@ubuntu:~/hadoop/hadoop/name/current #Fri Mar 30 00:14:41 PDT 2018 namespaceID=695608861 clusterID=CID...home/xiaoye/hadoop/journal/ns: NameNode has clusterId ‘CID-b824b399-e941-4982-a618-745373 9d3d55′ but...storage has clusterId ‘CID-657e9540-2de9-43a2-bf91-199a4334b05a’ 于是还是修改上面的VERSION文件,把clusterId的值改成 storage
解决cid不连续的问题 Tips 文章cid重新排列后,上传的附件所属文章可能不正确,需手动修改。 cid = ' ....$no . ' where cid = ' ....$cid; mysql_query($sql); $sql = 'update typecho_comments set cid = ' ....$no . ' where cid = ' .
Typecho根据文章id获取文章信息.jpg 如上图,就是基于这个功能,实现的轮播图,填写了文章cid,获取了文章标题,描述,缩略图和链接。...代码 如下代码,其中cid=1就是获取cid为1的文章信息,可以改成你需要获取的文章cid。 widget('Widget_Archive@indexxiu', 'pageSize=1&type=post', 'cid=1')->to($ji); ?> 标题:<?...获取多个 上边的截图,就是获取了三个文章,来实现的,代码如下,其中166,163,160就是对应的三个文章的cid cid='.
php $cid = 2240;//数字为你的文章cid Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Contents_Attachment_Related@'....$cid, 'parentId=' . $cid)->to($attachment); ?> <?
函数 function getCustom($cid, $key){ $f=Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Archive@'....$cid,'pageSize=1&type=post', 'cid='....$cid); return $f->fields->$key; } 调用 echo getCustom('文章cid', '字段名'); 相比他十多行代码简洁了不少,两三行搞定!!!...其中Typecho_Widget::widget('Widget_Archive@'.cid,'pageSize=1&type=post', 'cid='.
目前大会议题正在评审和筛选中,10 月中旬会为大家放送第四届 CID 大会议题安排及参会指南。...注意参会时现场签到信息需与报名信息一致(报名后记得加入「 2023 CID大会交流群 」,我们会在群内公布结果、同步大会进展等信息)。...分享嘉宾:张袁,百度太行DPU资深架构师 更多议题将在官网上线后同步,请关注CID大会公众号。...三、活动小贴士 为了更好地交流互动,报名后请加入 「2023 CID参会交流群」,我们将在群内发布大会最新信息。...CID 本着纯技术、非商业的原则,为行业创造一个互相认识、互相交流、共同提高的机会和平台。
解决cid不连续的问题 Tips 文章cid重新排列后,上传的附件所属文章可能不正确,需手动修改。 将以下代码保存为PHP文件并上传至网站根目录,在地址栏访问一下即可。 cid = $no WHERE cid = $cid"); mysqli_query($blog, "UPDATE typecho_relationships...SET cid = $no WHERE cid = $cid"); mysqli_query($blog, "UPDATE typecho_comments SET cid = $no WHERE...cid = $cid"); $no = $no + 1; } // 从数据库中选择所有文章cid,按其 cid 排序 $query_postRecord = "SELECT cid FROM...cid while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { change_id($row['cid']); } // 重置文章 cid 的自动递增值 mysqli_query
图1:CLIP-CID和OPENCLIP在14个常见数据集上的线性探查性能对比。尽管从LAION400M中排除了43.7%的图像文本对,但CLIP-CID展示了卓越的性能。...为了应对上述挑战,本文提出了一种称为CLIP-CID的新颖的蒸馏机制,该机制有效地从大型视觉语言基础模型到较小模型转移知识。...此外,通过将聚类实例区分蒸馏与CLIP-CID ViT-B/32和CLIP-CID ViT-B/16相结合,在14个数据集上分别实现了69.4%的平均性能和71.3%,分别优于在LAION400M上训练的...通过采用作者提出的聚类实例区分蒸馏方法,CLIP-CID在14个数据集上实现了平均性能提升2.3%和1.8%。...实验结果表明,CLIP-CID在各种下游任务上超过了现有方法,包括线性 Prob 和零样本分类。
(1) from SC where CID = m.CID) as decimal(18,2)) 优秀率 from Course m , SC n where m.CID = n.CID group...) from SC where CID = m.CID) 最高分 , (select min(score) from SC where CID = m.CID) 最低分 , (select...where CID = m.CID and score >= 60)*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID) as decimal(18,2...CID = m.CID and score >= 80 and score CID = m.CID) as...(1) from SC where CID = m.CID and score >= 85)*100.0 / (select count(1) from SC where CID = m.CID) as
_cid = cid self._nodes = nodes self...._cid_vertices[w_cid]]) if w_cid == v_cid: tot -=..._m) cid_Q[w_cid] = delta_Q cid, max_delta_Q = sorted(cid_Q.items..._kin += v / 2.0 cid_vertices[cid] = set([cid]) vid_vertex[cid] = new_vertex...= 0: G[cid1][cid2] = edge_weight G[cid2][cid1] = edge_weight
,score from sc where sc.CId='01') as t1, (select sid,cid,score from sc where sc.CId='02')as t2 where...a.cid=b.cid and a.score<b.score group by a.cid,a.sid,a.score order by a.cid,rank asc; 15.1 按各科成绩进行排序...left join sc as b on a.cid=b.cid and a.score<b.score group by a.cid,a.sid,a.score order by a.cid...=course.cid group by sc.cid; 查询各科成绩前三名的记录 select * from sc as a left join sc as b on a.cid=b.cid and...,course.Cname,avg(score)as ss from sc,course where sc.cid=course.cid group by cid order by ss desc,sc.cid
