社区首页 >专栏 >FRP内网穿透


发布2019-12-30 17:34:16
发布2019-12-30 17:34:16

对于没有公网 IP 的内网用户来说,远程管理或在外网访问内网机器上的服务是一个问题。之前一直用最简单的nc做反代,折腾了几次之后迁移到FRP上面了;记录一下ABC;

内网穿透工具 FRP,FRP 全名:Fast Reverse Proxy。

项目地址: https://github.com/fatedier/frp

FRP 的作用
  • 利用处于内网或防火墙后的机器,对外网环境提供 HTTP 或 HTTPS 服务。
  • 对于 HTTP, HTTPS 服务支持基于域名的虚拟主机,支持自定义域名绑定,使多个域名可以共用一个 80 端口。
  • 利用处于内网或防火墙后的机器,对外网环境提供 TCP 和 UDP 服务,例如在家里通过 SSH 访问处于公司内网环境内的主机。
FRP 安装

FRP 采用 Go 语言开发,支持 Windows、Linux、MacOS、ARM等多平台部署。FRP 安装非常容易,只需下载对应系统平台的软件包,并解压就可用。

这里以 Linux 为例,为了方便管理我们把解压后的目录重命名为 frp :

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wget https://github.com/fatedier/frp/releases/download/v0.29.1/frp_0.29.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz tar xzvf frp_0.29.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz mv frp_0.29.1_linux_amd64 frp cp frp/frpc frp/frps /usr/bin/

  • 首先建立配置文件

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mkdir /etc/frp vim /etc/frp/frps.ini

下面是模板,根据修改一下token,dashboard_user, dashboard_pwd,默认开了6000端口作为对外ssh端口, 7000作为frpc和frps通讯端口,7500端口作为web管理界面端口;

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# [common] is integral section [common] # A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed # in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80" bind_addr = bind_port = 7000 # udp port to help make udp hole to penetrate nat bind_udp_port = 7001 # udp port used for kcp protocol, it can be same with 'bind_port' # if not set, kcp is disabled in frps kcp_bind_port = 7000 # specify which address proxy will listen for, default value is same with bind_addr # proxy_bind_addr = # if you want to support virtual host, you must set the http port for listening (optional) # Note: http port and https port can be same with bind_port vhost_http_port = 80 vhost_https_port = 443 # response header timeout(seconds) for vhost http server, default is 60s # vhost_http_timeout = 60 # set dashboard_addr and dashboard_port to view dashboard of frps # dashboard_addr's default value is same with bind_addr # dashboard is available only if dashboard_port is set dashboard_addr = dashboard_port = 7500 # dashboard user and passwd for basic auth protect, if not set, both default value is admin dashboard_user = user dashboard_pwd = user # dashboard assets directory(only for debug mode) # assets_dir = ./static # console or real logFile path like ./frps.log log_file = /var/log/frps.log # trace, debug, info, warn, error log_level = info log_max_days = 3 # disable log colors when log_file is console, default is false disable_log_color = false # auth token token = 123456frp # heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value # the default value of heartbeat_timeout is 90 # heartbeat_timeout = 90 # only allow frpc to bind ports you list, if you set nothing, there won't be any limit #allow_ports = 2000-3000,3001,3003,4000-50000 allow_ports = 80,6000,8080,18332,18333,28332,28333,60000-60010 # pool_count in each proxy will change to max_pool_count if they exceed the maximum value max_pool_count = 5 # if subdomain_host is not empty, you can set subdomain when type is http or https in frpc's configure file # when subdomain is test, the host used by routing is test.frps.com subdomain_host = frps.com # if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true tcp_mux = true # custom 404 page for HTTP requests # custom_404_page = /path/to/404.html

  • 再建立systemd 启动脚本

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vim /lib/systemd/system/frps.service [Unit] Description=Frp Server Service After=network.target [Service] Type=simple User=root Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5s ExecStart=/usr/bin/frps -c /etc/frp/frps.ini [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

  • 启动服务,再设置为开机启动

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systemctl start frps systemctl enable frps

  • 首先建立配置文件

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mkdir /etc/frp vim /etc/frp/frpc.ini

