./.libs/libplumb.so: undefined reference to `uuid_compare’ collect2: ld returned 1 exit status gmake...[2]: *** [ipctest] Error 1 gmake[2]: Leaving directory`/root/Reusable-Cluster-Components-glue-1.0.6/lib.../clplumbing’ gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 gmake[1]: Leaving directory`/root/Reusable-Cluster-Components-glue.../configure --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-fatal-warnings=no LIBS='/lib64/libuuid.so.1' gmake[1]: --xinclude...: Command not found gmake[1]: *** [heartbeat.8] Error 127 gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/Heartbeat
/configure --with-http_ssl_module --with-luajit gmake && gmake install gmake即GNU make,使用它的原因是非GNU平台可能占用了
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo https://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-7.repo - name: Gmake.../configure && gmake && gmake install - name: Make install mysql shell: cd /usr/src/mysql-5.6.36
/bootstrap gmake gmake install 查看编译后的cmake版本 /usr/local/bin/cmake --version 移除原来的cmake版本 yum remove
dependency tracking, If GNU make was not used, considerre-running the configure script with MAKE-“gmake...你可以在 Liunx 终端中输入以下命令来检查GNU make工具的配置: echo $MAKE 如果MAKE的值不是gmake,你可能需要将其更改为gmake。...你可以在 Liunx 终端中输入以下命令来将MAKE的值更改为gmake: export MAKE=gmake 尝试使用--disable-dependency tracking选项:如果你仍然无法解决问题
/bootstrap gmake gmake install 参考资料: https://cmake.org/download/
/configure && gmake && gmake install
/bootstrap gmake gmake install 时间有点长,也只能慢慢等咯…
/bootstrap --prefix=/usr (这一步很关键,如果没有指定prefix,后面使用时会报错Could not find CMAKE_ROOT) gmake sudo gmake install
##### 1 gmake或者make要求至少3.80版本以上 ~~~bash [root@Centos ~]# make -v [root@Centos ~]# gmake -v [root@Centos...~]# which make /usr/bin/make [root@Centos ~]# which gmake /usr/bin/gmake ~~~ ##### 2 C编译器 如果没有的话,可以直接安装一个最新的...建议,在初始安装的时候,就直接用make world或等价的gmake world命令。...~~~bash [postgres@Centos postgresql-13.2]$ gmake world && gmake install-world ~~~ #### 7.执行make install-world...~~bash [postgres@Centos data]$ cd /home/postgres/postgresql-13.2 [postgres@Centos postgresql-13.2]$ gmake
/configure ; gmake ; gmake install三步 在第一步的时候发现有这么个错误。...gmake; gmake install的步骤很快就完成了,最后以一句“PostgreSQL installation complete.”结束。.../configure gmake gmake install 当然这一次就非常顺利了,很快就进入了PG命令行界面。
/bootstrap 7、运行命令(这步时间有点长) gmake 8、进行安装 gmake install 9、安装完成,可阅读install_manifest.txt查看具体都安装了什么,还可以通过
/bootstrap gmake gmake install cmake编译比较简单,gcc环境和libstdc++.so.6没问题的情况下一般不会出现什么问题 查看编译后的版本: ln -s /usr
prefix=/usr/local/openresty --with-luajit --with-http_stub_status_module --with-pcre --with-pcre-jit $ gmake...&& gmake install 补充: 关于gmake和make的区别 配置waf规则 下载waf规则lua文件:waf $ cd /usr/local/src $ git clone https
/configure --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_v2_module --with-http_ssl_module # gmake && gmake
/configure是通过了,但是,在执行gmake时就出现了新问题, gmake[2]: *** [/usr/local/ssl/.openssl/include/openssl/ssl.h] Error...127 gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/root/openresty-' gmake[1]: *** [build]...Error 2 gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/root/openresty-' gmake: *** [all] Error
=www --add-module=/data/software/openresty- [root@lnmp openresty-]# gmake...[root@lnmp openresty-]# gmake install 配置 upstream svr{ server; } server
/configure && gmake && gmake install 4.配置mysql安装环境 cd /usr/src/mysql-5.6.36 cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
. # 如果报错命令未找到,先执行 yum -y install 安装 # 多核编译 # gmake -j2 # 安装 # gmake install 内核升级 yum 升级 # 查看内核版本 uname
/configure gmake gmake install 3.下载Mysql源码安装Mysql wget
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