
Android thread Scheduling

Android is based on Linux and uses the Linux kernel’s scheduling mechanisms for determining scheduling policies. This is also true for Java code and threads. The Linux’s time sliced scheduling policy combines static and dynamic priorities. Processes can be given an initial priority from 19 to -20 (very low to very high priority). This priority will assure that higher priority processes will get more CPU time when when needed. These level are however dynamic, low level priority tasks that do not consume their CPU time will fine their dynamic priority increased. This dynamic behaviour results is an overall better responsiveness.In terms of dynamic priorities it is ensured that lower priority processes will always have a lower dynamic priority than processes with real-time priorities.Android uses two different mechanisms when scheduling the Linux kernel to perform process level scheduling



*** 2013-09-29 01:03:47.762 *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2013-09-29 01:03:47.744 *** SESSION ID:(997.178) 2013-09-29 01:03:47.744 DEADLOCK DETECTED ( ORA-00060 ) [Transaction Deadlock] The following deadlock is not an ORACLE error. It is a deadlock due to user error in the design of an application or from issuing incorrect ad-hoc SQL. The following information may aid in determining the deadlock: Deadlock graph:                        ---------Blocker(s)--------  ---------Waiter(s)--------- Resource Name          process session holds waits  process session holds waits TX-005d002f-000046dd       113     997     X            182     786           X TX-004d0026-00009b4e       182     786     X            113     997           X session 997: DID 0001-0071-00000006 session 786: DID 0001-00B6-0000064E session 786: DID 0001-00B6-0000064E session 997: DID 0001-0071-00000006 Rows waited on: Session 786: obj - rowid = 0002D33A - AAAtM6AAdAAAJ9BABO   (dictionary objn - 185146, file - 29, block - 40769, slot - 78) Session 997: obj - rowid = 000527D6 - AABSfWAAdAACmKAAAe   (dictionary objn - 337878, file - 29, block - 680576, slot - 30) Information on the OTHER waiting sessions: Session 786:   pid=182 serial=10783 audsid=64898626 user: 96/GALT   O/S info: user: batch, term: , ospid: 23674, machine: v490c1-app             program: sqlplus@v490c1-app (TNS V1-V3)   application name: SQL*Plus, hash value=3669949024   Current SQL Statement:   DELETE FROM ANA A WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT LOCATOR_ID FROM (SELECT T.LOCATOR_ID,ROWNUM RN FROM TEMP T ) WHERE RN > :B2 AND RN <= :B1 ) B WHERE A.LOCATOR_ID = B.LOCATOR_ID) End of information on OTHER waiting sessions. Current SQL statement for this session: update ana_seg set    SEGMENT_ID = :1, SEAT_STATUS = :2, SEGMENT_CLASS = :3, SEGMENT_SHARE_CLASS = :4, SEG_SEAT_NO = :5, SEG_CREATION_NUM= :6, SEG_CREATION_TIME = :7 where locator_id = :8 and SEG_ORDER_ID = :9
