

下面是jeff kit的回答: 给别人讲解过很多次,但写成文字是第一次。试一试吧,自己主要也是看了这篇文章(Python Types and Objects)才懂的。object 和 type的关系很像鸡和蛋的关系,先有object还是先有type没法说,obejct和type是共生的关系,必须同时出现的。在看下去之前,也要请先明白,在Python里面,所有的东西都是对象的概念。在面向对象体系里面,存在两种关系:- 父子关系,即继承关系,表现为子类继承于父类,如『蛇』类继承自『爬行动物』类,我们说『蛇是一种爬行动物』,英文说『snake is a kind of reptile』。在python里要查看一个类型的父类,使用它的bases属性可以查看。- 类型实例关系,表现为某个类型的实例化,例如『萌萌是一条蛇』,英文说『萌萌 is an instance of snake』。在python里要查看一个实例的类型,使用它的class属性可以查看,或者使用type()函数查看。这两种关系使用下面这张图简单示意,继承关系使用实线从子到父连接,类型实例关系使用虚线从实例到类型连接:


Python数据分析(中英对照)·Classes and Object-Oriented Programming类和面向对象编程

Our emphasis has been and will be on functions and functional programming,but it’s also helpful to know at least something about classes and object-oriented programming. 我们的重点一直是函数和函数编程,但至少了解一些类和面向对象编程也是很有帮助的。 In general, an object consists of both internal data and methods that perform operations on the data. 通常,对象由内部数据和对数据执行操作的方法组成。 We have actually been using objects and methods all along,such as when working with building types like lists and dictionaries. 事实上,我们一直在使用对象和方法,例如在处理列表和字典之类的构建类型时。 You may find at some point that an existing object type doesn’t fully suit your needs, in which case you can create a new type of object known as a class. 在某些情况下,您可能会发现现有的对象类型并不完全满足您的需要,在这种情况下,您可以创建一种称为类的新对象类型。 Often it is the case that even if you need to create a new object type,it is likely that this new object type resembles,in some way, an existing one. 通常情况下,即使需要创建新的对象类型,该新对象类型也可能在某种程度上类似于现有对象类型。 This brings us to inheritance, which is a fundamental aspect of object-oriented programming. 这就引出了继承,这是面向对象编程的一个基本方面。 Inheritance means that you can define a new object type, a new class, that inherits properties from an existing object type. 继承意味着您可以定义一个新的对象类型,一个新的类,它继承现有对象类型的属性。 For example, you could define a class that does everything that Python’s built-in lists do, and then add an additional method or methods based on your needs. 例如,您可以定义一个类来完成Python内置列表所做的一切,然后根据需要添加一个或多个附加方法。 As a quick reminder of how we’ve been using methods so far,let’s define a list, ml, which consists of a sequence of numbers. 为了快速提醒我们到目前为止是如何使用方法的,让我们定义一个列表ml,它由一系列数字组成。 If I wanted to sort this list, I can use the sort method which is provided by the ml object, a list. 如果我想对这个列表进行排序,我可以使用由ml对象(列表)提供的排序方法。 If I now look at the contents of the list,we can see that the values have been sorted. 如果我现在查看列表的内容,我们可以看到这些值已被排序。 Let’s look at an example of how to create a new class,essentially a new type of Python object. 让我们看一个如何创建一个新类的示例,本质上是一个新类型的Python对象。 A class is defined using the class statement. 类是使用class语句定义的。 Class,
