select p.pcmxid, j.csjtf * p.jsrs + j.dpf * p.jsrs + j.zsf * p.jsrs * p...
本文主要向大家介绍了MySQL数据库之Mysql casewhen的三种用法 ,通过具体的内容向大家展现,希望对大家学习MySQL数据库有所帮助。
c语言有when吗? 应该是WHILE; case 后面所跟的是一个常量,可以是数字,字符。用于列举SWITCH ()条件出现的情况,举例: int n,N;s...
select case job_level when ‘1’ then ‘1111’ when ‘2’ then ‘1111...
又如: update xxxx_xxxx set xxx_type= CASE WHEN xxx_type = '0' THEN 'Y...
casewhen简单用法—改变结果 SELECT CASE id WHEN 21 THEN 'aaaaa' WHEN 22 THEN 'bbbbb' ELSE '其他' END...FROM hrmresource WHERE id = 23 casewhen复杂用法—执行不同的sql SELECT ( CASE WHEN = 21 THEN
首先,我们可以把一段 SQL 片段定义为一个模板,这个也是通过变量赋值来完成的: set casewhen = ''' case when {0} > 0 then 1 else 0 end as {0...下面是一个完整的例子: set casewhen = ''' case when {0} > 0 then 1 else 0 end as {0} '''; select ${template.get...("casewhen","income")}, ${template.get("casewhen","age")} from table1 as output; 第一个参数是模板名称,第二个是模板的位置参数
(todo需要画图说明百分比怎么计算,还有下面怎么来的看不懂 count(1)as '单数汇总, sum( casewhen t1.交易金额>= 100000 then 1 end ) as '大单数量...END) / count(1)*100,5),'%') as '大单数量占比' ) select t2.产品ID, t2.产品名称, count(1)as '单数汇总, sum( casewhen...8Ax7eHb02cxc30HrKFJi9g) 参考答案: (1)MySQL的写法: select t2.产品ID, t2.产品名称, count(1)as '单数汇总', sum( by t2.产品ID,t2.产品名称; (2)PostgreSQL的写法: select t2.产品ID, t2.产品名称, count(1)as '单数汇总', sum( casewhen
虽然我感觉更适合放在优化器中做,不过直接修改 CaseWhen 这个类的 doGenCode() 可能简单直接!...resultA.collect() // takes 56s to finishresultB.collect() // takes 30s to finish 发现其在spark旧版本中 IF 比 CaseWhen
cno = 4 then score end) as 平均分4, 100 * sum(case when cno = 1 and score > 60 then 1 else 0 end) / sum(casewhen...= 1 then 1 else 0 end) as 及格率1, 100 * sum(case when cno = 2 and score > 60 then 1 else 0 end) / sum(casewhen...= 2 then 1 else 0 end) as 及格率2, 100 * sum(case when cno = 3 and score > 60 then 1 else 0 end) / sum(casewhen...= 3 then 1 else 0 end) as 及格率3, 100 * sum(case when cno = 4 and score > 60 then 1 else 0 end) / sum(casewhen
this.addUpdateMappedStatement(mapperClass, modelClass, sqlSource); } /** * * 构建caseWhen...的更新语句 * * * @param tableInfo 表信息 * @return caseWhen的更新语句 * @author VampireAchao
SQL> select case when (1=1) then 2 end from dual; -->如果1=1满足,就返回2,否则返回null CASEWHEN(1=1)THEN1END --...---- 2 SQL> select case when (1=2) then 2 end from dual; -如果1=2成立,就返回2,否则返回null CASEWHEN
2、方式:casewhen拼凑 UPDATE 表名 SET (目标字段)BRANCH_NO = CASE WHEN (筛选条件)BANK_BRANCH_ID = '-10212' THEN 'TU32958123
to_char(round(salary,2),'fm99999999999999.00'))) from can_do; 方法二:使用case when then else end进行各种情况的判断处理 casewhen
else m end; eg:select case 1 when 1 then ‘a’when 2 then ‘b’ else ‘c’ end from dual; 结果:a (3)casewhen
S.salary >10000 8: end 使用Case When语句: 1: create procedure PerformantSP_Grid_Results_Using_CaseWhen...S.salary 8: en 使用Case When获得集合结果: 1: create procedure PerformantSP_Aggregate_Results_Using_CaseWhen
报表运算的 SQL 大体如下:SELECT SUM(CASEWHEN LEFT(科目, 4) = ‘1001’OR LEFT(科目, 4) = ‘1002’ THEN 金额ELSE 0END) AS 指标...A,SUM(CASEWHEN (LEFT( 科目, 4) = ‘2702’OR LEFT(科目, 6) = ‘153102’OR LEFT(科目, 8) = ‘12310105’) THEN 金额ELSE
.'|| wait_event, 'f') AS waiting,CASEWHEN a.query ~*'^autovacuum.
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