学习Graphics中遇到位图(Bitmap)中getPixels()方法,对该方法的用法大体理解,但对其中的stride参数却不明白具体的用法以及用意,现记述过程如下: getPixels()...Android英文SDK中有关getPixels()方法的介绍如下: public void getPixels (int[] pixels, int offset, int stride, int...看完英文文档仍然不甚明白,于是去搜了下中文Android文档相应内容, getPixels() public void getPixels (int[] pixels, int offset, int...然后去StackOverFlow去搜了搜"getPixels() stride"关键字,查找到如下信息: 1 In most cases the stride is the same as the...()方法介绍 2 Android中文文档getPixels()方法介绍 3 StackOverflow中关于getPixels()问答. 4 Using the LockBits method to
= 0, tg = 0, tb = 0; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { tr = (src.getPixels...()[offset] >> 16) & 0xff; tg = (src.getPixels()[offset] >> 8) & 0xff;...tb = src.getPixels()[offset] & 0xff; int fr = (int) colorBlend(noise(), (tr * 0.393)...fb = (int) colorBlend(noise(), (tr * 0.272) + (tg * 0.534) + (tb * 0.131), tb); src.getPixels...CV4J_IMAGE_TYPE_GRAY = 2; int CV4J_IMAGE_TYPE_HSV = 4; int CV4J_IMAGE_TYPE_BINARY = 8; int[] getPixels
resultCV4JImage = new CV4JImage(imageProcessor.getWidth(), imageProcessor.getHeight(), imageProcessor.getPixels...resultCV4JImage = new CV4JImage(imageProcessor2.getWidth(), imageProcessor2.getHeight(), imageProcessor2.getPixels...resultCV4JImage = new CV4JImage(imageProcessor.getWidth(), imageProcessor.getHeight(), imageProcessor.getPixels...resultCV4JImage = new CV4JImage(imageProcessor2.getWidth(), imageProcessor2.getHeight(), imageProcessor2.getPixels...resultCV4JImage = new CV4JImage(imageProcessor.getWidth(), imageProcessor.getHeight(), imageProcessor.getPixels
getPixels : 从指定图片中获取所有点的像素数组。 setPixels : 对指定图片设置所有点的像素数组。...0; int newR = 0; int newG = 0; int newB = 0; int[] pixels = new int[width * height]; bmp.getPixels...int delta = 24; // 值越小图片会越亮,越大则越暗 int idx = 0; int[] pixels = new int[width * height]; bmp.getPixels...int delta = 24; // 值越小图片会越亮,越大则越暗 int idx = 0; int[] pixels = new int[width * height]; bmp.getPixels...newPixels = new int[width * height]; int color; int pixelsR, pixelsG, pixelsB, pixelsA; bmp.getPixels
,下面我们以从Bitmap中获取NV21数据为例进行说明 从Bitmap中获取RGB数据,Android SDK提供了两种方式供我们使用 第一种是getPixels接口: public void getPixels...-38 * r - 74 * g + 112 * b + 128) >> 8) + 128; v = ((112 * r - 94 * g -18 * b + 128) >> 8) + 128; 使用getPixels...bitmap.getHeight(); int size = w * h; int[] pixels = new int[size]; bitmap.getPixels
在安卓开发中要获取一个图片的每一个像素值其实很简单: //按照参数范围获取像素数组 bitmap.getPixels(...); //或者获取单个位置像素 bitmap.getPixel(x,y);...//获取位图的高 int[][] datas = new int[width][height]; //通过位图的大小创建像素点数组 //也可以使用getPixels...方法来获取像素数组 //bitmap.getPixels(datas, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height); int alpha = 0xFF...<< 24; bitmap.getPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j =
height = sourceImg.getHeight(); int[] bitArr = new int[width * height]; sourceImg.getPixels...sourceImg) { int[] argb = new int[sourceImg.getWidth() * sourceImg.getHeight()]; sourceImg.getPixels
resultCV4JImage = new CV4JImage(imageProcessor.getWidth(), imageProcessor.getHeight(), imageProcessor.getPixels...resultCV4JImage = new CV4JImage(imageProcessor.getWidth(), imageProcessor.getHeight(), imageProcessor.getPixels...new CV4JImage(resultImageProcessor.getWidth(), resultImageProcessor.getHeight(), resultImageProcessor.getPixels
