配置 | Configuration
webpack通过一个配置对象进行馈送。它以两种方式之一传递,具体取决于您如何使用webpack:通过终端或通过Node.js. 以下指定了所有可用的配置选项。
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
entry: "./app/entry", // string | object | array entry: ["./app/entry1", "./app/entry2"],
entry: {
a: "./app/entry-a",
b: ["./app/entry-b1", "./app/entry-b2"]
// Here the application starts executing
// and webpack starts bundling
output: {
// options related to how webpack emits results
path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"), // string
// the target directory for all output files
// must be an absolute path (use the Node.js path module)
filename: "bundle.js", // string filename: "[name].js", // for multiple entry points
filename: "[chunkhash].js", // for long term caching
// the filename template for entry chunks
publicPath: "/assets/", // string publicPath: "",
publicPath: "https://cdn.example.com/",
// the url to the output directory resolved relative to the HTML page
library: "MyLibrary", // string,
// the name of the exported library
libraryTarget: "umd", // universal module definition libraryTarget: "umd2", // universal module definition
libraryTarget: "commonjs2", // exported with module.exports
libraryTarget: "commonjs", // exported as properties to exports
libraryTarget: "amd", // defined with AMD defined method
libraryTarget: "this", // property set on this
libraryTarget: "var", // variable defined in root scope
libraryTarget: "assign", // blind assignment
libraryTarget: "window", // property set to window object
libraryTarget: "global", // property set to global object
libraryTarget: "jsonp", // jsonp wrapper
// the type of the exported library
/* Advanced output configuration */
pathinfo: true, // boolean
// include useful path info about modules, exports, requests, etc. into the generated code
chunkFilename: "[id].js",
chunkFilename: "[chunkhash].js", // for long term caching
// the filename template for additional chunks
jsonpFunction: "myWebpackJsonp", // string
// name of the JSONP function used to load chunks
sourceMapFilename: "[file].map", // string
sourceMapFilename: "sourcemaps/[file].map", // string
// the filename template of the source map location
devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate: "webpack:///[resource-path]", // string
// the name template for modules in a devtool
devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate: "webpack:///[resource-path]?[hash]", // string
// the name template for modules in a devtool (used for conflicts)
umdNamedDefine: true, // boolean
// use a named AMD module in UMD library
crossOriginLoading: "use-credentials", // enum
crossOriginLoading: "anonymous",
crossOriginLoading: false,
// specifies how cross origin request are issued by the runtime
/* Expert output configuration (on own risk) */
devtoolLineToLine: {
test: /\.jsx$/
// use a simple 1:1 mapped SourceMaps for these modules (faster)
hotUpdateMainFilename: "[hash].hot-update.json", // string
// filename template for HMR manifest
hotUpdateChunkFilename: "[id].[hash].hot-update.js", // string
// filename template for HMR chunks
sourcePrefix: "\t", // string
// prefix module sources in bundle for better readablitity
module: {
// configuration regarding modules
rules: [
// rules for modules (configure loaders, parser options, etc.)
test: /\.jsx?$/,
include: [
path.resolve(__dirname, "app")
exclude: [
path.resolve(__dirname, "app/demo-files")
// these are matching conditions, each accepting a regular expression or string
// test and include have the same behavior, both must be matched
// exclude must not be matched (takes preferrence over test and include)
// Best practices:
// - Use RegExp only in test and for filename matching
// - Use arrays of absolute paths in include and exclude
// - Try to avoid exclude and prefer include
issuer: { test, include, exclude },
// conditions for the issuer (the origin of the import)
enforce: "pre",
enforce: "post",
// flags to apply these rules, even if they are overridden (advanced option)
loader: "babel-loader",
// the loader which should be applied, it'll be resolved relative to the context
// -loader suffix is no longer optional in webpack2 for clarity reasons
// see webpack 1 upgrade guide
options: {
presets: ["es2015"]
// options for the loader
test: /\.html$/,
use: [
// apply multiple loaders and options
loader: "html-loader",
options: {
/* ... */
{ oneOf: [ /* rules */ ] },
// only use one of these nested rules
{ rules: [ /* rules */ ] },
// use all of these nested rules (combine with conditions to be useful)
{ resource: { and: [ /* conditions */ ] } },
// matches only if all conditions are matched
{ resource: { or: [ /* conditions */ ] } },
{ resource: [ /* conditions */ ] },
// matches if any condition is matched (default for arrays)
{ resource: { not: /* condition */ } }
// matches if the condition is not matched
/* Advanced module configuration */
noParse: [
// do not parse this module
unknownContextRequest: ".",
unknownContextRecursive: true,
unknownContextRegExp: /^\.\/.*$/,
unknownContextCritical: true,
exprContextRequest: ".",
exprContextRegExp: /^\.\/.*$/,
exprContextRecursive: true,
exprContextCritical: true,
wrappedContextRegExp: /.*/,
wrappedContextRecursive: true,
wrappedContextCritical: false,
// specifies default behavior for dynamic requests
resolve: {
// options for resolving module requests
// (does not apply to resolving to loaders)
modules: [
path.resolve(__dirname, "app")
// directories where to look for modules
extensions: [".js", ".json", ".jsx", ".css"],
// extensions that are used
alias: {
// a list of module name aliases
"module": "new-module",
// alias "module" -> "new-module" and "module/path/file" -> "new-module/path/file"
"only-module$": "new-module",
// alias "only-module" -> "new-module", but not "only-module/path/file" -> "new-module/path/file"
"module": path.resolve(__dirname, "app/third/module.js"),
// alias "module" -> "./app/third/module.js" and "module/file" results in error
// modules aliases are imported relative to the current context
/* alternative alias syntax */ alias: [
name: "module",
// the old request
alias: "new-module",
// the new request
onlyModule: true
// if true only "module" is aliased
// if false "module/inner/path" is also aliased
/* Advanced resolve configuration */
symlinks: true,
// follow symlinks to new location
descriptionFiles: ["package.json"],
// files that are read for package description
mainFields: ["main"],
// properties that are read from description file
// when a folder is requested
aliasFields: ["browser"],
// properites that are read from description file
// to alias requests in this package
enforceExtension: false,
// if true request must not include an extensions
// if false request may already include an extension
moduleExtensions: ["-module"],
enforceModuleExtension: false,
// like extensions/enforceExtension but for module names instead of files
unsafeCache: true,
unsafeCache: {},
// enables caching for resolved requests
// this is unsafe as folder structure may change
// but performance improvement is really big
cachePredicate: (path, request) => true,
// predicate function which selects requests for caching
plugins: [
// ...
