社区首页 >专栏 >Java工具集-日期(DateUtils)


发布2019-10-28 11:29:50
发布2019-10-28 11:29:50

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写作初衷:由于日常开发经常需要用到很多工具类,经常根据需求自己写也比较麻烦 网上好了一些工具类例如commom.lang3或者hutool或者Jodd这样的开源工具,但是 发现他们之中虽然设计不错,但是如果我想要使用,就必须要引入依赖并且去维护依赖,有些 甚至会有存在版本编译不通过问题,故此想要写作一个每个类都可以作为独立工具类使用 每个使用者只需要复制该类,到任何项目当中都可以使用,所以需要尊从以下两个原则才能 做到.在此诚邀各位大佬参与.可以把各自用过的工具,整合成只依赖JDK,每个类都能够单独 使用的工具.每个人当遇到业务需求需要使用的时候,只需要到这里单独拷贝一个即可使用. 抛弃传统的需要引入依赖的烦恼.让大家一起来解决你所面临的业务问题吧!



  • 1.绝不依赖JDK以外的源码
  • 2.牺牲代码复用性,每个类都必须是单独的组件,绝不互相引用,做到完全解耦
package *;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.DateFormatSymbols;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.TimeZone;

 * @program: simple_tools
 * @description:
 * @author: ChenWenLong
 * @create: 2019-06-04 16:19
public class DateUtils {

    public static final FastDateFormat ISO_DATETIME_FORMAT
            = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
    public static final FastDateFormat ISO_DATETIME_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT
            = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ");
    public static final FastDateFormat ISO_DATE_FORMAT
            = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd");
    public static final FastDateFormat ISO_DATE_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT
            = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-ddZZ");
    public static final FastDateFormat ISO_TIME_FORMAT
            = FastDateFormat.getInstance("'T'HH:mm:ss");
    public static final FastDateFormat ISO_TIME_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT
            = FastDateFormat.getInstance("'T'HH:mm:ssZZ");
    public static final FastDateFormat ISO_TIME_NO_T_FORMAT
            = FastDateFormat.getInstance("HH:mm:ss");
    public static final FastDateFormat ISO_TIME_NO_T_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT
            = FastDateFormat.getInstance("HH:mm:ssZZ");
    public static final FastDateFormat SMTP_DATETIME_FORMAT
            = FastDateFormat.getInstance("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", Locale.US);
    private static String[] parsePatterns = {
            "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", "yyyy-MM",
            "yyyy/MM/dd", "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm", "yyyy/MM",
            "yyyy.MM.dd", "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss", "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm", "yyyy.MM"};
    public static final TimeZone UTC_TIME_ZONE = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
    public static final long MILLIS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
    public static final long MILLIS_PER_MINUTE = 60 * MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
    public static final long MILLIS_PER_HOUR = 60 * MILLIS_PER_MINUTE;
    public static final long MILLIS_PER_DAY = 24 * MILLIS_PER_HOUR;
    public final static int SEMI_MONTH = 1001;

    public final static int RANGE_WEEK_SUNDAY = 1;
    public final static int RANGE_WEEK_MONDAY = 2;
    public final static int RANGE_WEEK_RELATIVE = 3;
    public final static int RANGE_WEEK_CENTER = 4;
    public final static int RANGE_MONTH_SUNDAY = 5;
    public final static int RANGE_MONTH_MONDAY = 6;

    private static final int[][] fields = {
            {Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Calendar.HOUR},
            {Calendar.DATE, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, Calendar.AM_PM},
            {Calendar.MONTH, SEMI_MONTH},

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈判断是否是同一天,接受Date类型〉
     * @params : [date1, date2]
     * @return : boolean
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:00
    public static boolean isSameDay(Date date1, Date date2) {
        if (date1 == null || date2 == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
        Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
        return isSameDay(cal1, cal2);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈判断是否是同一天,接受Calendar〉
     * @params : [cal1, cal2]
     * @return : boolean
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:01
    public static boolean isSameDay(Calendar cal1, Calendar cal2) {
        if (cal1 == null || cal2 == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        return (cal1.get(Calendar.ERA) == cal2.get(Calendar.ERA) &&
                cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.YEAR) &&
                cal1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR));

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈判断是否是同一时间,接受Date类型〉
     * @params : [date1, date2]
     * @return : boolean
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:02
    public static boolean isSameTime(Date date1, Date date2) {
        if (date1 == null || date2 == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        return date1.getTime() == date2.getTime();

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈判断是否是同一时间,接受Calendar〉
     * @params : [cal1, cal2]
     * @return : boolean
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:03
    public static boolean isSameTime(Calendar cal1, Calendar cal2) {
        if (cal1 == null || cal2 == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        return cal1.getTime().getTime() == cal2.getTime().getTime();

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈是否是同一地区是时间,即将二手Calendar类型.Date类型并没有地区这种说法〉
     * @params : [cal1, cal2]
     * @return : boolean
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:07
    public static boolean isSameLocalTime(Calendar cal1, Calendar cal2) {
        if (cal1 == null || cal2 == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        return (cal1.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) == cal2.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) &&
                cal1.get(Calendar.SECOND) == cal2.get(Calendar.SECOND) &&
                cal1.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == cal2.get(Calendar.MINUTE) &&
                cal1.get(Calendar.HOUR) == cal2.get(Calendar.HOUR) &&
                cal1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) &&
                cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.YEAR) &&
                cal1.get(Calendar.ERA) == cal2.get(Calendar.ERA) &&
                cal1.getClass() == cal2.getClass());

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈尝试用不同的格式去格式化字符串日期〉
     * @params : [str, parsePatterns]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:19
    public static Date parseDate(String str, String[] parsePatterns) throws ParseException {
        if (str == null || parsePatterns == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Date and Patterns must not be null");

        SimpleDateFormat parser = null;
        ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < parsePatterns.length; i++) {
            if (i == 0) {
                parser = new SimpleDateFormat(parsePatterns[0]);
            } else {
            Date date = parser.parse(str, pos);
            if (date != null && pos.getIndex() == str.length()) {
                return date;
        throw new ParseException("Unable to parse the date: " + str, -1);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈解析时间格式〉
     * @params : [str]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/10/17 16:47
    public static Date parseDate(Object str) {
        if (str == null) {
            return null;
        try {
            return parseDate(str.toString(), parsePatterns);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            return null;

