
IBM Cloud Case Management是否与IBM Case Manager相同?

IBM Cloud Case Management与IBM Case Manager是不同的产品。

IBM Cloud Case Management是IBM提供的一种云端案例管理解决方案。它是基于云计算技术的一种服务,旨在帮助企业更好地管理和处理案例。它提供了一套完整的工具和功能,用于跟踪、协调和管理各种案例,包括客户服务、投诉处理、法律案件、保险索赔等。IBM Cloud Case Management具有以下特点和优势:

  1. 灵活性:IBM Cloud Case Management提供了灵活的配置选项,可以根据不同的业务需求进行定制和扩展。
  2. 协作性:它支持多用户协作,可以实现团队成员之间的实时沟通和协作,提高工作效率。
  3. 可视化:IBM Cloud Case Management提供了直观的界面和可视化的工作流程设计,使用户能够清晰地了解案例的状态和进展。
  4. 安全性:IBM Cloud Case Management采用了严格的安全措施,保护用户的数据和隐私。
  5. 扩展性:它可以与其他IBM云服务和解决方案集成,如人工智能、数据分析等,提供更强大的功能和扩展性。

IBM Case Manager是IBM提供的另一种案例管理解决方案,但与IBM Cloud Case Management不同。IBM Case Manager是一种基于本地部署的解决方案,需要在企业的服务器上进行安装和配置。它提供了类似的功能,用于管理和处理各种案例。与IBM Cloud Case Management相比,IBM Case Manager的主要区别在于部署方式和可扩展性。

总结起来,IBM Cloud Case Management是一种基于云计算的案例管理解决方案,而IBM Case Manager是一种基于本地部署的案例管理解决方案。它们都有助于企业提高案例管理效率,但具体选择哪种解决方案应根据实际需求和情况来决定。


  • 腾讯云云服务器:提供灵活可扩展的云服务器实例,满足各种计算需求。
  • 腾讯云云数据库:提供高性能、可靠的云数据库服务,支持多种数据库引擎。
  • 腾讯云人工智能:提供丰富的人工智能服务和工具,帮助开发者构建智能应用。
  • 腾讯云物联网:提供全面的物联网解决方案,支持设备连接、数据管理和应用开发。
  • 腾讯云移动开发:提供移动应用开发和运营的一站式解决方案,包括移动后端服务、推送通知等。
  • 腾讯云存储:提供安全可靠的云存储服务,适用于各种数据存储和备份需求。
  • 腾讯云区块链:提供高性能、可扩展的区块链服务,支持企业级应用场景。
  • 腾讯云元宇宙:提供虚拟现实和增强现实的开发和部署平台,帮助构建沉浸式体验应用。




Oracle cloud control 12c 如何修改sysman密码

前阵子在虚拟机部署了Oracle Cloud Control 12c,事别几日,竟然忘记了登陆密码。主要是因为现在的Oracle有关的Software比之前提供更强的安全机制。什么简单的"oracle"之类的pwd不再支持了。这不过一阵子就搞忘了。这年头的,账户多,密码多,就是米不多,哈哈。。。下面说说其解决办法吧。 一、emctl命令 emctl命令想必大家都见过,DB console时代经常会用到,现在功能是越来越强大了,下面仅仅列出有关修改pwd的部分 emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd [-old_pwd <old_pwd>] [-new_pwd <new_pwd>] [-use_sys_pwd [-sys_pwd <sys_pwd>]]  Note: Steps in changing Enterprise Manager Root (SYSMAN) password are:       1) Stop all the OMSs using 'emctl stop oms'       2) Run 'emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd' on one of the OMS       3a) Restart AdminServer and all the OMSs using 'emctl stop oms -all' and 'emctl start oms'       3b) If BI Publisher is installed, restart the BI Publisher managed server(s) named 'BIP####' 二、修改步骤 下面简要列出一下其修改步骤: 1) Stop OMS (leaving the Admin Server up) 2) Modify SYSMAN password 3) Stop all OMS components 4) Start OMS 5) Login to Oracle EMCC-12c with the new password 三、修改sysman登陆密码 #下面是其具体演示 [oracle@oel63 ~]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms  Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 3   Copyright (c) 1996, 2013 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved. Stopping WebTier... WebTier Successfully Stopped Stopping Oracle Management Server... Oracle Management Server Successfully Stopped Oracle Management Server is Down [oracle@oel63 ~]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd -use_sys_pwd -sys_pwd oracle -new_pwd Oracle123 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 3   Copyright (c) 1996, 2013 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved. Changing passwords in backend ...  Passwords changed in backend successfully. Updating repository password in Credential Store... Successfully updated Repository password in Credential Store. Restart all the OMSs using 'emctl stop oms -all' and 'emctl start oms'. Successfully changed repository password. [oracle@oel63 ~]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms -all Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release 3   Copyright (c) 1996, 2013 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved. Stopping WebTier... WebTier Successfully S


Python Context Managers

Sometimes, there is a need to execute some operations between another pair of operations. For example, open a file, read from the file and close the file or acquire a lock on a data structure, work with the data structure and release the data structure. These kinds of requirements come up most especially when dealing with system resources where the resource is acquired, worked with and then released. It is important that the acquisition and release of such resources are handled carefully so that any errors that may occur are correctly handled. Writing code to handle this all the time leads to a lot of repetition and cumbersome code. Context managers provide a solution to this. They provide a mean for abstracting away a pair of operations that are executed before and after another group of operation using the with statement.
