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发布2022-12-02 14:52:50
发布2022-12-02 14:52:50

master端: #yum install salt-master -y                         salt主控端安装 # vim /etc/salt/master                                salt主配置文件修改 interface: 服务监听IP auto_accept: True(可选,key通过‘salt-key -a keyname’命令手动进行认证) 注意:keyname 就是客户端中设置的id标识(可以查看salt-minion端的配置)

#salt-master -l debug                                   debug模式,查看salt都进行哪些操作 #systemctl restart salt-master                    重启salt服务 #systemctl status  salt-master                    查看状态 #netstat -antlp | grep 4505                            确保消息发布端口正常 #netstat -antlp | grep 4506                            确保客户端与服务端通信端口正常 # salt-key                                                      查看认证相关信息 # salt-key -a wy-pe2                                     手动添加认证key(给wy-pe2主机添加认证) #iptables -F                                                   关闭防火墙以免影响认证 #salt-key -a wy-pe2 #salt-key -L                                                   查看认证信息(会有显示已经认证和未认证的相关信息) [root@wy-pe1 ~]# salt-key -L Accepted Keys: wy-pe2                                                                已经允许的key(表示wy-pe2已经允许认证了) Unaccepted Keys: Rejected Keys:

#cd /etc/salt/pki/master/minions                            在master中的minions目录中生成认证的key #setenforce 0                                                            暂时关闭selinux #/etc/init.d/salt-master restart

执行远程命令(使用salt内建的模块): #salt ‘wy-pe2′ test.ping                                            测试master和minion进行通信(在master端进行ping响应测试) [root@wy-pe1 ~]# salt ‘wy-pe2′ test.ping                如果能ping通,则为True wy-pe2: True

#lsof -i:4505                                                               查看到minion端都和4505保持建立 [root@wy-pe1 ~]# lsof -i:4505 COMMAND    PID USER   FD   TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME salt-mast 8568 root   12u  IPv4  63217      0t0  TCP *:4505 (LISTEN) salt-mast 8568 root   14u  IPv4  65101      0t0  TCP wy-pe1:4505->wy-pe2:51237 (ESTABLISHED)(表示建立连接了) 注意:如果认证那块没做好,就会影响相关的链接


salt-call -h

Usage: salt-call [options] <function> [arguments] Options:

     --version:  查看saltstack程序的版本号。

     --versions-report: 查看saltstack程序以及依赖包的版本号。

     -h, --help:查看帮助信息。

     --saltfile=SALTFILE: 指定配置文件。

     -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_DIR:指定配置文件目录(默认是/etc/salt/)

     --hard-crash: 捕捉到original异常不退出(默认关闭)。

     -g, --grains: 返回的信息生成grains。

     -m MODULE_DIRS, --module-dirs=MODULE_DIRS: 指定自定义模块目录。

     -d, --doc, --documentation: 查看指定模块或者所有模块文档。

     --master=MASTER: 指定saltstack master。如果省略此选项,将使用minion config中的主选项。如果设置了多主机,则首先列出的主机将被使用。




     --pillar-root=PILLAR_ROOT: 指定pillar基础根目录。


     --metadata :打印执行元数据以及返回。 这将打印输出器数据,返回码等。

     --id=ID:指定一个minion ID.



     -t AUTH_TIMEOUT, --timeout=AUTH_TIMEOUT:更改运行命令的超时时间,默认 60秒。

salt的简单使用: salt可以直接让minion执行模块命令,也可以直接执行shell命令 1.salt -C ‘wy-pe1 and wy-pe2 or wy-peN’ test.ping        -C表示多参数(表示在测试多台主机的存活状态) # salt ‘*’ disk.usage                                                                查看磁盘使用情况(使用内建模块查看所有minion端的磁盘使用情况) #salt ‘*’ cmd.run ‘df -h’                                                          使用cmd.run直接调用远程shell命令(功能同上) # salt ‘*’ cmd.run “cat /root/lall”                                            查看客户端主机的/root/lall文件

2.nodegroup对minion进行分组: nodegroups: group1: ‘L@foo.domain.com,bar.domain.com,baz.domain.com or bl*.domain.com’ group2: ‘G@os :Debian and foo.domain.com’

group3:’wy-pe2′ 进行分组测试: # salt -N group3 test.ping wy-pe2: True


salt ‘wy-pe2′ grins.ls                                                            查看grains分类 salt ‘wy-pe2′ grins.items                                                      查看minnon基本信息(硬件参数)

4.pillar对敏感信息的管理,只有匹配到的节点才能获取和使用 默认pillar数据定义文件存储路径:/srv/pillar

状态管理: 1.salt基于minion进行状态的管理(state) 类似于pupet的pp文件功能,salt的state文件扩展文件名为.sls,采用的是和puppet一样的设计思路。即以master 端的文件状态来确定minion端的一些状态信息设置。(安装的软件包,服务的运行状态以及需要同步的文件配置) 注意:salt默认的根目录在/srv/salt中,如果没有需要进行建立。


示例:(注意,salt文件完全采用ymal格式,对代码的缩进有着严格的要求) #vim /srv/salt/servers_package.sls httpd:                            项目名 pkg:                              类型 – installed                    动作(表示安装httpd包) service: – running – enable:True vim-enhanced: pkg: – installed tomcat环境 openjdk-7-jdk: pkg: – installed tomcat7: pkg: – installed – require: – pkg: openjdk-7-jdk

# salt ‘wy-pe2′ state.sls servers_package              按照sls文件中的配置对wy-pe2进行服务配置

管理配置文件 httpd: pkg: – installed file.managed:                                文件管理(文件同步操作) – name: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf – source: salt://httpd/httpd.conf

# salt ‘wy-pe2′ state.highstate                                应用修改(给minion永久添加状态)

3.使用salt schedule对minion进行实时更新,让minion自觉的保持某个状态

4.实时管理 有时候我们需要临时的查看某个机器上的某个文件,或者执行某个命令

cmd.run方式:(salt ‘targeting’ cmd.run ‘cmd’)用来远程执行shell命令 # salt ‘wy-pe2′ cmd.run ‘ifconfig eth0′           查看某台主机的网络接口

cmd.script方式可以向远程主机执行脚本 #salt ‘*’ cmd.script salt://useradd.sh               向minion主机上执行useradd.sh脚本(salt://是salt的默认发布目录,即/srv/salt)

pkg.install方式:制定主机安装软件 #salt ‘wy-pe2′ pkg.install vsftpd                     指定主机安装软件

# salt ‘*’ network.interfaces                            查看远程主机接口

# salt-cp ‘wy-pe2′ salt-cmd /home/xxb2        复制文件到指定的系统上(当前目录的salt-cmd) salt是主命令,一般用来执行命令模块。 salt-cp用来复制文件到指定的系统上去 salt-key用来和minion之间进行身份验证 salt-master为服务端的主守护进程用于控制minion salt-run为前端命令执行

module方式:(模块查看方式#salt ‘*’ sys.doc) #salt ‘*’ disk.usage                                    查看磁盘使用情况 # salt ‘*’ grains.item os/osrelease/oscodename # salt ‘*’ user(group).info xxb2 # salt ‘*’ ip.get_interface eth0 #salt ‘*’ lvm.vgdisplay

salt相关管理命令: salt-run manage.up                 查看存活的minion salt-run manage.down            查看死掉的minion salt-run manage.down removekeys=True    查看down掉的minion,并将其删除 salt-run manage.status            查看minion的相关状态 salt-run manage.versions        查看slat的所有master和minion的版本信息



salt ‘*’ acl.delfacl user myuser /tmp/house/kitchen

salt ‘*’ acl.delfacl default:group mygroup /tmp/house/kitchen

salt ‘*’ acl.delfacl d:u myuser /tmp/house/kitchen

salt ‘*’ acl.delfacl g myuser /tmp/house/kitchen /tmp/house/livingroom

salt ‘*’ acl.getfacl /tmp/house/kitchen

salt ‘*’ acl.getfacl /tmp/house/kitchen /tmp/house/livingroom

salt ‘*’ acl.addfacl user myuser rwx /tmp/house/kitchen

salt ‘*’ acl.addfacl default:group mygroup rx /tmp/house/kitchen

salt ‘*’ acl.addfacl d:u myuser 7 /tmp/house/kitchen

salt ‘*’ acl.addfacl g mygroup 0 /tmp/house/kitchen /tmp/house/livingroom

salt ‘*’ acl.version

salt ‘*’ acl.wipefacls /tmp/house/kitchen

salt ‘*’ acl.wipefacls /tmp/house/kitchen /tmp/house/livingroom

salt ‘*’ aliases.get_target alias

salt ‘*’ aliases.has_target alias target

salt ‘*’ aliases.list_aliases

salt ‘*’ aliases.rm_alias alias

salt ‘*’ aliases.set_target alias target

salt ‘*’ alternatives.auto name

salt ‘*’ alternatives.check_installed name path

salt ‘*’ alternatives.display editor

salt ‘*’ alternatives.install editor /usr/bin/editor /usr/bin/emacs23 50

salt ‘*’ alternatives.remove name path

salt ‘*’ alternatives.set name path

salt ‘*’ alternatives.show_current editor

salt ‘*’ apache.config /etc/httpd/conf.d/ports.conf config=”[{‘Listen': ’22’}]”

