python提供了pySerial,Linux和windows下有相应的模块 linux版本: pyserial ( (在我的虚拟机中Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 版本中好像已经自带) windows版本: pywin32 ( user # can specify a device string, note # that this isn't portable anymore # if no port is specified...也可以实用绝对路径:ser.port = '/dev/ttySAc2' timeout说明(None和 0不同): timeout = None: 长时间等待 timeout = 0: 不阻塞形式 (读完之后就返回...logic level setDTR(level=1) # set DTR line to specified logic level getCTS()
server 12321 The host for azkaban executor server localhost Method: POST Request URL: /?...Method: POST Request URL: /manager?...Method: POST Content-Type: multipart/mixed Request URL: /manager?...this flow execution (if it finishes). status The current status of the flow. attempt The attempt number
Most implementations use a 200-ms delay-that is, TCP will delay an ACK up to 200 ms to see if there...The congestion window is flow control imposed by the sender, while the advertised window is flow control...Congestion avoidance is flow control imposed by the sender, while the advertised window is flow control...This error is specified by a code of 1. 目标主机不可达报文 ? 其中code = 3,表示在目的主机,端口不可用 2....》
可支持Get、Post、Put、Delete这些调用方式,调用时能指定Concurrent user、Request数、Header template…等。 二、如何得到sb工具呢?...If specified, -n will be ignored....If specified, it wil not browse....Min: 209ms Avg: 569.7ms 50% below 462ms 60% below 512ms 70% below 602ms 80% below 697ms...90% below 891ms 95% below 1110ms 98% below 1754ms 99% below 2197ms 99.9% below 4296ms
getlogginglevels - Get the runtime logging levels getmaxhintwindow - Print the max hint window in ms...Mb/s throughput cap for streaming in the system gettimeout - Print the timeout of the given type in ms...of keys saved by each cache for faster post-restart warmup. 0 to disable setcompactionthreshold - Set...setmaxhintwindow - Set the specified max hint window in ms setstreamthroughput - Set the Mb/s throughput...tables version - Print cassandra version viewbuildstatus - Show progress of a materialized view build http
Supervisor id If specified, respond with the supervisor and worker stats with id....Note that when id is specified, the host argument is ignored. host of the tuple stream given in the topology, or “default” if none specified Examples: 1. http://...: "ok", "id": "", } 3.3 POST 操作 3.3.1 /api/v1/topology/\/activate 使用如下 API 激活指定拓扑:...count": 10 } }, "callback": "foo" } Example: curl -i -b ~/cookiejar.txt -c ~/cookiejar.txt -X POST
除了之前的socket performance test tool,Vx7 24.03还集成了iperf-3.14 iperf3这个网络带宽测量工具...throughput reports -I, --pidfile file write PID file -F, --file name xmit/recv the specified...string as per strftime(3)) --rcv-timeout # idle timeout for receiving data (default 120000 ms...Numeric values can be specified in decimal, octal and hex (see --tos above)....-L, --flowlabel N set the IPv6 flow label (only supported on Linux) -Z, --zerocopy
spent by all map tasks (ms)=2781 39 Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms)=98540 40....dat /flow/data/ [root@master hadoop]# hadoop fs -cp /flow/data/HTTP_20130313143750.dat /flow/data/HTTP..._20130313143750.dat.2 [root@master hadoop]# hadoop fs -cp /flow/data/HTTP_20130313143750.dat /flow/data.../HTTP_20130313143750.dat.3 [root@master hadoop]# hadoop fs -cp /flow/data/HTTP_20130313143750.dat /flow.../data/HTTP_20130313143750.dat.4 [root@master hadoop]# hadoop fs -ls /flow/data/ Found 4 items -rw-r--
the body object to a JSON string then HTTPS POST it to the * specified API endpoint on the specified...// This is a simple static HTTP server that serves files from a specified // directory....例如,一个返回 HTTP 状态码和消息的函数可能如下所示: function getStatus():[number, string] { return [getStatusCode(), getStatusMessage...: // @flow export type Color = [number, number, number, number]; // [r, g, b, opacity] function gray...Flow 知道 toLowerCase() 返回一个字符串,+ 运算符在数字上返回一个数字。尽管我们知道这两个计算返回的值都在类型内,但 Flow 无法知道这一点,并在这两行上标记错误。
