/enmo/system01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile/enmo/sysaux01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile/enmo/undotbs1.dbf /u01/app/dbfile.../enmo/users01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile/enmo/chang01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile/enmo/lob_data01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile.../enmo/system01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile/enmo/sysaux01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile/enmo/undotbs1.dbf /u01/app/dbfile.../enmo/users01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile/enmo/chang01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile/enmo/lob_data01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile.../enmo/system01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile/enmo/sysaux01.dbf /u01/app/dbfile/enmo/undotbs1.dbf /u01/app/dbfile
(key + '\n') vs print(key, file=dbfile); """ dbfilename = 'people-file' ENDDB = 'enddb.'...= open(dbfilename, 'w') for key in db: print(key, file=dbfile) for (name, value) in db[key].items...(): print(name + RECSEP + repr(value), file=dbfile) print(ENDREC, file=dbfile) print(ENDDB, file=dbfile...) dbfile.close() def loadDbase(dbfilename=dbfilename): "parse data to reconstruct database" dbfile...= open(dbfilename) import sys sys.stdin = dbfile db = {} key = input() while key !
dbfilenamedbfilename=dbfilename): #加载dict数据到文件 "formatted dump of database to flat file" dbfile...=open(dbfilename,'w') #文件打开函数open(),w代表写操作 for key in db: dbfile.write...不带换行符 for(name,value) in db[key].items(): dbfile.write(name+RECSEP...反引号同样的作用 dbfile.write(ENDREC+'\n') dbfile.write(ENDDB+'\n') dbfile.close()...dbfilenamedbfilename=dbfilename): #读取文件数据到dict函数 "parse data to reconstruct database" dbfile
SqliteDemo { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string _dbFile...= Application.StartupPath; _dbFile = _dbFile + "\\test.db"; if (File.Exists(..._dbFile)) { File.Delete(_dbFile); } SQLiteConnection.CreateFile(_dbFile); DbProviderFactory...)) { // 连接数据库 conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" + _dbFile
) { val c: Ip2regionController by inject() val ip = stringProperty("") val dbFile...", "/") } } } textfield(dbFile...action { try { c.search(algorithm.value, ip.value, dbFile.value...2 * DbSearcher.MEMORY_ALGORITYM = 3 * */ fun search(algorithm: Int, ip: String, dbFile...return } val config = DbConfig() val searcher = DbSearcher(config, dbFile
pickle.load(file) *在每个文件加入后缀.pkl,实现逐行数据存入 *使用shelve,实现dictionary数据的隐形固态存储,具体实现方式与pickle相同 import pickle dbfile...=open('people-pickle','wb') #二进制写pickle.dump(db, dbfile) dbfile.close() dbfile=open('people-pickle...','rb') #二进制读db=pickle.load(dbfile) print db import pickle for (key, record) in [('bob', bob),
)) { return; } sqlite3_close(m_db); m_db = nullptr; } bool SqliteUtil::open_db(const QString& dbfile...m_dbFileName.toStdString() << " is already connect" << std::endl; return false; } QFileInfo fileInfo(dbfile...fileInfo.isFile()) { std::cout dbfile.toStdString() << " is not exist" << std::endl; return false...; } std::string filepath = dbfile.toStdString().c_str(); if (SQLITE_OK !...m_db); std::cout << log << std::endl; close_db(); return false; } //记录打开的数据库名称 m_dbFileName = dbfile
(){ echo "######################## 4.表空间是否自动扩展" echo "select ' ' as \"--4.DB dbfile\" from dual;"...>ora_sql.sql sqlplus $sqlstr >/tmp/tmpora_dbfile_`date +%y%m%d`.txt echo "set lines...' ' as \"--5.DB dbfile useage\" from dual;" >ora_sql.sql sqlplus $sqlstr >/tmp/tmpora_dbfile_useage...sed -i '1,30d' /tmp/tmpora_dbfile_`date +%y%m%d`.txt for i in `seq 2`; do sed -i '$d' /tmp/tmpora_dbfile...> $file_output ora_dbfile_useage_info sed -i '1,30d' /tmp/tmpora_dbfile_useage_`date +%y%m%d`.txt