salt ‘*’ apache.directives

salt ‘*’ apache.fullversion

salt ‘*’ apache.modules

salt ‘*’ apache.server_status

salt ‘*’ apache.server_status other-profile

salt ‘*’ apache.servermods

salt ‘*’ apache.signal restart

salt ‘*’ apache.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpassword

salt ‘*’ apache.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpass opts=ns

salt ‘*’ apache.userdel /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry

salt ‘*’ apache.version

salt ‘*’ archive.gunzip template=jinja /tmp/{{grains.id}}.txt.gz

salt ‘*’ archive.gunzip /tmp/sourcefile.txt.gz

salt ‘*’ archive.gzip template=jinja /tmp/{{grains.id}}.txt

salt ‘*’ archive.gzip /tmp/sourcefile.txt

salt ‘*’ archive.rar template=jinja /tmp/rarfile.rar ‘/tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/{{grains.id}}.txt’

salt ‘*’ archive.rar /tmp/rarfile.rar /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/sourcefile2

salt ‘*’ archive.tar cjvf /tmp/salt.tar.bz2 {{grains.saltpath}} template=jinja

salt ‘*’ archive.tar cjvf /tmp/tarfile.tar.bz2 /tmp/file_1,/tmp/file_2

salt ‘*’ archive.tar xf foo.tar dest=/target/directory

salt ‘*’ archive.unrar template=jinja /tmp/rarfile.rar /tmp/{{grains.id}}/ excludes=file_1,file_2

salt ‘*’ archive.unrar /tmp/rarfile.rar /home/strongbad/ excludes=file_1,file_2

salt ‘*’ archive.unzip template=jinja /tmp/zipfile.zip /tmp/{{grains.id}}/ excludes=file_1,file_2

salt ‘*’ archive.unzip /tmp/zipfile.zip /home/strongbad/ excludes=file_1,file_2

salt ‘*’ archive.zip template=jinja /tmp/zipfile.zip /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/{{grains.id}}.txt

salt ‘*’ archive.zip /tmp/zipfile.zip /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/sourcefile2

salt ‘*’ extfs.dump /dev/sda1

salt ‘*’ blockdev.tune /dev/sda1 read-ahead=1024 read-write=True

salt ‘*’ blockdev.wipe /dev/sda1

salt ‘*’ bridge.add br0

salt ‘*’ bridge.addif br0 eth0

salt ‘*’ bridge.delete br0

salt ‘*’ bridge.delif br0 eth0

salt ‘*’ bridge.find_interfaces eth0 [eth1…]

salt ‘*’ bridge.interfaces br0

salt ‘*’ bridge.list

salt ‘*’ bridge.show

salt ‘*’ bridge.show br0

salt ‘*’ bridge.stp br0 enable

salt ‘*’ bridge.stp br0 disable

salt ‘*’ bridge.stp bridge0 enable fxp0

salt ‘*’ bridge.stp bridge0 disable fxp0

salt ‘*’ buildout.bootstrap /srv/mybuildout

salt ‘*’ buildout.buildout /srv/mybuildout

salt ‘*’ buildout.run_buildout /srv/mybuildout

salt ‘*’ buildout.upgrade_bootstrap /srv/mybuildout

salt ‘*’ cloud.action start instance=myinstance

salt ‘*’ cloud.action stop instance=myinstance

salt ‘*’ cloud.action show_image provider=my-ec2-config image=ami-1624987f

salt ‘*’ cloud.destroy myinstance

salt ‘*’ cloud.full_query

salt ‘*’ cloud.list_images my-gce-config

salt ‘*’ cloud.list_locations my-gce-config

salt ‘*’ cloud.list_sizes my-gce-config

salt ‘*’ cloud.profile my-gce-config myinstance

salt ‘*’ cloud.query

salt ‘*’ cloud.query list_nodes_full

salt ‘*’ cloud.query list_nodes_select

salt ‘*’ cloud.select_query

salt ‘*’ cmd.exec_code ruby ‘puts “cheese”‘

salt ‘*’ cmd.has_exec cat

salt ‘*’ cmd.retcode “file /bin/bash”

salt ‘*’ cmd.retcode template=jinja “file {{grains.pythonpath[0]}}/python”

salt ‘*’ cmd.retcode “grep f” stdin=’one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n’

salt ‘*’ cmd.run “ls -l | awk ‘/foo/{print \$2}'”

salt ‘*’ cmd.run template=jinja “ls -l /tmp/{{grains.id}} | awk ‘/foo/{print \$2}'”

salt ‘*’ cmd.run “Get-ChildItem C:\ ” shell=’powershell’

salt ‘*’ cmd.run “grep f” stdin=’one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n’

salt ‘*’ cmd.run cmd=’sed -e s/=/:/g’

salt ‘*’ cmd.run_all “ls -l | awk ‘/foo/{print \$2}'”

salt ‘*’ cmd.run_all template=jinja “ls -l /tmp/{{grains.id}} | awk ‘/foo/{print \$2}'”

salt ‘*’ cmd.run_all “grep f” stdin=’one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n’

salt ‘*’ cmd.run_chroot /var/lib/lxc/container_name/rootfs ‘sh /tmp/bootstrap.sh’

salt ‘*’ cmd.run_stderr “ls -l | awk ‘/foo/{print \$2}'”

salt ‘*’ cmd.run_stderr template=jinja “ls -l /tmp/{{grains.id}} | awk ‘/foo/{print \$2}'”

salt ‘*’ cmd.run_stderr “grep f” stdin=’one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n’

salt ‘*’ cmd.run_stdout “ls -l | awk ‘/foo/{print \$2}'”

salt ‘*’ cmd.run_stdout template=jinja “ls -l /tmp/{{grains.id}} | awk ‘/foo/{print \$2}'”

salt ‘*’ cmd.run_stdout “grep f” stdin=’one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n’

salt ‘*’ cmd.script salt://scripts/runme.sh

salt ‘*’ cmd.script salt://scripts/runme.sh ‘arg1 arg2 “arg 3″‘

salt ‘*’ cmd.script salt://scripts/windows_task.ps1 args=’ -Input c:\tmp\infile.txt’ shell=’powershell’

salt ‘*’ cmd.script salt://scripts/runme.sh stdin=’one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n’

salt ‘*’ cmd.script_retcode salt://scripts/runme.sh

salt ‘*’ cmd.script_retcode salt://scripts/runme.sh stdin=’one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n’

salt ‘*’ cmd.tty tty0 ‘This is a test’

salt ‘*’ cmd.tty pts3 ‘This is a test’

salt ‘*’ cmd.which cat

salt ‘*’ cmd.which_bin ‘[pip2, pip, pip-python]’

salt ‘*’ composer.install /var/www/application

salt ‘*’ composer.install /var/www/application no_dev=True optimize=True

salt ‘*’ config.backup_mode

salt ‘*’ config.dot_vals host

salt ‘*’ config.get pkg:apache

salt ‘*’ config.manage_mode

salt ‘*’ config.merge schedule

salt ‘*’ config.option redis.host

salt ‘*’ config.valid_fileproto salt://path/to/file

salt ‘*’ cp.cache_dir salt://path/to/dir

salt ‘*’ cp.cache_dir salt://path/to/dir include_pat=’E@*.py$’

salt ‘*’ cp.cache_file salt://path/to/file

salt ‘*’ cp.cache_files salt://pathto/file1,salt://pathto/file1

salt ‘*’ cp.cache_local_file /etc/hosts

salt ‘*’ cp.cache_master

salt ‘*’ cp.get_dir salt://path/to/dir/ /minion/dest

salt ‘*’ cp.get_file salt://path/to/file /minion/dest

salt ‘*’ cp.get_file “salt://{{grains.os}}/vimrc” /etc/vimrc template=jinja

salt ‘*’ cp.get_file_str salt://my/file

salt ‘*’ cp.get_template salt://path/to/template /minion/dest

salt ‘*’ cp.get_url salt://my/file /tmp/mine

salt ‘*’ cp.get_url http://www.slashdot.org /tmp/index.html

salt ‘*’ cp.hash_file salt://path/to/file

salt ‘*’ cp.is_cached salt://path/to/file

salt ‘*’ cp.list_master

salt ‘*’ cp.list_master_dirs

salt ‘*’ cp.list_master_symlinks

salt ‘*’ cp.list_minion

salt ‘*’ cp.list_states

salt ‘*’ cp.push /etc/fstab

salt ‘*’ cp.push /usr/lib/mysql

salt ‘*’ cp.push_dir /etc/modprobe.d/ glob=’*.conf’

