the database file became full or stopped accepting writes for some other reason. New tests were added to detect similar problems in the future.
- Added new operators: & (bitwise-and) | (bitwise-or), ~ (ones-complement), << (shift left), >> (shift right).
- Added new functions: round() and abs().
2001-10-09 (2.0.2)
- Fix two bugs in the locking protocol. (One was masking the other.)
- Removed some unused "#include " that were causing problems for VC++.
- Fixed sqlite.h so that it is usable from C++
- Added the FULL_COLUMN_NAMES pragma. When set to "ON", the names of columns are reported back as TABLE.COLUMN instead of just COLUMN.
- Added the TABLE_INFO() and INDEX_INFO() pragmas to help support the ODBC interface.
- Added support for TEMPORARY tables and indices.
2001-10-02 (2.0.1)
- Remove some C++ style comments from btree.c so that it will compile using compilers other than gcc.
- The ".dump" output from the shell does not work if there are embedded newlines anywhere in the data. This is an old bug that was carried forward from version 1.0. To fix it, the ".dump" output no longer uses the COPY command. It instead generates INSERT statements.
- Extend the expression syntax to support "expr NOT NULL" (with a space between the "NOT" and the "NULL") in addition to "expr NOTNULL" (with no space).
2001-09-28 (2.0.0)
- Automatically build binaries for Linux and Windows and put them on the website.
2001-09-28 (2.0-alpha-4)
- Incorporate makefile patches form A. Rottmann to use LIBTOOL
2001-09-27 (2.0-alpha-3)
- SQLite now honors the UNIQUE keyword in CREATE UNIQUE INDEX. Primary keys are required to be unique.
- File format changed back to what it was for alpha-1
- Fixes to the rollback and locking behavior
2001-09-20 (2.0-alpha-2)
- Initial release of version 2.0. The idea of renaming the library to "SQLus" was abandoned in favor of keeping the "SQLite" name and bumping the major version number.
- The pager and btree subsystems added back. They are now the only available backend.
- The Dbbe abstraction and the GDBM and memory drivers were removed.
- Copyright on all code was disclaimed. The library is now in the public domain.
2001-07-23 (1.0.32)
- Pager and btree subsystems removed. These will be used in a follow-on SQL server library named "SQLus".
- Add the ability to use quoted strings as table and column names in expressions.
2001-04-15 (1.0.31)
- Pager subsystem added but not yet used.
- More robust handling of out-of-memory errors.
- New tests added to the test suite.
2001-04-06 (1.0.30)
- Remove the sqlite_encoding TCL variable that was introduced in the previous version.
- Add options -encoding and -tcl-uses-utf to the sqlite TCL command.
- Add tests to make sure that tclsqlite was compiled using Tcl header files and libraries that match.
2001-04-05 (1.0.29)
- The library now assumes data is stored as UTF-8 if the --enable-utf8 option is given to configure. The default behavior is to assume iso8859-x, as it has always done. This only makes a difference for LIKE and GLOB operators and the LENGTH and SUBSTR functions.
- If the library is not configured for UTF-8 and the Tcl library is one of the newer ones that uses UTF-8 internally, then a conversion from UTF-8 to iso8859 and back again is done inside the TCL interface.
2001-04-04 (1.0.28)
- Added limited support for transactions. At this point, transactions will do table locking on the GDBM backend. There is no support (yet) for rollback or atomic commit.
- Added special column names ROWID, OID, and _ROWID_ that refer to the unique random integer key associated with every row of every table.
- Additional tests added to the regression suite to cover the new ROWID feature and the TCL interface bugs mentioned below.
- Changes to the "lemon" parser generator to help it work better when compiled using MSVC.
- Bug fixes in the TCL interface identified by Oleg Oleinick.
2001-03-20 (1.0.27)
- When doing DELETE and UPDATE, the library used to write the record numbers of records to be deleted or updated into a temporary file. This is changed so that the record numbers are held in memory.
