It’s call Stopped State....Note that an application’s stopped state is not the same as an Activity’s stopped state....State Switch from/to Stopped State What Google says Applications are in a stopped state when they are...FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES — Include intent filters of stopped applications in the list of potential...FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES — Exclude intent filters of stopped applications from the list of potential
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
最近在Debug or Run Android Eclipse工程时,发现真机直接崩溃闪退,但闪退后断开数据线,重新在真机直接run则没问题,debu...
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内存,1T存储 软件版本:安卓系统目前最高版本是Android S,也就是Android 12 beta版本源码,无任何修改 报错内容:编译至54%时,ninja编译中断,ninja: build stopped...external/libvpx:libvpx link [ 54% 26870/49115] //system/logging/logd:logd link logd ninja: build stopped
Gradle distribution '' as it has been stopped
文章目录 一、Linux 内核中的进程状态 二、TASK_RUNNING 状态 三、TASK_RUNNING 状态 四、TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE 状态 五、__TASK_STOPPED...内核中的进程状态 ---- Linux 内核 为 进程管理 提供了一系列的 API , 如 TASK_RUNNING TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE __TASK_STOPPED...使用 ps aux 命令查看进程时 , 标记为 D 的状态 是该 TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE 状态 , 该状态下的进程不能被杀死 ; 该状态又称为 " 深度睡眠状态 " 五、__TASK_STOPPED...状态 ---- __TASK_STOPPED : 表示 终止状态 , 该状态下 进程停止运行 ; 六、EXIT_ZOMBIE 状态 ---- EXIT_ZOMBIE : 表示 僵尸状态 ; 此时进程
就会进入该状态 , 这是将播放器缓冲区中的数据播放完毕 , 可以清空缓冲区 ; 调用 AAudioStream_requestStart() 方法 , 可以恢复播放 , 进入 Started 状态 ; ⑤ Stopped...AAudioStream_close() 方法 , 就会进入 Closed 状态 ; 该状态意味着 AAudio 音频流被销毁 , 无法再继续使用 ; 总结 : 处于 暂停 ( Paused ) , 停止 ( Stopped...与 Paused 状态之间的 过渡状态 ; ③ Flushing 状态 : Paused 状态 与 Flushed 状态之间的 过渡状态 ; ④ Stopping 状态 : Started 状态 与 Stopped...状态 之间的过渡状态 ; ⑤ Closing 状态 : Stopped 状态 与 Closed 状态 之间的过渡状态 ; 3 . 11 个状态之间的状态机转化关系如下图 : III ....申请关闭 操作 无法监听状态 : 当前如果是 Stopped 状态 , 调用 AAudioStream_close() 方法后 AAudio 音频流会直接被删除 , 无法调用 AAudioStream_waitForStateChange
The system manages those two stopped states separately....FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES —Include intent filters of stopped applications in the list of potential...FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES —Exclude intent filters of stopped applications from the list of potentialtargets...FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES -包括在停止的应用程序列表中。 FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES -排除在停止的应用程序列表中。...后台服务或应用程序可以通过向广播Intent添加FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES标志来唤醒处于停止状态(stopped state)的应用程序。
/03/14 23:41:47 INFO ContextHandler: stopped o.s.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/executors/threadDump/json...} 15/03/14 23:41:47 INFO ContextHandler: stopped o.s.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/executors,null} 15/03...: stopped o.s.j.s.ServletContextHandler{/stages/pool,null} 15/03/14 23:41:47 INFO ContextHandler: stopped...15/03/14 23:41:47 INFO MapOutputTrackerMasterActor: MapOutputTrackerActor stopped!...$OutputCommitCoordinatorActor: OutputCommitCoordinator stopped!
