DEFAULT_MODALITY_TYPE : Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS); } Dialog 构造函数 原型 文档 : /** * Constructs...If false, the dialog is MODELESS; * if true, the modality...如果为false,则对话框为MODELESS; * 如果为真,则modality类型属性设置为DEFAULT_MODALITY_TYPE * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException...HeadlessException异常 * * @see java.awt.Dialog.ModalityType * @see java.awt.Dialog.ModalityType#MODELESS...DEFAULT_MODALITY_TYPE : Dialog.ModalityType.MODELESS); } 三、Dialog 对话框代码示例 ---- 要想显示 Dialog 对话框 ,
GraphicsConfiguration gc); public Dialog(Window owner); public Dialog(Window owner, String title); /* ModalityType是模式枚举 MODELESS
什么是QDialog 对话框类一般用来收集用户的响应 它能配置成如下2个形式: Modal 他会阻塞(Block)父窗口,即取消前无法操作父窗口 Modeless 他可以被跳过(bypass)而在后台运行
client) – Native: Siglibs updates – Other fixes Client: – Cross-references panel: the dialog is now modeless
center 是否居中 默认yes(yes:1,no:0) help 是否显示帮助按钮 默认yes resizable 是否可被改变大小 默认no status 是否显示状态栏 Modal默认no,Modeless
1.2非模态对话框(modeless dialog box) 当非模态对话框显示时,运行转而执行程序中的其他任务,而不用关闭这个对话框。
Silent (batch) mode (only for "ex") -d Diff mode (like "vimdiff") -y Easy mode (like "evim", modeless...") -d Diff mode (like "vimdiff") -y Easy mode (like "evim", modeless
If the menu type is modeless (MODELESS), kernel function xxxMenuWindowProc receives this message and...Function xxxCallHandleMenuMessages is responsible for processing messages for modeless menu just like...If the menu type is modeless, the function then calls function xxxMNEndMenuState in the current context...operation in the original thread. ---- Major Function of Proof Code At first, proof code creates two modeless...the loop waiting state in function xxxMNLoop in the kernel, which is difficult to trigger the bug, modeless
是否显示帮助按钮,默认yes resizable {yes | no | 1 | 0 } 是否可改变大小,默认no status {yes | no | 1 | 0 } 是否显示状态栏,默认为yes[ Modeless
模态对话框(Modal Dialog) 与 非模态对话框(Modeless Dialog) 的概念不是Qt所独有的,在各种不同的平台下都存在。又有叫法是称为模式对话框,无模式对话框等。
默认为yes[ Modeless]或no[Modal]。 scroll:{ yes | no | 1 | 0 | on | off }:指明对话框是否显示滚动条。默认为yes。
to use') ] x = y = 50 width = 370 height = 300 title = "[ProductName] Setup" modeless...distutils.command.bdist_msi.PyDialog(self.db, "PrepareDlg", self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, self.modeless...distutils.command.bdist_msi.PyDialog(self.db, "ProgressDlg", self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height, self.modeless
t-option 异步加载问题修复分组为空未展示分组名称的问题优化虚拟滚动示例、修复 pagination 分页数量宽度问题Dialog:修复普通对话框不脱离文档流的问题修复点击对话框后对话框会隐藏问题修复 modeless
mouse is not already captured, we will consider the following: // In all cases but Modeless
Differentiate modeless dialogs from modal dialogs. 不要在非模态对话框中使用终止命令按钮。...Do not use terminating button commands for modeless dialogs. 不要动态地改变终止命令按钮的标签。...Provide modeless feedback to help users avoid mistakes. 很高兴,你看到了结尾,我这里埋了个彩蛋: ?
默认为yes[ Modeless]或no[Modal]。
CreatePopupMenu(); MENUINFO mi = { 0 }; mi.cbSize = sizeof(MENUINFO); mi.fMask = MIM_STYLE; mi.dwStyle = MNS_MODELESS
QDialogs may be modal or modeless.
active command was registered using the ACRX_CMD_INTERRUPTIBLE flag and the document has received a modeless
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