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈加amount年〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:22
    public static Date addYears(Date date, int amount) {
        return add(date, Calendar.YEAR, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈加amount月〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:22
    public static Date addMonths(Date date, int amount) {
        return add(date, Calendar.MONTH, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈加amount月〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:23
    public static Date addWeeks(Date date, int amount) {
        return add(date, Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈加amount天〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:23
    public static Date addDays(Date date, int amount) {
        return add(date, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈标准格式化时间.传入毫秒数mills和pattern格式〉
     * @params : [millis, pattern]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 17:29
    public static String formatUTC(long millis, String pattern) {
        return format(new Date(millis), pattern, UTC_TIME_ZONE, null);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈加amount小时〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:24
    public static Date addHours(Date date, int amount) {
        return add(date, Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈标准格式化时间,传入date时间格式,pattern格式〉
     * @params : [date, pattern]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 17:30
    public static String formatUTC(Date date, String pattern) {
        return format(date, pattern, UTC_TIME_ZONE, null);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈加amount分钟〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:24
    public static Date addMinutes(Date date, int amount) {
        return add(date, Calendar.MINUTE, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈加amount秒〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:24
    public static Date addSeconds(Date date, int amount) {
        return add(date, Calendar.SECOND, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈加amount毫秒〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:33
    public static Date addMilliseconds(Date date, int amount) {
        return add(date, Calendar.MILLISECOND, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈添加年/月/日/时/分/秒/毫秒 amount为添加量〉
     * @params : [date, calendarField, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:34
    public static Date add(Date date, int calendarField, int amount) {
        if (date == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.add(calendarField, amount);
        return c.getTime();

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈设置date年份,并返回一个新的日期〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:35
    public static Date setYears(Date date, int amount) {
        return set(date, Calendar.YEAR, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈设置date月份,返回一个新的日期〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:36
    public static Date setMonths(Date date, int amount) {
        return set(date, Calendar.MONTH, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈设置date日期,返回一个新的日期〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:37
    public static Date setDays(Date date, int amount) {
        return set(date, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈设置时间,返回一个新的时间〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:38
    public static Date setHours(Date date, int amount) {
        return set(date, Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈设置时间,返回一个新的时间〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:38
    public static Date setMinutes(Date date, int amount) {
        return set(date, Calendar.MINUTE, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈设置时间,返回一个新的时间〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:39
    public static Date setSeconds(Date date, int amount) {
        return set(date, Calendar.SECOND, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈设置时间,返回一个新的时间〉
     * @params : [date, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:39
    public static Date setMilliseconds(Date date, int amount) {
        return set(date, Calendar.MILLISECOND, amount);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈设置时间〉
     * @params : [date, calendarField, amount]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 11:40
    private static Date set(Date date, int calendarField, int amount) {
        if (date == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        // getInstance() returns a new object, so this method is thread safe.
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.set(calendarField, amount);
        return c.getTime();

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈对日期Date类型进行四舍五入〉
     * @params : [date, field]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 13:58
    public static Date round(Date date, int field) {
        if (date == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        Calendar gval = Calendar.getInstance();
        modify(gval, field, true);
        return gval.getTime();

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈对日历类Calander类型进行四舍五入〉
     * @params : [date, field]
     * @return : java.util.Calendar
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 13:58
    public static Calendar round(Calendar date, int field) {
        if (date == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        Calendar rounded = (Calendar) date.clone();
        modify(rounded, field, true);
        return rounded;

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈对Date类型或者Calendar类型进行四舍五入〉
     * @params : [date, field]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 14:02
    public static Date round(Object date, int field) {
        if (date == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        if (date instanceof Date) {
            return round((Date) date, field);
        } else if (date instanceof Calendar) {
            return round((Calendar) date, field).getTime();
        } else {
            throw new ClassCastException("Could not round " + date);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈截断日期,例如可以对分钟数进行取整截断,或者对小时进行取整截断,或者对秒数取整截断.仅接受日期类Date〉
     * @params : [date, field]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 14:04
    public static Date truncate(Date date, int field) {
        if (date == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        Calendar gval = Calendar.getInstance();
        modify(gval, field, false);
        return gval.getTime();

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈截断日期,例如可以对分钟数进行取整截断,或者对小时进行取整截断,或者对秒数取整截断.仅接受日历类Calendar〉
     * @params : [date, field]
     * @return : java.util.Calendar
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 14:06
    public static Calendar truncate(Calendar date, int field) {
        if (date == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        Calendar truncated = (Calendar) date.clone();
        modify(truncated, field, false);
        return truncated;

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈截断日期,例如可以对分钟数进行取整截断,或者对小时进行取整截断,或者对秒数取整截断.接受日历类和日期类〉
     * @params : [date, field]
     * @return : java.util.Date
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 14:09
    public static Date truncate(Object date, int field) {
        if (date == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        if (date instanceof Date) {
            return truncate((Date) date, field);
        } else if (date instanceof Calendar) {
            return truncate((Calendar) date, field).getTime();
        } else {
            throw new ClassCastException("Could not truncate " + date);

    private static void modify(Calendar val, int field, boolean round) {
        if (val.get(Calendar.YEAR) > 280000000) {
            throw new ArithmeticException("Calendar value too large for accurate calculations");

        if (field == Calendar.MILLISECOND) {
        // 手动截断毫秒、秒和分钟,而不是使用日历方法。
        Date date = val.getTime();
        long time = date.getTime();
        boolean done = false;

        // 截断毫秒
        int millisecs = val.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
        if (!round || millisecs < 500) {
            time = time - millisecs;
        if (field == Calendar.SECOND) {
            done = true;

        // 截断秒
        int seconds = val.get(Calendar.SECOND);
        if (!done && (!round || seconds < 30)) {
            time = time - (seconds * 1000L);
        if (field == Calendar.MINUTE) {
            done = true;

        // 截断分钟
        int minutes = val.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        if (!done && (!round || minutes < 30)) {
            time = time - (minutes * 60000L);

        // 重新设置时间
        if (date.getTime() != time) {
        // ----------------- Fix for LANG-59 ----------------------- END ----------------
        boolean roundUp = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < fields[i].length; j++) {
                if (fields[i][j] == field) {
                    //This is our field... we stop looping
                    if (round && roundUp) {
                        if (field == SEMI_MONTH) {
                            if (val.get(Calendar.DATE) == 1) {
                                val.add(Calendar.DATE, 15);
                            } else {
                                val.add(Calendar.DATE, -15);
                                val.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
                        } else {
                            val.add(fields[i][0], 1);
            // 对各种不同的类型进行四舍五入
            int offset = 0;
            boolean offsetSet = false;
            switch (field) {
                case SEMI_MONTH:
                    if (fields[i][0] == Calendar.DATE) {
                        offset = val.get(Calendar.DATE) - 1;
                        if (offset >= 15) {
                            offset -= 15;
                        roundUp = offset > 7;
                        offsetSet = true;
                case Calendar.AM_PM:
                    if (fields[i][0] == Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) {
                        offset = val.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
                        if (offset >= 12) {
                            offset -= 12;
                        roundUp = offset > 6;
                        offsetSet = true;
            if (!offsetSet) {
                int min = val.getActualMinimum(fields[i][0]);
                int max = val.getActualMaximum(fields[i][0]);
                offset = val.get(fields[i][0]) - min;
                roundUp = offset > ((max - min) / 2);
            if (offset != 0) {
                val.set(fields[i][0], val.get(fields[i][0]) - offset);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The field " + field + " is not supported");