// additional plugins applied to the resolver
performance: {
hints: "warning", // enum hints: "error", // emit errors for perf hints
hints: false, // turn off perf hints
maxAssetSize: 200000, // int (in bytes),
maxEntrypointSize: 400000, // int (in bytes)
assetFilter: function(assetFilename) {
// Function predicate that provides asset filenames
return assetFilename.endsWith('.css') || assetFilename.endsWith('.js');
devtool: "source-map", // enum devtool: "inline-source-map", // inlines SourceMap into original file
devtool: "eval-source-map", // inlines SourceMap per module
devtool: "hidden-source-map", // SourceMap without reference in original file
devtool: "cheap-source-map", // cheap-variant of SourceMap without module mappings
devtool: "cheap-module-source-map", // cheap-variant of SourceMap with module mappings
devtool: "eval", // no SourceMap, but named modules. Fastest at the expense of detail.
// enhance debugging by adding meta info for the browser devtools
// source-map most detailed at the expense of build speed.
context: __dirname, // string (absolute path!)
// the home directory for webpack
// the entry and module.rules.loader option
// is resolved relative to this directory
target: "web", // enum target: "webworker", // WebWorker
target: "node", // Node.js via require
target: "async-node", // Node.js via fs and vm
target: "node-webkit", // nw.js
target: "electron-main", // electron, main process
target: "electron-renderer", // electron, renderer process
target: (compiler) => { /* ... */ }, // custom
// the environment in which the bundle should run
// changes chunk loading behavior and available modules
externals: ["react", /^@angular\//], externals: "react", // string (exact match)
externals: /^[a-z\-]+($|\/)/, // Regex
externals: { // object
angular: "this angular", // this["angular"]
react: { // UMD
commonjs: "react",
commonjs2: "react",
amd: "react",
root: "React"
externals: (request) => { /* ... */ return "commonjs " + request }
// Don't follow/bundle these modules, but request them at runtime from the environment
stats: "errors-only", stats: { //object
assets: true,
colors: true,
errors: true,
errorDetails: true,
hash: true,
// ...
// lets you precisely control what bundle information gets displayed
devServer: {
proxy: { // proxy URLs to backend development server
'/api': 'http://localhost:3000'
contentBase: path.join(__dirname, 'public'), // boolean | string | array, static file location
compress: true, // enable gzip compression
historyApiFallback: true, // true for index.html upon 404, object for multiple paths
hot: true, // hot module replacement. Depends on HotModuleReplacementPlugin
https: false, // true for self-signed, object for cert authority
noInfo: true, // only errors & warns on hot reload
// ...
plugins: [
// ...
// list of additional plugins
/* Advanced configuration */
resolveLoader: { /* same as resolve */ }
// separate resolve options for loaders
parallelism: 1, // number
// limit the number of parallel processed modules
profile: true, // boolean
// capture timing information
bail: true, //boolean
// fail out on the first error instead of tolerating it.
cache: false, // boolean
// disable/enable caching
watch: true, // boolean
// enables watching
watchOptions: {
aggregateTimeout: 1000, // in ms
// aggregates multiple changes to a single rebuild
poll: true,
poll: 500, // intervall in ms
// enables polling mode for watching
// must be used on filesystems that doesn't notify on change
// i. e. nfs shares
node: {
// Polyfills and mocks to run Node.js-
// environment code in non-Node environments.
console: false, // boolean | "mock"
global: true, // boolean | "mock"
process: true, // boolean
__filename: "mock", // boolean | "mock"
__dirname: "mock", // boolean | "mock"
Buffer: true, // boolean | "mock"
setImmediate: true // boolean | "mock" | "empty"
recordsPath: path.resolve(__dirname, "build/records.json"),
recordsInputPath: path.resolve(__dirname, "build/records.json"),
recordsOutputPath: path.resolve(__dirname, "build/records.json"),
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