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Linux C++简单实现一个批量插入的sql脚本生成工具

发布2024-03-29 15:10:17
发布2024-03-29 15:10:17


Linux C++简单实现一个批量插入的sql脚本生成工具
Linux C++简单实现一个批量插入的sql脚本生成工具
1 需求说明



2 C++程序



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/** * @FileName linux_file_basic1_2.cpp * @Describe Linux C++简单实现一个批量插入的sql脚本生成工具. * @Author vfhky 2017-10-18 23:29 https://typecodes.com/cseries/genmysqlinsertsql.html * @Compile g++ linux_file_basic1_2.cpp -o linux_file_basic1_2 -std=c++11 */ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <sstream> #include <time.h> typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> StringMap; //去除string中所有的空格 void TrimAllSpace( std::string &s_str ) { size_t index = 0; if( !s_str.empty()) { while( (index = s_str.find(' ',index)) != std::string::npos ) { s_str.erase( index, 1 ); } } } //切割字符串 void splitToMap( const std::string &s_orginal, const std::string &s_split_pattern, StringMap &StringMap_Obj ) { if( s_orginal.empty() ) { throw( "s_Faccount_id is empty." ); } //方便截取最后一段数据 std::string s_strs = s_orginal + s_split_pattern; size_t i_pos = s_strs.find(s_split_pattern); size_t i_size = s_strs.size(); while( i_pos != std::string::npos ) { std::string s_key_val = s_strs.substr( 0, i_pos ); size_t i_key_pos = s_key_val.find( "=" ); if( i_key_pos != std::string::npos ) { std::string s_key = s_key_val.substr( 0, i_key_pos ); std::string s_val = s_key_val.substr( i_key_pos+1, s_key_val.size() ); StringMap_Obj.insert( make_pair( s_key, s_val ) ); } else { throw( "config file is illegal." ); } s_strs = s_strs.substr( i_pos+1, i_size ); i_pos = s_strs.find( s_split_pattern ); } } //切割字符串 void splitToVector( const std::string &s_orginal, const std::string &s_split_pattern, std::vector<std::string> &vect_str ) { vect_str.clear(); if( s_orginal.empty() ) { throw( "s_Faccount_id is empty." ); } //方便截取最后一段数据 std::string strs = s_orginal + s_split_pattern; size_t pos = strs.find(s_split_pattern); size_t size = strs.size(); while( pos != std::string::npos ) { std::string s_str = strs.substr(0,pos); TrimAllSpace( s_str ); vect_str.push_back( s_str ); strs = strs.substr(pos+1,size); pos = strs.find(s_split_pattern); } } void GetTime( std::string &s_date ) { time_t t = time(NULL); char p_date20 = {0x00}; strftime( p_date, sizeof(p_date), "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&t) ); s_date = p_date; } class CGenSqlFile { public: CGenSqlFile( const std::string &s_config_file ): s_config_file( s_config_file ) { ReadFile(); } virtual ~CGenSqlFile(){} //读取每行的数据,然后进行处理 void ReadFile() { std::ifstream inFile; //以二进制可读的方式打开文件,也可以使用: inFile.open( s_config_file.data() ); inFile.open( s_config_file.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary ); //Checks if the file stream has an associated file. if( !inFile.is_open() ) { inFile.close(); throw( "Cannot open the config file." ); } //每一行的数据 std::string s_line_buf; //读取一行内容 getline( inFile, s_line_buf ) while( getline( inFile, s_line_buf, inFile.widen('\n') ) ) { if( s_line_buf.empty() || s_line_buf0 == '#' ) { continue; } //开始数据处理 splitToMap( s_line_buf, "&", StringMap_Obj ); } //关闭文件流 inFile.close(); } //打印所有的配置数据 void ShowAllConf() const { std::cout << "=================== Config data begin. ===================" << std::endl; for( auto iter : StringMap_Obj ) { std::cout << "" << iter.first << "=" << iter.second << "" << std::endl; } std::cout << "=================== Config data end. ===================" << std::endl; } std::string GenSql() { const std::string s_genonesql_comm = GenOneSqlComm(); //所有的商户/渠道id std::vector<std::string> vect_Faccount_id; splitToVector( StringMap_Obj"Faccount_id", "|", vect_Faccount_id ); //拼装sql std::string s_sql_content; for( auto iter : vect_Faccount_id ) { s_sql_content += GenOneSql( iter, s_genonesql_comm ); } //把末尾的逗号去掉 std::string s_sql_contents = s_sql_content.erase( s_sql_content.length()-2, 2 ); //当前日期 std::string s_date; GetTime( s_date ); std::string s_sql_illustartion = "-- --------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "-- Auto Generated on " + s_date + " --------------------------------\n" "-- --------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; return ( s_sql_illustartion + StringMap_Obj"INSERT_HEADER" + "\n" + s_sql_contents + "\n;\n\n\n" ); } //生成SQL数据 std::string GenOneSql( const std::string &s_Faccount_id, const std::string &s_genonesql_comm ) { return ( "( '" + s_Faccount_id + s_genonesql_comm ); } std::string GenOneSqlComm() { std::string s_sql = "', '" + StringMap_Obj"Fpay_channel_id" + "', '" + StringMap_Obj"Fpay_method" + "', '" + StringMap_Obj"Frate_mode" + "', '" + StringMap_Obj"Frate_value" + "', '" + StringMap_Obj"Frate_value_base" + "', '1'),\n"; return s_sql; } void OpenFile() { //追加 if( "1" == StringMap_Obj"Ffile_mode" ) { ostream.open( StringMap_Obj"sql_file".c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::app ); } //覆盖 else if( "2" == StringMap_Obj"Ffile_mode" ) { ostream.open( StringMap_Obj"sql_file".c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::binary ); } else { throw( "Ffile_mode is illegal." ); } if( !ostream.is_open() ) { ostream.close(); throw( "Cannot open the file." ); } } void CloseFile() { ostream.close(); } //获取配置数据 const std::string GetConfByKey( std::string &s_config_key ) const { StringMap::const_iterator iter = StringMap_Obj.find( s_config_key ); if( iter != StringMap_Obj.end() ) { return iter->second; } else { return ""; } } //把数据写入到文件流中 void WriteToFile( const std::string &s_file_contents ) { ostream << s_file_contents; } protected: StringMap StringMap_Obj; private: std::string s_config_file; std::ofstream ostream; }; int main( const int argc, const char * const * argv ) { static const std::string s_config_file = "./LINUX_FILE_BASIC1_2.txt"; try { CGenSqlFile t( s_config_file ); //显示所有的配置 t.ShowAllConf(); //打开文件 t.OpenFile(); //生成SQL数据 std::string s_sql_contents = t.GenSql(); //写入到文件 t.WriteToFile( s_sql_contents ); //关闭文件 t.CloseFile(); std::string s_config_key = "sql_file"; std::cout << "\nGenerate sql file=" << t.GetConfByKey( s_config_key ) << " success." << std::endl; } catch( const char *p_errstr ) { std::cout << p_errstr << std::endl; } return 0; }

