无论在Linux或者其他类似的系统,都是非常的好用。传统分区使用固定大小分区,重新调整大小十分麻烦。但是,LVM可以创建和管理“逻辑”卷,而不是直接使用物理硬盘。...partition 1 Hex code (type L to list codes): 8e ## LVM 的分区代码 Changed system type of partition 1 to 8e (Linux...这里我们可以看到Linux LVM的ID 8e。 写入修改并退出fdisk。 重复以上步骤,为另外2个磁盘sdb和sdc创建新分区。然后重启机器,使用fdisk命令来验证分区表。
Linux top sort by memory
5 'xxxxx.password' allpassseed.txt LC_ALL=C比LC_ALL=UTF-8要块 不需要正则的话,用fgrep可以提速 不过这样优化总是治标不治本,下面隆重推出linux
Linux用户管理 1) 查看当前用户 whoami ##查看当前用户 2) 系统中用户的查看 id ##查看指定用户id信息 id -u ##查看用户的uid -g...标示在用户身份切换时同时切换当前用户的环境 su - 执行时高级用户切换到低级用户不需要密码,低级用户切换到高级需要,平级用户切换切换也需要 注意:每次su切换到其他用户操作之后必须退出,然后再次切换到其他用户 用户在系统中的存储方式 how...密码非活跃期限; 密码到期日; 用户自定义位置,目前没有启用 /etc/skel/.* 默认开启shell的配置,用户的骨文件 /home/username 用户的家目录 用户管理命令 1) how...##删除用户并且删除用户的配置文件 2) how to create user with usereadd in Linux watch -n 1 'tail -n 3 /etc/passwd /etc...指定用户的默认shell groupadd ##建立组 groupadd -g ##指定组id goupdel ##删除组 how
increase SSH connection timeout We can use the following way to increase the SSH connection timeout in Linux...Related: Increase Linux SSH Connection Timeout Quick Guide Recommended Steps to increase SSH connection
Linux high IOwait is a common Linux performance issue....Check this post Troubleshooting Disk Issues In Linux for more....Sort Disk Read Write in Linux Iotop Command Debugging High CPU Utilization For a Process on Linux How...to Check Disk usage Disk utilization on Linux What is High IOwait on Linux Using Linux Iotop to check...disk IO usage Per process How to Check if a Disk is Busy in Linux Troubleshooting Disk Issues In Linux
But how do we gauge the historic system performance?...Using the sar tool, you will be able to look back over a period of time and see how the server has been...distributions # yum install sysstat ### RedHat Based distribution The historic data for various linux...Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS, and Scientific Linux should use the /var/log/sa directory 2....command as named, we will receive CPU activity samples for every 10 minutes of the current day. # sar Linux
Linux developers tend to have a wide variety of preferences for how a desktop should act, which makes...A window manager is perhaps the most important client service application because it figures out how...All of this is bound together with documents that describe design conventions, such as how application...menus and titles should appear and how applications should react to certain system events....How do you know which ones (if any) to use?
系列 How to use LVM in Linux How to Extend/Reduce LVM’s (Logical Volume Management) in Linux How to Take...‘Snapshot of Logical Volume and Restore’ in LVM ---- 概述 在Linux中扩展/缩减LVM 前面我们已经了解了怎样使用LVM创建弹性的磁盘存储。...输入8e来将分区类型修改为Linux LVM。 使用p来打印创建的分区(这里我们没有使用该选项)。 按w写入修改。 验证LVM分区 使用fdisk列出并检查我们创建的分区。
Let’s look at a few application areas where Linux excels and see how what you’ve learned in this book...因为Linux支持几乎所有非专有编程环境,所以自然而然地有大量的应用程序可供使用。让我们来看看Linux在一些应用领域的优势,并了解一下你在本书中学到的知识如何与之相关。...Chapter 8 are extremely important in most database implementations because there’s a trade-off between how...hypervisor操作Linux系统的许多低层组件,你在本书中已经见过,因此,如果在虚拟机上安装Linux客户机,它应该表现得就像任何其他已安装的Linux系统一样。...Embedded versions of Linux vary in how many features from the server/ desktop version can be carried
involuntary wait guest: running a normal guest guest_nice: running a niced guest Formula To calculate Linux...boot/Total CPU time since boot X 100 If you use the formula on the example data above you should get a Linux
Throughout the history of Linux, there have been many changes to how the kernel presents devices to the...So how do you work with devices? Linux与其他Unix版本使用相同的设备文件设计。...This discussion has barely scratched the surface of how to use disks and other storage devices on Linux...Later in this chapter, we’ll examine how SCSI support works in the Linux kernel....But how does udevd know which symbolic links to create, and how does it create them?
Carter, Gerald, Jay Ts, 和 Robert Eckstein, 《使用 Samba:Linux、Unix 和 Mac OS X 文件与打印服务器》,第 3 版。...Jr., 《Linux命令行:完全介绍》。旧金山:No Starch Press,2012年。
Simple bridge Basically, we need a Slackware (or any other) Linux box with 2 NICs (network interface...468 (468.0 b) bash-4.1# The bridge is actually up and running after 10 to 15 seconds depending on how...fast your Linux box is and what kernel you use....Because there will be duplicate MAC address and your Linux box will complain about it....Captured file So if you need more depth in the packet analysis, get Wireshark and learn how to use it
They determine how the system behaves when a user logs in. 这本书的主要关注点是位于服务器进程和交互式用户会话之下的Linux系统。...Let’s first look at how much care you need to take when working on these files....And how much is too much to put in a startup file? shell 启动文件包含哪些内容?有些东西看似显而易见,比如路径和提示设置。...default, it can sometimes lead to problems when your users want to share files but don’t understand how...Example .bashrc(.bashrc 示例) In order to satisfy both non-login and login shells, how would you create
/bin/sh echo First argument: $1 echo Third argument: $3 Try running the script as follows to see how...Understanding the exit codes in 11.4 Exit Codes is vital, because this is how the whole process works...You also know how to test string equality with str1 = str2 ....Here’s how to use the mktemp command to create temporary filenames....Here’s how to perform the preceding task using only find: 在使用find命令时,有一个替代xargs的选项:-exec。
How to known what Linux Distribution I am using now.
系列 How to use LVM in Linux How to Extend/Reduce LVM’s (Logical Volume Management) in Linux How to Take
HOW (AND HOW NOT) TO WRITE A GOOD SYSTEMS PAPER [This article first appeared in ACM SIGOPS Operating...AN EVALUATION OF THE NINTH SOSP SUBMISSIONS -OR- HOW (AND HOW NOT) TO WRITE A GOOD SYSTEMS PAPER ROY...How do you know?...: "it's obvious once I've shown you how".)...References: https://www.usenix.org/conferences/author-resources/how-and-how-not-write-good-systems-paper
How the Linux Kernel Boots(第5章 Linux内核的启动过程) You now know the physical and logical structure of a Linux...system, what the kernel is, and how to work with processes....Before proceeding, read 5.8.3 How GRUB Works to get an idea of how PCs boot and determine whether you...To understand how boot loaders like GRUB work, let’s first survey how a PC boots when you turn it on....5.8.3 How GRUB Works (GRUB 如何工作 ) Let’s wrap up our discussion of GRUB by looking at how it does its
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