/adb_tool_linux_x64 -oscmd 1 -hostsyaml hosts.yaml -command "df -Ph |grep data " B. ..../adb_tool_linux_x64 -oscmd 0 -hostsyaml hosts.yaml -command "df -Ph |grep data " C. ..../adb_tool_linux_x64 -oscmd 1 -command "df -Ph |grep data " D..../adb_tool_linux_x64 -host -port 6432 -user antdb -password antdb -dbname postgres -adbtype
在您的考试系统上配置接口eth0使用下列IPv6地址: desktopX上的地址应该是200e:ac18::e0a/64 serverX上的地址应该是200e:ac18::e14/64 两个系统必须能与网络
文章目录 软件工程期末考试题库 选择题 填空题 判断题 简答题 画图题 软件工程期末考试题库 选择题 具有风险分析的软件生命周期模型是( C )。
OCP 071中文考试题库(cuug内部资料)第1题 本套题库是OCP考试中的071(中文版)试题,由CUUG整理,如有报考OCP认证意向,可以联系cuug咨询老师。 1、请选择两项。
Which four are true about the Archive (ARCn) processes? A)They might be used dur...
Which two are true about the Fast Recovery Area (FRA)? A)It should be larger tha...
所以,我们不用浪费脑力在这些不必要的概念上,因为大学早已离我远去,考试什么的跟我也没有一毛钱关系,只要知道这么回事就好。 算法的设计要求 要设计一个好的算法,需要考虑以下4个特性(其实多半是废话)。
A)every update statement executed by scott that updates scott.emp
1.USERS is the database default tablespace.
1.USER is the database default tablespace.
A)They must be in an invalid state to be recompiled.
Which three are true about the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)? A)AWR data i...
Which is true about invalid PL/SQL objects? A)They are automatically recompiled ...
Which structure can span multiple data files? A)a bigfile tablespace B)a permane...
You want to audit update statements that refer to USER1.DEPT.DNAME.
Which three are true about Optimizer Statistics? A)They can be gathered manually...
USER1 grants SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE privileges on USER1.EMP to USER2.
Which two are true about Oracle Data Pump in Oracle Database 11g Release 2? A)If...
Which two are true about Oracle's Optimizer statistics? A)They are automatically...
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