——德莱塞 继续分享mybatis的知识点: @MapKey注解:org.apache.ibatis.annotations.MapKey @MapKey("id") @Select("SELECT
: paramMap.keySet()){ query.put(mapKey, paramMap.get(mapKey)); }...BasicDBObject(); //拼接参数 if(MapUtils.isNotEmpty(paramMap)){ for (String mapKey...: paramMap.keySet()){ query.put(mapKey, paramMap.get(mapKey)); }...BasicDBObject(); //拼接参数 if(MapUtils.isNotEmpty(paramMap)){ for (String mapKey...: paramMap.keySet()){ query.put(mapKey, paramMap.get(mapKey)); }
= null) { if (value instanceof String) { jedis.hset(key, mapKey,...= null) { if (value instanceof String) { jedis.hset(key, mapKey,...= null) { String valueJson = jedis.hget(key, mapKey); JSONArray jsonArray...= null){ String valueJson=jedis.hget(key, mapKey); return (T) JSONObject.toBean...= null){ return jedis.hget(key, mapKey); }else{return null;} } catch
需求 查询结果封装成一个map Map 键是这条记录的主键,值是记录封装后的javabean mybatis中有一个MapKey注解 可以指定 我们的pojo类...id; private String name; private Integer age; private String email; 接口方法 /** * @MapKey...mybatis封装map的时候使用哪个属性作为key * @param name * @return */ @MapKey("id") Map<Integer
namespace std::tr1; #define N 100000000 //分别测试N=100,000、N=1,000,000、N=10,000,000以及N=100,000,000 //分别定义MapKey...=map、hash_map、unordered_map //typedef map MapKey; //采用map...//typedef hash_map MapKey; //采用hash_map typedef unordered_map MapKey; //采用unordered_map...return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct timeval begin; struct timeval end; MapKey
createSingleCondition(modelField, operation, fieldValue, ignoreCase, delegator, context)); for (String mapKey...: keys) { queryStringMap.put(mapKey, parameters.get(mapKey)); }
通过@MapKey指定map的key值 1.在接口中写方法 /** * @author : xjszsd * @date : 2021-12-13 16:20 */ public interface...map;key就是列名,值就是对应的值 Map selectAll(Integer id); /** * 此处若将map的key的类型改为其他类型,不影响@MapKey...给map的key赋值 * @return */ @MapKey("name")//指定数据库中id字段作为map的key Map> select
就可以作为key,所以有序输出只在可比较的类型成立 使用泛型功能实现一个map有序化的函数 请大佬不吝赐教 package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) type mapKey...uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | uintptr | float32 | float64 | string } func sortMapWithValue[T mapKey...(list, struct { key T value any }{key: v, value: m[v]}) } return list } func sortMap[T mapKey
map.put(“C语言入门教程”, “http://c.biancheng.net/c/”); for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { String mapKey...= entry.getKey(); String mapValue = entry.getValue(); System.out.println(mapKey + “:” + mapValue); }
BiFunction mergeFunc) { return join(destList, mapKey...(srcList, skeyFunc)).apply(dkeyFunc, (BiFunction) mergeFunc); } public static Map mapKey...现在, mapKey 和 join 都是通用性函数。Amazing ! Java8泛型 在Java8函数式框架的解读中,可以明显看到,泛型无处不在。Java8的泛型推导能力也有很大的增强。...BiFunction mergeFunc) { return join(destList, mapKey...(srcList, skeyFunc)).apply(dkeyFunc, (BiFunction) mergeFunc); } public static Map mapKey
> returnType; private final String mapKey; private final Integer resultHandlerIndex; private...configuration.getObjectFactory().isCollection(this.returnType) || this.returnType.isArray()); this.mapKey...= getMapKey(method); this.returnsMap = (this.mapKey !
* @param mapKey The property to use as key for each value in the list....* @param mapKey The property to use as key for each value in the list....* @param mapKey The property to use as key for each value in the list....* @param mapKey The property to use as key for each value in the list....* @param mapKey The property to use as key for each value in the list.
* 将表中的数据以map集合的方式查询,一条数据对应一个map;若有多条数据,就会产生多个map集合,并 且最终要以一个map的方式返回数据,此时需要通过@MapKey...注解设置map集合的键,值是每条数据所对应的 map集合 */ @MapKey("id") Map getAllUserToMap(); <!
/** * 根据map中的某个key 去除List中重复的map * @author shijing * @param list * @param mapKey...static List> removeRepeatMapByKey(List> list, String mapKey...list.size()-1 ; i>=0; i--){ Map map = list.get(i); String id = (String)map.get(mapKey...); map.remove(mapKey); msp.put(id, map); } //把msp再转换成list,就会得到根据某一字段去掉重复的数据的...msp.keySet(); for(String key: mspKey){ Map newMap = msp.get(key); newMap.put(mapKey
进行转换; if (declaredField.getName().equals(mapKey)) { declaredField.set(permission, Float.valueOf(map.get...(mapKey).toString())); break; } if (declaredField.getType().toString().contains("Long"))//判断属性类型 进行转换...; if (declaredField.getName().equals(mapKey)) { declaredField.set(permission, Long.valueOf(map.get(mapKey...(mapKey).toString())); break; } if (declaredField.getType().toString().contains("Long"))//判断属性类型 进行转换...; if (declaredField.getName().equals(mapKey)) { declaredField.set(permission, Long.valueOf(map.get(mapKey
result = 0; Iterator iter = matrixa.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String mapkey...= iter.next(); result += Integer.parseInt(matrixa.get(mapkey)) * Integer.parseInt(matrixb.get(mapkey
permissionList; } jdbcTemplate 使用 NamedParameterJdbcTemplate 参数使用 MapSqlParameterSource 进行封装 sql 语句中使用 in (:mapkey...),mapkey是MapSqlParameterSource中的key
SELECT id, title, author FROM poem LIMIT 1 PoemMapper.java 以Map为最外层容器时就要加 @MapKey...@MapKey("id") Map selectMap(); PoemMapperTest.java @Test public void selectMap...resultType="java.util.Map"> SELECT id, title, author FROM poem PoemMapper.java @MapKey...java.util.LinkedHashMap"> SELECT id, title, author FROM poem PoemMapper.java @MapKey
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