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Google’s qsim state vector simulator.Download: installation
Mongodb installation - source code # mongodb installation #": "MYSQL" } test_col.delete_one(test_query) # retrive print(test_col.find_one(),test_col.find()) installation...# download and installation sudo apt-get install mongodb # databse version mongo -version service service...hello_django # insert one record db.hello_django.insert({"question_text":"hello_django"}) show dbs pip installation
CUDA / Compute Unified Device Architecture / CUDA Toolkit / 工具包
cuDF替换pandas,是一个 Python GPU DataFrame 库(基于 Apache Arrow 列式内存格式构建),用于使用 DataFrame...
libcudnn* /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ # nvidia-smi # nvcc -V 难点还是CUDA的安装
LAMMPS / Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator / 大规模原子分子并行模拟...
Cent_OS安装 # MySQL installation wget
This is a complete installation manual, the purpose is to quickly modify the ubuntu system to a usable...-18.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso) 1.2 turn off the secure boot in BIOS 1.3 follow and finish the standard installation...update information, DO agree that, the principle is that we agree with all updates during the process of installation...Now, the installation of the Nvidia driver was finished....PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/cuda/lib64/ Now cuda installation
Nano 开发者套件入门 # TensorFlow Installation
great tool for manage dependencies and easy to use.However actually there is a way to speed up the installation
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Installation The current Gradle release is 4.10.2....Verify your installation Open a console (or a Windows command prompt) and run gradle -v to run gradle
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Environment Variables Config 设置 Usage Reference NVM Installation For Windows NVM 免安装版 Windows
Installation Error Plugin 'Lombok Plugin' is incompatible with this installation 这段错误的意思是:Lombok插件版本与
在安装virtualbox过程中,大家可能会遇到installation failed!
1.4 Installation and Setup(安装和设置) 这里我们用Anaconda发行版作为Python的使用环境,推荐安装Python3.6,本书就是用Python3.6代码写成的。
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