     * 功能描述:
     * 〈通过毫秒数millis,指定地区Locale,指定格式pattern 标准格式化时间〉
     * @params : [millis, pattern, locale]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 17:31
    public static String formatUTC(long millis, String pattern, Locale locale) {
        return format(new Date(millis), pattern, UTC_TIME_ZONE, locale);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈返回一个从focus开始的迭代器〉
     * @params : [focus, rangeStyle]
     * @return : java.util.Iterator
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 14:38
    public static Iterator iterator(Date focus, int rangeStyle) {
        if (focus == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        Calendar gval = Calendar.getInstance();
        return iterator(gval, rangeStyle);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈返回一个从focus开始的迭代器〉
     * @params : [focus, rangeStyle]
     * @return : java.util.Iterator
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 14:54
    public static Iterator iterator(Calendar focus, int rangeStyle) {
        if (focus == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        Calendar start = null;
        Calendar end = null;
        int startCutoff = Calendar.SUNDAY;
        int endCutoff = Calendar.SATURDAY;
        switch (rangeStyle) {
            case RANGE_MONTH_SUNDAY:
            case RANGE_MONTH_MONDAY:
                // 从fucus当中截取它的月份作为起始月
                start = truncate(focus, Calendar.MONTH);
                // 拷贝起始月作为结束月,并且对结束月进行加一个月减一天的操作
                end = (Calendar) start.clone();
                end.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);
                end.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
                // 循环开始到开始到开始时间的前一个周一或者是周日
                if (rangeStyle == RANGE_MONTH_MONDAY) {
                    startCutoff = Calendar.MONDAY;
                    endCutoff = Calendar.SUNDAY;
            case RANGE_WEEK_SUNDAY:
            case RANGE_WEEK_MONDAY:
            case RANGE_WEEK_RELATIVE:
            case RANGE_WEEK_CENTER:
                // 从fucus当中截取它的月份作为起始月
                start = truncate(focus, Calendar.DATE);
                end = truncate(focus, Calendar.DATE);
                switch (rangeStyle) {
                    case RANGE_WEEK_SUNDAY:
                        // already set by default
                    case RANGE_WEEK_MONDAY:
                        startCutoff = Calendar.MONDAY;
                        endCutoff = Calendar.SUNDAY;
                    case RANGE_WEEK_RELATIVE:
                        startCutoff = focus.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
                        endCutoff = startCutoff - 1;
                    case RANGE_WEEK_CENTER:
                        startCutoff = focus.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 3;
                        endCutoff = focus.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) + 3;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The range style " + rangeStyle + " is not valid.");
        if (startCutoff < Calendar.SUNDAY) {
            startCutoff += 7;
        if (startCutoff > Calendar.SATURDAY) {
            startCutoff -= 7;
        if (endCutoff < Calendar.SUNDAY) {
            endCutoff += 7;
        if (endCutoff > Calendar.SATURDAY) {
            endCutoff -= 7;
        while (start.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != startCutoff) {
            start.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
        while (end.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != endCutoff) {
            end.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
        return new DateIterator(start, end);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈获取一个日期类date或者是日历类Calendar迭代器对象〉
     * @params : [focus, rangeStyle]
     * @return : java.util.Iterator
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 14:59
    public static Iterator iterator(Object focus, int rangeStyle) {
        if (focus == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        if (focus instanceof Date) {
            return iterator((Date) focus, rangeStyle);
        } else if (focus instanceof Calendar) {
            return iterator((Calendar) focus, rangeStyle);
        } else {
            throw new ClassCastException("Could not iterate based on " + focus);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈分割出对应时间点的毫秒数〉
     * @params : [date, fragment]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:03
    public static long getFragmentInMilliseconds(Date date, int fragment) {
        return getFragment(date, fragment, Calendar.MILLISECOND);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈分割出对应时间的秒数〉
     * @params : [date, fragment]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:03
    public static long getFragmentInSeconds(Date date, int fragment) {
        return getFragment(date, fragment, Calendar.SECOND);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈分割出对应时间的秒数〉
     * @params : [date, fragment]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:08
    public static long getFragmentInMinutes(Date date, int fragment) {
        return getFragment(date, fragment, Calendar.MINUTE);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈分割出对应时间段的小时数〉
     * @params : [date, fragment]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:08
    public static long getFragmentInHours(Date date, int fragment) {
        return getFragment(date, fragment, Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈分割出对应时间的天数〉
     * @params : [date, fragment]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:10
    public static long getFragmentInDays(Date date, int fragment) {
        return getFragment(date, fragment, Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈分割时间毫秒数〉
     * @params : [calendar, fragment]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:12
    public static long getFragmentInMilliseconds(Calendar calendar, int fragment) {
        return getFragment(calendar, fragment, Calendar.MILLISECOND);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈分割时间秒数〉
     * @params : [calendar, fragment]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:13
    public static long getFragmentInSeconds(Calendar calendar, int fragment) {
        return getFragment(calendar, fragment, Calendar.SECOND);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈分割时间分钟数〉
     * @params : [calendar, fragment]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:13
    public static long getFragmentInMinutes(Calendar calendar, int fragment) {
        return getFragment(calendar, fragment, Calendar.MINUTE);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈分割时间小时数〉
     * @params : [calendar, fragment]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:14
    public static long getFragmentInHours(Calendar calendar, int fragment) {
        return getFragment(calendar, fragment, Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈分割时间天数〉
     * @params : [calendar, fragment]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:14
    public static long getFragmentInDays(Calendar calendar, int fragment) {
        return getFragment(calendar, fragment, Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈任意单元碎片的进行切割日期〉
     * @params : [date, fragment, unit]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:16
    private static long getFragment(Date date, int fragment, int unit) {
        if(date == null) {
            throw  new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        return getFragment(calendar, fragment, unit);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈任意单元碎片的进行切割日历类时间〉
     * @params : [calendar, fragment, unit]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:17
    private static long getFragment(Calendar calendar, int fragment, int unit) {
        if(calendar == null) {
            throw  new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
        long millisPerUnit = getMillisPerUnit(unit);
        long result = 0;

