通过查看它,你会发现Document_Open()负责调用另外3个子程序:kfs()、sdfsdf()和Module1.killo()。接着,让我们看看每个函数的作用。 ?...在查看了下一个子程序sdfsdf()之后,我明白了这张图片的作用。我们在下图中可以看到,恶意宏将目录更改为了“TEMP”,并创建了一个 Scripting.FileSystemObject。...sdfsdf() sdfsdf()似乎负责提取恶意代码,因为在与文档中的.pif图标交互时,它会在%TEMP%文件夹中创建一个快捷方式文件,即使你没有单击启用宏。在关闭文档时,快捷方式文件会消失。...这样,sdfsdf()就能够将内容复制到另一个文件,而不是执行5C.pif。
ct_val 的值为:’, oct_val) 浮点型 a=2.33 复数:有个cmath模块可以处理 字符串:可以用双引号、单引号 str="sdfsdf" print(type(str)) str...="abc'ddd" str="abc'ddd" ("\) 字符串拼接: str1+str2 如果你要输入一长串文字,用三引号 a=""" sdfdsfsd sdfsdfds sdfsdf
{ WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); form.AddField(UrlEncode("123 qwe"), UrlEncode("123 sdfsdf
.* _:匹配任意单个字符 select * from tb_name where username like "%sdfsdf%" 5.
s001sfsdfy5e'), ('dfsdfc3euv'), ('s0sdfsd6k4j6z'), ('s00dfsdfk59'), (asdfnth'), ('s00asdf246l'), ('s001sdfsdf1h
我们点击箭头标的地方,拷贝 image-20220911223338641 懂得人应该知道,只需要找到pt_key和pt_pin,如果不清楚就全部复制发送到机器人 pt_key=sdfdfdg;pt_pin=sdfsdf
你可以放在 include 的文件里面将你的 sdfsdf 放里面看看。要保证主文件是可编译通过的,再试试 <?
3 | 1003 | fdgfg | 2019-06-21 10:52:03 | 2019-06-21 10:52:03 || 4 | 1004 | sdfsdf...3 | 1003 | fdgfg | 2019-06-21 10:52:03 | 2019-06-21 10:52:03 || 4 | 1004 | sdfsdf
filename,'r') >>> for eachLine in fobj: print eachLine, asdasdasd asdasdfdgvc b xcvsdf sdfsdf...line, fobj.close >>> showFile('d:\\test.txt') 文件内容如下: asdasdasd asdasdfdgvc b xcvsdf sdfsdf
相当于(sort by+distrbutre by ) select sal,deptno from emp cluster bY sal; 2.自带函数 select concat_ws('_','sdfsdf
winform.listview.insertColumn("dfdfd",150) winform.listview.insertColumn("dfdfd",-1) winform.listview.addItem({"sdfsdf
3 | 1003 | fdgfg | 2019-06-21 10:52:03 | 2019-06-21 10:52:03 | | 4 | 1004 | sdfsdf...3 | 1003 | fdgfg | 2019-06-21 10:52:03 | 2019-06-21 10:52:03 | | 4 | 1004 | sdfsdf
mm,bn,hello,ssdenl. sdfsdf,dfdf,dfdfe,ggg. sdfd,gfgf dfdfgfgdfgsdfgsdfg dfgfdg,sdfsdfdhello.sdfasdfas
footer6 = new Paragraph("information dsfsdf is DSFSDS DFFDDD and Sdcxvxcvdfdfsd not be dfsdfsdf to any sdfsdf...the dsfsdfsfdsdfee ", new Font(bf, 9, Font.NORMAL)); Paragraph footer7 = new Paragraph("erdsfsdfsd. sdfsdf...dsfsdf & dsfsdf dsfsdf sdfsdf of any sfddsfsdf dfdfdfdf the dfdf of the inforfmationssdeeetyy ", new
123 123 1234 123 dasdfsd sdfsdf asfd34234 [root@localhost ~]# cat a.txt |sort|uniq 123 1234 asfd34234...dasdfsd sdfsdf [root@localhost ~]# cat a.txt |sort|uniq -c 3 123 1 1234 1 asfd34234...1 dasdfsd 2 sdfsdf [root@localhost ~]# cat a.txt |sort|uniq -d 123 sdfsdf [root@localhost...~]# cat a.txt |sort|uniq -u 1234 asfd34234 dasdfsd [root@localhost ~]# cat a.txt sdfsdf 123 123 1234...~]# cat a.txt b.txt |sort|uniq 123 1234 2345 asfd34234 dasdfsd err gggg sdf sdfsdf [root@localhost ~
useradd 48、usermod 49、useradd -g xx -G xxxx -d /xx/xxxx llll useradd -u 888 -s /bin/bash -G xx,xx -c "sdfsdf
53 SUCCESS Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 0 msec OK drfdf 234234 drwe 234234 rwerwer 42342 sdfsdf
首先看一下下面的例子 $str="as2223adfsf0s4df0sdfsdf"; echo preg_replace("/0/","",$str);//去掉0字符,此时相当于 replace的功能,
" "encoding/hex" "encoding/pem" "fmt" "log" ) func main() { data3, err := PublicEncrypt("sdfsdf
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