

写在开始 其实之前对前后端分离研究过一段时间,中间由于项目进度耽搁也就不了了之了,最近项目中部分使用到了Vue,恰逢前端小伙伴们居然说要使用这个东西,也许是前端的工作的确有点太乏味了,他们想找点新鲜感。 目前我们前后端开发配比是1:5的样子,前端负责提供静态页面,后端负责后台开发以及前台数据渲染以及效果展示,从工作量上以及人员分配上来说还是比较合理的。 那么问题来了,如果前端真想找新鲜感,在不增加人手的情况下,他们的新鲜感很可能会被进度拖入无尽的深渊。对于后端开发来说,我们一般开发一个功能,后台和前台工作量


关于 npm 和 yarn 总结一些细节

Searches the local package tree and attempts to simplify the overall structure by moving dependencies further up the tree, where they can be more effectively shared by multiple dependent packages. For example, consider this dependency graph: a +-- b <-- depends on c@1.0.x | `-- c@1.0.3 `-- d <-- depends on c@~1.0.9 `-- c@1.0.10 In this case, npm dedupe will transform the tree to: a +-- b +-- d `-- c@1.0.10 Because of the hierarchical nature of node's module lookup, b and d will both get their dependency met by the single c package at the root level of the tree. 复制代码 // npm7 以后微调 // 在保持上述原则的基础上,升级了如下细微的规则: In some cases, you may have a dependency graph like this: a +-- b <-- depends on c@1.0.x +-- c@1.0.3 `-- d <-- depends on c@1.x `-- c@1.9.9 During the installation process, the c@1.0.3 dependency for b was placed in the root of the tree. Though d's dependency on c@1.x could have been satisfied by c@1.0.3, the newer c@1.9.0 dependency was used, because npm favors updates by default, even when doing so causes duplication. Running npm dedupe will cause npm to note the duplication and re-evaluate, deleting the nested c module, because the one in the root is sufficient. To prefer deduplication over novelty during the installation process, run npm install --prefer-dedupe or npm config set prefer-dedupe true. Arguments are ignored. Dedupe always acts on the entire tree. Note that this operation transforms the dependency tree, but will never result in new modules being installed. Using npm find-dupes will run the command in --dry-run mode. Note: npm dedupe will never update the semver values of direct dependencies in your project package.json, if you want to update values in package.json you can run: npm update --save instead.During the installation process, the c@1.0.3 dependency for b was placed in the root of the tree. Though d's dependency on c@1.x could have been satisfied by c@1.0.3
