key": "thing13", "value": "老狼"}, {"key": "time14", "value": "2023-07-27 10:10:10"}, } offical.SendTemplateMessage..." ) func TestWechatOffical_SendTemplateMessage(t *testing.T) { memory := cache.NewMemory() offical...key": "thing13", "value": "老狼"}, {"key": "time14", "value": "2023-07-27 10:10:10"}, } offical.SendTemplateMessage
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BN实现代码: import numpy as np import torch from torch import nn def torch_bn_offical(x): """ 调用官方API...LN代码实现: def torch_ln_offical(x): """ 调用官方API """ # afflne=False, 只做减均值除方差,不乘gamma加 beta...IN代码实现: def torch_in_offical(x): """ 调用官方API """ c = x.shape[1] instance_norm = nn.InstanceNorm2d...GN代码实现: def torch_gn_offical(x, num_groups): """ 调用官方API """ gn = nn.GroupNorm(num_groups
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