        // 大于一天的情况都分解成天来计算
        switch (fragment) {
            case Calendar.YEAR:
                result += (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) * MILLIS_PER_DAY) / millisPerUnit;
            case Calendar.MONTH:
                result += (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) * MILLIS_PER_DAY) / millisPerUnit;

        switch (fragment) {
            // Number of days already calculated for these cases
            case Calendar.YEAR:
            case Calendar.MONTH:

                // The rest of the valid cases
            case Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR:
            case Calendar.DATE:
                result += (calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * MILLIS_PER_HOUR) / millisPerUnit;
            case Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY:
                result += (calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) * MILLIS_PER_MINUTE) / millisPerUnit;
            case Calendar.MINUTE:
                result += (calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) * MILLIS_PER_SECOND) / millisPerUnit;
            case Calendar.SECOND:
                result += (calendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) * 1) / millisPerUnit;
            case Calendar.MILLISECOND: break;//never useful
            default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fragment " + fragment + " is not supported");
        return result;

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈返回任意单元对应的毫秒数〉
     * @params : [unit]
     * @return : long
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/6 15:19
    private static long getMillisPerUnit(int unit) {
        long result;
        switch (unit) {
            case Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR:
            case Calendar.DATE:
                result = MILLIS_PER_DAY;
            case Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY:
                result = MILLIS_PER_HOUR;
            case Calendar.MINUTE:
                result = MILLIS_PER_MINUTE;
            case Calendar.SECOND:
                result = MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
            case Calendar.MILLISECOND:
                result = 1;
            default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The unit " + unit + " cannot be represented is milleseconds");
        return result;

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定日期date格式化〉
     * @params : [date, pattern, locale]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 17:32
    public static String formatUTC(Date date, String pattern, Locale locale) {
        return format(date, pattern, UTC_TIME_ZONE, locale);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定格式pattern进行毫秒数格式化〉
     * @params : [millis, pattern]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 17:32
    public static String format(long millis, String pattern) {
        return format(new Date(millis), pattern, null, null);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定pattern格式化date日期〉
     * @params : [date, pattern]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 17:33
    public static String format(Date date, String pattern) {
        return format(date, pattern, null, null);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定格式化Calendar日历类〉
     * @params : [calendar, pattern]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 17:33
    public static String format(Calendar calendar, String pattern) {
        return format(calendar, pattern, null, null);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定时区和格式pattern格式化millis〉
     * @params : [millis, pattern, timeZone]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 17:34
    public static String format(long millis, String pattern, TimeZone timeZone) {
        return format(new Date(millis), pattern, timeZone, null);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定日期date和timeZone时区以及格式pattern进行格式化〉
     * @params : [date, pattern, timeZone]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 17:35
    public static String format(Date date, String pattern, TimeZone timeZone) {
        return format(date, pattern, timeZone, null);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定时区timeZone,格式pattern,日历类calendar格式化时间〉
     * @params : [calendar, pattern, timeZone]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 17:35
    public static String format(Calendar calendar, String pattern, TimeZone timeZone) {
        return format(calendar, pattern, timeZone, null);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定格式和地区格式化date〉
     * @params : [date, pattern, locale]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 18:00
    public static String format(Date date, String pattern, Locale locale) {
        return format(date, pattern, null, locale);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定地区和格式,格式化毫秒数〉
     * @params : [millis, pattern, locale]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 17:37
    public static String format(long millis, String pattern, Locale locale) {
        return format(new Date(millis), pattern, null, locale);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定格式和地区格式化日历类〉
     * @params : [calendar, pattern, locale]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 18:01
    public static String format(Calendar calendar, String pattern, Locale locale) {
        return format(calendar, pattern, null, locale);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定格式时区和地区格式化毫秒数〉
     * @params : [millis, pattern, timeZone, locale]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 18:02
    public static String format(long millis, String pattern, TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
        return format(new Date(millis), pattern, timeZone, locale);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定格式/时区/地区格式化日期〉
     * @params : [date, pattern, timeZone, locale]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 18:04
    public static String format(Date date, String pattern, TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
        FastDateFormat df = FastDateFormat.getInstance(pattern, timeZone, locale);
        return df.format(date);

     * 功能描述:
     * 〈指定格式/时区/地区格式化日历类〉
     * @params : [calendar, pattern, timeZone, locale]
     * @return : java.lang.String
     * @author : cwl
     * @date : 2019/6/5 18:05
    public static String format(Calendar calendar, String pattern, TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
        FastDateFormat df = FastDateFormat.getInstance(pattern, timeZone, locale);
        return df.format(calendar);

    static class DateIterator implements Iterator {
        private final Calendar endFinal;
        private final Calendar spot;

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈从开始日期startFinal到结束日期endFinal的迭代器〉
         * @params : [startFinal, endFinal]
         * @return :
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/6 14:43
        DateIterator(Calendar startFinal, Calendar endFinal) {
            this.endFinal = endFinal;
            spot = startFinal;
            spot.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈迭代器是否已经达到了结束日期〉
         * @params : []
         * @return : boolean
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/6 14:44
        public boolean hasNext() {
            return spot.before(endFinal);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈在迭代器循环当中,返回下一个日历对象〉
         * @params : []
         * @return : java.lang.Object
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/6 14:45
        public Object next() {
            if (spot.equals(endFinal)) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            spot.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
            return spot.clone();

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈覆盖于父类的方法,用于抛出一个不可操作的异常〉
         * @params : []
         * @return : void
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/6 14:46
        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public static class FastDateFormat extends Format{
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        public static final int FULL = DateFormat.FULL;
        public static final int LONG = DateFormat.LONG;
        public static final int MEDIUM = DateFormat.MEDIUM;
        public static final int SHORT = DateFormat.SHORT;
        private static String cDefaultPattern;
        private static final Map cInstanceCache = new HashMap(7);
        private static final Map cDateInstanceCache = new HashMap(7);
        private static final Map cTimeInstanceCache = new HashMap(7);
        private static final Map cDateTimeInstanceCache = new HashMap(7);
        private static final Map cTimeZoneDisplayCache = new HashMap(7);

        private final String mPattern;//日期样式
        private final TimeZone mTimeZone;//时区
        private final boolean mTimeZoneForced;//是否使用默认时区
        private final Locale mLocale;//地区
        private final boolean mLocaleForced;//是否使用默认地区
        private transient int mMaxLengthEstimate;//预计的最大长度

        private transient Rule[] mRules;

