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    iomem=str mem=str Fio can use various types of memory as the io unit buffer. The allowed values are: malloc Use memory from malloc(3) as the buffers. shm Use shared memory as the buffers. Allocated through shmget(2). shmhuge Same as shm, but use huge pages as backing. mmap Use mmap to allocate buffers. May either be anonymous memory, or can be file backed if a filename is given after the option. The format is mem=mmap:/path/to/file. mmaphuge Use a memory mapped huge file as the buffer backing. Append filename after mmaphuge, ala mem=mmaphuge:/hugetlbfs/file mmapshared Same as mmap, but use a MMAP_SHARED mapping. The area allocated is a function of the maximum allowed bs size for the job, multiplied by the io depth given. Note that for shmhuge and mmaphuge to work, the system must have free huge pages allocated. This can normally be checked and set by reading/writing /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages on a Linux system. Fio assumes a huge page is 4MB in size. So to calculate the number of huge pages you need for a given job file, add up the io depth of all jobs (normally one unless iodepth= is used) and multiply by the maximum bs set. Then divide that number by the huge page size. You can see the size of the huge pages in /proc/meminfo. If no huge pages are allocated by having a non-zero number in nr_hugepages, using mmaphuge or shmhuge will fail. Also see hugepage-size. mmaphuge also needs to have hugetlbfs mounted and the file location should point there. So if it'smountedin/huge,youwouldusemem=mmaphuge:/huge/somefile.iomem_align=intThisindiciatesthememoryalignmentoftheIOmemorybuffers.NotethatthegivenalignmentisappliedtothefirstIOunitbuffer,ifusingiodepththealignmentofthefollowingbuffersaregivenbythebsused.Inotherwords,ifusingabsthatisamultipleofthepagesizedinthesystem,allbufferswillbealignedtothisvalue.Ifusingabsthatisnotpagealigned,thealignmentofsubsequentIOmemorybuffersisthesumoftheiomem_alignandbsused.hugepage-size=intDefinesthesiz


    ipv6 ospfv3 tunnel

    Current configuration : 1239 bytes ! version 12.4 service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption ! hostname R1 ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! ! no aaa new-model memory-size iomem 5 ip cef ! ! ! ! no ip domain lookup ! ipv6 unicast-routing ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! interface FastEthernet0/0  no ip address  shutdown  duplex auto  speed auto ! interface Serial0/0  no ip address  ipv6 address 2026::12:1/122  ipv6 ospf 6 area 12  clock rate 2000000 ! interface FastEthernet0/1  no ip address  shutdown  duplex auto  speed auto ! interface Serial0/1  no ip address  shutdown  clock rate 2000000 ! interface Serial0/2  no ip address  shutdown  clock rate 2000000 ! interface Serial1/0  no ip address  shutdown  serial restart-delay 0 ! interface Serial1/1  no ip address  shutdown  serial restart-delay 0 ! interface Serial1/2  no ip address  shutdown  serial restart-delay 0 ! interface Serial1/3  no ip address  shutdown  serial restart-delay 0 !         ! ! no ip http server no ip http secure-server ! ipv6 router ospf 6  router-id  log-adjacency-changes ! ! ! ! ! control-plane ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !         ! line con 0  exec-timeout 0 0  logging synchronous line aux 0 line vty 0 4  login ! ! end



    Linux内核提供了一种通过/proc文件系统,在运行时访问内核内部数据结构、改变内核设置的机制。proc文件系统是一个伪文件系统,它只存在内存当中,而不占用外存空间。它以文件系统的方式为访问系统内核数据的操作提供接口。 用户和应用程序可以通过proc得到系统的信息,并可以改变内核的某些参数。由于系统的信息,如进程,是动态改变的,所以用户或应用程序读取proc文件时,proc文件系统是动态从系统内核读出所需信息并提交的。下面列出的这些文件或子文件夹,并不是都是在你的系统中存在,这取决于你的内核配置和装载的模块。另外,在/proc下还有三个很重要的目录:net,scsi和sys。 Sys目录是可写的,可以通过它来访问或修改内核的参数,而net和scsi则依赖于内核配置。例如,如果系统不支持scsi,scsi目录不存在。 除了以上介绍的这些,还有的是一些以数字命名的目录,它们是进程目录。系统中当前运行的每一个进程都有对应的一个目录在/proc下,以进程的 PID号为目录名,它们是读取进程信息的接口。而self目录则是读取进程本身的信息接口,是一个link。
