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    hostapd 配置「建议收藏」

    hostapd is an IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator. This page is dedicated to the Linux documentation of it’s implementation and use. Please refer to the hostapd home page for information for other Operating Systems. As far a Linux is concerned, out of the old drivers you can only use these 3 drivers with hostapd: HostAP madwifi prism54 All new mac80211 based drivers that implement AP functionality are supported with hostapd’s nl80211 driver. The mac80211 subsystem moves all aspects of master mode into user space. It depends on hostapd to handle authenticating clients, setting encryption keys, establishing key rotation policy, and other aspects of the wireless infrastructure. Due to this, the old method of issuing ‘ iwconfig <wireless interface> mode master’ no longer works. Userspace programs like hostapd now use netlink (the nl80211 driver) to create a master mode interface for your traffic and a monitor mode interface for receiving and transmitting management frames. Getting hostapd Using your distributions hostapd It is advisable to try your distributions version of hostapd before taking the time to compile and install your own copy. This will make future maintenance easier as you’ll be able to use the init scripts shipped by the distro and hostapd will be updated by it as well. If your distribution ships 0.6.8 or later, you can test with this bare minimum config by creating the file hostapd-minimal.conf: #change wlan0 to your wireless device interface=wlan0 driver=nl80211 ssid=test channel=1 If that config errors out with something like: hostapd $ sudo hostapd ./hostapd-minimal.conf Configuration file: ./hostapd-minimal.conf Line 2: invalid/unknown driver ‘nl80211’ 1 errors found in configuration file ‘./hostapd-minimal.conf’ that means that your distro is not shipping hostapd with nl80211 driver support and you’ll need to follow the building instructions that follow. If it works, you can skip down to the configuring hostapd secti



    今时今日,无论在家里的沙发上,还是在外面的咖啡厅,只要打开笔记本电脑,连上 Wi-Fi,就能通过网络与外界保持联系。但现在的 Wi-Fi 热点们大都能够通过 每张网卡对应的唯一 MAC 地址 来追踪你的设备。下面就来看一下如何避免被追踪。 现在很多人已经开始注重个人隐私这个问题。个人隐私问题并不仅仅指防止他人能够访问到你电脑上的私有内容(这又是另一个问题了),而更多的是指 可追踪性(legibility),也就是是否能够被轻易地统计和追踪到。大家都应该 对此更加重视 。同时,这方面的底线是,服务提供者在得到了用户的授权后才能对用户进行追踪,例如机场的计时 Wi-Fi 只有在用户授权后才能够使用。 因为固定的 MAC 地址能被轻易地追踪到,所以应该定时进行更换,随机的 MAC 地址是一个好的选择。由于 MAC 地址一般只在局域网内使用,因此随机的 MAC 地址也不大会产生冲突 。