boolean isStop; //扫描上边距不等于背景颜色的第一个点 for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++) { bp.getPixels...} //扫描下边距不等于背景颜色的第一个点 for (int y = HEIGHT - 1; y >= 0; y--) { bp.getPixels...new int[HEIGHT]; //扫描左边距不等于背景颜色的第一个点 for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++) { bp.getPixels...} //扫描右边距不等于背景颜色的第一个点 for (int x = WIDTH - 1; x > 0; x--) { bp.getPixels
bool rotLeft) { int width = orgTex.width, height = orgTex.height; Color32[] orgColors = orgTex.GetPixels32...(); Texture2D newTex = new Texture2D(height, width); Color32[] newColors = newTex.GetPixels32...isFlip = false) { int width = orgTex.width, height = orgTex.height; Color32[] orgColors = orgTex.GetPixels32...(); Texture2D newTex = new Texture2D(height, width); Color32[] newColors = newTex.GetPixels32
知道这几个节点的名称,就可以实例化这些节点,然后就对节点操作: bitmap.getPixels(intValues, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth..., outputClasses); inferenceInterface.fetch(outputNames[3], outputNumDetections); 上面代码有几个方法: 首先是通过getPixels...d.inferenceInterface.graph(); 用g.operation(name)检查输入输出的operation是否存在 把输入数据转换成数组(Tensor)形式,比如图片:bitmap.getPixels
metaInfo.setScaleY(trs.getScaleY()); float[] tmpDatas = new float[widthX*heightY]; metaInfo.getSplitGrid().getPixels
= bitmap) { SkAutoLockPixels alp(*bitmap); if (NULL == bitmap->getPixels()) {...SkAutoTime atm("JPEG Encode"); #endif SkAutoLockPixels alp(bm); if (NULL == bm.getPixels...); const SkPMColor* colors = ctLocker.lockColors(bm); const void* srcRow = bm.getPixels
粒子绘制 function getPixels(){ var pos=0; var data=imageData.data; //RGBA的一维数组数据 //源图像的高度和宽度为...function getPixels(){ let imgData = ctx.getImageData((canvas.width-textWidth)/2,(canvas.height-textHeight...getpixels(); //获取粒子 drawPixels(); // 重绘粒子 requestAnimationFrame(time); } window.requestAnimationFrame
粒子绘制 function getPixels(){ var pos=0; var data=imageData.data; //RGBA的一维数组数据 //源图像的高度和宽度为...function getPixels(){ let imgData = ctx.getImageData((canvas.width-textWidth)/2,(canvas.height-textHeight...getpixels(); //获取粒子 drawPixels(); // 重绘粒子 requestAnimationFrame(time); } 复制代码 window.requestAnimationFrame
height]; Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height,Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); bmp.getPixels...height]; Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height,Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); bmp.getPixels
GetPixels 获取像素颜色块。 GetPixels32 返回原始格式的像素数据。 Pause 暂停摄像机。 Play 启动摄像机。 Stop 停止摄像机。...NT_PB_U3D_SetAudioMix(pusher_handle_, 0); } } 数据投递 Color32[] cam_texture = web_cam_texture_.GetPixels32
][] arrBlock = new float[height][width]; float[] block = new float[width*height]; newRaster.getPixels
%转换为MATLAB矩阵 h=img.getHeight(); w=img.getWidth(); data=img.getData(); pix=data.getPixels
那么正确的输入数组应该是[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],可以通过下面的代码来完成: int[] pixels = new int[300 * 300]; bitmapInput.getPixels...[i] >> 8) & 0xFF); byteInput[i * 3 + 0] = (byte) ((pixels[i] >> 16) & 0xFF); } 先通过 getPixels
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