更大的图景是,我使用QHULL来计算球面上点的凸包(这是球面的Delaunay Tesselation ),并将从凸包计算的Voronoi单元投影到球面上,然后使用球面三角形http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalTriangle.html计算与每个节点相关的面积(将每个凸包三角形拆分为6个分数三角形,并分别计算分数球面三角形的面积,我得到的内角是从节点指向Voronoi顶点和三角形边缘中点的单位向量与球面相切的点积的弧余弦),但我可以处理这种复杂性。
我遇到的问题是,对于一些非常糟糕的样本设计,Voronoi顶点在delaunay三角形之外是的,可以看到http://www.mathopenref.com/trianglecircumcenter.html,但我没有预料到这一点,我不知道这个答案Compute the size of Voronoi regions from Delaunay triangulation?是否适用于Voronoi顶点在三角形之外的情况。我得到了具有负面积的点(使用球面三角形方法,基于将Voronoi顶点连接到三角形边缘中点和三角形节点来定义分数三角形)
edges=sortrows([KS(:,1:2) iK; KS(:,[1 3]) iK; KS(:,2:3) iK]);
edges=reshape(edges(:,3),2,1.5*NK); %a consequence of this is that there will always be an even number of triangles on the convex hull of a sphere, otherwise Voronoi cells are not defined, which they must be because the convex hull is defined
发布于 2014-03-07 03:32:37
发布于 2014-03-07 06:38:51
function [x,y,z,ptArea,K,minRad,xv,yv,zv,xvc,yvc,zvc,VorTriNodes]=voronoiSphereArea2(x,y,z)
%x, y, z are the inputs but normalized to be unit vectors (projected onto
% the surface of the sphere centered at 0,0,0 with radius 1)
%ptArea is a numel(x) by 1 vector (same size as x, y, and z) that contains
% area of the surface of the unit sphere that is closer to the
% corresponding x y z point than any other pt (this is the area of
% projection of the voronoi cell projected onto the surface of the
% sphere with radius of 1)
%K is the output of convhulln([x y z]), it is the tesselation of
% points x y z (the list point indexes that make up the triangles
% on the convex hull of the sphere)
%minRad is the minimum distance between the origin (center of the sphere)
% and any triangle in the tesselation of (normalized) x y z; this is
% less than 1 because the triangles are the equivalent of chords of
% a circle (nodes of the triangle are on the surface of the sphere,
% but the rest of the triangle is below the surface of the sphere,
% the voronoi vertex of a triangle is the closest point in that
% triangle to the center of the sphere), minRad is highly useful
% when doing barycentric interpolation in x y z space (putting
% points to be interpolated at this distance from the origin, [the
% largest distance guaranteed to be in the convex hull regardless of
% angular position, actually you'll want to decrease this slightly
% to protect against round off error] makes tsearchn [of volumetric
% Delaunay tesselation formed augmenting each triangle in the
% convex hull tesselation with the origin] run faster, it's very
% slow if you use an interpolation radius of 0.5 but very fast if
% you put the interpolation points just under the surface of the
% sphere)
%xv, yv, zv are the x y z coordinates of the voronoi vertices of each
% triangle in K projected up to the surface of the sphere (for use
% in plotting "cells" associated with each point) these are listed
% in the same order as K
%xvc, yvc, zvc are spherical triangular patches whose corners are 1 node
% (x, y, z) and 2 voronoi vertices (xv, yv, zv); this is a
% 30 by 3*size(K,1) matrix, each triangle is a fraction of the
% voronoi cell belonging to the node (x, y, z)
%VorTriNodes a 1 by 3*size(K,1) vector that identifies the node owning
% the spherical triangle in the same columns of xvc, yvc, zvc; this
% is used for plotting piecewise constant point values (where the
% pieces are the voronoi cells belonging to their respective points)
i4=[1:3 1]';
i3=[3 1 2]';
K=convhulln([x y z]); %right now this is K
%determine the voronoi cell edges (between the voronoi vertexes of 2 convex
%hull trianlges that share a convex hull triangle edge) and the 2 nodes (x,
%y, z points) that share that edge, these define triangles that are
%components of the voronoi cells around the 2 nodes
VorTri=reshape(sortrows([KS(:,1:2) iK; KS(:,[1 3]) iK; KS(:,2:3) iK])',[3 2 1.5*NK]);
VorTriNodes=squeeze(VorTri(1:2,1,:)); %these 2 nodes (in a column) share
