(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)
SplObjectStorage::setInfo — Sets the data associated with the current iterator entry
public void SplObjectStorage::setInfo ( mixed $data )
Associates data, or info, with the object currently pointed to by the iterator.
The data to associate with the current iterator entry.
Return Values
No value is returned.
Example #1 SplObjectStorage::setInfo() example
$s = new SplObjectStorage();
$o1 = new StdClass;
$o2 = new StdClass;
$s->attach($o1, "d1");
$s->attach($o2, "d2");
while($s->valid()) {
The above example will output something similar to:
string(3) "new"
string(3) "new"
See Also
- SplObjectStorage::current() - Returns the current storage entry
- SplObjectStorage::rewind() - Rewind the iterator to the first storage element
- SplObjectStorage::key() - Returns the index at which the iterator currently is
- SplObjectStorage::next() - Move to the next entry
- SplObjectStorage::valid() - Returns if the current iterator entry is valid
- SplObjectStorage::getInfo() - Returns the data associated with the current iterator entry
← SplObjectStorage::serialize
SplObjectStorage::unserialize →
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