executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(3) for i in range(1, 100): f = executor.submit(hello, uuid.uuid1...:return: ''' executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(3) future_list = [executor.submit(hello, uuid.uuid1...ThreadPoolExecutor(3) # 使用Executor.map方法执行任务,等待返回结果,当有任务完成时,立刻返回完成任务的结果,否则阻塞 for r in executor.map(hello, [uuid.uuid1...:return: ''' executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(3) future_list = [executor.submit(hello, uuid.uuid1
) def test_create_user_new(self): '''添加一个新的学生''' self.parame['username'] = str(uuid.uuid1...def test_create_user_new_tearcher(self): '''添加一个新的教师''' self.parame['username'] = str(uuid.uuid1...def test_create_user_new_one(self): '''测试学生没有填写学籍号''' self.parame['username'] = str(uuid.uuid1...test_create_user_new_tearcher_one(self): ''' 测试老师的工作号不填写 ''' self.parame['username'] = str(uuid.uuid1
__id = str(uuid.uuid1()) def hello(self): print("Hello, I am %s, I come from %s, My ID is...__id = str(uuid.uuid1()) def hello(self): print("Hello, I am %s, I come from %s, My ID is...__id = str(uuid.uuid1()) def hello(self): print("Hello, I am %s, I come from %s, My ID is...__id = str(uuid.uuid1()) def hello(self): print("Hello, I am %s, I come from %s, My ID is...__id = str(uuid.uuid1()) def __hello(self): # 私有方法 print("Hello, I am %s, I come from %
picTitle = postData.pictitle fileName = fileObj.filename newFileName = str(uuid.uuid1...ext = '.' + fileName.split('.')[-1] #web.py的static目录对中文文件名不支持,会404 newFileName = str(uuid.uuid1..."')" else: base64Content = reqData.content fileName = str(uuid.uuid1...web.debug(ext + "|" + fileurl) if ext in fileType: fileName = str(uuid.uuid1
): """字符串加密""" return hashlib.md5(obj.encode(encoding='utf-8')).hexdigest() g1 = Girl(str(uuid.uuid1...g2 = Girl(str(uuid.uuid1()), GetNow(time.localtime()), "gugu", Md5("123456"), "小龙女", 16, "活死人墓,冰山美人。"...g3 = Girl(str(uuid.uuid1()), GetNow(time.localtime()), "linger", Md5("123456"), "赵灵儿", 16, "仙灵岛,人间烟火。
uuid.uuid1(node=None, clock_seq=None) 根据主机id,序列号,当前时间生成一个UUID。...print(uuid.getnode()) 268612366648253 >>> # make a UUID based on the host ID and current time >>> print(uuid.uuid1
suffix = suffix_arr[len(suffix_arr) - 1] file_name = os.getcwd() + "/images/" + str(uuid.uuid1())...suffix=Body(None)): imgdata = base64.b64decode(image) file_name = os.getcwd() + "/images/" + str(uuid.uuid1...suffix = suffix_arr[len(suffix_arr) - 1] file_name = os.getcwd() + "/images/" + str(uuid.uuid1())...suffix=Body(None)): imgdata = base64.b64decode(image) file_name = os.getcwd() + "/images/" + str(uuid.uuid1
.')[-1] return str(uuid.uuid1()) + '.' + type else: return str(uuid.uuid1
color = sample(colors, 1)[0] if node.leftchild is not None: left_tag = str(uuid.uuid1...node.leftchild, left_tag) if node.rightchild is not None: right_tag = str(uuid.uuid1...node.rightchild, right_tag) # 如果树非空 if self.data is not None: root_tag = str(uuid.uuid1
random.randint(1,20) Out[29]: 18 7 uuid模块 python自带 import uuid 常用: uuid1函数,通过mac和时间戳生成全球唯一的id In [49]: uuid.uuid1...() Out[49]: UUID('cbb8c051-0929-11e6-9ba3-8c2937eebf3a') (注意是 UUID类型,经常转化为str类型) In [50]: str(uuid.uuid1...-0929-11e6-8bbf-8c2937eebf3a' 8 hashlib 模块 常用md5函数 (常结合uuid来生成一个32位的随机数) In [48]: hashlib.md5(str(uuid.uuid1
self.host=host self.port=port @staticmethod def create_id(): return uuid.uuid1
# 遍历这些连接 for link in titleLinks: # 替换目标方法,开启线程 handleTitleLinks(uuid.uuid1...imgSrc = doc('.info-pic-list > a > img').attr('src') print(imgSrc) saveImage(imgSrc,uuid.uuid1...).hex) # 遍历组图链接 def getPic(urlArray): for url in urlArray: # 替换方法 handleGetImg(uuid.uuid1...# 遍历这些连接 for link in titleLinks: # 替换方法,开启线程 handleTitleLinks(uuid.uuid1
, fields import datetime as dt import uuid class UserSchema(Schema): id = fields.UUID(missing=uuid.uuid1
threading import time import uuid class postrequests(): def __init__(self): #产生UUID u = uuid.uuid1
uuid.uuid1([node[, clock_seq]]) : 基于时间戳 使用主机ID, 序列号, 和当前时间来生成UUID, 可保证全球范围的唯一性....相同. 3. uuid模块的典型使用方法: >>> import uuid >>> # make a UUID based on the host ID and current time >>> uuid.uuid1
uuid.uuid1([node[, clock_seq]]) : 基于时间戳 使用主机ID, 序列号, 和当前时间来生成UUID, 可保证全球范围的唯一性....uuid.uuid3() 相同.3. uuid模块的典型使用方法:>>> import uuid>>> # make a UUID based on the host ID and current time>>> uuid.uuid1
filename = meta["filename"] new_filename = "{uuid}_{filename}".format(uuid=uuid.uuid1
用到的: import uuid -------------- uuid是128位的全局唯一标识符, 通常用32位的一个字符串的形式来表现 uuid.uuid1() -----------...y): 20 print('不与任何人绑定') 21 22 @staticmethod 23 def create_uid(): 24 return uuid.uuid1
item[0][0]: file_content = file_content + item[1] file_name = 'huffman_' + str(uuid.uuid1...break the_file_name = tool.get_encode_ration(codes)+'_'+str(uuid.uuid1
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