3 配置文件



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# @FileName linux_file_basic1_2.txt # @Describe Linux C++简单实现一个批量插入的sql脚本生成工具的配置文件. # @Author vfhky 2017-10-18 23:29 https://typecodes.com/cseries/genmysqlinsertsql.html # 用户账号id,多个账号使用 | 符号分隔 Faccount_id=10001342| 10001447 # 所属区域代号 Fpay_channel_id=GDSZ01 # 支付方式: # 支付宝服务窗支付 ALIPAY.JSAPI # 支付宝刷卡 ALIPAY.MICROPAY # 支付宝扫码支付 ALIPAY.NATIVE # # 微信公众号 WXPAY.JSAPI # 微信刷卡支付 WXPAY.MICROPAY # 微信扫码支付 WXPAY.NATIVE Fpay_method=WXPAY.NATIVE # 收费模式,1固定比例,2单笔计费 Frate_mode=1 # 费率值,单位:1/10000 Frate_value=50 # 基本费用,单位:分 Frate_value_base=0 # 生成的sql文件名 sql_file=user_account.sql # 生成的sql文件模式,1追加,2覆盖 Ffile_mode=2 # insert语句的头部 INSERT_HEADER=INSERT INTO USER\_ACCOUNT\_DB.t\_mch\_rate ( Faccount\_id, Fpay\_channel\_id, Fpay\_method, Frate\_mode, Frate\_value, Frate\_value\_base, Fstatus) VALUES

4 编译执行

使用《Linux C/C++工程中可生成ELF、动/静态库文件的通用Makefile》文中的Makefile编译:

Linux C++简单实现一个批量插入的sql脚本生成工具
Linux C++简单实现一个批量插入的sql脚本生成工具


Linux C++简单实现一个批量插入的sql脚本生成工具
Linux C++简单实现一个批量插入的sql脚本生成工具
本文参与 腾讯云自媒体分享计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。
原始发表:2017-10-18 ,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

本文分享自 作者个人站点/博客 前往查看

如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体分享计划  ,欢迎热爱写作的你一起参与!

0 条评论
  • 1 需求说明
  • 2 C++程序
  • 3 配置文件
  • 4 编译执行
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