我想用谷歌地图获得欧洲一些机场之间的旅行时间。问题是,有些名字的拼写不准确,所以,我想首先检查错误的名称,并得到谷歌的版本的名称。从这个question中,我可以使用selenium来完成这个任务,但是我的代码有一些问题: 1)输出并不总是完整的,(最后两个结果只有一个字母表) 2)它在列表的末尾抛出一个异常(参见下面)。请帮我修一下密码。自动化是唯一的方法,因为机场清单很长。
wronglySpelled = ['Treviso (San Angelo) Airport', 'Milano - Malpensa
Airport', 'Venezia - Tessera Airport', 'Milano - Linate Airport',
'Treviso (San Angelo) Airport', 'Treviso (San Angelo) Airport',
'Milano - Malpensa Airport', 'Venezia - Tessera Airport', 'Guernsey
Channel Is. Airport', 'Jersey Channel Is. Airport','Treviso (San
Angelo) Airport']
def setup():
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
driver.maximize_window() # For maximizing window
driver.implicitly_wait(20) # gives an implicit wait for 20 seconds
return driver
def correct_name(driver, name_to_check):
searchBox = driver.find_element_by_name('q')
correct_name = driver.find_element_by_class_name('suggest-bold')
return correct_name.text.encode('utf-8')
driver = setup()
for item in wronglySpelled:
print item,':', correct_name(driver, item)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/...", line 60, in <module>
print item,':', correct_name(driver, item)
File "C:/...", line 41, in correct_name
correct_name = driver.find_element_by_class_name('suggest-bold')
File "C:\...", line 415, in find_element_by_class_name
return self.find_element(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value=name)
File "C:\...", line 756, in find_element
'value': value})['value']
File "C:\...", line 238, in execute
File "C:\...", line 193, in check_response
raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"class name","selector":"suggest-bold"}
(Session info: chrome=56.0.2924.87)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.28.455520 (cc17746adff54984afff480136733114c6b3704b),platform=Windows NT 10.0.14393 x86_64)
## Formatted as Input name : Google maps version
Treviso (San Angelo) Airport : Aeroporto di Treviso Canova
Milano - Malpensa Airport : Milano Malpensa Airport
Venezia - Tessera Airport : Venice Marco Polo Airport
Milano - Linate Airport : Aeroporto Milano Linate
Treviso (San Angelo) Airport : Aeroporto di Treviso Canova
Treviso (San Angelo) Airport : Aeroporto di Treviso Canova
Milano - Malpensa Airport : m
Venezia - Tessera Airport : V
Guernsey Channel Is. Airport :
发布于 2017-03-31 15:45:51
从来没有匹配任何东西。通常,当我看到一个NSEE,它是一个危险的标志,我需要重新评估我的搜索方式。Milano - Malpensa Airport : m
from explicit import waiter, ID
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait as Wait
from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException
NO_SUGGESTION = 'Add a missing place to Google Maps.'
original_names = [
'Treviso (San Angelo) Airport',
'Milano - Malpensa Airport',
'Venezia - Tessera Airport',
'Milano - Linate Airport',
'Treviso (San Angelo) Airport',
'Treviso (San Angelo) Airport',
'Milano - Malpensa Airport',
'Venezia - Tessera Airport',
'Guernsey Channel Is. Airport',
'Jersey Channel Is. Airport',
'Treviso (San Angelo) Airport'
def get_name_suggestion(driver, name):
# Find the search box, clear it, write the name
waiter.find_write(driver, 'searchboxinput', name, by=ID, clear_first=True)
class SuggestionLoads(object):
def __init__(self):
self._last_seen = None
def __call__(self, driver):
""" Custom expected condition.
Returns either the first suggested name, or '<No Suggestion>'
Raises a TimeoutException in the event the page source is different
suggestion_icon = 'div.suggest-icon-container'
suggest_css = 'div.suggest-left-cell > span.suggest-query'
# Only want suggestions that have the location icon next to them, and not the
# magnifying glass. Return False if we don't find any so as to retry
icons = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(suggestion_icon)
if len(icons) < 1:
return False
elems = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(suggest_css)
if len(elems) == 0:
# No suggestions have loaded yet, return False so the Wait can retry
return False
suggest_text = elems[0].text
if len(suggest_text) == 1:
# Sometimes we catch text mid-update. Return False to retry
# and hopefully get the whole suggestion
return False
elif suggest_text == NO_SUGGESTION:
# Google has no suggestion for us, return NO_SUGGESTION, which the Wait will
# evaluate as True and exit
return '<No Suggestion>'
# We found a valid suggestion. We need to make sure nothing else is going to
# get AJAXed in, so compare it to or _last_seen property. If they match,
# everything has stabilized and return the string, which will be evaluated as
# True and cause the Wait to exit
# If you don't do this, you wind up with jung suggestions like "Traffic"
if suggest_text == self._last_seen:
return suggest_text
self._last_seen = suggest_text
return False
except StaleElementReferenceException:
# Because the DOM is constantly updating, there is a pretty decent chance that a
# SERE will get thrown. Catch it if it does and return False so the Wait
# can try again
return False
return Wait(driver, 30).until(SuggestionLoads())
def main():
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
for orig_name in original_names:
suggested_name = get_name_suggestion(driver, orig_name)
print "{0}: {1}".format(orig_name, suggested_name)
finally: # This is useful to make sure the browsers get closed, even if an exception is thrown
if __name__ == "__main__":
(.venv27) ➜ tmp python google_maps.py
Treviso (San Angelo) Airport: Aeroporto di Treviso Canova
Milano - Malpensa Airport: Milano Malpensa Airport
Venezia - Tessera Airport: Venice Marco Polo Airport
Milano - Linate Airport: Aeroporto Milano Linate
Treviso (San Angelo) Airport: Aeroporto di Treviso Canova
Treviso (San Angelo) Airport: Aeroporto di Treviso Canova
Milano - Malpensa Airport: Milano Malpensa Airport
Venezia - Tessera Airport: Venice Marco Polo Airport
Guernsey Channel Is. Airport: <No Suggestion>
Jersey Channel Is. Airport: <No Suggestion>
Treviso (San Angelo) Airport: Aeroporto di Treviso Canova
是我维护的一个库,可以从PyPI:pip install explicit