[0]=0; } break; case 1: if(allocated...[1]=0; } break; case 2: if(allocated...[2]=0; } break; case 3: if(allocated...[3]=0; } break; case 4: if(allocated...[4]=0; } break; case 5: if(allocated
', 15313152512), ('allocated_bytes.all.current', 8598454272), ('allocated_bytes.all.freed', 6714698240...), ('allocated_bytes.all.peak', 13967163392), ('allocated_bytes.large_pool.allocated', 15312696832),...('allocated_bytes.large_pool.current', 8598454272), ('allocated_bytes.large_pool.freed', 6714242560),...('allocated_bytes.large_pool.peak', 13967163392), ('allocated_bytes.small_pool.allocated', 455680),...('allocated_bytes.small_pool.current', 0), ('allocated_bytes.small_pool.freed', 455680), ('allocated_bytes.small_pool.peak
(from jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics): 105179160 Thread 28 allocated(from JMX): 209780040; allocated(...jdk.ThreadAllocationStatistics): 314573616 Thread 30 allocated(from JMX): 419431216; allocated(from...= NULL, "invariant"); //读取每个线程的 cooked_allocated_bytes() allocated.append(jt->cooked_allocated_bytes...inline jlong Thread::cooked_allocated_bytes() { //原子读取 _allocated_bytes jlong allocated_bytes =...; } } return allocated_bytes; } 那么哪里会修改 _allocated_bytes 这个变量呢?
memory memory_allocated, max_memory_allocated = get_memory_allocated(device, inplace = False) print(...'Allocated memory: {}'.format(memory_allocated)) print('Allocated max memory: {}'.format(max_memory_allocated...)) 得到结果如下: Allocated memory: 382.0 Allocated max memory: 382.0 然后调用in-place ReLU: memory_allocated_inplace..., max_memory_allocated_inplace = get_memory_allocated(device, inplace = True) print('Allocated memory...: {}'.format(memory_allocated_inplace)) print('Allocated max memory: {}'.format(max_memory_allocated_inplace
Py_ssize_t allocated; allocated列表分配的空间, ob_size为已使用的空间 allocated 总的申请到的内存数量 ob_size 实际使用内存数量 等式:...然后初始化数据 结论 Py_SIZE(op) = size; op->allocated = size; 第一次生成list, 其allocated = ob_size list_resize 同时注意.../2 allocated // 直接修改ob_size if (allocated >= newsize && newsize >= (allocated >> 1))...Py_SIZE(self) = newsize; self->allocated = new_allocated; } 即 if allocated/2 allocated...allocated 不变 ob_size = newsize else allocated = newsize + ((newsize >> 3) + (newsize < 9
*next; }; /*进程分配内存块链表的首指针*/ struct allocated_block *allocated_block_head = NULL; void king(struct...=NULL) {p=h; h=h->next; free(p); } } void freenode1(struct allocated_block *h) { struct allocated_block...*find_process(int p) { struct allocated_block *h; h=allocated_block_head; while(h!...*ab; int size; int ret; ab=(struct allocated_block *)malloc(sizeof(struct allocated_block...} pre = allocated_block_head; ab = allocated_block_head->next; while(ab!
(ob_size)之间的关系,ob_size的大小和len(L)是一样的,而allocated的大小是在内存中已经申请空间大小。...3 : 6) = 3 new_allocated += newsize = 3 + 1 = 4 resize ob_item (list of pointers) to size new_allocated...调整后大小 (new_allocated) = 新元素数量 (newsize) + 预留空间 (new_allocated) 调整后的空间肯定能存储 newsize 个元素。...当 newsize >= allocated,自然按照这个新的长度 "扩容" 内存。 而如果 newsize allocated,且利用率低于一半呢?...allocated newsize new_size + new_allocated 10 4 4 + 3 20 9
; Py_ssize_t allocated = self->allocated; /* Bypass realloc() when a previous overallocation...the list. */ if (allocated >= newsize && newsize >= (allocated >> 1)) { assert(self-...= new_allocated; return 0; } 在上面的代码中,频繁看到两个名词:newsize 和 new_allocated, 这里需要解释下,newsize 并不是 增加/减少...3 : 6) + newsize (因为下面的 newsize > 0) 当原allocated >= newsize 并且 newsize >= 原allocated / 2 时,不改变 allocated...不申请内存直接返回 第 n 次 append 列表原长度 新增成员数 原 allocated newsize new_allocated 1 0 1 0 0 + 1 = 1 3 + 1 = 4 2 1
表示内存已经使用的字节数 当size_ = allocated时候表示内存用完。...*/ #endif uint32_t allocated; /* Number of bytes allocated....static void ofpbuf_init__(struct ofpbuf *b, size_t allocated, enum ofpbuf_source source) { b->allocated...= allocated;//设置申请的内存大小 即内存块大小 b->source = source;//内存的类型,当前实例是malloc类型 b->frame = NULL;...和base_ 指针 b->allocated = new_allocated; ofpbuf_set_base(b, new_base); // 重新设置data_ 指针
