



SCEA Part II and Part III 的经验谈

Just received my results this morning and thought I will share my experience with those who are working towards architect certification. Score Grade: P Score: 95 Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 39 Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 44 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 12 My Submission: 1) One main Class diagram (25-30 classes/interfaces)which was an extension of the BDM. Besides domain entity objects, I only included objects that will handle the workflow. Diagram showed relationships (both association and aggregation), dependencies and only attribute/methods that I thought would improve clarity. I actually changed the BDM to what I thought was more logical, but I documented this down. 2) One Class diagram to show relationship between Controller/Views for the system, and how session for both Travel Agent and web client will be addressed. 3) Four component diagrams for each of the use case specified in the assignment 4) Five sequence diagrams to cover the 4 use case specified in the assignment (I had 2 diagrams for Pay Itinerary - one for Payment with credit card and one for mileage redemption) 5) 9 pages (printed HTML pages) to document:


HDOJ(HDU) 2304 Electrical Outlets(求和、、)

Problem Description Roy has just moved into a new apartment. Well, actually the apartment itself is not very new, even dating back to the days before people had electricity in their houses. Because of this, Roy’s apartment has only one single wall outlet, so Roy can only power one of his electrical appliances at a time. Roy likes to watch TV as he works on his computer, and to listen to his HiFi system (on high volume) while he vacuums, so using just the single outlet is not an option. Actually, he wants to have all his appliances connected to a powered outlet, all the time. The answer, of course, is power strips, and Roy has some old ones that he used in his old apartment. However, that apartment had many more wall outlets, so he is not sure whether his power strips will provide him with enough outlets now. Your task is to help Roy compute how many appliances he can provide with electricity, given a set of power strips. Note that without any power strips, Roy can power one single appliance through the wall outlet. Also, remember that a power strip has to be powered itself to be of any use.