salt ‘*’ cron.list_tab root

salt ‘*’ cron.list_tab root

salt ‘*’ cron.raw_cron root

salt ‘*’ cron.rm_job root /usr/local/weekly

salt ‘*’ cron.rm_job root /usr/bin/foo dayweek=1

salt ‘*’ cron.rm_env root MAILTO

salt ‘*’ cron.rm_job root /usr/local/weekly

salt ‘*’ cron.rm_job root /usr/bin/foo dayweek=1

salt ‘*’ cron.set_env root MAILTO user@example.com

salt ‘*’ cron.set_job root ‘*’ ‘*’ ‘*’ ‘*’ 1 /usr/local/weekly

salt ‘*’ cron.set_special root @hourly ‘echo foobar’

salt ‘*’ cron.write_cron_file root /tmp/new_cron

salt ‘*’ cron.write_cron_file_verbose root /tmp/new_cron

salt ‘*’ daemontools.available foo

salt ‘*’ daemontools.full_restart <service name>

salt ‘*’ daemontools.get_all

salt ‘*’ daemontools.missing foo

salt ‘*’ daemontools.reload <service name>

salt ‘*’ daemontools.restart <service name>

salt ‘*’ daemontools.start <service name>

salt ‘*’ daemontools.status <service name>

salt ‘*’ daemontools.stop <service name>

salt ‘*’ daemontools.term <service name>

salt ‘*’ data.cas <key> <value> <old_value>

salt ‘*’ data.clear

salt ‘*’ data.dump ‘{‘eggs': ‘spam’}’

salt ‘*’ data.getval <key>

salt ‘*’ data.getvals <key> [<key> …]

salt ‘*’ data.load

salt ‘*’ data.update <key> <value>

salt ‘*’ defaults.get core:users:root

salt ‘*’ disk.blkid

salt ‘*’ disk.blkid /dev/sda

salt ‘*’ disk.inodeusage

salt ‘*’ disk.percent /var

salt ‘*’ disk.usage

salt ‘*’ django.collectstatic <settings_module>

salt ‘*’ django.command <settings_module> <command>

salt ‘*’ django.createsuperuser <settings_module> user user@example.com

salt ‘*’ django.loaddata <settings_module> <comma delimited list of fixtures>

salt ‘*’ django.syncdb <settings_module>

salt ‘*’ dnsmasq.version

salt ‘*’ dnsmasq.get_config

salt ‘*’ dnsmasq.get_config file=/etc/dnsmasq.conf

salt ‘*’ dnsmasq.set_config domain=mydomain.com

salt ‘*’ dnsmasq.set_config follow=False domain=mydomain.com

salt ‘*’ dnsmasq.set_config file=/etc/dnsmasq.conf domain=mydomain.com

salt ‘*’ dnsmasq.version

salt ‘*’ dnsutil.hosts_append /etc/hosts ad1.yuk.co,ad2.yuk.co

salt ‘*’ dnsutil.hosts_remove /etc/hosts ad1.yuk.co

salt ‘*’ dnsutil.hosts_remove /etc/hosts ad2.yuk.co,ad1.yuk.co

salt ‘*’ dnsutil.parse_hosts

salt ‘*’ environ.get foo

salt ‘*’ environ.get baz default=False

salt ‘*’ environ.has_value foo

salt ‘*’ environ.item foo

salt ‘*’ environ.item ‘[foo, baz]’ default=None

salt ‘*’ environ.items

salt ‘*’ environ.setenv ‘{“foo”: “bar”, “baz”: “quux”}’

salt ‘*’ environ.setenv ‘{“a”: “b”, “c”: False}’ false_unsets=True

salt ‘*’ environ.setval foo bar

salt ‘*’ environ.setval baz val=False false_unsets=True

salt ‘*’ event.fire ‘{“data”:”my event data”}’ ‘tag’

salt ‘*’ event.fire_master ‘{“data”:”my event data”}’ ‘tag’

salt ‘*’ extfs.attributes /dev/sda1

salt ‘*’ extfs.blocks /dev/sda1

salt ‘*’ extfs.dump /dev/sda1

salt ‘*’ extfs.mkfs /dev/sda1 fs_type=ext4 opts=’acl,noexec’

salt ‘*’ extfs.tune /dev/sda1 force=True label=wildstallyns opts=’acl,noexec’

salt ‘*’ file.access /path/to/file f

salt ‘*’ file.access /path/to/file x

salt ‘*’ file.append /etc/motd \

salt ‘*’ file.append /etc/motd args=’cheese=spam’

salt ‘*’ file.append /etc/motd args=”[‘cheese=spam’,’spam=cheese’]”

salt ‘*’ file.blockreplace /etc/hosts ‘#– start managed zone foobar : DO NOT EDIT –‘ \

salt ‘*’ file.check_file_meta /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf salt://http/httpd.conf ‘{hash_type: ‘md5′, ‘hsum': <md5sum>}’ root, root, ‘755’ base

salt ‘*’ file.check_hash /etc/fstab md5:<md5sum>

salt ‘*’ file.check_managed /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf salt://http/httpd.conf ‘{hash_type: ‘md5′, ‘hsum': <md5sum>}’ root, root, ‘755’ jinja True None None base

salt ‘*’ file.check_managed_changes /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf salt://http/httpd.conf ‘{hash_type: ‘md5′, ‘hsum': <md5sum>}’ root, root, ‘755’ jinja True None None base

salt ‘*’ file.check_perms /etc/sudoers ‘{}’ root root 400

salt ‘*’ file.chgrp /etc/passwd root

salt ‘*’ file.chown /etc/passwd root root

salt ‘*’ file.comment /etc/modules pcspkr

salt ‘*’ file.contains /etc/crontab ‘mymaintenance.sh’

salt ‘*’ file.contains_glob /etc/foobar ‘*cheese*’

salt ‘*’ file.contains_regex /etc/crontab

salt ‘*’ file.contains_regex_multiline /etc/crontab ‘^maint’

salt ‘*’ file.copy /path/to/src /path/to/dst

salt ‘*’ file.copy /path/to/src_dir /path/to/dst_dir recurse=True

salt ‘*’ file.copy /path/to/src_dir /path/to/dst_dir recurse=True remove_existing=True

salt ‘*’ file.restore_backup /foo/bar/baz.txt 0

salt ‘*’ file.directory_exists /etc

salt ‘*’ file.extract_hash /etc/foo sha512 /path/to/hash/file

salt ‘*’ file.file_exists /etc/passwd

salt ‘*’ file.find / type=f name=\*.bak size=+10m

salt ‘*’ file.find /var mtime=+30d size=+10m print=path,size,mtime

salt ‘*’ file.find /var/log name=\*.[0-9] mtime=+30d size=+10m delete

salt ‘*’ file.get_devmm /dev/chr

salt ‘*’ file.get_diff /home/fred/.vimrc salt://users/fred/.vimrc

salt ‘*’ file.get_gid /etc/passwd

salt ‘*’ file.get_group /etc/passwd

salt ‘*’ file.get_hash /etc/shadow

salt ‘*’ file.get_managed /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf jinja salt://http/httpd.conf ‘{hash_type: ‘md5′, ‘hsum': <md5sum>}’ root root ‘755’ base None None

salt ‘*’ file.get_mode /etc/passwd

salt ‘*’ file.get_selinux_context /etc/hosts

salt ‘*’ file.get_sum /etc/passwd sha512

salt ‘*’ file.get_uid /etc/passwd

salt ‘*’ file.get_user /etc/passwd

salt ‘*’ file.gid_to_group 0

salt ‘*’ file.grep /etc/passwd nobody

salt ‘*’ file.grep /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ipaddr ” -i”

salt ‘*’ file.grep /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ipaddr ” -i -B2″

salt ‘*’ file.grep “/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/*” ipaddr ” -i -l”

salt ‘*’ file.group_to_gid root

salt ‘*’ file.is_blkdev /dev/blk

salt ‘*’ file.is_chrdev /dev/chr

salt ‘*’ file.is_fifo /dev/fifo

salt ‘*’ file.is_link /path/to/link

salt ‘*’ file.join ‘/’ ‘usr’ ‘local’ ‘bin’

salt ‘*’ file.chown /etc/passwd root root

salt ‘*’ file.link /path/to/file /path/to/link

salt ‘*’ file.list_backups /foo/bar/baz.txt

salt ‘*’ file.list_backups /foo/bar/baz.txt

salt ‘*’ file.lstat /path/to/file

salt ‘*’ file.makedirs /opt/code/

salt ‘*’ file.makedirs_perms /opt/code

salt ‘*’ file.manage_file /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf ” ‘{}’ salt://http/httpd.conf ‘{hash_type: ‘md5′, ‘hsum': <md5sum>}’ root root ‘755’ base ”

