


报价截止时间:7月 29号





Product description(英文+中文):

SAP Material Master Number 10898 (13-92-3480)

Cable, service entrance, AWG No. 8, 7 strand, 3 conductor, 2conductors insulated

(THHN-THWN), 1 conductor bare, Type SE, copper, Style U, 600 volts,PVC jacket

overall, one continuous piece, minimum 1000 foot/maximum 1250 footnon-returnable


SAP 物料主数据编号 10898 (13-92-3480)


SAP Material Master Number 10904 (13-92-3620)

Cable, traffic signal and control, AWG No. 14, 6 conductor, strandedconductor, 600 volts, filler material, when used, shall be non-metallic,moisture resistant, nonhygroscopic, non-wicking and non-absorbent whentested either as a part of the cable or if taken by itself as a whole orin parts, all material, color coding and testing shall conform to I. M.S. A. Specification 20-1, 1997, conductors that are to be marked withtracer in addition to the solid color shall have the tracer as part ofthe insulation, ink marking not acceptable, outside jacket shall besmooth and shall not display patterns of the conductor lay on theoutside of jacket, manufacturer identification shall be clear and veryeasily read, incomplete letter of names and dates will not be accepted,minimum length of wire per reel shall be 2,000 feet, maximum 3,000 feet,reel or container shall be clearly marked with quantity and purchaseorder number, furnished on non-returnable reels, the dimension of reelshall be: diameter (maximum) 3 feet, width 28 inches, hub hole (minimum)3 inches, certified report of the test results shall be supplied witheach order, cable on each reel shall be one continuous length withoutany splices, report shall detail the exact test run and shall documentthe test results of Paragraph 12.2(A), (B) and (C).

SAP 物料主数据编号 10904 (13-92-3620)

电缆,交通信号和控制用,AWG14号,6芯导体,绞线导体,600伏特,填充材料(若使用)应为非金属、防潮、非吸湿、非毛细吸水和不可吸收的材料,无论作为电缆的一部分还是单独测试,这些材料、颜色编码和测试应符合1997年I.M.S.A.20-1规格,导体除了实色外还应标有追踪器,追踪器应为绝缘的一部分,不能接受墨水标记,外护套应光滑,不显示导体在护套外侧的图案,制造商标识应清晰易读,不接受不完整的字母、名称和日期,每卷线的最小长度为2000英尺,最大长度为3000英尺,卷轴或容器应清晰标明数量和采购订单号,使用不可退回的卷轴,卷轴尺寸为:最大直径3英尺,宽度28英寸,中心孔最小3英寸,每个订单应附带测试结果的认证报告,每卷电缆应为连续长度,不得有接头,报告应详细说明确切的测试过程,并记录12.2(A),(B) 和 (C) 段的测试结果。

SAP Material Master Number 10905 (13-92-3630)

Cable, traffic signal and control, AWG No. 14, 10 conductor, strandedconductor, 600 volts, filler material, when used, shall be non-metallic,moisture resistant, nonhygroscopic, non-wicking and non-absorbent whentested either as a part of the cable or if taken by itself as a whole orin parts, all material, color coding and testing shall conform to I. M.S. A. Specification 20-1, 1997, conductors that are to be marked withtracer in addition to the solid color shall have the tracer as part ofthe insulation, ink marking not acceptable, outside jacket shall besmooth and shall not display patterns of the conductor lay on theoutside of jacket, manufacturer identification shall be clear and veryeasily read, incomplete letter of names and dates will not be accepted,minimum length of wire per reel shall be 2,000 feet, maximum 3,000 feet,reel or container shall be clearly marked with quantity and purchaseorder number, furnished on non-returnable reels, the dimension of reelshall be: diameter (maximum) 3 feet, width 28 inches, hub hole (minimum)3 inches, certified report of the test results shall be supplied witheach order, cable on each reel shall be one continuous length withoutany splices, report shall

detail the exact test run and shall document the test results ofParagraph 12.2(A), (B) and (C).

SAP 物料主数据编号 10905 (13-92-3630)

电缆,交通信号和控制用,AWG14号,10芯导体,绞线导体,600伏特,填充材料(若使用)应为非金属、防潮、非吸湿、非毛细吸水和不可吸收的材料,无论作为电缆的一部分还是单独测试,这些材料、颜色编码和测试应符合1997年I.M.S.A.20-1规格,导体除了实色外还应标有追踪器,追踪器应为绝缘的一部分,不能接受墨水标记,外护套应光滑,不显示导体在护套外侧的图案,制造商标识应清晰易读,不接受不完整的字母、名称和日期,每卷线的最小长度为2000英尺,最大长度为3000英尺,卷轴或容器应清晰标明数量和采购订单号,使用不可退回的卷轴,卷轴尺寸为:最大直径3英尺,宽度28英寸,中心孔最小3英寸,每个订单应附带测试结果的认证报告,每卷电缆应为连续长度,不得有接头,报告应详细说明确切的测试过程,并记录12.2(A),(B) 和 (C) 段的测试结果。

Vendor shall furnish a test report from the manufacturer of the testmade on the cable to show

compliance with specifications. Test report must accompany eachshipment.

Low bidder may be required to submit a three (3) foot sample of wirefor evaluation prior to award.

Low bidder should send sample, properly identified by stock number,within ten (10) days of

notification. If sample is not received within ten (10) days, the bidmay not be considered for award.



Department of Transportation & Develop.

DOTD Eng&Op-Central Whse/Sec55

Baton Rouge, LA 70806




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