


  1. 代码逻辑错误:程序中可能存在逻辑错误,导致程序在某个特定的条件下停止运行。这种情况下,可以通过仔细检查代码逻辑,查找可能的错误点,并进行调试和修复。
  2. 内存溢出:如果程序需要处理大量的数据或者使用了大量的内存资源,而系统的内存资源不足,就可能导致程序停止运行。可以尝试优化代码,减少内存占用,或者增加系统的内存资源。
  3. 硬件故障:如果程序运行的计算机硬件出现故障,比如内存损坏或者硬盘故障,就可能导致程序停止运行。这种情况下,需要修复或更换故障硬件。
  4. 环境配置问题:程序运行所依赖的环境配置可能存在问题,比如缺少必要的依赖库或者配置错误,导致程序无法正常运行。可以检查环境配置,确保程序所需的依赖项已正确安装和配置。





2007年图灵奖授予了在模型检测技术领域的奠基性贡献的科学家:Edmund M. Clarke、E Allen Emerson和Joseph Sifakis三位科学家。 什么是模型检测技术呢? 看看wikipedia 上的定义吧: Model checking is the process of checking whether a given structure is a model of a given logical formula. The concept is general and applies to all kinds of logics and suitable structures. A simple model-checking problem is testing whether a given formula in the propositional logic is satisfied by a given structure. 简单的说:是一套用于判断硬件和软件设计的理论模型是否满足规范的方法。这可真是个抽象的描述,看起来似乎离我们很遥远,遥远的只有像英特尔研究中心副总裁Andrew Chien才能对模型检测技术用一句话来评价:“英特尔和整个计算机工业都从他们的贡献中直接获益”。 那模型检测技术是不是离程序员也很遥远呢?图灵奖作为计算机界诺贝尔奖,如果把奖项颁给一个离程序员很遥远的技术,还真说不过去。 带着这个疑问,我浏览了wikipedia上长长的一窜模型检测技术的项目,还好不出所料,找到了下面几个项目: 1、Java Pathfinder :是一个用来认证java执行字节代码的系统。类似一个java虚拟机用来检测软件运行状态的验证系统。 2、Mono Model Checker :跑在mono 开源的.net平台上。用来自动侦查 CIL 字节码错误的程序。目前的版本支持CIL的死锁 deadlocks 和 断言冲突 assertion violation 。 3、对于c++ 感兴趣的人还可以看看这两个项目: State Exploring Assembly Model Checker , Bounded Model Checking for ANSI-C 。 举个例子吧,在开发中,利用测试库junit 和 dotunit 写测试代码已经逐渐普及开了,比如下面这段:


A Fast QTMT Partition Decision Strategy for VVC Intra Prediction

Different from the traditional quaternary tree (QT) structure utilized in the previous generation video coding standard H.265/HEVC, a brand new partition structure named quadtree with nested multitype tree (QTMT) is applied in the latest codec H.266/VVC. The introduction of QTMT brings in superior encoding performance at the cost of great time-consuming. Therefore, a fast intra partition algorithm based on variance and Sobel operator is proposed in this paper. The proposed method settles the novel asymmetrical partition issue in VVC by well balancing the reduction of computational complexity and the loss of encoding quality. To be more concrete, we first terminate further splitting of a coding unit (CU) when the texture of it is judged as smooth. Then, we use Sobel operator to extract gradient features to decide whether to split this CU by QT, thus terminating further MT partitions. Finally, a completely novel method to choose only one partition from five QTMT partitions is applied. Obviously, homogeneous area tends to use a larger CU as a whole to do prediction while CUs with complicated texture are prone to be divided into small sub-CUs and these sub-CUs usually have different textures from each other. We calculate the variance of variance of each sub-CU to decide which partition will distinguish the sub-textures best. Our method is embedded into the latest VVC official reference software VTM-7.0. Comparing to anchor VTM-7.0, our method saves the encoding time by 49.27% on average at the cost of only 1.63% BDBR increase. As a traditional scheme based on variance and gradient to decrease the computational complexity in VVC intra coding, our method outperforms other relative existing state-of-the-art methods, including traditional machine learning and convolution neural network methods.
