RNN假设每个选项和完整的序列有关,但是一轮对话当中包括一些交错的对话逻辑在里面. transformer 模型可以选择忽略或者选择对话的一部分内容.们比较了 Transformer Embedding Dialogue...Dialogue Stacks 助理的问题我可以点菜吗?提示返回手头的任务:完成购买一种模式是将这些子对话视为在堆栈、预印本上存在。在审查中,新主题在引入时被推到堆栈上,并在结束后从堆栈中弹出。...Topic disentanglement in task-oriented dialogue Recurrent Embedding Dialogue Policy (REDP) : 本文的消融研究强调了...未完待续 实验结果 参考文档 论文:Dialogue Transformers
今天有空,就来研究下它~ 论文《Dialogue Transformers》地址:https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.00486 让我们整体的看一下当 TED Policy从输入到输出进行预测时会发生什么
Efficient Dialogue State Tracking by Selectively Overwriting Memory 概要 问题动机 最近在对话状态跟踪 (DST) 方面的工作集中于基于开放词汇的设置...结果 A Simple Language Model for Task-Oriented Dialogue 概要 动机 面向任务的对话通常被分解为三个任务:理解用户输入、决定操作和生成响应。
A Sequence-to-Sequence Approach to Dialogue State Tracking 概要 本文提出了一种新的对话状态跟踪方法,称为 Seq2SeqDU,它将 DST
A Survey on Dialogue Systems: Recent Advances and New Frontiers 论文笔记 1....Neural belief tracker: Data-driven dialogue state tracking....A context-aware natural language generator for dialogue systems....How not to evaluate your dialogue system: An empirical study of unsupervised evaluation metrics for dialogue...The ubuntu dialogue corpus: A large dataset for research in unstructured multi-turn dialogue systems.
A Comparative Study on Schema-Guided Dialogue State Tracking 概要 问题动机 Frame-based 的状态表示在现代面向任务的对话系统中被广泛应用.... [] 2020-AAAI-Schema-guided dialogue state tracking task at dstc8....memory. [] 2019-ACL-Transferable multi-domain state generator for task-oriented dialogue systems....[] 2020-arXiv-A simple language model for task-oriented dialogue....[] 2020-arXiv- From machine reading comprehension to dialogue state tracking: Bridging the gap.
Multi-Domain Dialogue State Tracking based on State Graph 概要 问题动机 现有的方法通常将以前的对话状态与对话历史连接作为编码器的输入。...实验 数据集 MultiWOZ 2.0 MultiWOZ 2.1 主要结果 Fast and Scalable Dialogue State Tracking with Explicit Modular.... [] 2020-AAAI-Schema-guided dialogue state tracking task at dstc8....memory. [] 2019-ACL-Transferable multi-domain state generator for task-oriented dialogue systems....[] 2020-arXiv-A simple language model for task-oriented dialogue.
Jointly Optimizing State Operation Prediction and Value Generation for Dialogue State Tracking 概要 问题动机
2020-ACL-Neural Dialogue State Tracking with Temporally Expressive Networks 概要 问题动机 现有的 DST 模型要么...实验 数据集 DSTC2 WOZ MultiWOZ 主要结果 2021-ACL-Dual Slot Selector via Local Reliability Verification for Dialogue
Efficient Context and Schema Fusion Networks for Multi-Domain Dialogue State Tracking 概要 问题动机 对于多域 DST...下面分别介绍其表示: Dialogue Utterance 输入表示 X_t = [CLS] \oplus A_t \oplus; \oplus U_t \oplus [SEP],由于 [CLS]
An End-to-end Approach for Handling Unknown Slot Values in Dialogue State Tracking 概要 动机 以前的方法通常假设预定义的候选列表
BERT-DST: Scalable End-to-End Dialogue State Tracking with Bidirectional Encoder Representations from...Dialogue Context Encoding Module 对话上下文编码模块基于 BERT。...Dialogue State Update Mechanism 为了跟踪对话状态,作者使用了一种基于规则的更新机制。
GCDST: A Graph-based and Copy-augmented Multi-domain Dialogue State Tracking 概要 问题动机 大多数现有的方法都在单个领域上独立训练...Dialogue Encoder 之前的方法 只利用话语来编码对话历史 。但是,先前的对话状态是信息丰富的,并与当前状态有关。...Dialogue decoder with copy mechanism 为了预测一个对话的当前状态,可以考虑到历史话语和状态。...主要结果 Schema-Guided Multi-Domain Dialogue State Tracking with Graph Attention Neural Networks...Dialogue State Updating with RGAT 状态更新模块以 g_{s_i} 作为输入,并更新每个插槽 s_i的对话状态。
作者提出了一种新的神经信念跟踪 (NBT) 框架,基于 表示学习 的最新进展,克服了上述问题。NBT 模型是对预先训练好的单词向量进行推理,学习将它们组...
,L Dialogue State Tracking with GPT-2 and Graph Neural Networks 本文采用 三步法 将 GNNs 合并到 GPT- 2 中进行对话状态跟踪...在实践中,发现该模型在生成过程中从未省略任何 N_s 实验 主要结果 2021-EMNLP-Effective Sequence-to-Sequence Dialogue State Tracking...2021-ACL-Comprehensive Study: How the Context Information of Different Granularity Affects Dialogue State
Building a Conversational Agent Overnight with Dialogue Self-Play Google提出了 Machines Talking To Machines...论文: A Network-based End-to-End Trainable Task-oriented Dialogue System Frames: a corpus for adding memory...to goal-oriented dialogue systems 2....(Train) Dialogues 1611 1116 Total turns 11670 6188 Total tokens 199295 99932 Avg. turns per dialogue
(dialogue_bot/src/dialogue/mod.rs) // 略去Imports......::default()将会被调用,本例中为Dialogue::Start。...每收到一条消息,就会提取一个相关的对话,然后传递给一个相应的子过渡函数: Dialogue::Start Dialogue::ReceiveFullName Dialogue::ReceiveAge Dialogue...它们返回TransitionOutDialogue>,例如从到Dialogue的映射。...; next(dialogue) } Some(ans) => dialogue.react(cx, ans).await, } } ?
., 2016 3.3 Sequential Dialogue Encoder Network Sequential Dialogue Context Modeling for Spoken Language...Training a sentence planner for spoken dialogue using boosting. 2....Stochastic language generation for spoken dialogue systems....Stochastic language generation in dialogue using factored language models....Shi et al., 2015 Multi-domain neural network language generation for spoken dialogue systems.
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