salt ‘*’ file.mkdir /opt/jetty/context

salt ‘*’ file.mknod /dev/chr c 180 31

salt ‘*’ file.mknod /dev/blk b 8 999

salt ‘*’ file.nknod /dev/fifo p

salt ‘*’ file.mknod_blkdev /dev/blk 8 999

salt ‘*’ file.mknod_chrdev /dev/chr 180 31

salt ‘*’ file.mknod_fifo /dev/fifo

salt ‘*’ file.open_files

salt ‘*’ file.open_files by_pid=True

salt ‘*’ file.pardir

salt ‘*’ file.patch /opt/file.txt /tmp/file.txt.patch

salt ‘*’ file.path_exists_glob /etc/pam*/pass*

salt ‘*’ file.prepend /etc/motd \

salt ‘*’ file.prepend /etc/motd args=’cheese=spam’

salt ‘*’ file.prepend /etc/motd args=”[‘cheese=spam’,’spam=cheese’]”

salt ‘*’ file.sed /etc/httpd/httpd.conf ‘LogLevel warn’ ‘LogLevel info’

salt ‘*’ file.readdir /path/to/dir/

salt ‘*’ file.readlink /path/to/link

salt ‘*’ file.remove /tmp/foo

salt ‘*’ file.restore_backup /foo/bar/baz.txt 0

salt ‘*’ file.rename /path/to/src /path/to/dst

salt ‘*’ file.replace /path/to/file pattern=”bind-address\s*=” repl=’bind-address:’

salt ‘*’ file.replace /path/to/file pattern=’=’ repl=':’

salt ‘*’ file.replace /etc/httpd/httpd.conf pattern=’LogLevel warn’ repl=’LogLevel info’

salt ‘*’ file.replace /some/file pattern=’before’ repl=’after’ flags='[MULTILINE, IGNORECASE]’

salt ‘*’ file.restore_backup /foo/bar/baz.txt 0

salt ‘*’ file.restorecon /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys

salt ‘*’ file.rmdir /tmp/foo/

salt ‘*’ file.search /etc/crontab ‘mymaintenance.sh’

salt ‘*’ file.sed /etc/httpd/httpd.conf ‘LogLevel warn’ ‘LogLevel info’

salt ‘*’ file.contains /etc/crontab ‘mymaintenance.sh’

salt ‘*’ file.seek_read /path/to/file 4096 0

salt ‘*’ file.seek_write /path/to/file ‘some data’ 4096

salt ‘*’ file.set_mode /etc/passwd 0644

salt ‘*’ file.set_selinux_context path <role> <type> <range>

salt ‘*’ file.source_list salt://http/httpd.conf ‘{hash_type: ‘md5′, ‘hsum': <md5sum>}’ base

salt ‘*’ file.stats /etc/passwd

salt ‘*’ file.statvfs /path/to/file

salt ‘*’ file.symlink /path/to/file /path/to/link

salt ‘*’ file.touch /var/log/emptyfile

salt ‘*’ file.truncate /path/to/file 512

salt ‘*’ file.uid_to_user 0

salt ‘*’ file.uncomment /etc/hosts.deny ‘ALL: PARANOID’

salt ‘*’ file.user_to_uid root

salt ‘*’ file.write /etc/motd \

salt ‘*’ file.write /etc/motd args=’cheese=spam’

salt ‘*’ file.write /etc/motd args=”[‘cheese=spam’,’spam=cheese’]”

salt ‘*’ gem.install vagrant

salt ‘*’ gem.list

salt ‘*’ gem.sources_add http://rubygems.org/

salt ‘*’ gem.sources_list

salt ‘*’ gem.sources_remove http://rubygems.org/

salt ‘*’ gem.uninstall vagrant

salt ‘*’ gem.update vagrant

salt ‘*’ gem.update_system

salt ‘*’ grains.append key val

salt ‘*’ grains.delval key

salt ‘*’ grains.filter_by ‘{Debian: Debheads rule, RedHat: I love my hat}’

salt ‘*’ grains.filter_by ‘{A: B, C: {D: {E: F,G: H}}}’ ‘xxx’ ‘{D: {E: I},J: K}’ ‘C’

salt ‘*’ grains.get pkg:apache

salt ‘*’ grains.get_or_set_hash ‘django:SECRET_KEY’ 50

salt ‘*’ grains.has_value pkg:apache

salt ‘*’ grains.item os

salt ‘*’ grains.item os osrelease oscodename

salt ‘*’ grains.item host sanitize=True

salt ‘*’ grains.items

salt ‘*’ grains.items sanitize=True

salt ‘*’ grains.ls

salt ‘*’ grains.remove key val

salt ‘*’ grains.setval key val

salt ‘*’ grains.setval key “{‘sub-key': ‘val’, ‘sub-key2′: ‘val2′}”

salt ‘*’ grains.setvals “{‘key1′: ‘val1′, ‘key2′: ‘val2′}”

salt ‘*’ group.add foo 3456

salt ‘*’ group.adduser foo bar

salt ‘*’ group.chgid foo 4376

salt ‘*’ group.delete foo

salt ‘*’ group.deluser foo bar

salt ‘*’ group.getent

salt ‘*’ group.info foo

salt ‘*’ group.members foo ‘user1,user2,user3,…’

salt ‘*’ grub.conf

salt ‘*’ grub.version

salt ‘*’ hashutil.base64_decodestring ‘Z2V0IHNhbHRlZA==

salt ‘*’ hashutil.base64_encodestring ‘get salted’

salt ‘*’ hashutil.hmac_signature ‘get salted’ ‘shared secret’ ‘NS2BvKxFRk+rndAlFbCYIFNVkPtI/3KiIYQw4okNKU8=’

salt ‘*’ hashutil.md5_digest ‘get salted’

salt ‘*’ hashutil.sha256_digest ‘get salted’

salt ‘*’ hashutil.sha512_digest ‘get salted’

salt ‘*’ hg.archive /path/to/repo output=/tmp/archive.tgz fmt=tgz

salt ‘*’ hg.clone /path/to/repo https://bitbucket.org/birkenfeld/sphinx

salt ‘*’ hg.describe /path/to/repo

salt ‘*’ hg.pull /path/to/repo opts=-u

salt ‘*’ hg.revision /path/to/repo mybranch

salt ‘*’ hosts.add_host <ip> <alias>

salt ‘*’ hosts.get_alias <ip addr>

salt ‘*’ hosts.get_ip <hostname>

salt ‘*’ hosts.has_pair <ip> <alias>

salt ‘*’ hosts.list_hosts

salt ‘*’ hosts.rm_host <ip> <alias>

salt ‘*’ hosts.set_host <ip> <alias>

salt ‘*’ img.bootstrap /srv/salt-images/host.qcow 4096 qcow2

salt ‘*’ img.mount_image /tmp/foo

salt ‘*’ img.mount_image /tmp/foo

salt ‘*’ img.umount_image /mnt/foo

salt ‘*’ incron.list_tab root

salt ‘*’ incron.list_tab root

salt ‘*’ incron.raw_cron root

salt ‘*’ incron.raw_system_cron

salt ‘*’ incron.rm_job root /path

salt ‘*’ incron.rm_job root /path

salt ‘*’ incron.set_job root ‘/root’ ‘IN_MODIFY’ ‘echo “$$ $@ $# $% $&”‘

salt ‘*’ incron.write_incron_file_verbose root /tmp/new_cron

salt ‘*’ incron.write_cron_file root /tmp/new_cron

salt ‘*’ ini.get_option /path/to/ini section_name option_name

salt ‘*’ ini.get_section /path/to/ini section_name

salt ‘*’ ini.remove_option /path/to/ini section_name option_name

salt ‘*’ ini.remove_section /path/to/ini section_name

salt ‘*’ ini.set_option /path/to/ini ‘{section_foo: {key: value}}’

salt ‘*’ ip.apply_network_settings

salt ‘*’ ip.build_bond bond0 mode=balance-alb

salt ‘*’ ip.build_interface eth0 eth <settings>

salt ‘*’ ip.build_network_settings <settings>

salt ‘*’ ip.build_routes eth0 <settings>

salt ‘*’ ip.down eth0

salt ‘*’ ip.get_bond bond0

salt ‘*’ ip.get_interface eth0

salt ‘*’ ip.get_network_settings

salt ‘*’ ip.get_routes eth0

salt ‘*’ ip.up eth0

salt ‘*’ iptables.append filter INPUT \

salt ‘*’ iptables.append filter INPUT \

salt ‘*’ iptables.build_rule match=state \

salt ‘*’ iptables.build_rule filter INPUT command=I position=3 \

salt ‘*’ iptables.build_rule filter INPUT command=A \

salt ‘*’ iptables.build_rule filter INPUT command=A \

salt ‘*’ iptables.build_rule filter INPUT command=A \

salt ‘*’ iptables.build_rule match=state \

salt ‘*’ iptables.build_rule filter INPUT command=I position=3 \

salt ‘*’ iptables.check filter INPUT \

salt ‘*’ iptables.check filter INPUT \

salt ‘*’ iptables.check_chain filter INPUT

salt ‘*’ iptables.check_chain filter INPUT family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ iptables.delete filter INPUT position=3

