
Build a Better Access Control System

Access control system refers to a security mechanism that manages and controls access to resources or information within a computer system or network. It ensures that only authorized individuals or entities can access specific resources, while preventing unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

There are several types of access control systems, including:

  1. Discretionary Access Control (DAC): This model allows the owner of a resource to control access permissions and determine who can access the resource. It is commonly used in personal computers and small-scale networks.
  2. Mandatory Access Control (MAC): In this model, access permissions are determined by a central authority based on predefined security policies. It is commonly used in government and military environments where strict access control is required.
  3. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): RBAC assigns permissions to users based on their roles within an organization. It simplifies access management by grouping users with similar responsibilities and assigning permissions accordingly.
  4. Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC): ABAC grants access based on a set of attributes associated with users, resources, and environmental conditions. It provides more fine-grained control and flexibility compared to other models.

The advantages of implementing a robust access control system include:

  1. Enhanced Security: Access control systems prevent unauthorized access, reducing the risk of data breaches, information leaks, and unauthorized modifications.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Many industries have specific regulations and compliance requirements regarding data protection. An access control system helps organizations meet these requirements and avoid penalties.
  3. Improved Productivity: By granting appropriate access to resources, employees can efficiently perform their tasks without unnecessary restrictions or distractions.
  4. Simplified Administration: Access control systems centralize the management of user permissions, making it easier to add, modify, or revoke access rights as needed.
  5. Auditability: Access control systems provide logs and audit trails, allowing organizations to track and monitor user activities for security and compliance purposes.

In the context of Tencent Cloud, a recommended product for building a better access control system is the "Identity and Access Management (IAM)" service. IAM provides a comprehensive set of features for managing user identities, roles, and permissions within Tencent Cloud resources. It supports RBAC and ABAC models, allowing fine-grained control over resource access. More information about Tencent Cloud IAM can be found at Tencent Cloud IAM.

It is important to note that the choice of access control system and related products should be based on specific requirements, such as the scale of the system, the sensitivity of the data, and the regulatory environment. Organizations should carefully evaluate their needs and consult with experts to design and implement an effective access control system.



Access Control

FOCUS OF THIS LECTURE Identify access control requirements Know access control elements Understand access...control systems 授权(AUTHORISATION) 向系统实体授予权利或权限以提供对特定资源的访问的过程,也称访问控制(Access Control) 访问控制要求(ACCESS CONTROL...right) 一个访问权限r ∈ R 描述了一个主体s ∈ S 如何访问对象o ∈ O 例如:读、写、执行、删除、创建、搜索等 访问控制系统(AC SYSTEM) 访问控制方法(AC Function...Control (DAC) 用户可以自主保护自己拥有的内容 所有者可以授予主体访问权限 根据请求者的身份授予访问权限 这些机制足以满足诚实用户的要求 容易受到特洛伊木马的攻击 DAC 用于操作系统 例如...,Linux 文件权限: rwxr-x–x 访问控制矩阵 基于角色的访问控制 ROLE-BASED ACCESS CONTROL (RBAC) RBAC 将角色映射到访问权限 支持复杂的访问控制 减少管理错误


6.Permission Based Access Control

那么当我们得到OAuth2的Access Token或者OIDC的Id Token之后,我们的资源服务如何来验证这些token是否有权限来执行对资源的某一项操作呢?...1 OAuth2的Access Token之Scope 我们都知道OAuth2的最终产物是提供给我们一个Access Token,而这个Access Token中包含了一个Scope的字段,这个字段代表的是授权服务器或者资源拥有者授予第三方客户端允许操作资源服务器的哪些资源的范围...通常的做法是使用传统的基于校色的权限控制(Role Based Access Control)。...这种方式可以称为Resource Based Access Control或者Permission Based Access Control。.../ 强烈推荐:https://shiro.apache.org/permissions.html https://stormpath.com/blog/new-rbac-resource-based-access-control


还能设置多个 Access-Control-Allow-Origin ?

Access-Control-Allow-Origin 是 HTTP 头部的一部分,用于实现跨域资源共享(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing,简称 CORS)。...Access-Control-Allow-Origin 头就是服务器用来告知浏览器哪些网站可以访问其资源的一种方式。...使用方法 设置单一源 如果你希望只允许特定的源访问资源,可以在服务器端响应中设置 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 头,指定允许的源域名: Access-Control-Allow-Origin...允许所有源 如果你想允许任何源访问资源(注意这样做可能会带来安全风险),可以设置 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 为通配符 *: Access-Control-Allow-Origin...('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS'); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers


WebGoat靶场系列---Access Control Flaws(访问控制缺陷)

0x00 Using an Access Control Matrix(使用访问控制矩阵) 目标:找到可以访问Account Manager的管理员组成员 首先 select resource选择Account...0x01 Bypass a Path Based Access Control Scheme(绕过基于路径的访问控制方案) 这是一个基于路径的访问控制方案,攻击者可以通过提供相对路径信息遍历路径.因此...2.Add Business Layer Access Control(添加业务层访问控制) 需要WebCoat开发版,打说算直接去虚拟机改,死活找不到路径在哪,只能跳过了。...3.Bypass Data Layer Access Control(绕过数据层访问控制) 利用弱访问控制,查看其它员工的个人资料 (a)通过登录不同用户,发现用户名依靠employee_id来传输。...(c)Add Data Layer Access Control(添加数据层访问控制) 需要WebCoat开发版,准备直接去OWASP的虚拟机改的我,死活找不到路径在哪,只能跳过了。
