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发布2018-04-02 16:14:20
发布2018-04-02 16:14:20


调查表明,有80%的人并不喜欢眼前的工作,而另外的20%却是充满激情的做着自己的事情。 是什么造成了这种差别? 没激情的人,当你问他们为什么要做现在的工作时,他们的回答是,别人让他们做的。 而有激情的人都做过三件事情:

  1. First,becoming a self-expert and understanding yourself 先了解自己的优劣势,再去找你到底想要什么
  2. Second,to figure out what it is to make these decisions, so we know what our soul is made of 明确到底是什么让你选择这个事业的,是怎样的信念
  3. Third,our experiences,learning and applying it to the rest of our lives 定期反思,你喜欢什么,讨厌什么,擅长什么,不擅长什么,哪些做对了,做错了,哪些想要继续,哪些想要应用

另外还有两个阻碍是,你觉得你做不到,别人觉得你做不到。 这时你需要相信自己,不要因为没有人做过,你就不相信。 比如罗杰·班尼斯特,一英里四分钟, 这一直是赛跑中的物理极限, 一英里要跑进四分钟, 直到罗杰·班尼斯特的出现, 打破了这个“不可能”。 后来怎么样了呢? 两个月后, 又有16个人打破了这个极限。



10am every morning I had this strange urge to want to slam my head through the monitor of my computer.每天一到上午10点多, 我就控制不住 想用头撞穿电脑屏。 two-story window I'm going to jump out of and change things up,我寻思着 从二楼的哪扇窗户跳下去, 绝地重生的时候 I left with one intention: to find something that I could screw up。离开时就一个想法: 我得找个我能搞砸的事做 I wanted to have some type of impact. It didn't matter what it was.我想做个有影响的人。 什么影响都行。

what is it that sets these people apart, the people who do the passionate, world-changing work, that wake up inspired every day, and then these people, the other 80 percent who lead these lives of quiet desperation. 是什么让一些人从事着让人振奋, 能改变世界的工作, 让他们每天起床都充满干劲。 又是什么让另外 80% 的人 有气无力地在绝望中勉强度日。

Why are you doing the work that you're doing? "Well, because somebody told me I'm supposed to."

are climbing their way up this ladder that someone tells them to climb, and it ends up being leaned up against the wrong wall, or no wall at all. 都在顺着别人给的梯子往上爬, 结果发现梯子靠错墙了, 或者,根本就没有墙。

Live Your Legend

three simple things that all these different passionate world-changers have in common。充满热情要改变世界的人 都做过三件相同的事

three-step passionate work framework

First,becoming a self-expert and understanding yourself, because if you don't know what you're looking for, you're never going to find it

Strengths Finder 2.0 is a book and also an online tool. I highly recommend it for sorting out what it is that you're naturally good at. 我强烈推荐一本书, 也是个在线工具, 叫做《发现你的优势2.0》, 能帮你找到自己最擅长的事。

Second,to figure out what it is to make these decisions, so we know what our soul is made of, Do we care about the people, our family, health, or is it achievement, success, all this stuff?

Third,our experiences,learning and applying it to the rest of our lives We learn things every day, every minute about what we love, what we hate, what we're good at, what we're terrible at. Every day, every week, every month of every year I spend some time just reflecting on what went right, what went wrong, and what do I want to repeat, what can I apply more to my life. 花些时间反省一下

we can then define what success actually means to us,

There's two reasons why people don't do things. One is they tell themselves they can't do them, or people around them tell them they can't do them.

Roger Bannister and the four-minute mile, it was a physical impossibility to break the four-minute mile in a foot race until Roger Bannister stood up and did it. And then what happened? Two months later, 16 people broke the four-minute mile. 比如罗杰·班尼斯特,一英里四分钟, 这一直是赛跑中的物理极限, 一英里要跑进四分钟, 直到罗杰·班尼斯特的出现, 打破了这个“不可能”。 后来怎么样了呢? 两个月后, 又有16个人打破了这个极限。

you realize that confidence compounds and can be transferred into the rest of your world. 你会发现自己的信心越来越强, 这份信心又会渗透到 你生活的各个方面。

what's the worst that could happen? You're wearing a wetsuit. You're not going to sink. And If you can't make it, just hop on one of the 20 kayaks. Plus, if there's a shark attack, why are they going to pick you over the 80 people in the water?" So thanks, that helps. He's like, "But really, just have fun with this. Good luck."

You prove people wrong, you prove yourself wrong, that you can make little incremental pushes of what you believe is possible.当你发现错误地估计了别人, 错误地估计了自己, 你就能一点一点靠近 自己坚信的目标。

There's this quote by Jim Rohn and it says. "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." “你是你最常接触的五个人的平均值。”

Has anyone ever had a hobby or a passion they poured their heart and soul into, unbelievable amount of time, and they so badly want to call it a business, but no one's paying attention and it doesn't make a dime? 有没有人曾经全身心投入进 一种爱好或者冲动? 你花海量时间在上面 就想把它当自己的职业, 但是别人从来不拿它当回事, 而且它还不挣钱。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2016.06.21 ,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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