SplObjectStorage (class)
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)
The SplObjectStorage class provides a map from objects to data or, by ignoring data, an object set. This dual purpose can be useful in many cases involving the need to uniquely identify objects.
Class synopsis
SplObjectStorage implements Countable , Iterator , Serializable , ArrayAccess {
/* Methods */
public void addAll ( SplObjectStorage $storage )
public void attach ( object $object [, mixed $data = NULL ] )
public bool contains ( object $object )
public int count ( void )
public object current ( void )
public void detach ( object $object )
public string getHash ( object $object )
public mixed getInfo ( void )
public int key ( void )
public void next ( void )
public bool offsetExists ( object $object )
public mixed offsetGet ( object $object )
public void offsetSet ( object $object [, mixed $data = NULL ] )
public void offsetUnset ( object $object )
public void removeAll ( SplObjectStorage $storage )
public void removeAllExcept ( SplObjectStorage $storage )
public void rewind ( void )
public string serialize ( void )
public void setInfo ( mixed $data )
public void unserialize ( string $serialized )
public bool valid ( void )
Example #1 SplObjectStorage as a set
// As an object set
$s = new SplObjectStorage();
$o1 = new StdClass;
$o2 = new StdClass;
$o3 = new StdClass;
The above example will output:
Example #2 SplObjectStorage as a map
// As a map from objects to data
$s = new SplObjectStorage();
$o1 = new StdClass;
$o2 = new StdClass;
$o3 = new StdClass;
$s[$o1] = "data for object 1";
$s[$o2] = array(1,2,3);
if (isset($s[$o2])) {
The above example will output:
array(3) {
Table of Contents
- SplObjectStorage::addAll — Adds all objects from another storage
- SplObjectStorage::attach — Adds an object in the storage
- SplObjectStorage::contains — Checks if the storage contains a specific object
- SplObjectStorage::count — Returns the number of objects in the storage
- SplObjectStorage::current — Returns the current storage entry
- SplObjectStorage::detach — Removes an object from the storage
- SplObjectStorage::getHash — Calculate a unique identifier for the contained objects
- SplObjectStorage::getInfo — Returns the data associated with the current iterator entry
- SplObjectStorage::key — Returns the index at which the iterator currently is
- SplObjectStorage::next — Move to the next entry
- SplObjectStorage::offsetExists — Checks whether an object exists in the storage
- SplObjectStorage::offsetGet — Returns the data associated with an object
- SplObjectStorage::offsetSet — Associates data to an object in the storage
- SplObjectStorage::offsetUnset — Removes an object from the storage
- SplObjectStorage::removeAll — Removes objects contained in another storage from the current storage
- SplObjectStorage::removeAllExcept — Removes all objects except for those contained in another storage from the current storage
- SplObjectStorage::rewind — Rewind the iterator to the first storage element
- SplObjectStorage::serialize — Serializes the storage
- SplObjectStorage::setInfo — Sets the data associated with the current iterator entry
- SplObjectStorage::unserialize — Unserializes a storage from its string representation
- SplObjectStorage::valid — Returns if the current iterator entry is valid
← SplFixedArray::__wakeup
SplObjectStorage::addAll →
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