- The DELETE command without a WHILE clause just removes the database files from the disk, rather than going through and deleting record by record.
2001-03-20 (1.0.26)
- A serious bug fixed on Windows. Windows users should upgrade. No impact to Unix.
2001-03-15 (1.0.25)
- Modify the test scripts to identify tests that depend on system load and processor speed and to warn the user that a failure of one of those (rare) tests does not necessarily mean the library is malfunctioning. No changes to code.
2001-03-14 (1.0.24)
- Fix a bug which was causing the UPDATE command to fail on systems where "malloc(0)" returns NULL. The problem does not appear on Windows, Linux, or HPUX but does cause the library to fail on QNX.
2001-02-20 (1.0.23)
- An unrelated (and minor) bug from Mark Muranwski fixed. The algorithm for figuring out where to put temporary files for a "memory:" database was not working quite right.
2001-02-19 (1.0.22)
- The previous fix was not quite right. This one seems to work better.
2001-02-19 (1.0.21)
- The UPDATE statement was not working when the WHERE clause contained some terms that could be satisfied using indices and other terms that could not. Fixed.
2001-02-11 (1.0.20)
- Merge development changes into the main trunk. Future work toward using a BTree file structure will use a separate CVS source tree. This CVS tree will continue to support the GDBM version of SQLite only.
2001-02-06 (1.0.19)
- Fix a strange (but valid) C declaration that was causing problems for QNX. No logical changes.
2001-01-04 (1.0.18)
- Print the offending SQL statement when an error occurs.
- Do not require commas between constraints in CREATE TABLE statements.
- Added the "-echo" option to the shell.
- Changes to comments.
2000-12-10 (1.0.17)
- Rewrote sqlite_complete() to make it faster.
- Minor tweaks to other code to make it run a little faster.
- Added new tests for sqlite_complete() and for memory leaks.
2000-11-28 (1.0.16)
- Documentation updates. Mostly fixing of typos and spelling errors.
2000-10-23 (1.0.15)
- Documentation updates
- Some sanity checking code was removed from the inner loop of vdbe.c to help the library to run a little faster. The code is only removed if you compile with -DNDEBUG.
2000-10-19 (1.0.14)
- Added a "memory:" backend driver that stores its database in an in-memory hash table.
2000-10-19 (1.0.13)
- Break out the GDBM driver into a separate file in anticipation to added new drivers.
- Allow the name of a database to be prefixed by the driver type. For now, the only driver type is "gdbm:".
2000-10-17 (1.0.12)
- Fixed an off-by-one error that was causing a coredump in the '%q' format directive of the new sqlite_..._printf() routines.
- Added the sqlite_interrupt() interface.
- In the shell, sqlite_interrupt() is invoked when the user presses Control-C
- Fixed some instances where sqlite_exec() was returning the wrong error code.
2000-10-11 (1.0.10)
- Added notes on how to compile for Windows95/98.
- Removed a few variables that were not being used. Etc.
2000-10-09 (1.0.9)
- Added the sqlite_..._printf() interface routines.
- Modified the sqlite shell program to use the new interface routines.
- Modified the sqlite shell program to print the schema for the built-in SQLITE_MASTER table, if explicitly requested.
2000-09-30 (1.0.8)
- Begin writing documentation on the TCL interface.
2000-09-29 (Not Released)
- Added the sqlite_get_table() API
- Updated the documentation for due to the above change.
- Modified the sqlite shell to make use of the new sqlite_get_table() API in order to print a list of tables in multiple columns, similar to the way "ls" prints filenames.
- Modified the sqlite shell to print a semicolon at the end of each CREATE statement in the output of the ".schema" command.
2000-09-21 (Not Released)
- Change the tclsqlite "eval" method to return a list of results if no callback script is specified.
