

机器之心报道 机器之心编辑部 《西部世界》的游戏逐渐走进现实。 我们能否创造一个世界?在那个世界里,机器人能够像人类一样生活、工作、社交,去复刻人类社会的方方面面。 这种想象,曾在影视作品《西部世界》的设定中被完美地还原出来:众多预装了故事情节的机器人被投放到一个主题公园内,它们可以像人类一样行事,记得自己看到的东西、遇到的人、说过的话。每天,机器人都会被重置,回到它们的核心故事情节中。 《西部世界》剧照,左边人物为预装了故事情节的机器人。 再把想象力扩张一下:放在今天,如果我们想把 ChatGPT 这样


生物启发的终生学习系列论文The Neural Adaptive Computing Laboratory

Neural architectures trained with back-propagation of errors are susceptible to catastrophic forgetting. In other words, old information acquired by these models is lost when new information for new tasks is acquired. This makes building models that continually learn extremely difficult if not near impossible. The focus of the NAC group's research is to draw from models of cognition and biological neurocircuitry, as well as theories of mind and brain functionality, to construct new learning procedures and architectures that generalize across tasks and continually adapt to novel situations, combining input from multiple modalities/sensory channels. The NAC team is focused with developing novel, neurocognitively-inspired learning algorithms and memory architectures for artificial neural systems (for both non-spiking and spiking neurons). Furthermore, we explore and develop nature-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithms, ranging from (neuro-)evolution to ant colony optimization to hybrid procedures. We primarily are concerned with the various sub-problems associated with lifelong machine learning, which subsumes online/stream learning, transfer learning, multi-task learning, multi-modal/input learning, and semi-supervised learning.


Temporal GAN with Singular Value Clipping for 语义视频

In this paper, we propose a generative model, Temporal Generative Adversarial Nets (TGAN), which can learn a semantic representation of unlabeled videos, and is capable of generating videos. Unlike existing Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN)-based methods that generate videos with a single generator consisting of 3D deconvolutional layers, our model exploits two different types of generators: a temporal generator and an image generator. The temporal generator takes a single latent variable as input and outputs a set of latent variables, each of which corresponds to an image frame in a video. The image generator transforms a set of such latent variables into a video. To deal with instability in training of GAN with such advanced networks, we adopt a recently proposed model, Wasserstein GAN, and propose a novel method to train it stably in an end-to-end manner. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods.