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获取一个默认的日期格式化对象〉
         * @params : []
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:21
        public static FastDateFormat getInstance() {
            return getInstance(getDefaultPattern(), null, null);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获取一个指定的日期格式化对象,指定格式为pattern〉
         * @params : [pattern]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:22
        public static FastDateFormat getInstance(String pattern) {
            return getInstance(pattern, null, null);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈创建一个指定格式pattern与时区timeZone的日期格式化对象〉
         * @params : [pattern, timeZone]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:23
        public static FastDateFormat getInstance(String pattern, TimeZone timeZone) {
            return getInstance(pattern, timeZone, null);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈创建一个指定格式pattern和指定地区locale的日期格式化对象〉
         * @params : [pattern, locale]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:24
        public static FastDateFormat getInstance(String pattern, Locale locale) {
            return getInstance(pattern, null, locale);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈创建一个指定格式pattern,指定时区timeZone,指定地区locale的日期格式化对象,为了避免重复创建,使用synchronize同步方法〉
         * @params : [pattern, timeZone, locale]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:25
        public static synchronized FastDateFormat getInstance(String pattern, TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
            FastDateFormat emptyFormat = new FastDateFormat(pattern, timeZone, locale);
            FastDateFormat format = (FastDateFormat) cInstanceCache.get(emptyFormat);
            if (format == null) {
                format = emptyFormat;
                format.init();  // convert shell format into usable one
                cInstanceCache.put(format, format);  // this is OK!
            return format;

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得指定日期样式的日期格式化对象〉
         * @params : [style]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:26
        public static FastDateFormat getDateInstance(int style) {
            return getDateInstance(style, null, null);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得指定日期样式style和地区locale的日期格式化对象〉
         * @params : [style, locale]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:27
        public static FastDateFormat getDateInstance(int style, Locale locale) {
            return getDateInstance(style, null, locale);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得指定日期样式style和时区timeZone的日期格式化对象〉
         * @params : [style, timeZone]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:28
        public static FastDateFormat getDateInstance(int style, TimeZone timeZone) {
            return getDateInstance(style, timeZone, null);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得指定日期样式style和时区timeZone以及指定地区locale的日期格式化对象〉
         * @params : [style, timeZone, locale]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:29
        public static synchronized FastDateFormat getDateInstance(int style, TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
            Object key = new Integer(style);
            if (timeZone != null) {
                key = new Pair(key, timeZone);

            if (locale == null) {
                locale = Locale.getDefault();

            key = new Pair(key, locale);

            FastDateFormat format = (FastDateFormat) cDateInstanceCache.get(key);
            if (format == null) {
                try {
                    SimpleDateFormat formatter = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, locale);
                    String pattern = formatter.toPattern();
                    format = getInstance(pattern, timeZone, locale);
                    cDateInstanceCache.put(key, format);

                } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No date pattern for locale: " + locale);
            return format;

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得指定时间样式style的日期格式化对象〉
         * @params : [style]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:30
        public static FastDateFormat getTimeInstance(int style) {
            return getTimeInstance(style, null, null);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得指定地区locale和样式style的时间格式化对象〉
         * @params : [style, locale]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:31
        public static FastDateFormat getTimeInstance(int style, Locale locale) {
            return getTimeInstance(style, null, locale);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得指定样式style和指定时区timeZone的时间格式化对象〉
         * @params : [style, timeZone]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:31
        public static FastDateFormat getTimeInstance(int style, TimeZone timeZone) {
            return getTimeInstance(style, timeZone, null);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得指定样式style和指定时区timeZone以及指定地区locale的时间格式化对象〉
         * @params : [style, timeZone, locale]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:32
        public static synchronized FastDateFormat getTimeInstance(int style, TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
            Object key = new Integer(style);
            if (timeZone != null) {
                key = new Pair(key, timeZone);
            if (locale != null) {
                key = new Pair(key, locale);

            FastDateFormat format = (FastDateFormat) cTimeInstanceCache.get(key);
            if (format == null) {
                if (locale == null) {
                    locale = Locale.getDefault();

                try {
                    SimpleDateFormat formatter = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getTimeInstance(style, locale);
                    String pattern = formatter.toPattern();
                    format = getInstance(pattern, timeZone, locale);
                    cTimeInstanceCache.put(key, format);

                } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No date pattern for locale: " + locale);
            return format;

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得时间与日期格式化对象,指定日期样式dateStyle和指定时间样式timeStyle〉
         * @params : [dateStyle, timeStyle]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:33
        public static FastDateFormat getDateTimeInstance(
                int dateStyle, int timeStyle) {
            return getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle, null, null);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得时间与日期格式化对象,指定日期样式dateStyle和指定时间样式timeStyle,指定地区locale〉
         * @params : [dateStyle, timeStyle, locale]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:34
        public static FastDateFormat getDateTimeInstance(
                int dateStyle, int timeStyle, Locale locale) {
            return getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle, null, locale);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得时间与日期格式化对象,指定日期样式dateStyle和指定时间样式timeStyle,指定时区timeZone〉
         * @params : [dateStyle, timeStyle, timeZone]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:34
        public static FastDateFormat getDateTimeInstance(
                int dateStyle, int timeStyle, TimeZone timeZone) {
            return getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle, timeZone, null);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得时间与日期格式化对象,指定日期样式dateStyle和指定时间样式timeStyle,指定时区timeZone,指定地区locale〉
         * @params : [dateStyle, timeStyle, timeZone, locale]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:35
        public static synchronized FastDateFormat getDateTimeInstance(int dateStyle, int timeStyle, TimeZone timeZone,
                                                                      Locale locale) {

            Object key = new Pair(new Integer(dateStyle), new Integer(timeStyle));
            if (timeZone != null) {
                key = new Pair(key, timeZone);
            if (locale == null) {
                locale = Locale.getDefault();
            key = new Pair(key, locale);

            FastDateFormat format = (FastDateFormat) cDateTimeInstanceCache.get(key);
            if (format == null) {
                try {
                    SimpleDateFormat formatter = (SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle,
                    String pattern = formatter.toPattern();
                    format = getInstance(pattern, timeZone, locale);
                    cDateTimeInstanceCache.put(key, format);

                } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("No date time pattern for locale: " + locale);
            return format;