"},"node_allocation_decisions":[{"deciders":[{"explanation":"there are too many copies of the shard allocated...of shards per attribute [1]"}]},{"deciders":[{"explanation":"there are too many copies of the shard allocated...of shards per attribute [1]"}]},{"deciders":[{"explanation":"there are too many copies of the shard allocated...of shards per attribute [1]"}]},{"deciders":[{"explanation":"there are too many copies of the shard allocated...s[STARTED], a[id=X7H-v4fRQTaWnOPsu3j7KA]]"},{"explanation":"there are too many copies of the shard allocated
= &tcp_memory_allocated, //mem的值.memory_pressure = &tcp_memory_pressure, //判断是否在...proto *prot = sk->sk_prot; long allocated = sk_memory_allocated_add(sk, amt); //这里获取tcp_memory_allocated...因此我这里的复现方法是曲线救国,hack一把来直接修改内核的tcp_memory_allocated,骗内核tcp内存使用很高。...具体的实现比较暴力,因为tcp协议栈收包会过tcp_recvmsg,那么就在进tcp_recvmsg之前把tcp_memory_allocated改大就好了,大概率不会被改回来,实验了一把果然如此。..."){ set_memory_allocated($sk)}probe kernel.function("tcp_recvmsg").return{ ret = get_memory_allocated
) AS object_schema, sys.format_bytes(SUM(IF(ibp.compressed_size = 0, 16384, compressed_size))) AS allocated...', 1), '`', '')) AS object_schema, SUM(IF(ibp.compressed_size = 0, 16384, compressed_size)) AS allocated...| current_avg_alloc | current_max_alloc | total_allocated | +-------------+--------------------+----...| current_avg_alloc | current_max_alloc | total_allocated | +-------------+--------------------+----...| current_avg_alloc | current_max_alloc | total_allocated | +-----------+--------------------------+
As a part of the retreat operation a new MDL and new data buffer have been allocated and pre-pended to...Once a context area is allocated by a driver it can obtain a pointer to its own context area by calling...The miniport driver allocated its own context area (Driver #1 Context Area) and then indicated the NBL...to the NDIS intermediate driver which in turn allocated its own context area (Driver#2 Context Area)...The destination NB, MDL and data buffer can be allocated by NdisAllocateNetBufferMdlAndData().
the use of page-locked (also known as pinned) host memory (as opposed to regular pageable host memory allocated...To make these advantages available to all devices, the block needs to be allocated by passing the flag...Write-Combining Memory【写合并内存】 By default page-locked host memory is allocated as cacheable....It can optionally be allocated as write-combining instead by passing flag cudaHostAllocWriteCombined...By default page-locked host memory is allocated as cacheable.
is allocated [ 2560] bytes [1236] - memory is allocated [ 3072] bytes ....../a.out 重启程序,在没超过64K前加到组面 [1544] - memory is allocated [ 61440] bytes [1544] - memory is allocated [...61952] bytes [1544] - memory is allocated [ 62464] bytes [1544] - memory is allocated [ 62976]...is allocated [ 65536] bytes [1544] - memory is allocated [ 66048] bytes [1544] - memory is allocated...is allocated [ 70144] bytes [1544] - memory is allocated [ 70656] bytes [1544] - memory is allocated
= load_allocated_bytes(thread); assert(allocated_bytes > 0, "invariant"); // obj_alloc_size_bytes...if (allocated_bytes - _last_allocated_bytes < tlab_size_bytes) { return; } assert(obj_alloc_size_bytes...减去当前线程的 allocated_bytes //由于不是每次线程发生 TLAB 外分配的时候上报都会被采集,所以需要记录上次被采集时候的线程分配的 allocated_bytes 大小,计算与当前的差值就是本次上报的事件中的线程距离上次上报分配的对象大小...const size_t weight = allocated_bytes - _last_allocated_bytes; assert(weight > 0, "invariant");...这个 threadLocal 变量 _last_allocated_bytes = allocated_bytes; return true; } return false;
usable_size, bytes_tl_bulk_allocated); if (ptr !..., usable_size, bytes_tl_bulk_allocated);..., usable_size, bytes_tl_bulk_allocated); } if (ptr == nullptr...usable_size, bytes_tl_bulk_allocated); if (ptr !...= nullptr); *bytes_allocated = allocation_size; *bytes_tl_bulk_allocated = allocation_size;
. */ PyObject **ob_item; /* ob_item contains space for 'allocated' elements....== NULL implies ob_size == allocated == 0 * list.sort() temporarily sets allocated to -1 to detect...为了优化存储结构,避免每次增加元素都要重新分配内存,列表预分配的空间allocated 往往会大于ob_size。...因此allocated 和ob_size 的关系是:allocated >= len(list) = ob_size >= 0。...如果当前列表分配的空间已满(即allocated == len(list)),则会向系统请求更大的内存空间,并把原来的元素全部拷贝过去。
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