salt ‘*’ iptables.delete filter INPUT \

salt ‘*’ iptables.delete filter INPUT position=3 family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ iptables.delete filter INPUT \

salt ‘*’ iptables.delete_chain filter CUSTOM_CHAIN

salt ‘*’ iptables.delete_chain filter CUSTOM_CHAIN family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ iptables.flush filter INPUT

salt ‘*’ iptables.flush filter INPUT family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ iptables.get_policy filter INPUT

salt ‘*’ iptables.get_policy filter INPUT family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ iptables.get_rules

salt ‘*’ iptables.get_rules family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ iptables.get_saved_policy filter INPUT

salt ‘*’ iptables.get_saved_policy filter INPUT \

salt ‘*’ iptables.get_saved_policy filter INPUT family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ iptables.get_saved_policy filter INPUT \

salt ‘*’ iptables.get_saved_rules

salt ‘*’ iptables.get_saved_rules family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ iptables.insert filter INPUT position=3 \

salt ‘*’ iptables.insert filter INPUT position=3 \

salt ‘*’ iptables.new_chain filter CUSTOM_CHAIN

salt ‘*’ iptables.new_chain filter CUSTOM_CHAIN family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ iptables.save /etc/sysconfig/iptables

salt ‘*’ iptables.save /etc/sysconfig/iptables family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ iptables.set_policy filter INPUT ACCEPT

salt ‘*’ iptables.set_policy filter INPUT ACCEPT family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ iptables.version

salt ‘*’ iptables.version family=ipv6

salt ‘*’ key.finger

salt ‘*’ key.finger_master

salt ‘*’ kmod.available

salt ‘*’ kmod.check_available kvm

salt ‘*’ kmod.is_loaded kvm

salt ‘*’ kmod.load kvm

salt ‘*’ kmod.lsmod

salt ‘*’ kmod.mod_list

salt ‘*’ kmod.remove kvm

salt ‘*’ locale.avail ‘en_US.UTF-8′

salt ‘*’ locale.gen_locale ‘en_US.UTF-8′

salt ‘*’ locale.get_locale

salt ‘*’ locale.list_avail

salt ‘*’ locale.set_locale ‘en_US.UTF-8′

salt ‘*’ locate.locate

salt ‘*’ locate.stats

salt ‘*’ locate.updatedb

salt ‘*’ locate.version

salt ‘*’ logrotate.set rotate 2

salt ‘*’ logrotate.set /var/log/wtmp rotate 2

salt ‘*’ logrotate.show_conf

salt ‘*’ lowpkg.file_dict httpd

salt ‘*’ lowpkg.file_dict httpd postfix

salt ‘*’ lowpkg.file_dict

salt ‘*’ lowpkg.file_list httpd

salt ‘*’ lowpkg.file_list httpd postfix

salt ‘*’ lowpkg.file_list

salt ‘*’ lowpkg.list_pkgs

salt ‘*’ lowpkg.verify

salt ‘*’ lowpkg.verify httpd

salt ‘*’ lowpkg.verify ‘httpd postfix’

salt ‘*’ lowpkg.verify ‘httpd postfix’ ignore_types=[‘config’,’doc’]

salt ‘*’ lvm.fullversion

salt ‘*’ lvm.lvcreate new_volume_name vg_name size=10G

salt ‘*’ lvm.lvcreate new_volume_name vg_name extents=100 /dev/sdb

salt ‘*’ lvm.lvcreate new_snapshot vg_name snapshot=volume_name size=3G

salt ‘*’ lvm.lvdisplay

salt ‘*’ lvm.lvdisplay /dev/vg_myserver/root

salt ‘*’ lvm.lvremove lvname vgname force=True

salt ‘*’ lvm.pvdisplay

salt ‘*’ lvm.pvdisplay /dev/md0

salt ‘*’ lvm.version

salt ‘*’ lvm.vgdisplay

salt ‘*’ lvm.vgdisplay nova-volumes

salt ‘*’ match.compound ‘L@cheese,foo and *’

salt ‘*’ match.data ‘spam:eggs’

salt ‘*’ match.filter_by ‘{foo*: Foo!, bar*: Bar!}’ minion_id=bar03

salt ‘*’ match.glob ‘*’

salt ‘*’ match.grain ‘os:Ubuntu’

salt ‘*’ match.grain ‘ipv6|2001:db8::ff00:42:8329′ delimiter=’|’

salt ‘*’ match.grain_pcre ‘os:Fedo.*’

salt ‘*’ match.grain_pcre ‘ipv6|2001:.*’ delimiter=’|’

salt ‘*’ match.ipcidr ‘′

salt ‘*’ match.list ‘server1,server2′

salt ‘*’ match.pcre ‘.*’

salt ‘*’ match.pillar ‘cheese:foo’

salt ‘*’ match.pillar ‘clone_url|https://github.com/saltstack/salt.git’ delimiter=’|’

salt ‘*’ mine.delete ‘network.interfaces’

salt ‘*’ mine.flush

salt ‘*’ mine.get ‘*’ network.interfaces

salt ‘*’ mine.get ‘os:Fedora’ network.interfaces grain

salt ‘*’ mine.get ‘os:Fedora and S@′ network.ipaddrs compound

salt ‘*’ mine.get_docker

salt ‘*’ mine.get_docker interfaces=’eth0′

salt ‘*’ mine.get_docker interfaces='[“eth0″, “eth1″]’

salt ‘*’ mine.get_docker cidrs=’′

salt ‘*’ mine.get_docker cidrs='[“″, “″]’

salt ‘*’ mine.get_docker interfaces='[“eth0″, “eth1″]’ cidrs='[“″, “″]’

salt ‘*’ mine.send network.interfaces eth0

salt ‘*’ mine.update

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_activate node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_activate node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_activate [“node1″,”node2″,”node3″] loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_activate [“node1″,”node2″,”node3″] loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_disable node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_disable node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_disable [“node1″,”node2″,”node3″] loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_disable [“node1″,”node2″,”node3″] loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_recover node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_recover node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_recover [“node1″,”node2″,”node3″] loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_recover [“node1″,”node2″,”node3″] loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_stop node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_stop node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_stop [“node1″,”node2″,”node3″] loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.bulk_stop [“node1″,”node2″,”node3″] loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.dump_config

salt ‘*’ modjk.dump_config other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.get_running

salt ‘*’ modjk.get_running other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.lb_edit loadbalancer1 “{‘vlr': 1, ‘vlt': 60}”

salt ‘*’ modjk.lb_edit loadbalancer1 “{‘vlr': 1, ‘vlt': 60}” other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.list_configured_members loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.list_configured_members loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.recover_all loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.recover_all loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.reset_stats loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.reset_stats loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.version

salt ‘*’ modjk.version other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_disable node1 loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_disable node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_edit node1 loadbalancer1 “{‘vwf': 500, ‘vwd': 60}”

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_edit node1 loadbalancer1 “{‘vwf': 500, ‘vwd': 60}” other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_recover node1 loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_recover node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_status node1

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_status node1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1

salt ‘*’ modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile

salt ‘*’ modjk.workers

salt ‘*’ modjk.workers other-profile

salt ‘*’ mount.active

salt ‘*’ mount.fstab

salt ‘*’ mount.is_fuse_exec sshfs

salt ‘*’ mount.is_mounted /mnt/share

salt ‘*’ mount.mount /mnt/foo /dev/sdz1 True

salt ‘*’ mount.remount /mnt/foo /dev/sdz1 True

salt ‘*’ mount.rm_fstab /mnt/foo

salt ‘*’ mount.set_fstab /mnt/foo /dev/sdz1 ext4

salt ‘*’ mount.swapoff /root/swapfile

salt ‘*’ mount.swapon /root/swapfile

salt ‘*’ mount.swaps

salt ‘*’ mount.umount /mnt/foo

salt ‘*’ network.active_tcp

salt ‘*’ network.arp

salt ‘*’ network.connect archlinux.org 80

salt ‘*’ network.connect archlinux.org 80 timeout=3

salt ‘*’ network.connect archlinux.org 80 timeout=3 family=ipv4

salt ‘*’ network.connect google-public-dns-a.google.com port=53 proto=udp timeout=3