VorTriVerts=squeeze(VorTri(3,:,:)); %the cell edge between these 2 vertices
K=K'; %right now this is K transpose
xn=x(K); %a 3 by NK matrix for the x coordinates of a convex hull triangle, n is for "nodes"
yn=y(K); %a 3 by NK matrix for the y coordinates of a convex hull triangle, n is for "nodes"
zn=z(K); %a 3 by NK matrix for the z coordinates of a convex hull triangle, n is for "nodes"
%calculate the 3 edge lengths (in x y and z coordinates) for each
%triangle in the convex hull tesselation
%calculate the voronoi vertices
xv1=-(dz(1,:).*dy(3,:)-dy(1,:).*dz(3,:)); %negative needed to correct sign convention to keep vornoi vertex on same side of sphere as triangle when we normalize it
normconst=(xv1.^2+yv1.^2+zv1.^2).^-0.5; %voronoi vertex will be on surface of sphere (radius 1), negative needed to correct sign convention to keep vertex from being projected to opposite side of sphere
xv1=xv1.*normconst; %x component of unit vector pointing from origin through the triangle voronoi vertex (voronoi vertex projected up to the surface of the unit sphere)
yv1=yv1.*normconst; %y component of unit vector pointing from origin through the triangle voronoi vertex (voronoi vertex projected up to the surface of the unit sphere)
zv1=zv1.*normconst; %z component of unit vector pointing from origin through the triangle voronoi vertex (voronoi vertex projected up to the surface of the unit sphere)
normconst=(xv2.^2+yv2.^2+zv2.^2).^-0.5; %voronoi vertex will be on surface of sphere (radius 1), negative needed to correct sign convention to keep vertex from being projected to opposite side of sphere
xv2=xv2.*normconst; %x component of unit vector pointing from origin through the triangle voronoi vertex (voronoi vertex projected up to the surface of the unit sphere)
yv2=yv2.*normconst; %y component of unit vector pointing from origin through the triangle voronoi vertex (voronoi vertex projected up to the surface of the unit sphere)
zv2=zv2.*normconst; %z component of unit vector pointing from origin through the triangle voronoi vertex (voronoi vertex projected up to the surface of the unit sphere)
normconst=(xv3.^2+yv3.^2+zv3.^2).^-0.5; %voronoi vertex will be on surface of sphere (radius 1), negative needed to correct sign convention to keep vertex from being projected to opposite side of sphere
xv3=xv3.*normconst; %x component of unit vector pointing from origin through the triangle voronoi vertex (voronoi vertex projected up to the surface of the unit sphere)
yv3=yv3.*normconst; %y component of unit vector pointing from origin through the triangle voronoi vertex (voronoi vertex projected up to the surface of the unit sphere)
zv3=zv3.*normconst; %z component of unit vector pointing from origin through the triangle voronoi vertex (voronoi vertex projected up to the surface of the unit sphere)
%round off error is a big concern average all three possible calculations
normconst=(xv.^2+yv.^2+zv.^2).^-0.5; %use this to project voronoi vertex
%up to surface of (radius 1) sphere
error('imaginary numbers or NANs at A');
minRad=min(abs(xv.*xn(1,:)+yv.*yn(1,:)+zv.*zn(1,:))); %the minimum distance
%from the origin to any point on the tesselation of the sphere (which will
%be less than 1 because convex hull facets cut below the surface of the
%sphere like a chord on a circle) found by taking the dot product of a node
%and the unit vector that passes through the origin (center of sphere) and
%voronoi vertex of the convex hull triangle determines the distance of the
%convex hull triangle's voronoi vertex from the center of the sphere.
%define shape of fractional spherical triangle patches to be used in
%piecewise constant plotting of point values
VorTriNodes=VorTriNodes(:); %column vector to do the dot product easily
[xn(j1,:)+ds*(xV(1,:)-xn(1,:)); xV(j1,:)+ds*diff(xV); xV(j2,:)+ds*(xn(1,:)-xV(2,:));...
xn(j2,:)+ds*(xV(1,:)-xn(2,:)); xV(j1,:)+ds*diff(xV); xV(j2,:)+ds*(xn(2,:)-xV(2,:))],...