=course.cid group by sc.cid 14.2要求输出课程号和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列 多条件排序 select cid,count(1) from...and tb1.cid=tb2.cid group by tb1.cid,tb1.sid order by cid,rank asc; 15.1 按各科成绩进行排序,并显示排名, Score 重复时合并名次...select a.sid,a.cid,a.score from sc a left join sc b on a.cid = b.cid and a.score<b.score group by a.cid..., a.sid having count(b.cid)<3 order by a.cid; 19.查询每门课程被选修的学生数 select cid, count(sid) from sc group...select sc.cid,count(1) from course left join sc on course.cid=sc.cid group by sc.cid having count(1)>
,Cname,TId) CId 课程编号,Cname 课程名称,TId 教师编号 教师表 Teacher(TId,Tname) TId 教师编号,Tname 教师姓名 成绩表 SC(SId,CId,score...*,sc.score from Student s,Course c,SC sc where c.CId='01' and s.SId=sc.SId and c.CId=sc.CId; +-----+-...*,sc.score from SC sc join Student s on sc.SId=s.SId join Course c on sc.CId=c.CId where c.CId='01';...Student s ON sc.SId = s.SId JOIN Course c ON sc.CId = c.CId WHERE c.CId = '02'...sc.CId='02') s2 where s1.SId=s2.SId; +-----+-----+-------+-----+----------+ | SId | CId | score | CId
`cid`=t_student....`cid`=t_student....`cid`=t_student....`cid`=t_student.`cid` WHERE t_clazz.`cid`=2101 查询结果: 这个时候就要在Clazz类中添加List stus 属性。...`cid`=t_student.`cid` WHERE t_clazz.
SC(SId,CId,score) --SId 学生编号,CId 课程编号,score 分数 题目 1、查询“01”课程比“02”课程成绩高的所有学生的学号; 2、查询平均成绩大于60分的同学的学号和平均成绩...having count(if(cid='01',score,null))>0 and count(if(cid='02',score,null))>0 )t left join...),sid from sc group by sid having count(cid) cid) from...=sc.cid group by sc.sid having count(distinct sc.cid)= (select count(distinct cid) from...=course.cid group by sc.cid 19、按各科平均成绩从低到高和及格率的百分数从高到低顺序 #这里先按照平均成绩排序,再按照及格百分数排序,题目有点奇怪 select cid
(cid_json) cid = cid_json['data'][0]['cid'] print(cid) return cid 接口二:获取真实地址...avid=69542806&cid=120570181&qn=32&type=&otype=json def get_vedio_url(self,avid,cid): url=...avid={avid}&cid={cid}&qn=32&type=&otype=json' print(url) headers = {"User-Agent": self.ua.random...(cid_json) cid = cid_json['data'][0]['cid'] print(cid) return cid #获得视频真实...=spider.get_cid(vedio_parm[2]) video_con=spider.get_vedio_url(vedio_parm[2],cid) spider.get_vedio
请求: if (isset($_POST['agree'])) { // 判断 POST 请求中的 cid 是否是本篇文章的 cid if ($_POST['agree'] == $this...->cid) { // 调用点赞函数,传入文章的 cid,然后通过 exit 输出点赞数量 exit( strval(agree($this->cid)) );...} // 如果点赞的文章 cid 不是本篇文章的 cid 就输出 error 不再往下执行 exit('error'); } 接下来在该页面加入点赞按钮(按钮样式自行修改): type="button" id="agree" data-cid="cid; ?>" data-url="cid 属性 data: 'agree=' + $('#agree').attr('data-cid'), async: true, timeout
socket = new Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); $socket->bind('', 9601); // server $cid...= Coroutine::getCid(); Event::defer(function () use ($cid) { assert(Coroutine::cancel($cid...= Coroutine::getCid(); go(function () use ($cid) { System::sleep(0.002); assert(...= Coroutine::getCid(); go(function () use ($cid) { System::sleep(0.002); assert(...Coroutine::cancel($cid) === true); }); $retval = System::waitSignal(SIGTERM); echo "Done\
AS '优秀率' FROM SC sc JOIN Course c ON sc.CId = c.CId GROUP BY sc.CId ORDER BY COUNT(sc.CId) DESC,...= Course.CId GROUP BY sc.CId; 查询各科成绩前三名的记录 mysql> select * from SC sc -> where (select count(*)...from SC as a -> where sc.CId= a.CId and sc.score<a.score )< 3 -> order by CId asc, sc.score...,a.score from SC as a left join SC as b on a.CId=b.CId and a.scoreCId asc,a.SId,a.score...desc having count(b.cid)CId; +-----+-----+-------+ | SId | CId | score | +-----+-----+
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