salt ‘*’ network.dig archlinux.org

salt ‘*’ network.get_hostname

salt ‘*’ network.hw_addr eth0

salt ‘*’ network.hw_addr eth0

salt ‘*’ network.in_subnet

salt ‘*’ network.interface eth0

salt ‘*’ network.interface_ip eth0

salt ‘*’ network.interfaces

salt ‘*’ network.ip_addrs

salt ‘*’ network.ip_addrs6

salt ‘*’ network.ip_addrs

salt ‘*’ network.ip_addrs6

salt ‘*’ network.is_loopback

salt ‘*’ network.is_private

salt ‘*’ network.mod_hostname master.saltstack.com

salt ‘*’ network.netstat

salt ‘*’ network.ping archlinux.org

salt ‘*’ network.subnets

salt ‘*’ network.traceroute archlinux.org

salt ‘*’ pillar.items

salt ‘*’ pillar.ext ‘{libvirt: _}’

salt ‘*’ pillar.get pkg:apache

salt ‘*’ pillar.item foo

salt ‘*’ pillar.item foo bar baz

salt ‘*’ pillar.items

salt ‘*’ pillar.raw

salt ‘*’ pillar.raw key=’roles’

salt ‘*’ pip.freeze /home/code/path/to/virtualenv/

salt ‘*’ pip.install <package name>,<package2 name>

salt ‘*’ pip.install requirements=/path/to/requirements.txt

salt ‘*’ pip.install <package name> bin_env=/path/to/virtualenv

salt ‘*’ pip.install <package name> bin_env=/path/to/pip_bin

salt ‘*’ pip.install markdown,django editable=git+https://github.com/worldcompany/djangoembed.git#egg=djangoembed upgrade=True no_deps=True

salt ‘*’ pip.list salt

salt ‘*’ pip.uninstall <package name>,<package2 name>

salt ‘*’ pip.uninstall requirements=/path/to/requirements.txt

salt ‘*’ pip.uninstall <package name> bin_env=/path/to/virtualenv

salt ‘*’ pip.uninstall <package name> bin_env=/path/to/pip_bin

salt ‘*’ pip.version

salt ‘*’ pkg.latest_version <package name>

salt ‘*’ pkg.latest_version <package name> fromrepo=epel-testing

salt ‘*’ pkg.latest_version <package name> disableexcludes=main

salt ‘*’ pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> …

salt ‘*’ pkg.check_db <package1> <package2> <package3>

salt ‘*’ pkg.check_db <package1> <package2> <package3> fromrepo=epel-testing

salt ‘*’ pkg.check_db <package1> <package2> <package3> disableexcludes=main

salt ‘*’ pkg.clean_metadata

salt ‘*’ pkg.del_repo myrepo

salt ‘*’ pkg.del_repo myrepo basedir=/path/to/dir

salt ‘*’ pkg.file_list httpd

salt ‘*’ pkg.file_list httpd postfix

salt ‘*’ pkg.file_list

salt ‘*’ pkg.file_list httpd

salt ‘*’ pkg.file_list httpd postfix

salt ‘*’ pkg.file_list

salt ‘*’ pkg.get_locked_packages

salt ‘*’ pkg.get_repo myrepo

salt ‘*’ pkg.get_repo myrepo basedir=/path/to/dir

salt ‘*’ pkg.group_diff ‘Perl Support’

salt ‘*’ pkg.group_info ‘Perl Support’

salt ‘*’ pkg.group_install ‘Group 1′

salt ‘*’ pkg.group_install ‘Group 1,Group 2′

salt ‘*’ pkg.group_install ‘[“Group 1″, “Group 2″]’

salt ‘*’ pkg.group_install ‘My Group’ skip=’foo,bar’

salt ‘*’ pkg.group_install ‘My Group’ skip='[“foo”, “bar”]’

salt ‘*’ pkg.group_install ‘My Group’ include=’foo,bar’

salt ‘*’ pkg.group_install ‘My Group’ include='[“foo”, “bar”]’

salt ‘*’ pkg.group_list

salt ‘*’ pkg.hold <package name>

salt ‘*’ pkg.hold pkgs='[“foo”, “bar”]’

salt ‘*’ pkg.install <package name>

salt ‘*’ pkg.install pkgs='[“foo”, “bar”]’

salt ‘*’ pkg.install pkgs='[“foo”, {“bar”: “1.2.3-4.el5″}]’

salt ‘*’ pkg.install sources='[{“foo”: “salt://foo.rpm”}, {“bar”: “salt://bar.rpm”}]’

salt ‘*’ pkg.latest_version <package name>

salt ‘*’ pkg.latest_version <package name> fromrepo=epel-testing

salt ‘*’ pkg.latest_version <package name> disableexcludes=main

salt ‘*’ pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> …

salt ‘*’ pkg.list_pkgs

salt ‘*’ pkg.list_repo_pkgs

salt ‘*’ pkg.list_repo_pkgs foo bar baz

salt ‘*’ pkg.list_repo_pkgs ‘samba4*’ fromrepo=base,updates

salt ‘*’ pkg.list_repos

salt ‘*’ pkg.list_upgrades

salt ‘*’ pkg.mod_repo reponame enabled=1 gpgcheck=1

salt ‘*’ pkg.mod_repo reponame basedir=/path/to/dir enabled=1

salt ‘*’ pkg.mod_repo reponame baseurl= mirrorlist=http://host.com/

salt ‘*’ pkg.normalize_name zsh.x86_64

salt ‘*’ pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl

salt ‘*’ pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

salt ‘*’ pkg.purge <package name>

salt ‘*’ pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3>

salt ‘*’ pkg.purge pkgs='[“foo”, “bar”]’

salt ‘*’ pkg.refresh_db

salt ‘*’ pkg.remove <package name>

salt ‘*’ pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3>

salt ‘*’ pkg.remove pkgs='[“foo”, “bar”]’

salt ‘*’ pkg.unhold <package name>

salt ‘*’ pkg.unhold pkgs='[“foo”, “bar”]’

salt ‘*’ pkg.upgrade

salt ‘*’ pkg.upgrade_available <package name>

salt ‘*’ pkg.verify

salt ‘*’ pkg.verify httpd

salt ‘*’ pkg.verify ‘httpd postfix’

salt ‘*’ pkg.verify ‘httpd postfix’ ignore_types=[‘config’,’doc’]

salt ‘*’ pkg.version <package name>

salt ‘*’ pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> …

salt ‘*’ pkg_resource.add_pkg ‘{}’ bind 9

salt ‘*’ pkg_resource.check_extra_requirements <pkgname> <extra_requirements>

salt ‘*’ pkg_resource.pack_sources ‘[{“foo”: “salt://foo.rpm”}, {“bar”: “salt://bar.rpm”}]’

salt ‘*’ pkg_resource.parse_targets

salt ‘*’ pkg_resource.sort_pkglist ‘[“3.45″, “2.13”]’

salt ‘*’ pkg_resource.stringify ‘vim: 7.127′

salt ‘*’ pkg_resource.version vim

salt ‘*’ pkg_resource.version foo bar baz

salt ‘*’ pkg_resource.version ‘python*’

salt ‘*’ pkg_resource.version_clean <version_string>

salt ‘*’ publish.full_data test.kwarg arg=’cheese=spam’

salt ‘*’ publish.publish test.kwarg arg=’cheese=spam’

salt ‘*’ pyenv.default

salt ‘*’ pyenv.default 2.0.0-p0

salt ‘*’ pyenv.do ‘gem list bundler’

salt ‘*’ pyenv.do ‘gem list bundler’ deploy

salt ‘*’ pyenv.do_with_python 2.0.0-p0 ‘gem list bundler’

salt ‘*’ pyenv.do_with_python 2.0.0-p0 ‘gem list bundler’ deploy

salt ‘*’ pyenv.install

salt ‘*’ pyenv.install_python 2.0.0-p0

salt ‘*’ pyenv.is_installed

salt ‘*’ pyenv.list

salt ‘*’ pyenv.rehash

salt ‘*’ pyenv.uninstall_python 2.0.0-p0

salt ‘*’ pyenv.update

salt ‘*’ pyenv.versions

salt ‘*’ raid.assemble /dev/md0 [‘/dev/xvdd’, ‘/dev/xvde’]

salt ‘*’ raid.create /dev/md0 level=1 chunk=256 devices=”[‘/dev/xvdd’, ‘/dev/xvde’]” test_mode=True

salt ‘*’ raid.detail /dev/md0

salt ‘*’ raid.destroy /dev/md0

salt ‘*’ raid.detail ‘/dev/md0′

salt ‘*’ raid.list

salt ‘*’ raid.save_config

salt ‘*’ random.get_str 128

salt ‘*’ random.hash ‘I am a string’ md5

salt ‘*’ random.shadow_hash ‘My5alT’ ‘MyP@asswd’ md5

salt ‘*’ random.str_encode ‘I am a new string’ base64

salt ‘*’ rbenv.default

salt ‘*’ rbenv.default 2.0.0-p0

salt ‘*’ rbenv.do ‘gem list bundler’