Note that an application’s stopped state is not the same as an Activity’s stopped state....FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES — Include intent filters of stopped applications in the list of potential...FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES — Exclude intent filters of stopped applications from the list of potential...flag to broadcast intents that should be allowed to activate stopped applications....可以这样做,在后台服务或者应用中发送广播时,增加一个FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES 的flag,意思是包含处于停止状态的程序.这样就可以激活停止状态的程序. public interface Reader { public static enum State { /** * The reader is stopped...and static. */ STOPPED, /** * The reader is running and generated...*/ RUNNING, /** * The reader has completed its work or been explicitly stopped...,同时执行;其poll方法在state为State.STOPPED直接返回null,否则执行metronome.pause(),然后设置state为State.STOPPED...,同时执行;其poll方法在state为State.STOPPED直接返回null,否则执行metronome.pause(),然后设置state为State.STOPPED public interface Reader { public static enum State { /** * The reader is stopped...and static. */ STOPPED, /** * The reader is running and generated...public List poll() throws InterruptedException { if (state.get() == State.STOPPED...,同时执行;其poll方法在state为State.STOPPED直接返回null,否则执行metronome.pause(),然后设置state为State.STOPPED...,同时执行;其poll方法在state为State.STOPPED直接返回null,否则执行metronome.pause(),然后设置state为State.STOPPED
does not change the object state. getCurrentPosition {Idle, Initialized, Prepared, Started, Paused, an invalid state transfers the object to the Error state. getDuration {Prepared, Started, Paused, Stopped...Calling this method in an invalid state throws an IllegalStateException. prepareAsync {Initialized, Stopped...release(), the object is no longer available. reset {Idle, Initialized, Prepared, Started, Paused, Stopped...Calling it does not change the object state. setAudioStreamType {Idle, Initialized, Stopped, Prepared
tid=2997, work thread 2 started tid=2997, work thread 2 stopped tid=2996, work thread 1 started tid...=2996, work thread 1 stopped tid=2995, work thread 0 started tid=2995, work thread 0 stopped number.../countdownlatch_test2 pid=4488, tid=4488 tid=4491, work thread 2 started tid=4491, work thread 2 stopped...tid=4490, work thread 1 started tid=4490, work thread 1 stopped tid=4489, work thread 0 started...tid=4489, work thread 0 stopped number of created threads 3 可以看出当其他三个线程都启动后,各自执行一次 latch_.countDown
redis-server mylinux $ jobs [1]+ Stopped redis-server mylinux $ bg...redis-server mylinux $ jobs [1]+ Stopped redis-server mylinux $ bg 1 [1]+ redis-server...redis-server mylinux $ jobs [1]+ Stopped redis-server mylinux $ bg 1 [1]+ redis-server...redis-server mylinux $ jobs [1]+ Stopped redis-server mylinux $ bg 1 [1]+ redis-server...redis-server mylinux $ jobs [1]+ Stopped redis-server mylinux $ bg 1 [1]+ redis-server
[root@btg linux-2.6]# vim [1]+ Stopped vim [root@btg linux-2.6]# vim fs/ext2/super.c [2]+ Stopped...vim fs/ext2/super.c [root@btg linux-2.6]# vim fs/ext2/inode.c [3]+ Stopped vim fs/ext2/inode.c...[root@btg linux-2.6]# [root@btg linux-2.6]# jobs [1] Stopped vim [2]- Stopped vim fs/ext2/super.c...[3]+ Stopped vim fs/ext2/inode.c [root@btg linux-2.6]# 上面是建立了三个任务,并且都ctrl+z给stop掉了,然后用jobs查看,一共有三个...vim fs/ext2/super.c [3]+ Stopped vim fs/ext2/inode.c [root@btg linux-2.6]# fg 2 其实发送状态命令的还可以使用kill
sleep 2000 & 将任务转到前台执行 ~$ fg %2 sleep 2000 暂停当前任务并转向后台 ~$ fg %2 sleep 2000 ^Z [2]+ Stopped...sleep 2000 ~$ jobs [1]- Running sleep 1000 & [2]+ Stopped...sleep 1000 ~$ jobs -l [1]+ 9745 Stopped sleep 1000 [2]- 9746 Running...9746 Running sleep 2000 & 用fg命名把任务转向前台,然后在另一个控制台发送这两个signal看下 ~$ fg sleep 2000 [2]+ Stopped...sleep 2000 ~$ jobs -l [1]- 9745 Running sleep 1000 & [2]+ 9746 Stopped
__init__(ensure_io_loop=True, **kwargs) self.stopped = True if start: self.start...start(self): from walrus import Database import distributed if self.stopped...stop(self): if self.producer is not None: self.producer = None self.stopped...__init__(ensure_io_loop=True, **kwargs) self.stopped = True if start: self.start...emit(val) else: yield gen.sleep(self.poll_interval) if self.stopped
message) => context.log.info2("Greeting for {} from {}", message.whom, message.from) Behaviors.stopped...Behaviors.stopped可以带入一个清理函数。 system termination // behavior executing cleanup is passed as a parameter to Actor.stopped...Behaviors.stopped { () => cleanup(context.system.log) }...}.receiveSignal { case (context, Terminated(ref)) =>"{} stopped
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