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获取时区显示名称,使用缓存以提高性能.daylight为是否是白天,style选择样式,locale选择地区〉
         * @params : [tz, daylight, style, locale]
         * @return : java.lang.String
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:37
        public static synchronized String getTimeZoneDisplay(TimeZone tz, boolean daylight, int style, Locale locale) {
            Object key = new TimeZoneDisplayKey(tz, daylight, style, locale);
            String value = (String) cTimeZoneDisplayCache.get(key);
            if (value == null) {
                // This is a very slow call, so cache the results.
                value = tz.getDisplayName(daylight, style, locale);
                cTimeZoneDisplayCache.put(key, value);
            return value;

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得默认的日期格式〉
         * @params : []
         * @return : java.lang.String
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:38
        private static synchronized String getDefaultPattern() {
            if (cDefaultPattern == null) {
                cDefaultPattern = new SimpleDateFormat().toPattern();
            return cDefaultPattern;
         * 功能描述: 
         * 〈创建一个指定样式pattern,指定时区timeZone,指定地区locale的日期格式化对象〉
         * @params : [pattern, timeZone, locale]
         * @return :
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:39
        private FastDateFormat(String pattern, TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale) {
            if (pattern == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The pattern must not be null");
            mPattern = pattern;

            mTimeZoneForced = (timeZone != null);
            if (timeZone == null) {
                timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
            mTimeZone = timeZone;

            mLocaleForced = (locale != null);
            if (locale == null) {
                locale = Locale.getDefault();
            mLocale = locale;

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈初始化日期格式〉
         * @params : []
         * @return : void
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:44
        private void init() {
            List rulesList = parsePattern();
            mRules = (Rule[]) rulesList.toArray(new Rule[rulesList.size()]);

            int len = 0;
            for (int i=mRules.length; --i >= 0; ) {
                len += mRules[i].estimateLength();

            mMaxLengthEstimate = len;

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获得给定模式的规则集合〉
         * @params : []
         * @return : java.util.List
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:45
        private List parsePattern() {
            DateFormatSymbols symbols = new DateFormatSymbols(mLocale);
            List rules = new ArrayList();

            String[] ERAs = symbols.getEras();
            String[] months = symbols.getMonths();
            String[] shortMonths = symbols.getShortMonths();
            String[] weekdays = symbols.getWeekdays();
            String[] shortWeekdays = symbols.getShortWeekdays();
            String[] AmPmStrings = symbols.getAmPmStrings();

            int length = mPattern.length();
            int[] indexRef = new int[1];

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                indexRef[0] = i;
                String token = parseToken(mPattern, indexRef);
                i = indexRef[0];

                int tokenLen = token.length();
                if (tokenLen == 0) {

                Rule rule;
                char c = token.charAt(0);

                switch (c) {
                    case 'G': // era designator (text)
                        rule = new TextField(Calendar.ERA, ERAs);
                    case 'y': // year (number)
                        if (tokenLen >= 4) {
                            rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.YEAR, tokenLen);
                        } else {
                            rule = TwoDigitYearField.INSTANCE;
                    case 'M': // month in year (text and number)
                        if (tokenLen >= 4) {
                            rule = new TextField(Calendar.MONTH, months);
                        } else if (tokenLen == 3) {
                            rule = new TextField(Calendar.MONTH, shortMonths);
                        } else if (tokenLen == 2) {
                            rule = TwoDigitMonthField.INSTANCE;
                        } else {
                            rule = UnpaddedMonthField.INSTANCE;
                    case 'd': // day in month (number)
                        rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, tokenLen);
                    case 'h': // hour in am/pm (number, 1..12)
                        rule = new TwelveHourField(selectNumberRule(Calendar.HOUR, tokenLen));
                    case 'H': // hour in day (number, 0..23)
                        rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, tokenLen);
                    case 'm': // minute in hour (number)
                        rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.MINUTE, tokenLen);
                    case 's': // second in minute (number)
                        rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.SECOND, tokenLen);
                    case 'S': // millisecond (number)
                        rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.MILLISECOND, tokenLen);
                    case 'E': // day in week (text)
                        rule = new TextField(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, tokenLen < 4 ? shortWeekdays : weekdays);
                    case 'D': // day in year (number)
                        rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, tokenLen);
                    case 'F': // day of week in month (number)
                        rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, tokenLen);
                    case 'w': // week in year (number)
                        rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, tokenLen);
                    case 'W': // week in month (number)
                        rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH, tokenLen);
                    case 'a': // am/pm marker (text)
                        rule = new TextField(Calendar.AM_PM, AmPmStrings);
                    case 'k': // hour in day (1..24)
                        rule = new TwentyFourHourField(selectNumberRule(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, tokenLen));
                    case 'K': // hour in am/pm (0..11)
                        rule = selectNumberRule(Calendar.HOUR, tokenLen);
                    case 'z': // time zone (text)
                        if (tokenLen >= 4) {
                            rule = new TimeZoneNameRule(mTimeZone, mTimeZoneForced, mLocale, TimeZone.LONG);
                        } else {
                            rule = new TimeZoneNameRule(mTimeZone, mTimeZoneForced, mLocale, TimeZone.SHORT);
                    case 'Z': // time zone (value)
                        if (tokenLen == 1) {
                            rule = TimeZoneNumberRule.INSTANCE_NO_COLON;
                        } else {
                            rule = TimeZoneNumberRule.INSTANCE_COLON;
                    case '\'': // literal text
                        String sub = token.substring(1);
                        if (sub.length() == 1) {
                            rule = new CharacterLiteral(sub.charAt(0));
                        } else {
                            rule = new StringLiteral(sub);
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal pattern component: " + token);


            return rules;

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈解析格式pattern〉
         * @params : [pattern, indexRef]
         * @return : java.lang.String
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:47
        private String parseToken(String pattern, int[] indexRef) {
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

            int i = indexRef[0];
            int length = pattern.length();

            char c = pattern.charAt(i);
            if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
                // Scan a run of the same character, which indicates a time
                // pattern.

                while (i + 1 < length) {
                    char peek = pattern.charAt(i + 1);
                    if (peek == c) {
                    } else {
            } else {
                // This will identify token as text.

                boolean inLiteral = false;

                for (; i < length; i++) {
                    c = pattern.charAt(i);

                    if (c == '\'') {
                        if (i + 1 < length && pattern.charAt(i + 1) == '\'') {
                            // '' is treated as escaped '
                        } else {
                            inLiteral = !inLiteral;
                    } else if (!inLiteral &&
                            (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')) {
                    } else {

            indexRef[0] = i;
            return buf.toString();

