最全面的比特币 Python 库是 Vitalik Buterin 写的 pybitcointools。在例4-4 中,我们使用 pybitcointools 库(导入为“bitcoin”)来生成和显示不同格式的密钥和比特币地址。
例 4-4 使用 pybitcointools 库的密钥和比特币地址的生成和格式化过
import bitcoin
# Generate a random private key
valid_private_key = False while not valid_private_key: private_key = bitcoin.random_key() decoded_private_key =
bitcoin.decode_privkey(private_key, 'hex')
valid_private_key= 0>
print "Private Key (hex) is: ", private_key
print "Private Key (decimal) is: ",decoded_private_key
# Convert private key to WIF format wif_encoded_private_key = bitcoin.encode_privkey(decoded_private_key, 'wif') print "Private Key (WIF) is: ",wif_encoded_private_key
# Add suffix "01" to indicate a compressed private key compressed_private_key = private_key + '01'
print "Private Key Compressed (hex) is: ", compressed_private_key
# Generate a WIF format from the compressed private key (WIF-compressed)
wif_compressed_private_key = bitcoin.encode_privkey( bitcoin.decode_privkey(compressed_private_key, 'hex'),
print "Private Key (WIF-Compressed) is: ", wif_compressed_private_key
#MultiplytheECgeneratorpointGwiththeprivatekeyto get a public keypoint
public_key = bitcoin.base10_multiply(bitcoin.G, decoded_private_key)print"PublicKey(x,y)coordinatesis:", public_key
# Encode as hex, prefix 04
hex_encoded_public_key = bitcoin.encode_pubkey(public_key,'hex') print "Public Key (hex) is:", hex_encoded_public_key
#Compresspublickey,adjustprefixdependingonwhethery is even orodd
(public_key_x,public_key_y)=public_keyif(public_key_y % 2) == 0:
compressed_prefix = '02' else:
compressed_prefix = '03' hex_compressed_public_key = compressed_prefix +
bitcoin.encode(public_key_x, 16) print "Compressed Public Key (hex) is:", hex_compressed_public_key
# Generate bitcoin address from public key print "Bitcoin Address (b58check) is:", bitcoin.pubkey_to_address(public_key)
#Generatecompressedbitcoinaddressfromcompressedpublic key
print "Compressed Bitcoin Address (b58check) is:", bitcoin.pubkey_to_address(hex_compressed_public_key)
例 4-5 显示了上段代码运行结果。
例 4-5 运 行 key-to-address-ecc-example.py
$ python key-to-address-ecc-example.py Private Key (hex) is:
Private Key (decimal) is:
Private Key (WIF) is: 5JG9hT3beGTJuUAmCQEmNaxAuMacCTfXuw1R3FCXig23RQHMr4K Private Key Compressed (hex) is:
Private Key (WIF-Compressed) is: KyBsPXxTuVD82av65KZkrGrWi5qLMah5SdNq6uftawDbgKa2wv6S Public Key (x,y) coordinates is:
(41637322786646325214887832269588396900663353932545912953 362782457239403430124L,
Public Key (hex) is:
243bcefdd4347074d44bd7356d6a53c495737dd96295e2a9374bf5f02 ebfc176
Compressed Public Key (hex) is:
Bitcoin Address (b58check) is: 1thMirt546nngXqyPEz532S8fLwbozud8
Compressed Bitcoin Address (b58check) is: 14cxpo3MBCYYWCgF74SWTdcmxipnGUsPw3
例 4-6 是另外一个示例,使用的是 Python ECDSA 库来做椭圆曲线计算而非使
用 bitcoin 的库。
例 4-6 使用在比特币密钥中的椭圆曲线算法的脚本
import ecdsa import random
from ecdsa.util import string_to_number, number_to_string
# secp256k1, http://www.oid-info.com/get/
_b = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
_a = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
_Gx = 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815 B16F81798L
curve_secp256k1 = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.CurveFp(_p, _a, _b)
generator_secp256k1 = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(curve_secp256k1, _Gx, _Gy, _r) oid_secp256k1 = (1, 3, 132, 0, 10)
SECP256k1=ecdsa.curves.Curve("SECP256k1",curve_secp256k1, generator_secp256k1,
oid_secp256k1) ec_order = _r
curve = curve_secp256k1 generator = generator_secp256k1
def random_secret():
random_char = lambda: chr(random.randint(0, 255)) convert_to_int = lambda array:
int("".join(array).encode("hex"), 16)
byte_array = [random_char() for i in range(32)] return convert_to_int(byte_array)
def get_point_pubkey(point): if point.y() & 1:
key = '03' + '%064x' % point.x() else:
key = '02' + '%064x' % point.x() return key.decode('hex')
def get_point_pubkey_uncompressed(point): key='04'+
'%064x' % point.x() + '%064x' % point.y()
return key.decode('hex')
# Generate a new private key. secret = random_secret() print "Secret: ",secret
# Get the public key point. point = secret * generator print "EC point:",point
print "BTC public key:", get_point_pubkey(point).encode("hex")
# Given the point (x, y) we can create the object using: point1 = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point(curve, point.x(), point.y(), ec_order)
assert point1 == point
例 4-7 显示了运行脚本的结果。
例 4-7 安装 Python ECDSA 库,运行 ec_math.py 脚本
running the ec_math.py script
$ # Install Python PIP package manager
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ # Install the Python ECDSA library
$ sudo pip install ecdsa
$ # Run the script
$ python ec-math.py Secret:
EC point: (70048853531867179489857750497606966272382583471322935454
BTC public key: 029ade3effb0a67d5c8609850d797366af428f4a0d5194cb221d80777 0a1522873
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