- Change tclsqlite.c to use the Tcl_Obj interface
- Add tclsqlite.c to the libsqlite.a library
2000-09-14 (1.0.5)
- Changed the print format for floating point values from "%g" to "%.15g".
- Changed the comparison function so that numbers in exponential notation (ex: 1.234e+05) sort in numerical order.
2000-08-28 (1.0.4)
- Added functions length() and substr().
- Fix a bug in the sqlite shell program that was causing a coredump when the output mode was "column" and the first row of data contained a NULL.
2000-08-22 (1.0.3)
- In the sqlite shell, print the "Database opened READ ONLY" message to stderr instead of stdout.
- In the sqlite shell, now print the version number on initial startup.
- Add the sqlite_version[] string constant to the library
- Makefile updates
- Bug fix: incorrect VDBE code was being generated for the following circumstance: a query on an indexed table containing a WHERE clause with an IN operator that had a subquery on its right-hand side.
2000-08-18 (1.0.1)
- Fix a bug in the configure script.
- Minor revisions to the website.
2000-08-17 (1.0)
- Change the sqlite program so that it can read databases for which it lacks write permission. (It used to refuse all access if it could not write.)
- Treat carriage returns as white space.
- Added pattern matching to the ".table" command in the "sqlite" command shell.
- Documentation updates
- Added "busy" and "timeout" methods to the Tcl interface
- File format version number was being stored in sqlite_master.tcl multiple times. This was harmless, but unnecessary. It is now fixed.
- The file format for indices was changed slightly in order to work around an inefficiency that can sometimes come up with GDBM when there are large indices having many entries with the same key. ** Incompatible Change **
- The parser's stack was overflowing on a very long UPDATE statement. This is now fixed.
- Finish the VDBE tutorial.
- Added documentation on compiling to WinNT.
- Fix a configuration program for WinNT.
- Fix a configuration problem for HPUX.
- Better labels on column names of the result.
- Added the sqlite_busy_handler() and sqlite_busy_timeout() interface.
- Begin writing the VDBE tutorial.
- Clean up comments and variable names. Changes to documentation. No functional changes to the code.
- Column names in UPDATE statements were case sensitive. This mistake has now been fixed.
- Added the concatenate string operator (||)
- Added the fcnt() function to the SQL interpreter. The fcnt() function returns the number of database "Fetch" operations that have occurred. This function is designed for use in test scripts to verify that queries are efficient and appropriately optimized. Fcnt() has no other useful purpose, as far as I know.
- Added a bunch more tests that take advantage of the new fcnt() function. The new tests did not uncover any new problems.
- Added lots of new test cases
- Fix a few bugs discovered while adding test cases
- Begin adding lots of new documentation
- Added compound select operators: UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT
- Added support for using (SELECT ...) within expressions
- Added support for IN and BETWEEN operators
- Added support for GROUP BY and HAVING
- NULL values are now reported to the callback as a NULL pointer rather than an empty string.
- Added support for default values on columns of a table.
- Improved test coverage. Fixed a few obscure bugs found by the improved tests.
- All database files to be modified by an UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE are now locked before any changes are made to any files. This makes it safe (I think) to access the same database simultaneously from multiple processes.
- The code appears stable so we are now calling it "beta".
- Better support for file locking so that two or more processes (or threads) can access the same database simultaneously. More work needed in this area, though.
- Added support for aggregate functions (Ex: COUNT(*), MIN(...)) to the SELECT statement.
- Added support for SELECT DISTINCT ...
- Added the LIKE operator.
- Added a GLOB operator: similar to LIKE but it uses Unix shell globbing wildcards instead of the '%' and '_' wildcards of SQL.
- Added the COPY command patterned after PostgreSQL so that SQLite can now read the output of the pg_dump database dump utility of PostgreSQL.
- Added a VACUUM command that calls the gdbm_reorganize() function on the underlying database files.
- And many, many bug fixes...
- Initial Public Release of Alpha code
SQLite is in the Public Domain.