下面是模板,根据修改server_addr、admin_user, admin_pwd字段; token要设置的跟服务端的token相同;

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# [common] is integral section [common] # A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed # in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80" server_addr = x.x.x.x server_port = 7000 # if you want to connect frps by http proxy or socks5 proxy, you can set http_proxy here or in global environment variables # it only works when protocol is tcp # http_proxy = http://user:passwd@ # http_proxy = socks5://user:passwd@ # console or real logFile path like ./frpc.log log_file = /var/log/frpc.log # trace, debug, info, warn, error log_level = info log_max_days = 3 # disable log colors when log_file is console, default is false disable_log_color = false # for authentication token = 123456frp # set admin address for control frpc's action by http api such as reload admin_addr = admin_port = 7400 admin_user = user admin_pwd = user # Admin assets directory. By default, these assets are bundled with frpc. # assets_dir = ./static # connections will be established in advance, default value is zero pool_count = 5 # if tcp stream multiplexing is used, default is true, it must be same with frps tcp_mux = true # your proxy name will be changed to {user}.{proxy} user = brainzhang.bitcoin.testnet # decide if exit program when first login failed, otherwise continuous relogin to frps # default is true login_fail_exit = true # communication protocol used to connect to server # now it supports tcp and kcp and websocket, default is tcp protocol = tcp # if tls_enable is true, frpc will connect frps by tls tls_enable = true # specify a dns server, so frpc will use this instead of default one # dns_server = # proxy names you want to start seperated by ',' # default is empty, means all proxies # start = ssh,dns # heartbeat configure, it's not recommended to modify the default value # the default value of heartbeat_interval is 10 and heartbeat_timeout is 90 # heartbeat_interval = 30 # heartbeat_timeout = 90 # 'ssh' is the unique proxy name # if user in [common] section is not empty, it will be changed to {user}.{proxy} such as 'your_name.ssh' [ssh] # tcp | udp | http | https | stcp | xtcp, default is tcp type = tcp local_ip = local_port = 22 # true or false, if true, messages between frps and frpc will be encrypted, default is false use_encryption = false # if true, message will be compressed use_compression = true # remote port listen by frps remote_port = 6000 # frps will load balancing connections for proxies in same group #group = test_group ## group should have same group key #group_key = 123456 ## enable health check for the backend service, it support 'tcp' and 'http' now ## frpc will connect local service's port to detect it's healthy status #health_check_type = tcp ## health check connection timeout #health_check_timeout_s = 3 ## if continuous failed in 3 times, the proxy will be removed from frps #health_check_max_failed = 3 ## every 10 seconds will do a health check #health_check_interval_s = 10 #[ssh_random] #type = tcp #local_ip = #local_port = 22 ## if remote_port is 0, frps will assign a random port for you #remote_port = 0 # if you want to expose multiple ports, add 'range:' prefix to the section name # frpc will generate multiple proxies such as 'tcp_port_6010', 'tcp_port_6011' and so on. [range:tcp_port] type = tcp local_ip = #local_port = 6010-6020,6022,6024-6028, #remote_port = 6010-6020,6022,6024-6028 local_port = 8080,18332,18333,28332,28333,60000-60010 remote_port = 8080,18332,18333,28332,28333,60000-60010 use_encryption = false use_compression = false

  • 再建立systemd 启动脚本

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vim /lib/systemd/system/frpc.service [Unit] Description=Frp Client Service After=network.target [Service] Type=simple User=root Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5s ExecStart=/usr/bin/frpc -c /etc/frp/frpc.ini ExecReload=/usr/bin/frpc reload -c /etc/frp/frpc.ini [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

  • 启动服务,再设置为开机启动

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systemctl start frpc systemctl enable frpc


现在可以从外网通过 frps服务端的ip(比如x.x.x.x)中转,访问内网了;比如ssh:


ssh -oPort=6000 root@x.x.x.x



scp -P 6000 -r xxx root@xxxxxxx:/opt/




python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080



curl http://x.x.x.x:8080








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0 条评论
  • FRP 的作用
  • FRP 安装
  • FRP服务端配置
  • FRP客户端配置
  • 测试
  • 管理
  • 扩展
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