/usr/bin/env python import telnetlib import time def h3c_telnet(ip,username,password1,password2,type)..._main__': ip = '' username = "test" password1 = "test" password2 = "null" type = 'h3c
/usr/bin/env python import time import pexpect import sys def h3c_ssh(ip,username,password1,password2...main__': ip = '' username = 'test' password1 = '111111' password2 = '111111' type = 'h3c
最近一直在研究python里面的netmiko作为ssh的方法。把第一个脚本共享出来大家研究一下。...方向比较简单,通过python的open方法读取iplist.txt里面的IP地址,这些ip就是所需要下发命令的交换机ip地址。然后读取cmdlist里面需要下发的哪些命令。...通过python的netmiko ssh连接到交换机自动下发 ---- h3c_check.py coding:utf-8 import time from netmiko import * import...for ip in iter(ip_addr): print(ip) try: S5130 = { 'device_type':'hp_comware', 'ip':ip, 'username':'h3c...', 'password':'h3c', } net_connect = ConnectHandler(**S5130) for cmd in iter(cmd_line):
于是在网上找python多线程处理的相关文章,但基本都是基于tftp备份当时运行的配置文件,不能根据自定义巡检命令取得返回结果,我想要的是类似SECURECRT下用.vbs脚本备份的效果,所以根据网上一些例子做了这个备份脚本...localhost shell]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core) [root@localhost shell]# python... --version Python 2.7.5 [root@localhost shell]# tree /networkbackup/ /networkbackup/ |-- log | `--.../usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 import sys import os import telnetlib import timec import threading...interface display logbuffer #设置crontab每天0时自动备份 [root@localhost shell]# crontab -l 0 0 * * * /usr/bin/python
[R3]ip route-static NULL 0
[R1-bgp]peer as-number 1000 [R1-bgp]peer connect-interface LoopB...
配置步骤 (1) 配置各接口的 IP 地址(略) 例SwitchB: H3C>sys [H3C]hostname SwitchB [SwitchB]vlan 100 [SwitchB-vlan100
H3C: ra: [ra]ospf 1 [ra-ospf-1]area 1//进入区域 [ra-ospf-1-area-]network声明网络号
h3c nat ?
[Router]dhcp server ip-pool pool-name
add 24 [router A-GigabitEthernet0/1]un sh [router A-GigabitEthernet0/1]qos apply policy H3C...tcp source-port neq 21 (匹配源端口不等于21数据) [router B-acl-ipv4-adv-3000]quit [router B]traffic classifier H3C...[router B-classifier-H3C]if-match acl 3000 [router B-classifier-H3C]quit [router B]traffic behavior H3C...]classifier H3C behavior H3C [router B-qospolicy-H3C]quit [router B]int g0/0 [router B-GigabitEthernet0.../0]qos apply policy H3C inbound 七、重标记: 实验要求: 通过配置重标记功能,Router上实现如下需求: (1)优先处理Host A和Host B访问数据库服务器的报文
在使用Telnet功能之前一定要先开启此功能 一、无密码登陆: [H3C]telnet server enable 一定要先开启telnet功能 [H3C]user-interfacevty 0 4...[H3C-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode none 二、密码登陆: [H3C]telnet server enable [H3C]user-interfacevty 0...H3C-ui-vty0-4]set authentication password simple 123 修改用户权限: [H3C-ui-vty0-4]user-role level-15 三、用户名+密码登陆 [H3C...]local-user R1 [H3C-luser-test]password simple 123 [H3C-luser-test]service-type telnet [H3C]user-interfacevty
[S2-Vlan-interface10]vrrp vrid 10 virtual-ip 配置VIP地址
isis authentication-mode md5 plain 123 区域认证: [R1]isis 1 [R1-isis-1]area-authentication-mode md5 plain h3c
H3C 2126 进入系统视图 system-view 配置Web网管用户 localuser user_name password 1 进入VTY界面视图 user-interface vty... 接口指定/删除网关 ip gateway 设置团体名及访问权限 snmp-agent community read plublic 退出,保存 save H3C...[H3C-ui-vty0] user privilege level 3 配置WEB用户名为admin,密码为admin,用户级别设为3(管理级用户) H3C> system-view [H3C] local-user...H3C> system-view [H3C] interface Vlan-interface 1 [H3C-Vlan-interface1] ip address
H3C> system-view [H3C] dhcp-server 1 ip服务器的ip) [H3C] interface Vlan-interface 101...H3C> boot bootrom SWITCH.btm please wait ... Bootrom is updated! 第三步,加载主机软件。...H3C> boot boot-loader SWITCH.bin H3C> display boot-loader The app to boot at the next time is: flash...:/SWITCH.bin H3C> reboot(重启前请确认其他配置是否保存,防止重启后造成配置丢失) 通过以上操作即可完成BOOTROM和主机软件的加载。...H3C S3600-28TP-SI uptime is 0 week, 0 day, 1 hour, 8 minutes H3C S3600-28TP-SI with 1 Processor
配置静态及动态域名解析 ·配置静态域名解析表中主机名和对应地址 [Router]ip host hostname ip-address ...
编辑 | 排版 | 制图 | 测试 | ©瑞哥 此文用时1小时02分钟,原创不易,坚持更不易,希望我的每一份劳动成果都可以得到大家的一个【好看】 H3C>display interface brief...查看当前所有端口状态 H3C>system-view [H3C]mirroring-group 1 local 创建本地镜像组 [H3C]mirroring-group 1 mirroring-port...g1/0/2 both 设置源端口(both全部流量,inbound入流量,outbound出流量) [H3C]mirroring-group 1 monitor-port g1/0/1 设置目的端口...{源端口/目的端口,根据实际要求来配置} [H3C]display mirroring-group 1 查看本地镜像组信息 给vlan1加个IP
# coding: utf8 import re, sys import pexpect # enable/disable debug mode DEBUG ...
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