If you use rails, then you should know how to use RSpec to test your rails app....If you want practice, go to check the saasbook/bdd-tdd-cycle practice at the end of this articel....Two: Set Up Gem We will use the most popular gems combo here. group :development, :test do gem 'rspec-rails...'rails_helper' RSpec.describe UserModel, type: :model do describe User do it "has valid...applications Railscasts RSpec-Rails saasbook/bdd-tdd-cycle
CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^\d+-\d+-auto-deploy-\d+$/' - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^security\//' variables: RAILS_ENV...: knapsack/report-master.json FLAKY_RSPEC_SUITE_REPORT_PATH: rspec_flaky/report-suite.json RSPEC_TESTS_MAPPING_PATH..."http://elastic:changeme@elasticsearch:9200" DOCKER_VERSION: "20.10.1" CACHE_CLASSES: "true" CHECK_PRECOMPILED_ASSETS...: "true" # Set it to "false" to disable RSpec fail-fast SIMPLECOV: "true" # Preparing custom clone...# # For more details and reasoning that brought this change please check # https://gitlab.com/
But RSpec is a big toolbox, and in order to harness its full power you need a guide....➤ Noel Rappin Author of Rails 4 Test Prescriptions and Director of Development, Table XI Myron and...➤ Sam Joseph Co-instructor on the BerkeleyX Agile Development using Ruby on Rails MOOC and co-founder...He is an expert on testing practices and getting the most out of the RSpec suite....for many years on the RSpec core team, I’m very pleased to see Effective Testing with RSpec 3.
Rails Resources Here I list some rails resources I found very helpful....Quick Start Ruby on Rails Guides Rails Bridge Tutorials Point Book The Rails 4 Way, Best rails book....Ruby on Rails Tutorial API Ruby on Rails API Screencast Rails Casts, excellent rails screencast by Ryan...Guide Land Rails Dream Job Rspec Documentation How I learned to test my Rails applications Railscasts...RSpec-Rails saasbook/bdd-tdd-cycle jQuery w2schools codeschool try jQuery
几年前,我们的 CTO 写了一篇关于使用 Jenkins 和 Docker 为 Ruby On Rails 应用提供持续集成服务的文章。.../analysis --minimum-score 80 --no-browser setup_db: - bundle exec rails db:create - bundle exec rails...audit check --update environment: RAILS_ENV: test GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: a GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: b LANG:.../analysis –minimum-score 80 –no-browser setup_db: - bundle exec rails db:create - bundle exec rails db...audit check –update environment: RAILS_ENV: test GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: a GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: b LANG:
0.4.0) login_generator(1.2.2) 邮件(2.2.19) 哑剧类型(1.16) 最小测试(1.6.0) 蒙哥(1.3.1) 蒙古包(2.0.2) mongoid-rspec...0.6.14) rack-openid(1.3.1) 机架测试(0.5.7) 导轨(3.0.7) (3.0.7) 耙(0.9.0,0.8.7) rdoc(2.5.8) 其余客户端(1.6.1) rspec...(2.6.0) rspec核心(2.6.2) rspec-期望(2.6.0) rspec-mocks(2.6.0) rspec-rails(2.6.0) 红宝石fcgi(0.8.9) 红宝石...现在这些在rails 3.*都没有了?...用法:导轨COMMAND [ARGS] 最常见的rails命令是: 生成生成新代码(快捷别名: “ g”) console启动Rails控制台(快捷别名: “ c”) 服务器启动Rails
###声明 目前spring只支持MRI 1.9.3, MRI 2.0.0, Rails 3.2,没有达到要求的人赶紧升级你们的ruby,rails版本吧 ###问题 想必采用TDD/BDD方式进行开发的...rvm的global gemset中去,这样就可以在多个project使用spring 安装命令非常简单: gem install spring ###使用 执行测试的命令也非常简单: spring rspec...###已知问题 把 require 'rspec/autorun'从spec_helper中删掉,否则,spec会被执行两次,而且第二次会由于找不到url helper method而失败。...Failure/Error: visit posts_path NameError: undefined local variable or method `posts_path' for #RSpec...###总结 spring把对项目代码的影响减少到了没有,并且能够去掉加载rails环境的时间,极大地提升rails开发者的效率,是现有rails开发者必不可少的利器。enjoy coding!!!
RubyMine 2023.1 包含 Rails 7 和 Ruby 3.2 支持、新 UI 更新、更快的代码补全、更少的内存消耗、WSL 上改进的 gem 同步、更便捷的导航、在 RSpec 中使用共享上下文和示例的功能...RubyMine 2023 RubyMine是一款由JetBrains开发的Ruby和Rails集成开发环境,主要特点包括:强大的编辑器:RubyMine内置有强大的代码编辑器,支持语法高亮、代码补全、...集成测试框架:RubyMine集成了多种测试框架,如RSpec、Cucumber等,方便用户进行单元测试和功能测试。
使用文件名模式( junit: rspec-*.xml ),文件名数组( junit: [rspec-1.xml, rspec-2.xml, rspec-3.xml] )或其组合( junit: [rspec.xml...登录gitlab su - git $ gitlab-rails console -----------------------------------------------------------...------------------------------- Feature.enable(:junit_pipeline_view)Loading production environment (Rails
A GitLab administrator with access to the GitLab Rails console can choose a custom limit....Check the version history note above for details....GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console can enable it....Check the version history note above for details....GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console can enable it.
