获得系统根目录绝对路径 295 * 296 * @return 297 */ 298 public String getPath() { 299 String sysPath...= this.getClass().getResource("/").getPath(); 300 // 对路径进行修改 301 sysPath = sysPath.substring...(1, sysPath.length() - 16); 302 return sysPath; 303 } 304 305 } 现在有时间把这些东西整理出来,给大家分享一下……
%d\n", ret); system("pause"); return 0; } char modlepath[256]; char syspath[256]; GetModuleFileName...(NULL, modlepath, 256); //printf("%s\n", modlepath); GetSystemDirectory(syspath, 256); //printf("syspath...:%s\n", syspath); ret = CopyFile(modlepath, strcat(syspath, "\\door.exe"), 1); if (true) { printf...("%s has been copy to %s", modlepath, syspath); } else { printf("the file is exist"); } //system
width, height), 0, 0); tex2d.Apply(); byte[] b = tex2d.EncodeToPNG(); string sysPath...Directory.Exists(sysPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(sysPath); FileStream file =...File.Open(sysPath + "/" +name + GetTimeName() + ".png", FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter writer
err_udev_enumerate_get_list_entry; } // 遍历设备列表 udev_list_entry_foreach(entry, devices) { const char *syspath...= udev_list_entry_get_name(entry); struct udev_device *device = udev_device_new_from_syspath...(udev, syspath); if (!...device) { printf("[%s +%d %s] failed to udev_device_new_from_syspath\n", __FILE__..., __LINE__, __func__); } char *tmp = (char *)strstr(syspath, "usb"); if (tmp
sys_in=null; FileOutputStream user_file=null; FileOutputStream sys_file=null; private String sysPath...FileInputStream(this.userPath)); sys_in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(sysPath...user_file = new FileOutputStream(userPath, true); sys_file = new FileOutputStream(sysPath...FileInputStream(userPath)); sys_in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(sysPath
hService); return bSuccess;} BOOL _CreateService(LPCSTR ServiceName, LPCSTR DisplayName, LPCSTR SysPath...///////////////////////////// BOOL InstallNdisFilter(LPCSTR serviceName, LPCSTR serviceDesc, LPCSTR sysPath...sysFile) sysFile = sysPath; ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%systemroot%\\system32\\drivers\\", Path..., sizeof(Path)); strcat(Path, sysFile); bRet = CopyFile(sysPath, Path, FALSE); RevertWow64Redir... = "tcpmasq64.sys"; else SysPath = "tcpmasq32.sys"; NetCfgInstanceId = "{91E009E2-A9A3-42B7
DateTimeUtils.getDateTime()); opinionImgEntity.setDelTag("0"); String sysPath...} // 文件保存路径 File fl = new File(sysPath
mc 1;'); invoke(originObj, 'IsModified', 'false'); invoke(originObj, 'Execute', 'syspath...$=system.path.program$;'); strPath=''; strPath = invoke(originObj, 'LTStr', 'syspath$');
/bin/bash sysname='centos7' syspath=/home/oracle/backup v_date=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S') 日志目录 image.png
default') init_env(project) project.py init_env() 函数如下: def init_env(project='default', set_syspath...closest = closest_scrapy_cfg() if closest: projdir = os.path.dirname(closest) if set_syspath
模块内的函数[exists]不需要加上模块名前缀 import json as jn #将模块引入后起个别名使用 from os import path from os import path as syspath
setenv(name, value, prepend=None),设置环境变量; delenv(name, raising=True),删除环境变量; syspath_prepend
示例 : 【 错误用法】 /* 错误的文件分隔符使用方式 */ String sysPath = "/root"; String javaPath = "/java/bin"; /* 错误的路径分隔符使用方式...*/ String path = sysPath + ";" + javaPath; 【正确用法】 String sptor = File.separator; String pathSptor...= File.pathSep a rator; /* 正确文件分隔符使用方式 */ String sysPath = sptor + "root"; String javaPath = sptor...+ "java" + sptor + "bin"; /* 正确路径分隔符使用方式 */ String path = sysPath + pathSptor + javaPath; 1.16谨慎 使用线程不安全的类
可以使用sscanf取到设备名 此行中的设备名组装成/sys/block/设备名/device,然后看此文件夹是否存在,如果存在则是物理磁盘设备 备注1:判断文件/文件夹是否存在使用函数access(syspath
Import-Module GroupPolicy –verbose 2.执行脚本添加计划任务 New-GPOImteTask -TaskName Debugging -GPODisplayName TestGPO -SysPath
GroupPolicy –verbose 2.执行脚本添加计划任务 New-GPOImmediateTask -TaskName Debugging -GPODisplayName TestGPO -SysPath
) monkeypatch.setenv(name, value, prepend=False) monkeypatch.delenv(name, raising=True) monkeypatch.syspath_prepend
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