salt ‘*’ rbenv.do ‘gem list bundler’ deploy

salt ‘*’ rbenv.do_with_ruby 2.0.0-p0 ‘gem list bundler’

salt ‘*’ rbenv.do_with_ruby 2.0.0-p0 ‘gem list bundler’ deploy

salt ‘*’ rbenv.install

salt ‘*’ rbenv.install_ruby 2.0.0-p0

salt ‘*’ rbenv.is_installed

salt ‘*’ rbenv.list

salt ‘*’ rbenv.rehash

salt ‘*’ rbenv.uninstall_ruby 2.0.0-p0

salt ‘*’ rbenv.update

salt ‘*’ rbenv.versions

salt ‘*’ ret.get_fun mysql network.interfaces

salt ‘*’ ret.get_jid redis 20421104181954700505

salt ‘*’ ret.get_jids mysql

salt ‘*’ ret.get_minions mysql

salt ‘*’ rsync.config

salt ‘*’ rsync.rsync {src} {dst} {delete=True} {update=True} {passwordfile=/etc/pass.crt} {exclude=xx}

salt ‘*’ rsync.rsync {src} {dst} {delete=True} {excludefrom=/xx.ini}

salt ‘*’ rsync.version

salt ‘*’ rvm.do 2.0.0 <command>

salt ‘*’ rvm.gemset_copy foobar bazquo

salt ‘*’ rvm.gemset_create 2.0.0 foobar

salt ‘*’ rvm.gemset_delete 2.0.0 foobar

salt ‘*’ rvm.gemset_empty 2.0.0 foobar

salt ‘*’ rvm.gemset_list

salt ‘*’ rvm.gemset_list_all

salt ‘*’ rvm.get

salt ‘*’ rvm.install

salt ‘*’ rvm.install_ruby 1.9.3-p385

salt ‘*’ rvm.is_installed

salt ‘*’ rvm.list

salt ‘*’ rvm.reinstall_ruby 1.9.3-p385

salt ‘*’ rvm.rubygems 2.0.0 1.8.24

salt ‘*’ rvm.set_default 2.0.0

salt ‘*’ rvm.wrapper <ruby_string> <wrapper_prefix>

salt ‘*’ saltutil.clear_cache

salt ‘*’ saltutil.cmd

salt ‘*’ saltutil.cmd

salt ‘*’ saltutil.find_cached_job <job id>

salt ‘*’ saltutil.find_job <job id>

salt ‘*’ saltutil.is_running state.highstate

salt ‘*’ saltutil.kill_job <job id>

salt ‘*’ saltutil.mmodule base test.ping

salt ‘*’ saltutil.refresh_modules

salt ‘*’ saltutil.refresh_pillar

salt ‘*’ saltutil.regen_keys

salt ‘*’ saltutil.revoke_auth

salt ‘*’ saltutil.runner jobs.list_jobs

salt ‘*’ saltutil.running

salt ‘*’ saltutil.signal_job <job id> 15

salt ‘*’ saltutil.sync_all

salt ‘*’ saltutil.sync_grains

salt ‘*’ saltutil.sync_modules

salt ‘*’ saltutil.sync_outputters

salt ‘*’ saltutil.sync_renderers

salt ‘*’ saltutil.sync_returners

salt ‘*’ saltutil.sync_states

salt ‘*’ saltutil.sync_utils

salt ‘*’ saltutil.term_job <job id>

salt ‘*’ saltutil.update

salt ‘*’ saltutil.update 0.10.3

salt ‘*’ saltutil.wheel key.accept match=jerry

salt ‘*’ schedule.add job1 function=’test.ping’ seconds=3600

salt ‘*’ schedule.build_schedule_item job1 function=’test.ping’ seconds=3600

salt ‘*’ schedule.delete job1

salt ‘*’ schedule.disable

salt ‘*’ schedule.disable_job job1

salt ‘*’ schedule.enable

salt ‘*’ schedule.enable_job job1

salt ‘*’ schedule.list

salt ‘*’ schedule.list show_all=True

salt ‘*’ schedule.modify job1 function=’test.ping’ seconds=3600

salt ‘*’ schedule.purge

salt ‘*’ schedule.reload

salt ‘*’ schedule.run_job job1

salt ‘*’ schedule.run_job job1 force=True

salt ‘*’ schedule.save

salt ‘minion’ seed.apply path id [config=config_data] \

salt ‘minion’ seed.mkconfig [config=config_data] [tmp=tmp_dir] \

salt ‘*’ serverdensity_device.create lama

salt ‘*’ serverdensity_device.create rich_lama group=lama_band installedRAM=32768

salt ‘*’ serverdensity_device.delete 51f7eafcdba4bb235e000ae4

salt ‘*’ serverdensity_device.get_sd_auth <val>

salt ‘*’ serverdensity_device.install_agent c2bbdd6689ff46282bdaa07555641498

salt ‘*’ serverdensity_device.ls

salt ‘*’ serverdensity_device.ls name=lama

salt ‘*’ serverdensity_device.ls name=lama group=lama_band installedRAM=32768

salt ‘*’ serverdensity_device.update 51f7eafcdba4bb235e000ae4 name=lama group=lama_band

salt ‘*’ serverdensity_device.update 51f7eafcdba4bb235e000ae4 name=better_lama group=rock_lamas swapSpace=512

salt ‘*’ service.available sshd

salt ‘*’ service.available sshd limit=upstart

salt ‘*’ service.available sshd limit=sysvinit

salt ‘*’ service.disable <service name>

salt ‘*’ service.disabled <service name>

salt ‘*’ service.enable <service name>

salt ‘*’ service.enabled <service name>

salt ‘*’ service.get_all

salt ‘*’ service.get_all limit=upstart

salt ‘*’ service.get_all limit=sysvinit

salt ‘*’ service.get_disabled

salt ‘*’ service.get_disabled limit=upstart

salt ‘*’ service.get_disabled limit=sysvinit

salt ‘*’ service.get_enabled

salt ‘*’ service.get_enabled limit=upstart

salt ‘*’ service.get_enabled limit=sysvinit

salt ‘*’ service.missing sshd

salt ‘*’ service.missing sshd limit=upstart

salt ‘*’ service.missing sshd limit=sysvinit

salt ‘*’ service.reload <service name>

salt ‘*’ service.restart <service name>

salt ‘*’ service.start <service name>

salt ‘*’ service.status <service name>

salt ‘*’ service.stop <service name>

salt ‘*’ shadow.default_hash

salt ‘*’ shadow.del_password username

salt ‘*’ shadow.gen_password ‘I_am_password’

salt ‘*’ shadow.gen_password ‘I_am_password’ crypt_salt’I_am_salt’ algorithm=sha256

salt ‘*’ shadow.info root

salt ‘*’ shadow.set_date username 0

salt ‘*’ shadow.set_expire username -1

salt ‘*’ shadow.set_inactdays username 7

salt ‘*’ shadow.set_maxdays username 90

salt ‘*’ shadow.set_mindays username 7

salt ‘*’ shadow.set_password root ‘$1$UYCIxa628.9qXjpQCjM4a..’

salt ‘*’ shadow.set_warndays username 7

salt ‘*’ sqlite3.fetch /root/test.db ‘SELECT * FROM test;’

salt ‘*’ sqlite3.indexes /root/test.db

salt ‘*’ sqlite3.indices /root/test.db

salt ‘*’ sqlite3.modify /root/test.db ‘CREATE TABLE test(id INT, testdata TEXT);’

salt ‘*’ sqlite3.sqlite_version

salt ‘*’ sqlite3.tables /root/test.db

salt ‘*’ sqlite3.version

salt ‘*’ ssh.auth_keys root

salt ‘*’ ssh.check_key <user> <key> <enc> <comment> <options>

salt ‘*’ root salt://ssh/keyfile

salt ‘*’ ssh.check_known_host <user> <hostname> key=’AAAA…FAaQ==’

salt ‘*’ ssh.get_known_host <user> <hostname>

salt ‘*’ ssh.hash_known_hosts

salt ‘*’ ssh.host_keys

salt ‘*’ ssh.recv_known_host <hostname> enc=<enc> port=<port>

salt ‘*’ ssh.rm_auth_key <user> <key>

salt ‘*’ ssh.rm_known_host <user> <hostname>

salt ‘*’ ssh.set_auth_key <user> ‘<key>’ enc=’dsa’

salt ‘*’ ssh.set_auth_key_from_file <user> salt://ssh_keys/<user>.id_rsa.pub

salt ‘*’ ssh.set_known_host <user> fingerprint=’xx:xx:..:xx’ enc=’ssh-rsa’ config=’.ssh/known_hosts’