[yn(j1,:)+ds*(yV(1,:)-yn(1,:)); yV(j1,:)+ds*diff(yV); yV(j2,:)+ds*(yn(1,:)-yV(2,:));...
yn(j2,:)+ds*(yV(1,:)-yn(2,:)); yV(j1,:)+ds*diff(yV); yV(j2,:)+ds*(yn(2,:)-yV(2,:))],...
[zn(j1,:)+ds*(zV(1,:)-zn(1,:)); zV(j1,:)+ds*diff(zV); zV(j2,:)+ds*(zn(1,:)-zV(2,:));...
zn(j2,:)+ds*(zV(1,:)-zn(2,:)); zV(j1,:)+ds*diff(zV); zV(j2,:)+ds*(zn(2,:)-zV(2,:))],...
error('imaginary numbers or NANs at B');
%time to compute the area of the spherical triangle components of the
%voronoi cells areound each point
%first define the corners of the voronoi cell triangles and their edge
%lengths (direction matters)
xt=reshape([xn(1,:); xV; xn(2,:); xV],3,3*NK); dx=diff(xt(i4,:));
yt=reshape([yn(1,:); yV; yn(2,:); yV],3,3*NK); dy=diff(yt(i4,:));
zt=reshape([zn(1,:); zV; zn(2,:); zV],3,3*NK); dz=diff(zt(i4,:));
%now going to compute unit vectors tangent to surface in direction of
%great circles connection nodes of voronoi cell component triangles
%dx, dy, dz are chord distances in forward (a) direction
dirxa=dx-xt.*yada; %x component of derivative/tangent vector at point
dirya=dy-yt.*yada; %y component of derivative/tangent vector at point
dirza=dz-zt.*yada; %z component of derivative/tangent vector at point
yada=(yada+(yada==0)).^-0.5; %protect against zero magnitude vectors which
%causes NaNs without this protection, yes it happened in a Tensor Product
%grid (vornoi vertex was outside triangle on top of other voronoi vertex)
dirxa=dirxa.*yada; %x component of unit vector direction
dirya=dirya.*yada; %y component of unit vector direction
dirza=dirza.*yada; %z component of unit vector direction
error('imaginary numbers or NANs at C');
%make dx, dy, dz chord distances in backward (b) direction
dx=-dx(i3,:); dy=-dy(i3,:); dz=-dz(i3,:);
dirxb=dx-xt.*yada; %x component of derivative/tangent vector at point
diryb=dy-yt.*yada; %y component of derivative/tangent vector at point
dirzb=dz-zt.*yada; %z component of derivative/tangent vector at point
yada=(yada+(yada==0)).^-0.5;%protect against zero magnitude vectors which
%causes NaNs without this protection, yes it happened in a Tensor Product
%grid (vornoi vertex was outside triangle on top of other voronoi vertex)
dirxb=dirxb.*yada; %x component of unit vector direction
diryb=diryb.*yada; %y component of unit vector direction
dirzb=dirzb.*yada; %z component of unit vector direction
error('imaginary numbers or NANs at D');
%fractional spherical triangle area is the sum of the 3 interior angles
%minus pi times the square of the sphere's radius (which is 1). Interior
%angle is the arc cosine of the dot product of the forward and backward
%unit vectors (in the directions away from one corner of spherical triangle
%to the other 2 corners)
%min and max are needed to fix round off error that could cause imaginary
%angles via arc-hyperbolic-cosine, but max would replace NaN with -1 which
%makes angle pi when should have been zero, see the
%yada=(yada+(yada==0)).^-0.5; protection above
%fix round off error that could cause "negative zero" areas
%area might be imaginary or negative if there's a bug (other than round
%off error which should have been fixed).
save DEBUGME_voronoiSphereArea
error('imaginary or negative areas at E Npts=%d',Npts);
for ipt=1:Npts
ptArea(ipt)=areacontrib*(VorTriNodes==ipt); %matrix ops dot product to
%sum the areas of all spherical triangles that make of the point's
%voronoi cell
%SphereAreaDiv4pi=sum(ptArea)/(4*pi) %is 1 to 8+ sig figs
ptArea=ptArea*(4*pi/sum(ptArea)); %"fix" round off error in ptArea
K=K'; %this is no longer K transpose
xv=xv(:); %for drawing voronoi cell edges
VorTriNodes=VorTriNodes'; %for plotting piecewise constant voronoi cells as
%being made up of triangles with 1 node and 2 vertices.