基于此,DHH放弃了PHP而使用Ruby开发出了Rails,DSL也因此成为Ruby开发的框架中非常普通的特性,而这对于很多主流语言都是种奢望。 对于测试来说足够充足的社区资源。...扩展性 支持Java平台的扩展 支持HTTP/RPC接口,可根据开发框架扩展 框架基于Rspec,支持多种验证方式(Build-In Matcher),及支持自定义Matcher,目前实现了JSON去噪的...通过ci_reporter,可以方便地将Rspec的报告格式转为JUnit的XML格式,在Jenkins中做对应的展示。 ?...开发这样一个小系统,技术方案选择上考虑主要是效率和学习成本,符合敏捷开发的特点,基于这些因素,应用了被称为“Web开发的最佳实践”的Rails框架。...应用Rails,团队较快进入了可以通过数据进行质量分析的初级阶段,当然还有很长的路要走,在从0到1的这个过程中,还是较多地体会到了敏捷开发的特性,也充分感受到了DRY理念。
extends 继承同一文件上的模板 jobs .tests: script: rake test stage: test only: refs: - branches rspec...: extends: .tests script: rake rspec only: variables: - $RSPEC 现在我们准备一个.git仓库作为GitLab...on_success helthcheck: stage: test retry: 2 tags: - DevOpsTeam script: | if [ $HEALTH_CHECK_URL...];then curl -I -m 2 -o /dev/null -s -w %{http_code}"\n" $HEALTH_CHECK_URL else echo..."" DEPLOY_HOST_QA: "" DEPLOY_HOST_PROD: "" HEALTH_CHECK_URL
当然,你也会收获一些实践知识,那就是如何通过部署 Ansible 和 Docker 来为 Rails 应用搭建一个完整的服务器环境。 也许有人会问:你怎么不去用 Heroku?...=test bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate && bundle exec rspec'>/test-terrabox ;\ echo '. /.profile...Docker 容器内运行 Rails 应用 没有本地 Docker 镜像,从零开始部署一个中级规模的 Rails 应用大概需要100个 gems,进行100次整体测试,在使用2个核心实例和2GB内存的情况下...综上所述,部署一套新的 Rails 应用,解决其所有依赖关系(包括 MySQL 和 Redis),只需花我2分钟多一点的时间就够了。...从无到有搭建一个完整的 Rails 应用可以在12分钟内完成,这种速度放在任何场合都是令人印象深刻的。
原文:Rails Service Objects: A Comprehensive Guide 作者: AMIN SHAH GILANI 正文 Ruby on Rails ships with everything...The Rails Way means “the conventional Ruby on Rails way of doing things” and the book doesn’t exist....I recommend reading this article on how to create mock service objects in Rspec that will always return...What is a service object in Rails?...What are params in Ruby on Rails?
下面的例子介绍了GitLab如何切换到Headless Chrome GitLab最近从PhantomJS转变为Headless Chrome,用于前端测试和RSpec功能测试(ruby测试框架)。...后端功能测试(RSpec + Capybara) 我们的功能测试是使用RSpec+Capybara(https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara),进行完整的数据库,...谢谢Larry Reid(http://technopragmatica.blogspot.com/2017/10/switching-to-headless-chrome-for-rails_31.html...结果 关于性能,改变之前通过对10个RSpec测试集进行非科学分析来衡量变化,改变后也通过10个测试。分解在这些管道之间添加或删除的任何测试。...致谢 我衷心希望这些信息对想从PhantomJS切换到headless Chrome,并使用Rails应用程序的团队有用。
# extend example .tests: script: rake test stage: test only: refs: - branches rspec:...extends: .tests script: rake rspec only: variables: - $RSPEC before_script 与 after_script...GITLAB_TOKEN}@${CI_SERVER_HOST}/${CI_PROJECT_PATH}.git" "${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" cd "${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" # Check...- |- # Check if we have modifications to commit CHANGES=$(git status --porcelain |
目前占据主流的阵营有: Rails Java EE平台。值得一提的是Java VM已经成为一种新的宿主平台,Scala、JRuby更为活跃并引人瞩目 LAMP平台。...JRebel能够将需要编译的Java语言变成修改、保存立即生效,减少了大量的修改、保存、重新编译、部署的时间;Spork能够启动一个Server,将RSpec测试相关的代码缓存于其中,这样在运行RSpec...Rails则是另外一个极端的例子。Rails带来的不仅仅是开发的便利,还带来了人们在Linux世界多年的部署经验。...而 Linux世界Rails/Django则能更好的平衡优秀产品之间的进程协调。例如memcached的使用。...令人奇怪的是,新人能够一天或者两天之内通过阅读RSpec或者JBehave迅速了解这些工具的使用,到了团队里面却没有了文档。
7.4p1-16.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check...libapol.so.4()(64bit) for package: policycoreutils-python-2.5-22.el7.x86_64 --> Running transaction check...Total 1.2 MB/s | 1.6 MB 00:01 Running transaction check...Total 851 kB/s | 859 kB 00:01 Running transaction check...] action run - execute /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/bin/gitlab-keys check-permissions
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=1462837514 # Start GitLab sudo gitlab-ctl start # Check...GitLab sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:check SANITIZE=true 对gitlab进行修复 Uploads directory setup correctly?...... no Try fixing it: sudo chown -R git /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/uploads sudo find /var/opt.../gitlab/gitlab-rails/uploads -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \; sudo find /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/...uploads -type d -not -path /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/uploads -exec chmod 0700 {} \; Repo base access
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