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈获取所需要的数字规则〉
         * @params : [field, padding]
         * @return : com.simple.util.time.DateUtils.FastDateFormat.NumberRule
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:48
        private NumberRule selectNumberRule(int field, int padding) {
            switch (padding) {
                case 1:
                    return new UnpaddedNumberField(field);
                case 2:
                    return new TwoDigitNumberField(field);
                    return new PaddedNumberField(field, padding);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈格式化Date或者Calender日期类〉
         * @params : [obj, toAppendTo, pos]
         * @return : java.lang.StringBuffer
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:50
        public StringBuffer format(Object obj, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos) {
            if (obj instanceof Date) {
                return format((Date) obj, toAppendTo);
            } else if (obj instanceof Calendar) {
                return format((Calendar) obj, toAppendTo);
            } else if (obj instanceof Long) {
                return format(((Long) obj).longValue(), toAppendTo);
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown class: " +
                        (obj == null ? "<null>" : obj.getClass().getName()));

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈格式化毫秒数〉
         * @params : [millis]
         * @return : java.lang.String
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:50
        public String format(long millis) {
            return format(new Date(millis));

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈格式化date日期类〉
         * @params : [date]
         * @return : java.lang.String
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:51
        public String format(Date date) {
            Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(mTimeZone);
            return applyRules(c, new StringBuffer(mMaxLengthEstimate)).toString();

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈格式化Clalendar日期〉
         * @params : [calendar]
         * @return : java.lang.String
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:52
        public String format(Calendar calendar) {
            return format(calendar, new StringBuffer(mMaxLengthEstimate)).toString();

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈格式化毫秒数,结果缓存到buf当中〉
         * @params : [millis, buf]
         * @return : java.lang.StringBuffer
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:52
        public StringBuffer format(long millis, StringBuffer buf) {
            return format(new Date(millis), buf);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈格式化Date日期类型,并且将结果缓存到buf当中〉
         * @params : [date, buf]
         * @return : java.lang.StringBuffer
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:53
        public StringBuffer format(Date date, StringBuffer buf) {
            Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(mTimeZone);
            return applyRules(c, buf);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈格式化Calendar日期类型,并且将结果缓存到buf当中〉
         * @params : [calendar, buf]
         * @return : java.lang.StringBuffer
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:54
        public StringBuffer format(Calendar calendar, StringBuffer buf) {
            if (mTimeZoneForced) {
                calendar = (Calendar) calendar.clone();
            return applyRules(calendar, buf);

         * 功能描述:
         * 〈通过将规则应用于指定的日历来执行格式化〉
         * @params : [calendar, buf]
         * @return : java.lang.StringBuffer
         * @author : cwl
         * @date : 2019/6/4 17:55
        private StringBuffer applyRules(Calendar calendar, StringBuffer buf) {
            Rule[] rules = mRules;
            int len = mRules.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                rules[i].appendTo(buf, calendar);
            return buf;

        public String getmPattern() {
            return mPattern;

        public TimeZone getmTimeZone() {
            return mTimeZone;

        public boolean ismTimeZoneForced() {
            return mTimeZoneForced;

        public Locale getmLocale() {
            return mLocale;

        public boolean ismLocaleForced() {
            return mLocaleForced;

        public int getmMaxLengthEstimate() {
            return mMaxLengthEstimate;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof FastDateFormat == false) {
                return false;
            FastDateFormat other = (FastDateFormat) obj;
            if (
                    (mPattern == other.mPattern || mPattern.equals(other.mPattern)) &&
                            (mTimeZone == other.mTimeZone || mTimeZone.equals(other.mTimeZone)) &&
                            (mLocale == other.mLocale || mLocale.equals(other.mLocale)) &&
                            (mTimeZoneForced == other.mTimeZoneForced) &&
                            (mLocaleForced == other.mLocaleForced)
            ) {
                return true;
            return false;

        public int hashCode() {
            int total = 0;
            total += mPattern.hashCode();
            total += mTimeZone.hashCode();
            total += (mTimeZoneForced ? 1 : 0);
            total += mLocale.hashCode();
            total += (mLocaleForced ? 1 : 0);
            return total;

        private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

        public String toString() {
            return "FastDateFormat[" + mPattern + "]";
        private interface Rule {

             * 功能描述:
             * 〈返回预计的长度〉
             * @params : []
             * @return : int
             * @author : cwl
             * @date : 2019/6/4 16:47
            int estimateLength();

             * 功能描述:
             * 〈根据规则实现将指定日历的值添加到StringBuffer缓存当中〉
             * @params : [buffer, calendar]
             * @return : void
             * @author : cwl
             * @date : 2019/6/4 16:48
            void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar);

        private interface NumberRule extends Rule {

             * 功能描述:
             * 〈将指定值添加到buffer当中〉
             * @params : [buffer, value]
             * @return : void
             * @author : cwl
             * @date : 2019/6/4 16:50
            void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value);

        private static class CharacterLiteral implements Rule {
            private final char mValue;

            CharacterLiteral(char value) {
                mValue = value;

            public int estimateLength() {
                return 1;

            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
        public Object parseObject(String source, ParsePosition pos) {
            return null;

        private static class StringLiteral implements Rule {
            private final String mValue;

            StringLiteral(String value) {
                mValue = value;

            public int estimateLength() {
                return mValue.length();

            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {

        private static class TextField implements Rule {
            private final int mField;
            private final String[] mValues;

            TextField(int field, String[] values) {
                mField = field;
                mValues = values;
            public int estimateLength() {
                int max = 0;
                for (int i=mValues.length; --i >= 0; ) {
                    int len = mValues[i].length();
                    if (len > max) {
                        max = len;
                return max;

            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {

        private static class UnpaddedNumberField implements NumberRule {
            static final UnpaddedNumberField INSTANCE_YEAR = new UnpaddedNumberField(Calendar.YEAR);

            private final int mField;

            UnpaddedNumberField(int field) {
                mField = field;

            public int estimateLength() {
                return 4;
            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
                appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(mField));
            public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
                if (value < 10) {
                    buffer.append((char)(value + '0'));
                } else if (value < 100) {
                    buffer.append((char)(value / 10 + '0'));
                    buffer.append((char)(value % 10 + '0'));
                } else {

        private static class UnpaddedMonthField implements NumberRule {
            static final UnpaddedMonthField INSTANCE = new UnpaddedMonthField();
            UnpaddedMonthField() {
            public int estimateLength() {
                return 2;
            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
                appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1);
            public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
                if (value < 10) {
                    buffer.append((char)(value + '0'));
                } else {
                    buffer.append((char)(value / 10 + '0'));
                    buffer.append((char)(value % 10 + '0'));

        private static class PaddedNumberField implements NumberRule {
            private final int mField;
            private final int mSize;