转换并写入文件: import pickle db = {'name':'Eric Jia','age':'18','job':'ops','pay':200} dbfile = open('pickle_db...','wb') pickle.dump(db,dbfile) dbfile.close() 从文件中读取数据: import pickle dbfile = open('pickle_db','rb')...pickle.load(dbfile) dbfile.close() 直接转换,不写入文件: import pickle db = {'name':'Eric Jia','age':'18','job...= open('json_db','w') json.dump(db,dbfile) dbfile.close() 2、load:从文件中取出并转换为Python数据对象 dbfile = open(...'json_db','r') json.load(dbfile) dbfile.close() 3、dumps,loads:直接转换,不写入文件 db = {'name':'Eric Jia','age
www.cnblogs.com/yoyoketang/ @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) def dbinfo(request): dbfile..."config", "dbenv.yml") print("dbinfo file path :%s" % dbfile...) with open(dbfile) as f: dbenv_config = yaml.load(f.read(), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)...Function test_x>> @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) def dbinfo(request): dbfile...) > with open(dbfile) as f: E FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:
at 2023-05-15 00:14:27 channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 2023-05-15 00:14:28 piece handle=/tmp/dbfile4....bak'; searching for all files that match the pattern /tmp/dbfile4.bak List of Files Unknown to the...Database ===================================== File Name: /tmp/dbfile4.bak Do you really want to catalog...oradata/JYCAS/datafile/o1_mf_users_1t1s5uaq_.dbf channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /tmp/dbfile4....bak channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/tmp/dbfile4.bak tag=TAG20230515T001427 channel ORA_DISK_1: restored
= nil { return nil, err } } // 加载数据文件 dbFile, err := NewDBFile(dirPath) if...= nil { return nil, err } db := &MiniDB{ dbFile: dbFile, indexes: make(map[string...]int64), dirPath: dirPath, } // 加载索引 db.loadIndexesFromFile(dbFile) return db, nil...// 封装成 Entry entry := NewEntry(key, value, PUT) // 追加到数据文件当中 err = db.dbFile.Write(entry...ok { return } // 从磁盘中读取数据 var e *Entry e, err = db.dbFile.Read(offset) if err !
HeapFile 实现了 DBFile 接口,将逻辑上的 Table 与物理上的磁盘文件建立了映射。...后面的描述中将 Table 等价于 DBFile: /** * HeapFile is an implementation of a DbFile that stores a collection of...每个 DBFile 会被划分为多个 Page. 数据库每次查询也是查询某个 DBFile 的某个 Page. 因为当单个 Table 很大的时候,不一定有足够的内存来读入整个 DBFile....* This table's contents are stored in the specified DbFile. */ public void addTable(DbFile...pageCache.containsKey(pid)) { DbFile dbFile = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(pid.getTableId
\u9a71\u52a8\u7a0b\u5e8f] FROM \u5b50\u53e5\u8bed\u6cd5\u9519\u8bef\u3002') 基础代码: import pyodbc DBfile...data/MSAccess/Music_Library.mdb' conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ='+DBfile
DeleteData() { using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + Server.MapPath(_dbFile...sqlite使用事务的代码 //using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + Server.MapPath(_dbFile...DataTable(); using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + Server.MapPath(_dbFile
*/ $Dbfile = '....qqwry[$i]) ^ $key); } $qqwry = gzuncompress($qqwry); /** * 判断下载数据是否存在,否则失败 */ if (file_put_contents($Dbfile
): ''' QQIpQueryBase(dbfile) -> QQIpQueryBase object dbfile 是数据库文件的 file 对象....''' self.f = dbfile self.f.seek(0) self.indexBaseOffset = unpack('<L'...将数据库放到内存的 QQIpQuery 类.查询速度大约快两倍. ''' def __init__(self, filename=DataFileName, dbfile=None):...'''MQQIpQuery(filename[,dbfile]) -> MQQIpQuery object filename 是数据库文件名....也可以直接提供 dbfile 文件对象.
System.currentTimeMillis(); String filePath = FileUtil.getDBpath() + dbName; File dbFile...dbFile.exists()) { FileOutputStream fos = null; try {...dbFile.createNewFile(); }catch (Exception e){ }...InputStream is = context.getAssets().open("db/" + dbName); fos = new FileOutputStream(dbFile
.*)\n"; exit -1; } $DBfile = $argv[1]; if (!...is_readable($DBfile)) { print "File $DBfile is not readable!...\n"; exit -2; } try { $sqlite = new SQLite3($DBfile); } catch (Exception $exception) { echo
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