Specified as number of bytes ('[bB]?')...Specified as number of bytes ('[bB]?')...Specified as number of bytes ('[bB]?')...Specified as number of bytes ('[bB]?')...Currently this must be configured at the same port number as the --hs2_http_port flag.) type: string
Close idle connections after the number of milliseconds specified by this config. long 540000 medium...The default value of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header allows cross origin requests for GET, POST...The supported protocols are HTTP and HTTPS. Specify hostname as to bind to all interfaces....Examples of legal listener lists: HTTP://myhost:8083,HTTPS://myhost:8084 list null low workers to connect to. string null low rest.advertised.listener Sets the advertised listener (HTTP
If not specified, defaults to 80....In http mode we will attempt to GET the specified document and return additional values including...--post Use POST instead of GET in http mode. --head Use HEAD instead of GET in http mode....= 296.801ms 上面命令的意思解释为: 使用http模式(-h)并且在返回数据中显示目标源url地址(-u)的方式向 ip为 端口为6001的服务器发送10次数据包...(-n 10),并且在返回数据行中显示发送数据包的日期(-d),指定每次发送数据包的间隔时间为0.1秒(-i 0.1),等待数据包相应的时间间隔为0.1秒(-w 0.1) 注:-t和-n同时存在时,优先指定 ,并结合一些思考做了增注 模拟数据库挂掉 首先解释一下connectionTimeout的意思,这并不是获取连接的超时时间,而是从连接池返回连接的超时时间...Lowest acceptable connection timeout is 250 ms....number of ,并结合一些思考做了增注 模拟数据库挂掉 首先解释一下connectionTimeout的意思,这并不是获取连接的超时时间,而是从连接池返回连接的超时时间...number of milliseconds
with actual interface number. /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem 为自动调优定义socket使用的内存。...filter-id ] protocol protocol prio priority filtertype [ filtertype specific parameters ] flowid flow-id...filter-id ] protocol protocol prio priority filtertype [ filtertype specific parameters ] flowid flow-id...), seq=2 time=435.11 ms connected to (239 bytes), seq=3 time=434.99 ms connected to...=432.37 ms #!
0,否则返回1 55 return job.waitForCompletion(true) ?...all map tasks (ms)=2691 Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms)=2582 Total vcore-seconds...0,否则返回1 104 System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ?...-1,小于等于返回1,进行倒序排序 98 return sumFlow > o.sumFlow ?...all map tasks (ms)=2031 Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms)=2599 Total vcore-seconds
--max_http_get_redirects arg Max number of http GET redirects hops...--http_headers_progress_interval_ms arg Do not send HTTP headers...arg Maximum number of fields in HTTP header --http_max_field_name_size arg...--http_retry_initial_backoff_ms arg Min milliseconds for backoff, when...retrying read via http --http_retry_max_backoff_ms arg Max milliseconds for backoff, when
/configure --prefix=/usr/local/openresty --with-pcre-jit --with-http_iconv_module --with-http_gunzip_module...--with-http_auth_request_module --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_gzip_static_module//根据真实需求调整配置项目...args.json")_M.rule_table.post_rule = load_json(_basedir.."...1) endend 对IP的限流 对IP限流的模块位于access.lua 文件中,主要逻辑就是,把IP和当前的域名作为一个key写入共享内存,在1s内对该key累加计数,把超过阀值的流量拦截并返回一个拦截的页面...) Requests/sec: 15423.37 Latency:28.59ms 精彩推荐
val squaresFlow = { number -> number * number } 组合Flow:使用combine、zip等组合操作符将多个Flow...{ number -> number * number } // 收集Flow squaresFlow.collect { square ->...-> println("Number: $number") } } 这个示例展示了Flow的基本用法、原理和操作符。...注解:如@GET、@POST、@Path等,用于描述API的请求方式、路径、参数等信息。...Retrofit会根据方法的注解信息构建HTTP请求,并使用HTTP客户端发起请求。然后,Retrofit会使用转换器将HTTP响应转换为Kotlin或Java对象,并返回给调用者。
/configure --prefix=/usr/local/openresty --with-pcre-jit --with-http_iconv_module --with-http_gunzip_module...--with-http_auth_request_module --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_gzip_static_module //根据真实需求调整配置项目...args.json") _M.rule_table.post_rule = load_json(_basedir.."...文件中,主要逻辑就是,把IP和当前的域名作为一个key写入共享内存,在1s内对该key累加计数,把超过阀值的流量拦截并返回一个拦截的页面。...) Requests/sec: 15423.37 Latency:28.59ms
value show Displays modules of a given type, or all modules sleep Do nothing for the specified...Connector POST Request Buffer Overflow exploit/windows/http/oracle9i_xdb_pass...References: msf...-k Terminate the specified job name. -l List all running jobs.
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