            PaddedNumberField(int field, int size) {
                if (size < 3) {
                    // Should use UnpaddedNumberField or TwoDigitNumberField.
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
                mField = field;
                mSize = size;
            public int estimateLength() {
                return 4;

            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
                appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(mField));

            public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
                if (value < 100) {
                    for (int i = mSize; --i >= 2; ) {
                    buffer.append((char)(value / 10 + '0'));
                    buffer.append((char)(value % 10 + '0'));
                } else {
                    int digits;
                    if (value < 1000) {
                        digits = 3;
                    } else {
                        if(value <= -1){
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative values should not be possible" + value);
                        digits = Integer.toString(value).length();
                    for (int i = mSize; --i >= digits; ) {

        private static class TwoDigitNumberField implements NumberRule {
            private final int mField;

            TwoDigitNumberField(int field) {
                mField = field;

            public int estimateLength() {
                return 2;

            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
                appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(mField));

            public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
                if (value < 100) {
                    buffer.append((char)(value / 10 + '0'));
                    buffer.append((char)(value % 10 + '0'));
                } else {

        private static class TwoDigitYearField implements NumberRule {
            static final TwoDigitYearField INSTANCE = new TwoDigitYearField();

            TwoDigitYearField() {

            public int estimateLength() {
                return 2;

            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
                appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) % 100);

            public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
                buffer.append((char)(value / 10 + '0'));
                buffer.append((char)(value % 10 + '0'));

        private static class TwoDigitMonthField implements NumberRule {
            static final TwoDigitMonthField INSTANCE = new TwoDigitMonthField();

            TwoDigitMonthField() {

            public int estimateLength() {
                return 2;

            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
                appendTo(buffer, calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1);

            public final void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
                buffer.append((char)(value / 10 + '0'));
                buffer.append((char)(value % 10 + '0'));
        private static class TwelveHourField implements NumberRule {
            private final NumberRule mRule;
            TwelveHourField(NumberRule rule) {
                mRule = rule;

            public int estimateLength() {
                return mRule.estimateLength();
            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
                int value = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR);
                if (value == 0) {
                    value = calendar.getLeastMaximum(Calendar.HOUR) + 1;
                mRule.appendTo(buffer, value);
            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
                mRule.appendTo(buffer, value);

        private static class TwentyFourHourField implements NumberRule {
            private final NumberRule mRule;

            TwentyFourHourField(NumberRule rule) {
                mRule = rule;
            public int estimateLength() {
                return mRule.estimateLength();

            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
                int value = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
                if (value == 0) {
                    value = calendar.getMaximum(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 1;
                mRule.appendTo(buffer, value);
            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, int value) {
                mRule.appendTo(buffer, value);

        private static class TimeZoneNameRule implements Rule {
            private final TimeZone mTimeZone;
            private final boolean mTimeZoneForced;
            private final Locale mLocale;
            private final int mStyle;
            private final String mStandard;
            private final String mDaylight;

            TimeZoneNameRule(TimeZone timeZone, boolean timeZoneForced, Locale locale, int style) {
                mTimeZone = timeZone;
                mTimeZoneForced = timeZoneForced;
                mLocale = locale;
                mStyle = style;

                if (timeZoneForced) {
                    mStandard = getTimeZoneDisplay(timeZone, false, style, locale);
                    mDaylight = getTimeZoneDisplay(timeZone, true, style, locale);
                } else {
                    mStandard = null;
                    mDaylight = null;

            public int estimateLength() {
                if (mTimeZoneForced) {
                    return Math.max(mStandard.length(), mDaylight.length());
                } else if (mStyle == TimeZone.SHORT) {
                    return 4;
                } else {
                    return 40;

            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
                if (mTimeZoneForced) {
                    if (mTimeZone.useDaylightTime() && calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) != 0) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    TimeZone timeZone = calendar.getTimeZone();
                    if (timeZone.useDaylightTime() && calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET) != 0) {
                        buffer.append(getTimeZoneDisplay(timeZone, true, mStyle, mLocale));
                    } else {
                        buffer.append(getTimeZoneDisplay(timeZone, false, mStyle, mLocale));

        private static class TimeZoneNumberRule implements Rule {
            static final TimeZoneNumberRule INSTANCE_COLON = new TimeZoneNumberRule(true);
            static final TimeZoneNumberRule INSTANCE_NO_COLON = new TimeZoneNumberRule(false);

            final boolean mColon;

            TimeZoneNumberRule(boolean colon) {
                mColon = colon;

            public int estimateLength() {
                return 5;

            public void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer, Calendar calendar) {
                int offset = calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET);

                if (offset < 0) {
                    offset = -offset;
                } else {

                int hours = offset / (60 * 60 * 1000);
                buffer.append((char)(hours / 10 + '0'));
                buffer.append((char)(hours % 10 + '0'));

                if (mColon) {

                int minutes = offset / (60 * 1000) - 60 * hours;
                buffer.append((char)(minutes / 10 + '0'));
                buffer.append((char)(minutes % 10 + '0'));

        private static class TimeZoneDisplayKey {
            private final TimeZone mTimeZone;
            private final int mStyle;
            private final Locale mLocale;

            TimeZoneDisplayKey(TimeZone timeZone,
                               boolean daylight, int style, Locale locale) {
                mTimeZone = timeZone;
                if (daylight) {
                    style |= 0x80000000;
                mStyle = style;
                mLocale = locale;

            public int hashCode() {
                return mStyle * 31 + mLocale.hashCode();

            public boolean equals(Object obj) {
                if (this == obj) {
                    return true;
                if (obj instanceof TimeZoneDisplayKey) {
                    TimeZoneDisplayKey other = (TimeZoneDisplayKey)obj;
                            mTimeZone.equals(other.mTimeZone) &&
                                    mStyle == other.mStyle &&
                return false;

        // 用于创建复合对象的Helper类
        private static class Pair {
            private final Object mObj1;
            private final Object mObj2;

            public Pair(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
                mObj1 = obj1;
                mObj2 = obj2;

            public boolean equals(Object obj) {
                if (this == obj) {
                    return true;

                if (!(obj instanceof Pair)) {
                    return false;

                Pair key = (Pair)obj;

                        (mObj1 == null ?
                                key.mObj1 == null : mObj1.equals(key.mObj1)) &&
                                (mObj2 == null ?
                                        key.mObj2 == null : mObj2.equals(key.mObj2));

            public int hashCode() {
                return (mObj1 == null ? 0 : mObj1.hashCode()) + (mObj2 == null ? 0 : mObj2.hashCode());
            public String toString() {
                return "[" + mObj1 + ':' + mObj2 + ']';
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