salt ‘*’ ssh.user_keys

salt ‘*’ ssh.user_keys user=user1

salt ‘*’ ssh.user_keys user=user1 pubfile=/home/user1/.ssh/id_rsa.pub prvfile=/home/user1/.ssh/id_rsa

salt ‘*’ ssh.user_keys user=”[‘user1′,’user2′] pubfile=id_rsa.pub prvfile=id_rsa

salt ‘*’ state.clear_cache

salt ‘*’ state.high ‘{“vim”: {“pkg”: [“installed”]}}’

salt ‘*’ state.highstate

salt ‘*’ state.highstate whitelist=sls1_to_run,sls2_to_run

salt ‘*’ state.highstate exclude=sls_to_exclude

salt ‘*’ state.highstate exclude=”[{‘id': ‘id_to_exclude’}, {‘sls': ‘sls_to_exclude’}]”

salt ‘*’ state.highstate pillar=”{foo: ‘Foo!’, bar: ‘Bar!’}”

salt ‘*’ state.low ‘{“state”: “pkg”, “fun”: “installed”, “name”: “vi”}’

salt ‘*’ state.pkg /tmp/state_pkg.tgz

salt ‘*’ state.running

salt ‘*’ state.show_highstate

salt ‘*’ state.show_low_sls foo

salt ‘*’ state.show_lowstate

salt ‘*’ state.show_sls core,edit.vim dev

salt ‘*’ state.show_top

salt ‘*’ state.single pkg.installed name=vim

salt ‘*’ state.sls core,edit.vim dev

salt ‘*’ state.sls core exclude=”[{‘id': ‘id_to_exclude’}, {‘sls': ‘sls_to_exclude’}]”

salt ‘*’ state.sls myslsfile pillar=”{foo: ‘Foo!’, bar: ‘Bar!’}”

salt ‘*’ state.sls_id apache http

salt ‘*’ state.template ‘<Path to template on the minion>’

salt ‘*’ state.template_str ‘<Template String>’

salt ‘*’ state.top reverse_top.sls

salt ‘*’ state.top reverse_top.sls exclude=sls_to_exclude

salt ‘*’ state.top reverse_top.sls exclude=”[{‘id': ‘id_to_exclude’}, {‘sls': ‘sls_to_exclude’}]”

salt ‘*’ status.all_status

salt ‘*’ status.cpuinfo

salt ‘*’ status.cpustats

salt ‘*’ status.custom

salt ‘*’ status.diskstats

salt ‘*’ status.diskusage [paths and/or filesystem types]

salt ‘*’ status.diskusage # usage for all filesystems

salt ‘*’ status.diskusage / /tmp # usage for / and /tmp

salt ‘*’ status.diskusage ext? # usage for ext[234] filesystems

salt ‘*’ status.diskusage / ext? # usage for / and all ext filesystems

salt ‘*’ status.loadavg

salt ‘*’ status.master

salt ‘*’ status.meminfo

salt ‘*’ status.netdev

salt ‘*’ status.netstats

salt ‘*’ status.nproc

salt ‘*’ status.pid <sig>

salt ‘*’ status.procs

salt ‘*’ status.uptime

salt ‘*’ status.version

salt ‘*’ status.vmstats

salt ‘*’ status.w

salt ‘*’ supervisord.add <name>

salt ‘*’ supervisord.custom “mstop ‘*gunicorn*'”

salt ‘*’ supervisord.options foo

salt ‘*’ supervisord.remove <name>

salt ‘*’ supervisord.reread

salt ‘*’ supervisord.restart <service>

salt ‘*’ supervisord.restart <group>:

salt ‘*’ supervisord.start <service>

salt ‘*’ supervisord.start <group>:

salt ‘*’ supervisord.status

salt ‘*’ supervisord.status_raw

salt ‘*’ supervisord.stop <service>

salt ‘*’ supervisord.stop <group>:

salt ‘*’ supervisord.update

salt ‘*’ sys.argspec pkg.install

salt ‘*’ sys.argspec sys

salt ‘*’ sys.argspec

salt ‘*’ sys.doc

salt ‘*’ sys.doc sys

salt ‘*’ sys.doc sys.doc

salt ‘*’ sys.doc network.traceroute user.info

salt ‘*’ sys.list_functions

salt ‘*’ sys.list_functions sys

salt ‘*’ sys.list_functions sys user

salt ‘*’ sys.list_modules

salt ‘*’ sys.list_returner_functions

salt ‘*’ sys.list_returner_functions mysql

salt ‘*’ sys.list_returner_functions mysql etcd

salt ‘*’ sys.list_returners

salt ‘*’ sys.list_runner_functions

salt ‘*’ sys.list_runner_functions state

salt ‘*’ sys.list_runner_functions state virt

salt ‘*’ sys.list_runners

salt ‘*’ sys.list_state_functions

salt ‘*’ sys.list_state_functions file

salt ‘*’ sys.list_state_functions pkg user

salt ‘*’ sys.list_state_modules

salt ‘*’ sys.reload_modules

salt ‘*’ sys.returner_doc

salt ‘*’ sys.returner_doc sqlite3

salt ‘*’ sys.returner_doc sqlite3.get_fun

salt ‘*’ sys.returner_doc sqlite3.get_fun etcd.get_fun

salt ‘*’ sys.runner_doc

salt ‘*’ sys.runner_doc cache

salt ‘*’ sys.runner_doc cache.grains

salt ‘*’ sys.runner_doc cache.grains mine.get

salt ‘*’ sys.state_doc

salt ‘*’ sys.state_doc service

salt ‘*’ sys.state_doc service.running

salt ‘*’ sys.state_doc service.running ipables.append

salt ‘*’ sysctl.assign net.ipv4.ip_forward 1

salt ‘*’ sysctl.get net.ipv4.ip_forward

salt ‘*’ sysctl.persist net.ipv4.ip_forward 1

salt ‘*’ sysctl.show

salt ‘*’ system.halt

salt ‘*’ system.init 3

salt ‘*’ system.poweroff

salt ‘*’ system.reboot

salt ‘*’ system.shutdown

salt ‘*’ test.arg 1 “two” 3.1 txt=”hello” wow='{a: 1, b: “hello”}’

salt ‘*’ test.arg_repr 1 “two” 3.1 txt=”hello” wow='{a: 1, b: “hello”}’

salt ‘*’ test.arg_type 1 ‘int’

salt ‘*’ test.collatz 3

salt ‘*’ test.conf_test

salt ‘*’ test.cross_test file.gid_to_group 0

salt ‘*’ test.echo ‘foo bar baz quo qux’

salt ‘*’ test.exception ‘Oh noes!’

salt ‘*’ test.fib 3

salt ‘*’ test.get_opts

salt ‘*’ test.kwarg num=1 txt=”two” env='{a: 1, b: “hello”}’

salt ‘*’ test.not_loaded

salt ‘*’ test.opts_pkg

salt ‘*’ test.outputter foobar

salt ‘*’ test.ping

salt ‘*’ test.provider service

salt ‘*’ test.providers

salt ‘*’ test.rand_sleep 60

salt ‘*’ test.rand_str

salt ‘*’ test.retcode 42

salt ‘*’ test.sleep 20

salt ‘*’ test.stack

salt ‘*’ test.tty tty0 ‘This is a test’

salt ‘*’ test.tty pts3 ‘This is a test’

salt ‘*’ test.version

salt ‘*’ test.versions_information

salt ‘*’ test.versions_report

salt ‘*’ timezone.get_hwclock

salt ‘*’ timezone.get_offset

salt ‘*’ timezone.get_zone

salt ‘*’ timezone.get_zonecode

salt ‘*’ timezone.set_hwclock UTC

salt ‘*’ timezone.set_zone ‘America/Denver’

salt ‘*’ timezone.zone_compare ‘America/Denver’

salt ‘*’ user.add name <uid> <gid> <groups> <home> <shell>

salt ‘*’ user.chfullname foo “Foo Bar”

salt ‘*’ user.chgid foo 4376

salt ‘*’ user.chgroups foo wheel,root True

salt ‘*’ user.chhome foo /home/users/foo True

salt ‘*’ user.chhomephone foo “7735551234”

salt ‘*’ user.chroomnumber foo 123

salt ‘*’ user.chshell foo /bin/zsh

salt ‘*’ user.chuid foo 4376

salt ‘*’ user.chworkphone foo “7735550123”

salt ‘*’ user.delete name remove=True force=True

salt ‘*’ user.getent

salt ‘*’ user.info root

salt ‘*’ user.list_groups foo

salt ‘*’ user.list_users

salt ‘*’ virtualenv.create /path/to/new/virtualenv

salt ‘*’ virtualenv.get_site_packages /path/to/my/venv

salt ‘*’ webutil.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpassword

salt ‘*’ webutil.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpass opts=ns

salt ‘*’ webutil.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpassword

salt ‘*’ webutil.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpass opts=ns

salt ‘*’ webutil.userdel /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体分享计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2017-09-18,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

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